State of popular Shonen

Can we take a look at the current state of popular Shonen.

>One piece/Wano: Shit, entire fanbase hates it
>MHA: been trash since license exam
>kimetsu: cliche with no redeeming factors
>Boruto: who has ever cared to begin with
>Dragon Ball super: what the fuck just let it die
>promised neverland: turned into generic shit
>Berserk and JoJo are just way out of their prime.

What the fuck is up with Shonen? Why is the best Shonen that isnt on hiatus fucking Black Clover, some random ass generic as hell manga? What is going on?

And before you go
>UMMMM but user, you are only reading the popular stuff, Tekeshi-kun goes to school is a superb manga
Nobody cares, go home.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>When an adult reads something targeted at teens and finds faults in it

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Maybe you're just 30 years old and should start watching home shows and golf.

lmao Gon calm your cute ass tf down you dont eem kno that nibba kite that well

technically he was the reason gon started his journey

>Not popular
>Implying any shounen is good regardless of popularity


Yeah, you've grown out of shonen. Try watching different genres, user-kun

When you're 30 you'll realize you won't feel old nor really be all that different from the person you were in your 20s. You don't completely morph into a new person when some number goes up.

>Can we take a look at the current state of popular Shonen.
Learn what the demographics mean before posting normalfag.

MHA - actually well-written shounen unlike previous generation shit like dbz, bleach, etc.
Haikyuu - extremely well-written, best sports title

>>One piece/Wano: Shit, entire fanbase hates it


>One piece/Wano: Shit, entire fanbase hates it
Wano is based as hell.

Succession War Arc is also extremely garbage.
20 different characters added with 0 weight to them and that people really don't care about, just so Togashi can kill them all and claim his manga is still dark and mature. Game of Thrones ripoff.

How many times are you going to make this thread?

Another template thread, kill yourself

So what you mean to really say is
>I just want something epic i can latch onto like the leech i am

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Don't expect a huntard to have any willingness to expand their horizons and expore other genres, lest they realize their own pet series is the same bottom-feeding action garbage as everything else they crap on

berserk arcs afer golden age are literally bland shounen shit, bordering on harem shit with every girl falling in love with guts, i've read all of the available chapters, and it's completely in a lower ball park from an actually mature narrative like hxh. guts even gathered a crew ala one piece, including a loli witch and they go on some filler tier island adventure. seriously the seagod/pirate arc in nu-berserk would fit as anime filler in naruto

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V.69: 3,147,224
V.70: 3,039,487
V.71 : 2,890,263
V.85: 2,400,524
V.84: 2,393,553
V.83: 2,435,076
V.92: 1,776,868

In less than 20 volumes this series has lost between 700,000 to 800,000 readers.

One can notice a steady drop over the years, as the interest in One Piece fades for each new arc.

One Piece sales per year:


Between 2011 and 2018, One Piece has lost 29,000,000 yearly sales. This is the biggest flop in the history of manga. No other manga has lost this many sales in such a short amount of time.

Now, let us compare the other series with One Piece and they are doing over a prolonged period of time.

This was calculated over a few years.
>One Piece - 5,969,851 ---> 3,110,049
>Haikyu!! - 3,086,097 ---> 2,523,071
>My Hero Academia - 2,097,088 ---> 2,516,768
>Black Clover - 790,032 ---> 2,033,277

OP lost nearly 3M sales, while BC and MHA sold more and HQ lost 400k. With this we can conclude that One Piece is dying and nobody likes Wano.

Attached: OPfag-get dabbed on.gif (580x600, 338K)

Kimetsu (manga and anime) is the best thing that happened to Shonen since YYH.

>Shounen means what I want it to mean.
Close this tab and don't come back, user.



Imagine being this retarded

Hunterfags genuinely have no right to claim that Wano is bad, especially when their main complaint is that it’s “bloated with shitty characters”. When literally in the current HxH arc the last 5 chapters we just cut to completely random characters who we had no real introduction prior where all they did was throw out a wall of text and then have the story tell us they’re some super important person. Don’t even get me started on the princes, at least in CA we only had 5 major characters for that one arc, now it’s essentially doubled but with the personality completely halved.

Imagine being this retarded to fall for the bait

>huntertards shitting on kimetsu when even togashi recommend it

Wow it's almost like shounen is targeted at dumb teenage boys. Really says a lot about you retarded spics.

But user, disposable bodyguard Nº13 is tremendously important to the plot.

Name one series that is better than HxH. You're NOT allowed to name manga made by Tezuka, Nagai and Otomo.

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Why do huntermumblers communicate through copypastas?

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Ask them for brains

did you wan piss missed how one piece flopped in the toc rankings? it's under kimetsu now

Its not "hunterfags" claiming that. The sales and Amazon reviews are proof that nobody likes Wano.

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>no mention of A Chad on Titan

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Nobody gives a shit what YOU personally like.

The objective fact is that OP is dropping sales for every volume because its getting very bad and the readership is dropping it.

HxH has steady sales, meaning that the core fandom is liking the current volumes.

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Togashi straight up said that he loves Kimetsu no Yaiba and according to huntermumblers he's a genius


huntermumblers can only compare themselves to other Jump shit

SnK is the same as Naruto/Bleach in terms of its depth and quality of writing. That's why SnK has massive amount of shipping and it takes it very seriously, to the point where the threads, even during chapter release, are ONLY about shipping.

Now compare it to actual good shounen:

Zero shipping at all in the two best parts (4 and 7 respectively), shipping only appeared during the bad times in the below average parts (5 and 6).

Only afflicted by fujo shipping, otherwise immune.

The best shonen (actually soft seinen) of all time powered entirely by its plot, supreme writing quality and insane depth. No shipping bullshit whatsoever.

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>I'm smarter than you
>no I am
>I can't die even though I got BTFO twice by the same character
>muh eldians

For the first time ever I have to agree with a Whisperfag

You ain't in Jump, you're irrelevant. All the most relevant and classic series have been on Jump.

>current volumes.

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Hunterbros btfo shonenbabbies once again using facts and logic
Feels good

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You've just grown out of it. DBS and Boruto are genuinely garbage and Wano is up for debate, but shounen is still pretty enjoyable for those that still like it. WSJ's lineup is better than ever.


