
I know, I know, you care for plot. But how much value do you put into visual directing?

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We're on Yea Forums if it's not cute lolis we don't care, remember

No no no the catalogue says ohterwise.

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A good plot can carry bad visuals but no ammount of visuals can carry a bad plot

[citation needed]

The Wire.

Modern american television is a blight on the audiovisual medium. Misguided attempts at writing novels on television, headed by scriptwriters who don't have even the slighest cinematographic competency.

>there people on this board who hate art
Go read books instead, niggers.

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Disagreed. If a show has truly 11/10 visuals, the plot doesn't matter. For example: Hyouka.

gridman has far better visual direction than franxx and a better plot too as a bonus

Are there any anime as good as The Wire? Something with the sprawling cast and unforgettable, complex and multidimensional characters. Besides the strong characterization, the show should also have good sociological insight, and possibly realism. Also, it would be nice if the show didn't glorify its heroes or demonize its villains.

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This. And don't forget the infinitely superior sound direction.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes is one of the few anime shows that matches that kind of description. Also, HxH. I won't spoil but the villain of the penultimate arc is Macbeth tier.

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Evergarden doesn't have good visuals.


I couldn't finish Hyouka.

Because it has 6/10 visuals.

Anime will never reach cinema's quality of cinematography.

Yes, yes, now return to your cuckold board to discuss capeshit and YAAASS QUEEN.

Never seen a single marvel movie.

If one aspect is enough to drag the entire show down i usually write it off, it's rare that a single aspect of a show is able to elevate it in my experience. This might bait some (You)s; Konosuba was ruined for me because it tried to skirt the isekai line by thinly veiling itself as a "parody". I couldn't view it solely as a comedy when it falls victim to the same tropes it's fans avidly claim it's parodying.
DitF had a great start but was marred in it's second half by terribly paced and thought out plot, with plot twists i'd expect to see in a first grader's first attempt at a penmanship
"And then, the aliens flew off into space, and the girl turned into a giant robot (fig. 1 some drawing of a giant 4-legged poorly proportioned monstrosity) and flew off into space after the aliens!"
An example of something recently being elevated in my opinion was Boogiepop wa warawanai. Disclaimer; i haven't read the source material or seen the early 2000's anime.
Kensuke Ushio's sound track is absolutely perfect and the use of cuts in the music to shift tone and perspective are a fantastic vehicle to guide the viewer as you handle constant perspective and time shifts. It was enough of a welcome surprise for me that I was able to look past the lack-lustre first arc and somewhat lacking character designs (save for the titular boogiepop, i think he's fantastic).
Pic related had some great use of music

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>complex characters
>sociological insight

Too bad VEG is gaudy and ugly

Leave the Huntard alone. He's struggling enough as it is. Next he's gonna claim for it to be densely plotted.

Never mind. Didn't even see that you posted HxH. You were not worthy of response

Agreed, Boogiepop was great

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Virgin Soul

i like it, and i like kids shows

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What am I even supposed to see in half of those pictures?

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Not surprised a Legend of the Cucklactic Faggot lacks the ability to understand visual language.

I loved Ushios soundtrack for Ping Pong and I thought Boogiepops soundtrack sucked, it made an already sterile looking show feel even more sterile

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Yeah just look at this Magnificent shot. Almost didn't notice how hard you had to try filling up your image lol

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I listen to boogie's OST everyday not even joking

Episode 10 was more kino than this one

I don't even remember what happened in episode 10.

It's Satan episode, when they went to the city and he got lost and met his (grand)mum. The world building, atmosphere and showing without explaining was beautiful.

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Holy fucking kino

Hyouka is carried by the chemistry of its cast and its steady character development.

Film is a visual medium. If you need worth to be written out for you read a book.