I haven't watched anime once in my life. I might as well start with something that already interests me. So Yea Forums is there any NatSoc anime out there?
NatSoc Anime
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go back to plebbit, tourist tranny
fuck off retard
SNK, but the anime still didn't get to these parts yet
Not natsoc, but you'll enjoy Jin Roh
Kill yourself, OP, and rid us of your beastly idiocy.
Don’t know what that is, but if it has something to do with Nazis I think Tanya the Evil gives off those vibes
Anime has always been right winged, get over it faggots
>tany the evil
>anything even remotely to do with nazis
no it doesn't it really doesn't it is politically so far removed that modern day USA is closer to the nazis than notGermany in youjo senki
>So Yea Forums is there any NatSoc anime out there?
What NatSoc, one that just contains their ideas? one that paints them as positive? one that makes it out to be bad?
Ideologically similar anime are quite frequent, but in those they are virtually always the villain.
I think the closest to a positive portrayal of it is the UC Gundam series specifically 0079 + Z + ZZ, which merges cult of personality with racial supremacy with a bit of aristocracy, and it's not painted in a black and white brush like most such portrayals.
Of course no modern anime has such portrayals with actual nazis.
Maybe Dies Irae tho i haven't seen it so i am not certain.
the duck hitler little girl fighting god anime is probably something you would like
Hetalia axis power
It's airing right in this season retard.
If you think just having germany uniforms makes it nazi, sure. Youjo Senki has nothing to do with it at all, even the time period is different. It's literally just being in not germany and having germany style uniforms
as for OP, hang yourself
>they are virtually always the villain.
As it should be.
The closest thing you'll find as a synpathetic view of nazis in recent anime, it's Jojo Part 2 where some nazi germans are allies and even then, it doesn't even show a swastika or something, it's just that the one guy happens to be in the german army during nazi era
user, you asked for this. Are you happy.
Kill yourself incel
The election tourists are never going to go back, are they?
>As it should be.
t. indoctrinated idiot
Gookmoot is the only one willing to accept them.
Even if we're to assume their ideas about race aren't completely fucking retarded (the vast majority of them being so), their chosen methods are absolutely reprehensible and only complete imbeciles like you support these groups. Go back to your containment board now
Kill yourself you worthless nazi
Boy, you anons would absolutely hate how the average nip views race.
Nazis are objectively fucking evil.
shut up NPC.
What’s up with all this wrongthink? Are you guys really asshurt by one autist?
Try watching her anime
>dude any dictatorship is always bbbbaaaaaaaadddddddddd
>tranny boogeyman
You are the redditor.
Saga of Tanya
Girls Und Panzer
Strike Witches
Legends of the Galactic Heroes
also GochiUsa, Aria, Tamayura ~ Hitotose, Tari Tari are nice for SoL
I think Angel Cop mentions Jewish conspiracies at some point
Evangelion if you want to go old-school (SEELE = Elders of Zion)
Spot the thot
>reddit spacing
SNAP this goes into my cringe folder
Mmmmh oh yes Spielberg fuck me in the ass
Ok real talk, but what is the difference between natsoc and communism and socialism?
Doesn't all three suppose to support and help the people?
I think several Gundam iterations may interest you (maybe even recent ones like Unicorn) as well as Gundam Wing
I'm a Fascist but I just like watching cute girls do cute things in the countryside like Heidegger
You might like war-girl.com
as well; funny game apparently
Oh and there's a manga about Hitler out there, as well as some by "Uyoku Dantai" = Japanese Right Wing groups that the Netto uyoku/Net uyoku (ネット右翼 / ネトウヨ) like to talk about, which expose the war crime hoaxes that Koreans and Chinese use to try to extract money from Japan just like the Jews do.
Communism is based on MATERIALISM.
Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same Jewish coin.
National Socialism is about the Natural Order.
Read the philosophy of Ikki Kita, he was the first National Socialist and wrote a manifesto in Japan long before Hitler or Mussolini came to power.
He was from Sado Island off of Niigata.
It would be awesome to have a fansubbing group that tried to covertly insert NatSoc themes in their subs (without distorting the source material) in funny ways to try to slowly convert the masses...
Leftypol was doing this for a while back in the day actually (also of course there's COMMIEsubs ha ha)
How is communism based on materialism? Isn't the entire point of communism that everyone is equal?
Boco no piko
>Most of nation that anime originates from openly celebrates those who fought with the Axis Powers as heroes at the Yasukuni Shrine
>some degenerate losers on the internet attack someone who's potentially interested in anime just because he also honours the bravery of those who died in the same conflict
Oppenheimer, Wigner, Teller, Segre, Rotblat, Weisskopf, etc. were the core of the Manhattan Project
fuck off shithead
I understand your confusion, and that is a trap that I fell into back when I found Communism appealing because of my distaste for Capitalism.