What does that even mean? HxH is for soft adults? Also does that make Love Live and Umaru Chan hard-shounen?

Soft Seinen: Manga that are serialized in a Shounen magazine while remaining seinen at heart. Refrain from using gore, profanity and nudity at large amounts. Instead, they delve into mature themes and study the deep nature of the human psyche.
>E.g. Hunter x Hunter, Ashita no Joe, Devilman

Hard Shounen: Manga that are serialized in a Seinen magazine but are shounen at heart. Rely on extreme and misplaced gore, profanity and nudity to seem mature for pseudo adults when they are just shonenshit.
>E.g. Tokyo Ghoul, Post GA Berserk

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it's mean it's for adults with a soft voice

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Who the hell cares about soft or hard if writing what matters

Based and seiNENpilled

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Soft and hard are sub-categories of shounen and seinen. They are used exactly to point out the quality of writing.

>No shipping
fujoshit really love HxH you know.


We're talking about the manga, not the 2011 anime.

Completely agreed. BnHa and Haikyuu are better than almost everything SJ had ever had

lol what. The presence of mature themes doesn't automatically make writing good

>Soft and hard are sub-categories of shounen and seinen
They are also 100% made up by weebs.


HxH fujoshit exist way before 2011 anime.

They are not made up. Viz specifically created a new publishing rating called Advanced Shounen for the very reason that I just explained to you.

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>Implying that Tokyo ghoul shitty world-building and trash tier writing is better than anything
Wow, just wow

Oldest yaoi doujinshis of HxH can be traced back to early 2000.
Guess which 2 characters star in it.

I haven't seen any in our threads.

The point was that SnK are overtaken by shipping and fujos. Try to look at any HxH thread and you won't see any of that shit. Maybe you'll find one or two threads every year with a few fujo spamming their shit.

>wano is shit
shit taste, wano is kino

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TG is a hard shounen. That makes it better than soft shounen like MHA or OP, but its still inferior to soft and hard seinen.

You're retarded beyond imagination or just trolling

ah yes I love Shokugeki no Souma and Gintama for their mature themes and high quality writing

>no argument

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So hxh is hard shonen?

Waiter, where are the pastas? I ordered new pastas not old and plain ones.

>quality of writing
>Shokugeki no soma
>blue exorcist
>D. gray man

What's so hard about TG
MHA literally has a vampire girl and the bad guys kill people all the time

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>no argument either
>just saying word "better" again and again


nigga, you think 100 weebs in Yea Forums represent the entire fandom?

>They are used exactly to point out the quality of writing.
Thats a good joke, user.

>all female cast

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t. incel

every series is better than HxH

whisperkek cope

t. y*rifag



the huntertard is gay, who could have guessed

Stop samefagging, Yurinigger

Kiniro Mosaic

Hunter x Hunter >>>Yu Yu Hakusho >> Toriko > JoJo >>>>> One Piece >>>> Tokyo Ghoul > Bleach > Naruto > Black Clover > MHA
Don't forget kids.

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Boku no Pico

One Piece

Being a Yurifag is a mental illness.

A shame it will never be finished.

Cross Ange

Its not an original work. Its ripped off from a novel.


SBR is literally seinen, though.

I respect the inclusion of Hidamari though.


When will hunterchads be funny again? The Netflix thing took a lot of credibility this meme had.

More like vagaripoff

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Ashita no Joe

Previous post didn't make a rule about it. Also the manga doesn't really resemble the novel that much.
Before saying Vagabond I was going to say Slam Dunk, also by Inoue, but I know how battlemangatards are about anything that isn't fights.

Why is OP's worldbuilding better than HxH's?

Slam Dunk


Well then kill yourself before you reach 29 if you think 30 is the end of the world. I won't blame you too much.

Have you read the novel? Everything good the manga has is taken straight from the novel, and when it decides to stray away from the source material (like Youjiro killing the peasants by himself or that horrible farm arc) it turns to shit because Inoue is only good at drawing, he's a garbage writer. See Slam Dunk or that manga about retards he made.

HxH fujoshit didn't cause problem here doesn't mean they didn't cause problem else where. Maybe Yea Forums was lucky back then.

>Everything is a HxH reference.
Let's not start talking about how much of a fangirl Inoue fangirl Togashi is.

>togashi invented having your arm outstretched

>he's a garbage writer. See Slam Dunk
Togashi would object to that.

Hunter x Hunter thematizes proxy wars, inequality, social castes, dictatorships, nuclear warfare, economic and financial problems, that's why the worldbuilding feels so realistic. This level of social critic to the problems we face in our world will never be found in any other series, let alone shonen. The panels you see in this page are taken from real life tragedies.

If you think "wacky cake islands" is a better worldbuilding you're literally a retard.

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Provide quote from Togashi where he praises Inoue's writing, possibly regarding Slam Dunk.

You already made this post, I remember your dumb Tekeshi joke. And Seikimatsu Leader Den Takeshi is great.

>that's why the worldbuilding feels so realistic
damn, where do you live?

>Hunter x Hunter thematizes proxy wars, inequality, social castes, economic and financial problems,
So does Kingdom, doesn't mean its good or that it expores any of those things well.
Just like HxH.

holy shit how it's even possible to have that bad taste

Kingdom is actually good, but they don't have an expansive world building like HxH and its not focused on exploring, like HxH is.

fuck you hunter x hunter fags so much i seethe

Post the chart of Kingdom depicting this much complexity within it's narrative. You can't because it doesn't exist.

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JoJo hasn't been Shonen for years.

Does anyone know the story of the girl and the weird insrct , others are obvious.

No, thanks I'm genuinely asking. Everyone praises One Piece's worldbuilding but it feels unsatisfying to me for reasons I don't know how to identify or explain.

Maybe that's because I dropped One Piece after Skypiea, and its "worldbuilding" actually amounts to something after that? Otherwise every aspect of HxH's world that gets explored in each arc is far more satisfying and interesting to me than anything I encountered in One Piece. I see OP fans constantly saying things like "Heh if you like HxH's worldbuilding then just you wait until you read OP". I waited a good ~300 chapters for that supposedly excellent worldbuilding and it never came.

