this is fat? just how blind are you people?
5toubun no hanayome
Nino is also fat but in all the right places
If Itsuki falls in love with Fuutarou I will break everything in my house.
burgers and japan have different standards.
when 50% of the US population is overweight it skews their view on things.
Eatsuki is fat by japan's standards, but slim by american standards.
4th for despair
Please and thank you refrain from posting fat girls on Yea Forums in the future. Yuck.
Well you better get your hammer ready faggot
nino a shit
Gook scans never. Party is kill.
Yeah yeah we got it Itsuki, but now stop digiting: your fat fingers' movements are interfering with gravitational waves' detectors.
All the quints love Fuutarou, they all have different reactions.
>Fuutarou imagined both Nino and the kisser as separate individuals when he was saying he couldn't disregard their feelings
>Fuutarou already believed Miku had feelings for him when he said this
I'm a Yotsubafag but it plainly obvious that Miku is the bride. She's had good relations with him since the beginning(so she could win at anytime if he gets axed), she's been consistently relevant compared to the others who just appear and disappear out of relevance(both scrambled eggs and Kyoto were essentially Miku arcs), is the best at imitating her sisters and with low self esteem is the most likely to change her personality later on(bride's personality and looks are a mix of all the other sisters and Miku seems the most likely to adopt such a personality given her obsession to be good at the things her sisters are good at)
On e Miku succeeds in being able to rival all the other quints in their specialties she will truly be the Quintessential Quintuplet.
I just hope that Yotsuba stays out of the Fbowl so she doesn't get hurt.
Yikes! You know you don't have to emulate Yotsuba's behaviour, right?
Ichika lied
Nino is the bride
Miku cried
Yotsuba died
Itsuki is wide
Checked and based
Dubs confirm. user a wordsmith.
Look who got herself a doujin.
I don't even have to click on it to know it's Miku with fat bald old men
You shouldn't spoil the manga ending
She’s very very fat
It's obviously a snake falseflag
In 10 chapters chadtarou will become immune to quint tricks, then it's over.
Nah looks more like ninotard than snake.
>assuming someone's identity on Yea Forums in threads full of falseflaggers
This is "the kisser has Itsuki's face" tier of brainlet
I just realized that this is a manga about falseflagging.
Not for Nino and Yotsuba, at least they don't seem interested in these dress up games
He doesn't have 10 chapters left
What du fuq are u talking about?
You need love to tell the quints apart.
What sets Itsuki apart from the others is that she's fat.
Love is blind.
Therefore, yes to both.
Roses are red...
He can tell them apart by their faces
Itsuki fat face
Yotsuba dumb face
Miku pale face
Nino slutty face
Ichika snake tongue
Ichika is the bride
Spoilers next week faggots, Golden Week
>same face
all quints have the same face reatard
You're completely wrong
they have hair
>Nino potato face
Ichika looks like a man, though
Potato face is MiA, Itsuki ate it
you guys think mista loves or hate yotsuba?
Which quint has the cutest uterus sounds?
428 probably
I'm going to marry Miku!
maruo, you know that's illegal
Just a little longer, Fuuts. Have patience
Nino is dead?
Either Miku or Yotsuba.
Why do I get a crying panda when I open exhentai? I want to read the doujin. Pls help anons! Onegai!
someone will fall for that
Has anyone won harder than Miku has? That's a victory if I ever saw one.
only pic related for now
Also got this low reso potato face, im still looking for the source
This will be future copypasta, won't it.
(Also, he was taking Ichika's feelings seriously then, too, but she didn't appear in his thoughts then)
So wait, is the manga coming to an end already?
Nino will win because she was the first to confront her feelings to him and the first he took consideration and heavily cautious of.
Don't tell me you wanted to receive the same fate as Komi-san.
usually fat is pedospeak for "not an 8 y/o" but in such a way that doesn't get the police called.
5toubun no Hanayome is the source
Onodera declared first and look what happened.
Nino actually looks great here, if only they kept that quality
Disregarding meta, who had the highest chances to win?
It's one panel directly traced from the manga, that's why.
Ye i know, i mean the panel source
Negi might be a hack but Komi is fucking clueless, don't compare.
Different premise. Chitoge was bound to win, no other girl stood an chance. In this story it could be any quint.
