Reached Ep. 15 what now?

I have reached episode 15. Should I keep watching Yea Forums? I have heard bad things about this show going down hill and to stop at episode 15.

No spoilers please

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Just fucking watch it and decide for yourself you fucking faggot

Why are you watching the show, if you're not gonna watch the show?

Just stop imo. It's mediocre in the following episodes and absolute worst imaginable trash and Diebuster/Gunbuster cargo cult in the last two.

Don't listen to this fag, He doesn't know what he's talking about.
The remaining episodes are kino of the highest quality.

You should stop watching this just like you should stop watching NGE after episode 14 because it goes from a monster of the week animu to a weird ass depressing shitshow

If your taste is bad enough to tolerate and presumably even enjoy this shit, then you can watch pretty much anything.

you can watch it keeping in mind that it should have ended here and everything that follows is a christmas special and the manga redcons it anyway

Might as well kill yourself before you finish

have sex

Keep watching
The complaints about the second part are from the people who were still not done spazing out about episode 14.
The second part of franxx is where everything comes together, it's mindblowing and a wild ride, go and enjoy it.

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>I-its good's very mind blowing guys!!

Pathetic virgin.

>fag otakus spazing out about gainax productions being based

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>I have nothing to add to the conversation but I want to look cool what shold I do.. hmn... v.. virgin.. ha!
Newfags these days don't have the balls to call someone a nigger.

>Calling others newfag when he shills Franxx

You're a special kind of dumb you know that?

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Wow this thread turned toxic fast. I was just asking for your opinions. So I have some things I don't like about the show so far and it sort of seems rushed together but once you get over the cracks it is actually enjoyable. I am probably going to watch a couple of episodes past 15 and then drop it in the trash if it turns to shit.

>I have heard bad things about this show going down hill and to stop at episode 15.
THEN You should stop watching it or be a hypocrite. Are you a hypocrite?

You have undoubtedly heard bad things about food, so you should also stop eating food.

You have heard about air being polluted, so you should stop breathing it too.

With your holier than thou attittude, you should go to The Vatican and replace the Pope. After all, you are more holy than Thou.

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didn't (you) have enough threads about franxx to cry about.
You tried, you failed, It's been a year and this gets three threads a week.
Don't like it hide the threads.
Suck it up faggot.

Thanks for your input. As much as your reply was cancer to read, the criticism does have some points behind it. Thank you for your contribution faggot

>Three threads made by the same zero two shitposters
>I-i swear it's still relevant, my TIME FLOP is still RELEVANT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

You are beyond sad. Lmao

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>I have reached episode 15. Should I keep watching Yea Forums? I have heard bad things about this show going down hill and to stop at episode 15.
First answer the following questions:

A) do you think Code Geass R2 is much worse than R1?
B) do you think the 2nd half of SAO is much worse than the 1st?
C) do you think the 2nd half of Kill la Kill is much worse than the 1st?
D) do you think the 2nd hald of Flip Flappers is much worse than the 1st?
E) do you think the 2nd half of Mai-Hime is much worse than the 1st?
F) do you think the 2nd half of Mai-Otome is much worse than the 1st?
G) do you think the 2nd half of Naruto is much *better* than the 1st?

If your answer to most of these questions is "Nope": nice, keep going without worries.

Otherwise: yes, you should probably stop not only watching the series, but also commenting on Yea Forums, using Internet and possibly even eating, drinking and breathing because you're the cancer that's killing anime.

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Take a crack at this faggot, he actually argued everybody who doesn't agree with him is the same person. what a faggot.
Here's your last (you) Go bitch about franxx to your mommy.

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>Caps lock green text
Why are you so mad your time flop didn't sell as much?

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He's an assblasted franxxtard that can't cope with the amount of criticism he's getting

the funniest thing about DitF is that it basically pulls the same kind of bait and switch that NGE did, but in reverse. All the otakus crying about their fatty getting ntr'd and SEELE with their meme cross explosion overlord getting btfo'd by the power of love are just mad that their expectations got subverted.

I think it might actually have been on purpose. This show went above and beyond to establish itself as an evangelion knock off in the first few episodes, even as it subverted the whole premise by repeatedly showing the kids to be mostly normal, mentally stable individuals and the protagonist to be a proactive leader figure to his peers

I think we broke him guys

Watch till the end and make your own opinion, now here're some sexy cosplayers

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Ewww Western shit. Fuck off Franxx nigger.