HxH is a simultaneous critique and defense of human nature. The social critic is based on real world events. That flashback after the Rose Bomb explosion was a reference to the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing. Then they actually referred to a real event when talking about the ban on the Rose Bomb, which happened between Nixon and Brezhnev, it only stopped the production of new nukes, but they could keep the ones they already had. Just like what happened in the HxH world.

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anything with substance

>Mentions Berserk and Jojo as shonen
>Thinks HxH is seinen

bait thread

>redraw famous photos from the real life
>now you have a deep manga
wow that was easy

Technically yes, but come on

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You should seethe at Miura for raping your favorite series.

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You forgot one.
>Rurouni Kenshin: Back with a new arc surprisingly good so far.

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>If you think "wacky cake islands" is a better worldbuilding you're literally a retard.
go ahead and tell us what you think worldbuilding is supposed to mean because referencing famous pictures is not worldbuilding

>When people praise you for tracing.
Togashi is at the same level of hackery and undeserved praise as Toriyama.

Jojo is literally manga for teenagers

To follow up, when people say "worldbuilding" maybe they mean "a sense of continuity in a location where the main characters aren't currently at" and "an interesting/wacky location".

And if that's the case, then cool I guess. But I have a hard time understanding why on earth I should care that life on gum gum cum island is "continuing" when Luffy and crew aren't there. I don't care about gum gum cum so why am I supposed to be impressed that shit happens there? Meanwhile Greed Island might "no longer exist" because it's "not explored or referenced" since Gon completed it, but it was far more compelling to me when it was in the story at least.

Maybe someone smarter can flesh this out better than I can. I want to know what I'm missing.


which one? The one with fruits? That's a practice called Nyotaimori
Its a youtube video where a parasite comes out from a mantis after eating its internal organs while the mantis was alive

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>That flashback after the Rose Bomb explosion was a reference to the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing.
damm that deep, really makes you think

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This is way too serious. I'm gonna hurl. I wanna see Gon punch someone real hard.

how many pastas have they got?

>Then they actually referred to a real event
who need to write if you can just use everything from the real world

Wow, so deep and though provoking

Good thing about the Kingdomfags is that they at least are self aware to know their manga isn't high art, something hunterfags seem to be lacking by the look of that chart.

American kids are too soft to handle a shounen manga lol

>actual art and not infodumps on blank backgrounds
What's the problem here?

It's true, though. The things we do to each other is something horrible and shameful. You never see any other species display this level of violence.

>actual art

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mfw when HxH become shite later on
t. @ greed island rn

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>You never see any other species display this level of violence.

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Do hunterfags unironically believe any of this crap? I mean I get it, you love your shonenshit a lot but this just some serious levels of delusion I haven't seen in years

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I've been a OP fan for a long time. I've read far past Skypiea and well into the timeskip and no, the "worldbuilding" is just pure schlock and I still don't get why other OP fans use it to sell to series when the charm mainly boils down to the wacky adventures and characters.

HxH's worldbuilding is actually more consistent and serves to complement the story of the main characters instead of diverting your attention away from them.

>The same image

Are you that retard who made a thread complaining about lack of fights? Yeah you should just drop it, HxH is not for subhuman shonenfags like you.

Also Netero dies, Gon loses his nen, and Ging kills Hisoka.

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Nice buzzword. Do you have any argument?

>When moe shit is better drawn that Togashi's best attempts at drawing.

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Is it actually good? I absolutely love the series but I haven't kept up with the newest arc.

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Prove them wrong.

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>Do hunterfags unironically believe any of this crap?

I've lurked all the Berserk threads since the chapter and everyone is complaining and calling it shit. Nobody likes Berserk because its garbage and Miura doesn't care about the series anymore.

>when you samefag your own post out of desperation

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HxH becomes incredibly boring in the middle of Chimera ant arc (with only the final being fine) reading chapters where gon was fighting those flying two flying furries and Killua has to play darts with some octopus really felt like a chore. Seems like Togashi just lost his touch after this

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It's the first shounen they've read that has a modicum of depth to it so they think it's some profound masterpiece and don't feel the need to branch out.

I was asking a question not stating an argument. You should have better reading comprenhension since you are used to read those nefarious walls of text.

>Gon loses his nen
Now that's a spoiler, gg deepfag.

It's so fucking crazy how many things Togashi parallels and overlaps within the narrative of CA arc.
After reading HxH every other shonen feels like trash written by a literal child

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The BEST arc ever in shonen comes right after Skypiea and it is the Water 7 and Ernies Lobby arc. I may have fallen out of love with One Piece because of Oda's nonsense art style and current focus on nobody characters but he still created the Ernies Lobby saga and nothing can take that away.

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Well said. You could spend hours dissecting things like how it draws on real life parallels, most notably with the use of this universe's equivalent of North Korea to illustrate its point about humanity, the series' heavy use of symbolism with the parallels between characters, the minor tragedies characters each face inn what they don't achieve, the incredibly grey morality of the compelling antagonists which most impressively starts them off as extremely intimidating monsters to be stopped only to then bring us into their perspective and impossibly manage to make the audience feel sympathetic for them.

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Gon fighting the Owl and the bat was interesting because we learned how well he could strategize and how adaptable his JaJanken was.
Killua fighting the darts ants was interesting both because we learned more about his ability and we had some foreshadow of Godspeed, and also gave a lot of characterization to Killua where we saw how much his character grew and was influenced by Gon when he saved Ikalgo.

>Berserk and JoJo are just way out of their prime.
Jojolion is the best JoJo has ever been.

>Acuses of samefag.
>Thinks the tiger on the left is realistic and better drawn than the one in the right.
It is always amusing to see hunterfags squirm when it comes to Togashi's art.

It's good. It probably won't be as good as the Kyoto or Jinchuu arcs, but so far it's good.

HxH is a critically acclaimed series both by authoritative figures in the industry and also by other mangaka, editors and publishers. It's not just the fans praising it.

defend this

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No it isn't. The paneling and composition went downhill since SBR and Araki is falling back into old habits of just forgetting shit.

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I'm togashi just got inspiration from real-life events, he's not saying anything about anything really.

>Jojolion is the best JoJo has ever been.
A man of culture I see

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>Here comes the pasta defense force.
Never change hunterfags.

