Can we take a look at the current state of popular Shonen.
>One piece/Wano: Shit, entire fanbase hates it
>MHA: been trash since license exam
>kimetsu: cliche with no redeeming factors
>Boruto: who has ever cared to begin with
>Dragon Ball super: what the fuck just let it die
>promised neverland: turned into generic shit
>Berserk and JoJo are just way out of their prime.
What the fuck is up with Shonen? Why is the best Shonen that isnt on hiatus fucking Black Clover, some random ass generic as hell manga? What is going on?
And before you go
>UMMMM but user, you are only reading the popular stuff, Tekeshi-kun goes to school is a superb manga
Nobody cares, go home.