I think you're trying too hard, you don't need a high IQ to watch the show as shown by the underage two faggot sperging out.



no, that's exactly my point. people who only watch it for the surface level mecha-romance plot are generally pretty happy with it. superintelligent otakus who were clever enough to notice the """"subtle"""" foreshadowing got utterly disappointed.

does Yea Forums ever get tired of hating anime?

>Should I keep watching Yea Forums?
I hope this answers your question

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How can other girls compete?

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Pleya he said no spoilers
This part is really cool better to experience it in the show first.

YIKES. That looks like a terrible plot leading up to shit.


You're not wrong...

lmao then don't watch it nigga like why would you watch something you hate

Are all franxxtards this stupid?

This chick made the best 02 cosplay, even nips could not compete

if your invested in hir02 then stop watching, if you dont give a shit and want to see how it ends continue

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No, just you

Kill yourself.

Nothing to say?:)

Time flop.

I rather watch a steaming pile of shit than this for your info OP.

second half is when darling went from being eva tier to pokemon shit tier

I don't really want to waste more energy than necessary on a western pig like you.

Kokoro is a whore, That is all.

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It's not a good show. You're already entrenched though, so there's diminishing marginal cost. You may as well finish it so you can say you watched the train wreck to completion.

>If you are interested in seeing zero two and hiro being married in space, all lovey dovey , being really close to one another don't watch part 2

I didn't know it was opposite day.

try as you might you will never experience what it was like watching it while it was airing. The literal paranoid delusion tier shitposts which would come about as a result of the PV alone were a ride to experience in themselves.

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>stay with an ugly fat cunt who does nothing or a person with balls that shares your interests.

She made the right choice.

you would have to be utterly retarded to stop at episode 15.
>a person with balls
an edgy gay still triggered that his mancrush didn't keep a minor promise many years ago. yeah, the definition of a true man.

You've just finished watching the best episode of the anime. Don't go any further than this.
Get lost. Your buzzword sucks and so do you.

>tfw tarotcard posting

Otaku should die alone in space for being otaku and chasing after otaku waifubaits, while the normal people will in the end still thrive be fine.
So sayeth Nishigori, the creator of 02 and Mitsuru.

Sad, but can't be helped.

What’s with the sudden influx of Franxxshitposts? Are we being raided?

Don't listen to faggots, now comes the best part. Comfiness, slice of life, melancholy, impending doom. What else would you want from a story?


As everyone knows, the only people who keep pretending to be newshits who haven't watched past episode 15 are dumbass superfans who did already watch the show fully to the end months ago.
In other news, the world continues to spin, Futoshi is fat, and Ichigo remains irrelevant.

a franxx thread that is not full of faggots complaining about the ending with no particular reason? is this even Yea Forums?

I feel like I've read this exact shit before.

Here's the hard truth OP.

The show doesn't suddenly turn to shit, there's plenty of great scenes in the second half of the show. The problem with the second half of the show is that there isn't the clear direction the show had in the first part, and the staff completely lose sight of what made the show compelling to watch. This culminates in the last episode being by far the worst episode in the series by a goddam mile, and outright painful to watch if you're invested at all in Hir02 for how badly they get shafted by the show.

The reason why you should stop watching at 15, is because that episode is a great self-contained ending in itself, the culmination of the stronger part of the show. There isn't any other good stopping point after 15, so if you keep watching you'll inevitably be disappointed.

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Don't Listen to any anons telling you to stop, just watch the show and make your own opinion.
For me, I thought the entire show as a whole was pretty good, and as for the ending, there was enough foreshadowing to setup the general direction of where they went. People who are turned off by Strelitzia Apus or think its stupid, miss the fact that it was the next logical step forward. Plus it also symbolized the whole Wedding and Honeymoon aspects that were introduced after episode 15.
All in all, Darling in the FranXX is exactly what it says on the tin, a Flawed Masterpiece. Its a show so divisive that you either think its great because of the characters, Romance, and overall plot. Or you hate it because the ending made you so mad that it makes you think it completely invalidates everything before it. I am in the camp of liking the ending because it really does wrap everything together in a nice bow, while also providing a satisfying conclusion to everyone's character plot.

Autism: the post

>I have reached episode 15. Should I keep watching Yea Forums? I have heard bad things about this show going down hill and to stop at episode 15.
You already wasted your time watching this garbage, so you might as well continue on. If you can't figure out for yourself how you feel about the show by now, you'll lack the wherewithal to be upset or disappointed.