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Indeed. Chimera Ant Arc is truly the pinnacle saga that all anime, not just shonen arcs strive to be. Not only is the story telling prodigious, the pacing and character development is top notch. The level of depth that Togashi created is on another level. The exquisite and subtle use of narration at only times of importance delivers an amazing story telling experience.Of the various themes present in this work, his theme of ethics and value theory incorporated with various interactions between the characters appeal to logos, ethos and pathos, and this amalgamation of techniques once again prove his acuity and status as the smartest and wisest writer ever. His profound messages regarding anthropology and the juxtaposition of insects and animals with introspection as a species delivers an amazing tale of tragedy and loss.

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Jojolion doesn't have any more actually forgotten things than SBR did. SBR had the worst minor character usage out of any Jojo part. I agree that the art was better in SBR but Jojolion overall is much more enjoyable for me. Probably partially because it doesn't have the asspull vehicle that was spin.

>doubting Oda.
One Piece was in a ‘decline’ before Marineford too. Thriller Bark, Saboady, and Impel Down volume sales only exploded before Marineford. It is the low tide before the tsunami, newfag.

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Killed by RomComs. Modern day Shonen can't compete against 5-Toubuns and Kaguya.

they never run out of pastas, its impressive

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Only exploded *after* Marineford. As before that many hated them.

those will never stop cracking me up

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Oda considers it on par with Naruto.

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Oda would never dare talk shit about Togashi because he'd find himself on the street begging for food. Meanwhile, someone like Kubo was making fun and mocking One Piece and Oda in a radio show.

>You never see any other species display this level of violence
Dolphins tho

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imagine making a pasta over a shitpost

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>ripping off art pieces means its good

>imagine being a grown ass child raiding shounen threads to keep their anime relevant, also imagine losing in just about every poll to one piece despite its decline

Is Togashi a fucking Yakuza or something? Why would Oda end up like that just for comparing HxH to Naruto?

One Piece is dying. You shouldn't bring up the popularity/sales argument around a hunterchad because you're going to get humiliated. Just an advice.

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They take them from reddit

Wanna know why? Because Black Clover didn't tried to be different, it just went with the same ideas we are used to, build upon those and tried to not make the same mistakes as past shows. Yes, the begginning was rocky and shitty, but right now it got pretty good. Its like total opposite of MHA, that it started good and then it went to shit.


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huntards live rent free in other shounen threads posting shitty copypastas and trying to look as pretentious as they can, meanwhile in their heads they scream out for new content, but instead, just receive more yaoi to fap to

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His wife has ties to a lot of shady organizations that you don't want to mess with. That's why Togashi is feared so much in the industry.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shounen trash

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>one piece is dying
and its still beating hxh in sales, what a faliure of manga hxh is

Unironically Naruto.

Digital sales are more important now, subhuman brainlet.

Huntermumblers are such an easy target to make fun of.

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He literally told Gon the truth about his dad and the exam, and helped him realize the sanctity of wildlife. Read the manga homie.

if you liked mmo grindan: the arc you have nothing else but acute brain damage


i did it and you know what, one piece is dying, your anime is dead.....also despite one piece declining you still come second place to it in every poll, so post some shitty copypasta so you can humiliate me with arguments you copied from other huntards that live rent free in other shounen threads

Unironically the best post in the thread.

When did Kubo make fun of Oda?

For now. Last OP volume sold 1,776,868. Couldn't even reach the 2M mark.
The first week sales (most important one) sold only 37,589, almost 30k less than the other volume that sold 57,712.
OP sales keep declining and it will reach 1.2M very soon. Then the editors will force Oda to end it, just like Bleach.

Oh no no no

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Who does this?
Regardless nothing wrong with it if it makes chapters come out faster.

>inb4 it was reduwn lattur, Togushi da bestto

"my dad works at nintendo and he told me that togashi's wife has ties to the yakuza and that he secretly controls the whole manga industry"

>Overanalyzing a meme pic.
I guess HXHfags have too much time since their favourite manga only has 10 chapters a year.

HxH is the deconstruction of manga panels

He didn't. It's just odafags being insecure

>your anime is dead
HxH just got released on Netflix. Its still being dubbed on Toonami and its being re-broadcasted nation wide in Japan as we speak. That's how much people love it.
Meanwhile OP is losing more readership than any other series in Japan:

All these threads where shounenshitters argue which shit is less shitty? Where are they coming from? This feels like a middleschool thread.

they were declining pre-marinford too. wano is gonna be the deconstruction of shonen, and the arc just started

Attached: dabbing in.gif (414x232, 1.33M)

>Thanks to a summary from a Twitter translator, audiences can read up on Kubo’s encounter with Oda in 1996. During Kubo’s interview, the artist said he debuted in a special issue of Weekly Shonen Jump with a one-shot. The magazine favorited its veteran artists at the time over newcomers, so Kubo was ranked after veterans.

>Apparently, Kubo got outvoted and fell under Oda as the One Piece artist debuted ‘Romance Dawn’ in that special issue. After explaining the encounter, Kubo then said he started to dislike Oda after debuting underneath him, but fans should not read too into the supposed beef.

>After all, co-workers can joke with one another.

>While there is no real way to know what Oda and Kubo’s relationship is like, fans can look to how the former reacted with Bleach ended. In 2016, Oda released a comment about Kubo’s finished work and congratulated the artist.

>“Thank you for your 15-year-serialization of Bleach, Kubo-san,” Oda wrote. “Take a good rest!”
wow, it's literally nothing.

GI is one of the worst arcs, primarily because Genthru wasn't an interesting character and as the big bad he didn't interact with Gon until the end of the arc. Still enjoyed it more than any of the arcs I read in OP though.

>they were declining pre-marinford too.
Why do pissfags enjoy lying

Nice delusions.

Apparently, Kubo got outvoted and fell under Oda as the One Piece artist debuted ‘Romance Dawn’ in that special issue. After >explaining the encounter, Kubo then said he started to dislike Oda after debuting underneath him, but fans should not read too into the supposed beef.
what a bitch lmao

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Go back spamming pictures of your waifu and how much you love her, you degenerate.