Ichika is the kisser though
Meeko or Nene
To me, Nino or Itsuki.
yeah, at the end of the manga, when he was clearly in love with someone else
Miku unless Fuu is actually into aggressive girls and just being tsun about it
Common lines of a future winner agree?
Without meta Itsuki has absolutely nothing
Volume 2, Chapter 12, Page 12, Panel 7
Nino, you can't marry your sister!
I mean, if Negi wants to burn it all down and have her as the kisser and bride, I'm good with that.
Then why didn't they just traced the whole manga. Honestly, i just saw the anime and its a fucken disgrace to Negi's art. I guess im just mad
being so new
Based burn everything user
Volume 7 drops digitally tomorrow in the US. Final exams and Nino's first confession!
Reminder physical in May
What the fuck? What translation is this?
someone fell for it
What do you mean by disregarding meta?
Time and money.
Depend, Fuutarou has been checking out Miku ass but it seems like he still has lingering attachment to lolikano. He also seems quite upset snek acting as his first love so that's a huge wildcard. Nino is also an unstoppable train and it does seem like fuutarou might give in soon so she is the clear favorite now.
Nino>Lolikano(Itsuki or Yotsuba)>Meeku>Snek
First girl wins, chidlhood friend doesn't win, tsundere wins, negi likes ichigo100%, etc.
Who would win? Potato or shark?
I got this from mangakakalot, its too exaggerated english translation and its bothering me a bit
Yotsuba. She's always by his side, and that's what Fuutarou personally values.
Negi said he hates first girl trope.
Is that a meta too?
Miku is the bride. I'm a Ninofag and it's obvious even to me.
She did it on the beach and komi used the sleep crap while with nino futarou just used the huh i didnt hear you shit.
dont think is differebt because negi just added this and that,nino is bound to lose to fatty or miku since ichika got btfo and yotsuba is the grim reaper alrdy.
Reminder, if a post is too fucking stupid to be true l, it's highly likely to be falseflagging or shitposting, which should be ignored.
Master, can i take your order ?
She aint potato anymore, she an egg
>unstopable train
>got stopped by her dad,got btfo by futarou in the bath
>use the bulltshit of muh sisters first to hide her btfo times
Ninotards are worst than yotsubafags.
BTW, he only said he hates it when people treat every ship except the first girl as a crack because he wants as much waifu warring as possible to fuel his popularity.
He didn't say the first girl won't necessarily win, only that he tried not to make people too sure that she will.
A chapter with your screentime plz
>Still has no idea what that simple concept meant
You'll sooner get a blowjob by Raiha.
One main girl moment for Itsuki, coming right up!
Nino is very Clear, i recommend you to pick your eye you blind retard fuck
Or an actual retard newfag, who should also be ignored.
Really I think it's too early to say because Futarou's feelings for them are pretty much the same. But with Ichika's lie and the Rena thing, Ichika and Itsuki get less points at the moment. Nino and Miku and in the same basket. Right now his relationship is at its best with Yotsuba IMO since there is no drama. But that's purely a friendly one. Good, but with things like that she can never win without a main event. With the others, 123 especially, there is more potential as the story goes on.
I will take a Nino chapter please!
But he's one of your kind, user. Why so hostile?
Hentai artist should also draw a 5toubun parody with an incest tag on it FuuxRaiha
Do you really want that? Last time she had some screentime she was about to hang herself
People are desperate to get the last word in to "prove" their knowledge on the topic, this isn't just a Yea Forums thing.
It just seems dumber here due to anonymoose nature of the site
not this volume
What if all five of them met Fuu when they were little kids but only one or two of them actually remember him?
nothing that you wrote make sense, but sure, if that helps you sleep at night. have a cute Nino
but every chapter is a Nino chapter
Which quint would give the best BJ? I'm thinking Nino.
What r u sayin? U look like More faggot than ichika
this weeks spoilers
As a Mikufag, Nino is clearly the bride. It can't get any more obvious with the focus Negi has been putting on her since her confession.
all the sisters and the readers will compromise, and no shitstorms happen
Hentai artist should also draw a 5toubun parody with an incest tag on it Ichika x Nino x Miku x Itsuki.
The fuck is this
Go back.
go back discordfag
>year of our lord Anno Domini 2019
>there are STILL anons who read on anything other than dex or release threads
Where the fuck have you been the last one and a half year
What the fuck is this!? It's cursed!