>there was enough foreshadowing to setup the general direction of where they went.
Shut up you lackwit.

The last episode is complete trash, and the ending is less a bad end and more completely botched on delivery. But I don't think it invalidates the good parts of the show.

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It looks like the current manga translator has stopped translating.
What do you think it'll happen when ch. 44 releases? We get a new scanlation out or we have to wait the long wait?

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The fact that you don't really say anything besides insulting me just proves my point.

second half of eva is when it went from pokemon tier to eva tier.

Which is why this show is actually the AOTD and a glorious intentional deconstruction of evafaggotry that has plagued the community for far too long.

It's a tough question, I made a complex flowchart to help you figure it out.

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>mental health issues
Every fucking time, I hate these special snowflake attention-whores so much

Lots of people on that site that should not be named are reading this so someone willing to translate will show up eventually. Just don't expect them to release translations on the same day like LH did, we might have to wait a couple days between raws and translations now. It sucks, but whatever

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What is there to say? It was a poorly written collection of cliches and half-baked ideas that tried to ape better series without understand why those shows made those decisions. There was nothing deep or unique about it, and it gets undue praise from the likes of you. It failed on every level (except perhaps, character design, and then only 02 and only because she was deliberate homage to Lum).

I get that you people like it. Each of us is different and respond to things in our own way. What I take umbrage at is your defense of a deeply flawed show and summary dismissal of any criticism. The ending isn't the only problem with the show: it was just the cherry on top of a garbage sundae.

>tried to ape better series
wrong. The show tricked you into expecting the nihilistic circlejerk you are used to, and subverted it with wholesome pro-social family oriented themes.

You got NGE'd again; you just haven't realized it yet.

DitF is going to be a classic.

>wrong. The show tricked you into expecting the nihilistic circlejerk you are used to, and subverted it with wholesome pro-social family oriented themes.

Wow, feelings are real. Holy fucking shit, stop the presses. I recant everything I said earlier, what a brilliant and inspired message. Thank God these teenagers had sex, now I know that coldly rejecting your biological urges is foolish and wrong!

Everything has cliches, trying to say that it uses cliches makes it bad is a weak argument, because its not about the fact it uses the cliches but about the execution.
>There was nothing deep or unique about it
Golden Bough, and the Baldur and Mistletoe references. You most likely missed it.
I already said that DitF is a flawed master piece. It was an incredibly good character Drama, but if you can't get interested into the characters, then of course you'll think it sucks. But that's a reflection on you, not the actual work itself.

>I already said that DitF is a flawed master piece.
Yes, and that is why I judge you.

>It was an incredibly good character Drama
It really wasn't.

Why did you even reply? He outted himself as a baiter the moment he used virgin as an insult.


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Don't go past episode 20 if you value your sanity.

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It was nothing like eva what are you talking about?

post-15 was worth it for the parallels to this scene
the ending was undeniable trash

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Episode 22 was Kino, too bad they couldn't keep that momentum and just give us E7 2.0 ending.

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they could've gone full cheese and made a lovey dovey ending but they had to shove the bittersweet shit because of course it's 2deep3u

It's not even that dude. It's not even bittersweet, it's just stupid.
Bittersweet is the shit.
The way the characters act in the last 4 episodes is the epitome of autism.

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There's literally nothing wrong with episode 21 and 22.

But yes 23 and 24 is just stupid.

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Basically this, it's very clear the director and staff didn't know where they wanted to go with this, but the same could be said about EVA and we all love it.

OP should just watch it and decide for himself, the ending is underwhelming and needs an End of Franxx imo.

Scans tomorrow

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I liked it.
It was really stupid but the girls were hot and the story and music was fun.

Just watch Diebuster instead of that crap

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>implying gainax and stuido nigger are even close to comparable in terms of quality

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>Klaxosaur Princess
>Everything that comes out of the Vice Chairman's mouth.
>Everything involving 02 and Hiro, their personality totally changes
>None of the main characters have any direction
>The blatant plagiarism they did with Dr. FRANXX
>001 and 02, just....everything about it
>mistletoe tree
>the way they "save humanity"
>Ichigo, just, what the fuck
>Mitsuru Kokoro relationship
>9's just kind of there I guess
>pregnant pistil cannot pilot abortion shit
>Goro cuck shit

I mean it was just a clusterfuck leading up to the shit finale.

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