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Attached: CrabxCrab.png (1302x276, 78K)

>Huntermumblers so mad they made a thread to shit on One Piece because of this thread.

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>I will teach them

Attached: maxresdefault (2).jpg (1280x720, 80K)

Ah sure mate, you are referring to the Sailor Moon fanclub full of sicario fujoshits and yakuzas in schoolgirl outfit. You fucking retard.

If that was actually the case, then Jump should cancel HxH too.

Attached: jump manga series sales by their latest 3 volumes.png (1600x900, 793K)

"hunterchads" absolute state of these beta fags

Attached: download.jpg (286x176, 6K)

>HxH overhyped and infrequent. Not worth the year long waits between issues.

You newfags don't know anything about how the industry works.

Attached: 1523887495732.png (903x446, 147K)

Not really.
There's almost nothing else worth a fuck in shounen right now.
It's damn near dead and all of the actual talent is turned away by talentless editors who want to sell the next "big three" starring a balless grass eating male or a goku knockoff.

What is this garbage graph supposed to mean?

>unlike me, professional Yea Forums poster


Attached: Togashi_wedding.jpg (1024x1024, 69K)

Literally the fucking filename, brainlet

OK? So, how are these two related?

I was in the thread when this shitty graph got posted, so I know what it is about. What I'm asking is what is your point of posting that graph? You do realize that HxH has always sold around 1M per volume and the sales have always been steady while OP has sold around 3M per volume but now the sales dropped to 2M? That's the biggest drop in the industry.

You want me to spoonfeed you like an infant? Go search the Sagawa Kyubin incident and find out for yourself, newfag.

I'm talking about the fact that why are you arguing whether hxh or op is better just watch one or both and talk about your favorites. Who gives a shit if some user thinks your favorite shounen sucks you look like a bitch whining about it

People are just discussing about which series they prefer while presenting their own argument the best way they can, while the other side presents a counter-argument to best the interlocutor. This is what happens during a conversation. What's wrong with that?

>Kishimoto learned the basics of manga through Togashi
>and regularly talks with Oda, basically best friends with him
Name a more wholesome mangaka

Well according to that graph, HxH has had a percentage drop of sales double that of One Piece.
Of course the thing the shitposters always ignore is that a drop in sales doesn't matter by itself, what matters is how the industry as a whole performs. If the industry sees an average drop of ~5%, and a series drops by that amount, there isn't much to take away. If the drop is more, then there may be an issue.

To prove that they are not idiot because they like One Piece or HxH.

>Why is the best Shonen that isnt on hiatus fucking Black Clover, some random ass generic as hell manga?
because black clover is unironically better written and smarter written then hunter x hunter. and I say this as a hunterchad. I didn't realize it at first but reading modern shonen has shown me the truth.

Attached: 1556499499697.png (202x262, 68K)

Yeah, bitch. Do my bidding, fuckboy. Explain why you posted your image.

>HxH has had a percentage drop of sales double that of One Piece.
What bullshit is this? I don't know what kind of data that graph or you have but:
HxH 28 sold 1,011,766 in 2011
HxH 29 sold 1,043,782 in 2011
HxH 30 sold 1,090,309 in 2012
HxH 31 sold 1,193,383 in 2013
HxH 32 sold 1,186,245 in 2013
HxH 33 sold 1,272,692 in 2016
HxH 34 sold 1,258,337 in 2017
HxH 35 sold 1.090.958 in 2018
I'm not including vol 36 because the year isn't over yet.

Meanwhile, One Piece:
V.69: 3,147,224
V.70: 3,039,487
V.71 : 2,890,263
V.85: 2,400,524
V.84: 2,393,553
V.83: 2,435,076
V.92: 1,776,868

One Piece literally explores all of those things and does it with better worldbuilding and no millenia long hiatuses, lol

reminder for the (((hunterchads)))

Made In Abyss author

The only thing OP explores is Islands made of cake, halloween themed, christmas themed and now samurai themed. That's the world building in wanpiss. Oh and there is also an evil organization


this is disgusting

Why would you not include volume 36 if it was released in 2018? And if you're using the logic of "the year isn't over yet", why include 92? Why not include all of the other volume sales between 71 and 85, and 83 and 92? If you did, I could check the trends.

read dr.stone then reflect on how much of an overwhelming fag you are
actually do that first

>aesthetic is the only thing that matters

ah yes who can forget such settings as tournament arc, evil mansion, tournament arc, new york and mmo island

>watching/reading shounen at all
sub-zero IQ

Because my point is that HxH has steady sales. The average is between 1M to 1.2M. Vol 36 is at 920k last I checked, but that was months ago, we don't have an official updated number yet.

I can show you peak One Piece sales per year compared to the curren ones:



You can see a 30M drop in sales. That's the biggest drop in manga history, I think. This is a recurring thing for OP. Its not just a phase. OP keeps dropping sales and readership. In less than 20 volumes this series has lost between 700,000 to 800,000 readers.
Compare it to how the other series are doing:
>One Piece - 5,969,851 ---> 3,110,049
>Haikyu!! - 3,086,097 ---> 2,523,071
>My Hero Academia - 2,097,088 ---> 2,516,768
>Black Clover - 790,032 ---> 2,033,277

naruto part 1
yu yu hakusho
Bleach before Arrancar
Black Clover
My hero Academia
Ring no Kakero
Sakigake otokojoku
Dragon ball and DBZ
Ruroni Kenshin

however I'll admit hxh is better then
Busou Renkin
Naruto Shippuden
DBS and GT

Attached: 1556489817382.gif (498x280, 423K)

OP destroyed by facts and logic

Attached: 36723.jpg (640x770, 261K)

low quality bait


Attached: 1540139719718.png (262x239, 88K)

Can't have a bad setting when you're setting is nothing to begin with.

low IQ user. Like all hunterfags.