However, they are two sides of the same coin.
Communism is 'dialectical materialism', based on a Hegelian Dialectic of Thesis and Antithesis.
To put it more simply, YES Communism is based on 'everyone is equal' but yet Orwell (who himself was a Socialist) correctly identified the flaw that 'some are more equal than others'.
Communism gets SOME things SOMEWHAT correct, but there is no National Spirit or purpose, no "people's community" (volksgemeinschaft) and no collective identity.
tl;dr Communism and Capitalism are both ATOMIZING and leave people with NO PLACE IN THE WORLD to belong in.
Watch an anime like Tamayura ~ Hitotose or similar that is set in the 'Inaka'/countryside and you may understand.
Most of us deep down long to have a purpose and be needed by a COMMUNITY that is our race, nation, and homeland, and THAT is what National Socialism is about (to me).
national socialism isn't a real thing, it's a mask for fascism
communism is based around industrial economics, giving the workers control over the means of production
National socialism is about conquering other countries, stealing their shit, enforcing your superiority upon them and killing everyone you don't like you blithering moron, nothing like your animes
Germans only fell for it because of their massive inferiority complex
Communism equality is based on the redistribution of the wealth, but always someone needs to be in charge of that, that means equality is based on the perspective of the "leader".
I don't trust the economic sense of the Tamayuras.
They all hang out on Hobo Row.
Why can not you give real arguments instead of writing "strawmans"? oh right, an npc cannot go against the word of its programmer.
Real arguments? Those are all things that indisputedly happened. Germany's idea of "their place in the world" was having a big bad empire like Russia France and the UK
Materialism in the Marxist sense is not what you think it is.
Fascism is Capitalism when threatened. Hitler was chosen by the ruling class to protect them.
I understand why you feel this way but you're factually inforrect. Let's analyse the different nations in WWII:
America: Colonized Philippines after promising them independence
Britain: Colonized India, large parts of East Asia, etc.
France: Colonized Africa, Vietnam, etc.
Netherlands: Colonized Indonesia
Germany and Japan: LIBERATED India (Subhas Chandra Bose's Azad Hind fought with the Axis)
Indonesia (Sukarno fought with Axis)
Philippines (Emilio Aguinaldo, Artemio Ricarte, Jose P. Laurel and Benigno Aquino Sr., grandfather of president 4 years ago sided with Japan)
Vietnam (Japanese soldiers stayed after WWII to liberate them from French Colonial oppression)
Burma (similar)
The ONLY nation in the Axis that did any colonizing was Italy, HOWEVER, it should be noted that the ONLY nation in Europe to come to the aid of Ethiopia with weapons shipments to combat the Italian invasion was actually NAZI GERMANY!!!
So yeah, truth is stranger than fiction.
I've lived in Thailand and spoken with Filipinos, Thais, Malays, etc. ... they have a much higher respect for Japan in WWII and the co-prosperity sphere than they do Zionist-controlled America.
Of course, Chinese and Koreans hate Japan by default pretty much, but that's to be expected.
Get out and TALK to people; don't get all your info from the History Channel or Hollywood.
But that was Imperialism, just because they didn't call themselves that doesn't mean they weren't.
>Hitler was chosen by the ruling class to protect them.
that must be why he reinstated the kaiser
Germany conquered most of Europe. I'm not having a hard time imagining where you live if "getting out and talking to people" means denying everything that happened during world war 2. It probably begins with U and ends with SA
Fuck off facist, only true anime belonging to the workers is allowed here
Fuck fascism , communism, and socialism.
Libertarianism and capitalism is the best political and economic system ever.
This is a Communist argument lol, but since I used to be a Communist you may have chosen the wrong guy to debate this with.
I have a question for you:
(This was one of the main reasons that I quit being a Marxist, btw, as I realized it was a very hypocritical philosophy).
Today, you see the SAME THING going on with 'AntiFa' who are nothing more than shock troops for the status quo and borgeousie ruling class.
They don't "fight the power" at all but instead they merely reinforce institutions like Google, Facebook and Twitter and use them for their purposes. They're a bunch of trust fund limp-wristed pussies.
Communism is unironically evil and while has good intentions is ultimately detrimental to the good of the people
Basically you are getting raped in the arse by a dead scat-loving homosexual who thought he was overman Nietzsche was talking about, realised he wasn’t and off’d himself and now you suck his dick eternally for it forever being the blind worthless ‘herd’ ;_;