Attached: beginners.png (262x241, 94K)

is Busou renkin bad? I had it in my to read list

>Wan Piss worldbuilding
Islands made of cake, halloween themed islands, islands on top of turtles, typical evil organization out to control the world
>HxH worldbuilding
nuclear treaties, goepolitical games between countries, G8, Freemasonry, mafia structures, controlled political parties, North Korea, China, Saudi Arabia etc

Attached: 1547055507379.jpg (4501x2856, 3.8M)

nah as a hunterchad I need to be honest with myself and face reality

Attached: 1556497771859.png (263x250, 62K)

Okay, again, my point is that you are focusing solely on one series' sales and ignoring industry trends in total. If you knew the industry trend, you could calculate how much a series deviates from it.
HxH could have somewhat steady sales due to a number of factors, most prominently there being 1 to 2 volumes released yearly, if any at all. When you have such a small sample size, weird idiosyncrasies can simulate larger trends.

This is a meme, hxh has better worldbuilding but this reads like a falseflag.

Attached: O.png (848x459, 200K)

>another pasta
this really pathetic

Attached: 1540569617450.png (593x580, 621K)

>horrible farm arc

One Piece is a joke in general. Not only worldbuilding. It's insulting how shitty this manga is

Attached: OPtards love this.gif (500x281, 494K)

>name one series better than HxH
>You aren't allowed to name works by authors better than Togashi, or it might ruin my point.

Attached: 1429765104297.gif (346x261, 1.49M)

>nuclear treaties
episode 127
>goepolitcal games between countries
episode 135-136
episode 126
>mafia structures
Yorknew and current arc
>controlled political parties
episode 49-50
>North Korea
East Gorteau
>China, Saudi Arabia

So you concede that besides the three named authors, no one else in the history of manga can compete with Togashi?

Attached: 1520747678088.png (600x598, 334K)

No, I was laughing at you for trying to sound all badass and then torpedoing your own post.

Not them, but this is from some 2013 interview I found from a quick google search.

Togashi: I love “Slam Dunk” a lot as well. I have written a list of “Interesting Books This Year” and pasted it in my studio, and after re-reading “Slam Dunk” a few days ago, it was added into my list without question (laugh). Especially during the second half of the series, the drawing style really improved a lot…

I like HxH and OP.
I guess I’m right and wrong by default. Why nerds mad about liking chink books?

its not terrible and neither is hxh its just that I think hxh is better written then it. But you could tell watsuki wasn't really sure where he was going half the time. Kenshin was the result of his interest in the meiji period and kenshin's past. Busou renkin just feels like him experimenting with new concepts and doesn't utilize them to its fullest, especially since FMA already does the alchemy thing much better and the main character is another "school kid wrapped up in danger after meeting a girl". I'd say its still worth a read but I wouldn't blame you if you dropped it out of boredom.

Yet you couldn't name one (1) series better than HxH.

its a Yea Forums discord group

Attached: discord army.png (814x192, 45K)

Did you read my post? I didn't say you were wrong you spaz, I said you read like a falseflag.

Has HunterxHunter ever actually generated debate, here on Yea Forums?
The only time people seem to "discuss" the series is to say how superior it is to others, while never actually engaging in discussion with one another. Every thread, someone will post a pasta talking about the themes in the manga, and absolutely everyone else will agree with the pasta posted for the hundredth time. "Based" , "redpilled", "hunterchad", etc.
If a literary work cannot even spark debate and talk amongst it's own readers, to the point where all discussions stems from other works, how can you even begin to claim it's a good work? How is something no one wants, or rather can't discuss, be interesting or intellectual in the slightest?

Attached: Plato.jpg (929x560, 100K)

Oh fuck. He posted it lads!

But One Piece is one of the best selling comics so does that mean it’s ‘beginner normie’ taste too? What constitutes as good taste anyway since it’s as big as MCU for instance? It’s personal preference.

I haven't tried. I was merely pointing out how pathetic you were. If you must have something else you can focus on instead of trying to damage control your own retardation I'll throw you a bone out of pity. Slam Dunk is miles ahead of HxH in any metric and REAL is even better than that.

Attached: Untitled2.png (530x581, 315K)

I could swear I've seen identical thread few days ago

Attached: Curysytyjano.jpg (650x650, 240K)

Are you aware that we haven't had any content in 5 months, retard? Also Plato was a hack. He just followed Socrates around and wrote everything he said down, then published it as his own ideas.

>OP continues to break comic sales record
>HxH gets outsold by Black Clover

Wrong. HxH threads made me realize something important.
Chan culture is predicated on irony. Irony functions as a dialectical annihilator in a Hegelian context. Normally, a given idea is contrasted with an opposing viewpoint, and the sublation of the two gives rise to the final result; as an example, geocentrism was confronted with heliocentrism, and sublated into heliocentrism-not-geocentrism. The dialectic of irony is different, because it contains its own negation implicitly within itself. We instead have ironic idea—subset of the ironic idea (its negation)—ironic idea, that is, the subset is subsumed back into the larger whole. Essentially, you can't get around irony by saying the opposite. You can't beat "this but unironically" by saying "this but ironically," since the irony was already implicit in the "unironically" and the ultimate effect is again just "this but ironically." Thus viewed from the rationalist Hegelian perspective, irony can never be supplanted nor removed, since it is invincible dialectically.
Enter HxH threads. Here we have—sincere excitement! appreciation! How can this be? Because the thread rejects the rationalist paradigm completely. Detractors say "lol you'll just get a few chapters of scribbles," embodying (whether right or wrong) the rationalist paradigm, but the thread rejects not only the statement but the rationalist form of the statement, and by its rejection of rationalism finds the only possible escape from irony. Thus the thread can be full of nothing but positive vibes and good energy. The ironic "heat death" of the universe/site/culture has been avoided by "quantum tunneling" out of the rational and into the superrational.
In short, and I am completely sincere in saying this, HxH threads are a prototype of the transformation that needs to occur in order save not only imageboards everywhere, but in all of Western civilization, to escape ironic cancer.

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seething hunterfags crying again

>But One Piece is one of the best selling comics so does that mean it’s ‘beginner normie’ taste too?
yes. Its all just shonenshit

No. Outside of HxH threads it's just copy pasta, and inside HxH threads it's just gay pedo shit.

Hiatus faggots finally remembered that when the series isn't on hiatus it only reminds them how shit it is?

based honest Hunterchad. Togashi put in a good effort in a lot of places but it's not consistently very good

Don't waste your time user, it was already pointed out how if there are no fights Hunterfags are unable to understand a story.

>one pasta coming right up!

>One Piece world building so good it actually builds the real world

Attached: tw sh.jpg (609x882, 181K)

>Rurouni Kenshin: Back with a new arc surprisingly good so far.

whait what? when?

A shitty sports manga about basketball with cringe comedy and even more cringe romance would never compare to a literary masterpiece full of themes such as acquiescence, moral relativity, camaraderie, individuality vs the collective, self identity, to name a few.


Speaking of Shounen, any of you nerds got any proof that Jump actually did try to axe Tite Kubo early as Bleach is similar to Yu Yu Hakusho?

Maybe you should go back to watch cape shit movies and jerk off to Thanos

why do you think hxhfags like to shitpost alot? It's constantly on hiatus so nothing to talk about and when confronted with the fact hxh isn't really good, that it's just another shonen like one piece and black clover they start seething and resort to ironic memes.

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Your post summarized in a fraction of your words.

Not with that ending.

>Wan Piss
>Endless copypastas shared like a religion

Attached: toddlers.png (643x200, 16K)

mob psycho 100 > all

??? Arc is the best final arc in all of shounen and best villain

Attached: 00BE2EA5-8051-426E-ACCF-2E5C57BA68C0.jpg (1329x739, 195K)

I read this in the voice of Slavoj Zizek.
Did you get it from him? It sounds like his work.

>baby's first philosophy
>Prejudges a work based on its genre and not examining its contents to form a more holistic opinion.
Yep, it's a huntemumbler alright.

Attached: 1507151356184.gif (370x330, 325K)

HxH world building is fucking horrendous, literally one of the worst parts of the manga
>every landmass is just a real life continent spun around
>every country is just a real place with a different name
>nen is a secret power that nobody outside the Hunter Association and a few other groups are supposed to know about, but you can watch nen MMA on tv
>a nuclear war that involved thousands of cities being bombed only killed 5 million people, and had basically zero effect on the world at large


Everything only turns out fine because of coincidence. Had Mob fallen in with the wrong crowd, which, let's be real here, would have been far more likely, the entire world would have been enslaved by espers. Contrast that with the masterpiece that is HxH, where the ants being defeated by the humans' experience is an inevitability and relevant commentary on mankind's position on Earth, and it's laughable that one can say Mob is good.

Attached: 1436248167666.png (524x524, 141K)

Dude, I read HxH. You think I care that much about fights?

Attached: 1542991134565.png (877x1300, 201K)

Mob has a ending unlike HxH pedo shit from toGAYshi.

>based ONE

Sports manga are inferior even to Isekai. Take that garbage away from here.

Fairy tail also has an ending. Tezuka's Phoenix doesn't. Was that supposed to be a good point?

Attached: Chap_378_-_Morena_Portrait.png (277x408, 94K)

Based Hunterchad

Attached: o86lrzh5z21rz06hho1_400.png (400x360, 85K)

This page, like the spread from the dark continent, is a perfect analogy for hunterfags. It doesn't have much of any substance, and it isn't drawn in any standout fashion, yet they cling to it because its one of the few occasions where Togashi actually tries to be a mangaka instead of a LN writer or a fine art tracer. It's especially ironic because the page before it is much higher quality, so they could just post that, but because they're so starved for even decent art they feel compelled to post this on instead.

Last chapter of MHA was actually good, so bad choice on that.
I dropped HxH because of all the hiatuses but the boat arc was boring as all hell last I read it. Apparently there’s an entire page filled with nothing but text later. Series probably should have ended with Gon meeting Ging.

you are literally thinking like child, how ironic

Attached: gomenasike.jpg (158x225, 7K)

oh yeah, and I forgot
>the prince of Kakin name dropping philosophers that existed in real life because Togashi couldn't be fucked to learn about what they actually wrote and attribute it to somebody in-universe

A slamdunk of facts and logic

cringe. Read the thread before you make a fool of yourself (again).

>every landmass is just a real life continent spun around
>every country is just a real place with a different name
realism is better.
>>nen is a secret power that nobody outside the Hunter Association and a few other groups are supposed to know about, but you can watch nen MMA on tv
So? they just think there are superhumans with strange abilities.
>a nuclear war that involved thousands of cities being bombed only killed 5 million people, and had basically zero effect on the world at large
Wrong. Go watch episode 127.

Oh shit when the fuck will mods purge all Hunterniggers


Because HxH is the Rick&Morty of Yea Forums. They like to look smart yet are unable to reach that state by themselves.

Why don't you respond to the post I replied to then

Very small minded post. You're like the retards who said fiction is a genre with no literary merit or staying power who then got BTFO by Don Quixote and Anne Karenia.

All of those are inferior to HxH. You literally linked Wan Piss, Naruto and Yurishit. Stop being a troll and spend your time in a better way, like studying the works of Yoshihiro Togashi.

The .jpg is a pretty good representation of the hunterfags in this thread.

I've watched (watched, because reading sports is fucking retarded) a lot of sports anime and they have all the same theme, cliche and tropes because you really can't do much with that subject. That's a simple fact. Sports anime can only do that much, you can't compare it to what HxH did. It's just not possible.

Neither quality nor quantity.
Is this series just for edgy retards?

Attached: hunter-x-hunter-3043225.jpg (800x1114, 241K)

>the works of Yoshihiro Togashi
I'd like too but the guy couldn't release a chapter to save his life.

>angry children.

Attached: 1556410021564.jpg (602x408, 29K)

So. Mob didn’t over stay it’s welcome. It’s more impressive to end your story than begin it.

Also mob was a masterpiece from beginning to end

While F tail is shit all the way .

>realism is better.
blatantly copying shit from real life with no shame at all makes you look like a lazy faggot
>So? they just think there are superhumans with strange abilities.
that's retarded and makes no sense
>Wrong. Go watch episode 127.
pic related

Attached: rose bomb.png (549x828, 307K)

You can read YYH or Level-E while you wait. Both are good manga.

I don't understand as well. The charadeisgns are bad, the drawings are mediocre-normal at best. The story is nothing special. Some powers are interetsing, but people keep overrating their complexity wich makes it pretty annoying to read, as if you could feel some neckbeard swells in pride of reading it at the same time.
It's really nothing special.

>blatantly copying shit from real life with no shame at all makes you look like a lazy faggot
Its on purpose because he wants to show us the gritty, raw and dark reality of our society. It's a critic of the world we live in.
>that's retarded and makes no sense
Not an argument
>pic related
Yeah, that means it actually had real effects on the world.


Attached: 1540203160465.gif (200x200, 2.47M)

>realism is better
Interesting how that idea doesn't apply about how hunterfags view their manga when it comes to the art style.

>I've watched an adaption of this classic novel. It wasn't very good, so now that novel and everything like it is shit!
>Not getting as close to the creator's vision as possible to get the most out of a piece
>Watching adaptions made solely for profits, market tested by suits with MBAs who couldn't care less about artistic value
>Not even able to read a picture book marketed towards teens and young adults, and trying to make excuses for it.
LMAO at your life man.

Attached: 1423706810295.gif (400x296, 443K)


Nobody gives a shit about your opinions or feelings, really. I can quote you tons of authoritative figures in the industry, critics, jorunalists, mangaka, editors etc that praise HxH as a masterpiece. I can show you how well its selling and how much positive the reaction for every HxH volume in Japan is.
Your personal feelings are irrelevant and worthless.

>It's a critic of the world we live in.
humanz bad
so deep

>Its on purpose because he wants to show us the gritty, raw and dark reality of our society. It's a critic of the world we live in.
*tips fedora*

>Its on purpose
The tracing surely is on purpose

You might not like this one, but you will sadly be unable to tell me wrong.
Kobayashi-san chi no maidragon

World leaders read One Piece
NEETs read Hunter x Hunter

Attached: 20198.jpg (720x334, 73K)


Based as fuck

Low IQ

Attached: 1547264515810.png (342x512, 68K)

lmao at you for READING about sports.
What kind of mentally inept retard does this?

Attached: 1537472490890.jpg (400x400, 22K)

>>One piece/Wano: Shit, entire fanbase hates it

Hunterfags brigading the OP threads =/= the fanbase.

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>The desperate appeal to authority after getting BTFO.

Attached: 1537972065369.jpg (250x250, 35K)

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Attached: download.jpg (261x193, 16K)

moe garbage

>Not an argument
if you went to go watch UFC and Brock Lesner started summoning clones of Joe Rogan and forcing them to blow themselves up, you wouldn't think something fishy was going on and that maybe there were people lying to you?
>Yeah, that means it actually had real effects on the world.
no radioactive fallout, no countries collapsing into ruin after getting nuked to cinders, nothing that would logically follow from a war of that scale is ever shown. It's brought up as a random factoid to show that nukes exist and justify Meruem's retarded ideology, then dismissed just as quickly

Reminder that moe garbage has overall better art than the entirety of HxH.

>only counter arguments are buzzwords
Man, the state of "intellectual seinen fans" aka Mumbler x Mumbler.

holy shit based OPchads

Attached: 1549145767832.png (444x1200, 45K)

>like one piece
>gets trapped in a cave
one piece fans suck at the outdoors

>ultra shitskin mudslime loves wan piss

Attached: catlua.jpg (640x480, 92K)

>Isn't to empathize with characters and understand themes and ideas in any genre of work
>Can't appreciate how actually talented artists can use their craft to create a sense of dynamism and motion.
>Can't relate to working towards one's ambitions and goals through success, failure and camaraderie
>Can't understand how to read emotion and nuance without pages of blank panels filled with text
Yep, just what I'd expect from a "hunterchad".

Attached: 1494544030747.gif (500x300, 352K)

>you wouldn't think something fishy was going on and that maybe there were people lying to you?
Most people don't really give a shit and just enjoy the entertainment. A lot of people believe in the Holocaust despite all the evidence against it.
>no radioactive fallout
They literally say there was a fallout and even show birds dying because of it
>no countries collapsing into ruin after getting nuked to cinders, nothing that would logically follow from a war of that scale is ever shown.
Meteor City was the result of one of those wars, speedreader.

ITT: based hunterCHADS btfoing shonen-shitters

Attached: nencho.png (417x264, 69K)

>the typical One Piece fan is the scion of a terrorist state propped up by the Israeli government and American oil monopolies
wtf i lov hxh now

i dont take people who watch moe seriously. go fap to your cute waifu, subhuman

>coping from seeing the influence of one piece

Attached: kekek.png (1280x720, 538K)

>cannot even openly debate a subhuman
>deems himself an intellectual
Come on, my man. Give me your best shot.

>implying I have a waifu
>implying I fap to anime

>SnK keeps getting better and better both in the manga and anime
Depends if you consider it a Shonen though.

Anime is a better medium for sports. Reading sports is retarded. Nobody would ever read about Barcellona vs Madrid. They want to watch it. That's how sports work.
And sports manga are objectively inferior to pretty much any other genre except CGDCT, moe and SoL shit. I'm saying this as someone who actually likes sports anime, I've watched prettty much everything good that genre has to offer, like: Furikabutte, Major, Diamond No Ace, One Outs etc

when the Japanese navy gonna play departure?

Attached: 1556278838544.jpg (1280x1490, 472K)

Why did you bringt up that moe garbage then? And if I'm not wrong, isn't that the show that created the ironic weeb meme "don't lewd the dragon loli" or some shit like that? How can you enjoy that garbage. I deem you a subhuman if you actually do.

>Anime is a better medium for sports
Only if you're a brainlet who can't even grasp the idea of motion through static art. You're like someone who claims that movies are a better medium to view war pieces than books, because books don't have explosions or epic soundtracks.

Don't try to impart your own personal limitations on an entire medium or genre.

Isn't OP always front and center on jump covers for a reason?

Attached: 941 (1).jpg (912x1300, 1.76M)

The current arc of HxH received an entire episode dedicated to analyzing it in one of the most popular TV shows in Japan. Where is the one piece episode?

Attached: 1528226371390.png (714x417, 684K)

>>Yea Forums113739052

>This post.
>When many of the longest running and most cherised mangas are about sports.
Come on user, don't point out how much of a retard you are, that is our job.

The CP9 arc was some of the most amazing shit I got to read through. Pre timeskip had such thoroughly amazing arcs and it hurts how New World is lacking in comparison.