Why did you quote me too?
Miku is for Nino only.
>Nino last in popularity
>Author start to shill Nino
>Nino gain popularity
>Most popular quint severely nerf and became meek
It is obvious that Nino is end game based on meta alone.
go back
don't worry about it Yea Forumsnons. Ichika is the bride now.
I dont understand you dude
Unironically this.
As a Itsukifag, Ichika is clearly the bride. It can't get any more obvious with the focus Negi has been putting on her since the final exams.
I want Miku to win but Nino has the Raiha charm and Itsuki has the Kyoto meeting. Nino will win for sure. I haven't forgiven her for all the bitchiness in earlier chapters.
I liked Miku at first, and she's part of the reason I started paying attention to thus series. All the people posting her all over the net made me want to figure out what was going on. Nino won me over by the force of her personality, but what Negi's been doing to Miku since Scrambled Eggs is almost criminal. 10 or 15 chapters ago, I'd be wondering what lottery I won if Miku was the bride, but now, I'm just frustrated by her.
As a Yotsubafag, Itsuki is clearly the bride. It can't get any more obvious with the focus Negi has been putting on her since the final exams.
As a despairfag, Papakano is clearly the bride. It can't get any more obvious with the focus Negi has been putting on her since the final exams.
>Negi doesn't wants the bride to be obvious
>Miku is so popular that she's obviously the bride
>Negi nerf Miku and Shill Nino
>Bride's not obvious anymore
It is obvious that Miku is end game based on meta alone.
As a Mikufag, Itsuki is clearly the bride. It can't get any more obvious with the amount of main girl moments she has.
what meta?
As a Fuutaroufag, Negi is clearly a hack. It can't get any more obvious with the past few chapters, he just makes shit up as he goes and will just asspull whoever he wants to be the winner by the end of the manga.
Speaking of which, reading powerlevels
>release+ants+scans thread
>release thread
>dex Yea Forums release
>getting retinopathy by lasering your eyes
>anything else other than dex because shit TL sniping war is going on and the fastest and shittiest is dropout thus autoadded to host sites
Nino is the obvious winner since the last chapter of the field trip arc user
I think it's Nino in the end as the bride. The Raiha charm, how he chose to lose Rena's charm to save her, and the effect her confessions had on him. There's a bunch of other little clues there as well, but that's the important stuff. I thought Miku might have a good case, but the revelation that he'd known about her feelings since at least chapter 67 and had really done much to show he thought of her as special kind of ruled her out for me.
As THE Fuutaroufag, Negi is clearly a hack for writing a harem this shitty and absolutely undeservung for the MC. Takebayashi is definitely the bride.
As a Bokubenfag, KO is clearly better than both
As a Mikufag, something has clearly murdered Miku and is wearing her skin pretending to be her. It can't get any more obvious with the amount of wet blanket she's become.
Negi specially made Raiha ugly to prevent this
There’s always one-shot Raiha.
Well that was unexpected...
> Negi wants the less popular quint also to sell
> Negi achieves his purpose
> Negi returns to focus on the most popular
its meTARDS
Those breasts are rude.
I'll make sure to discipline them.
Have some non rude ones
But Raiha is clearly the bride.
Oh shit, I just realized that, considering his interviews, it's highly likely he intentionally made Nino bounce from extremely hateable to extremely lovable to maximize shitposting.
Fuck, is there a single element of this manga that isn't a soulless cashgrab?
>Fuck, is there a single element of this manga that isn't a soulless cashgrab?
Raiha, he made her ugly so people didn't talk too much about her
But she's so hot in her teenage
Raiha is cute as long as her pussy is virgin
>is there a single element of this manga that isn't a soulless cashgrab
> Raiha
> Ugly
You have shit taste user.
He is right though
And time skip Raiha.
i can already see it
"Yotsuba do you love me too?"
"You always were a bad liar"
Looks like Miku? Miku =={ bride confirm?
She will be get NTR'ed
I have seen the light. Miku is the indisputable bride.
She lose to Maeda in the poll
No, the bride clearly is Dio!!
Yotsuba has the best cover
That's it too, he's focusing all the attention on the quints for better effectiveness.
Hail to the Queen!
Hail to the One!
Kneel to the Crown!
Stand in the Tsun!
Reminder that Yotsuba the only one that doesn't get any pin-up when the anime airing.
Reminder that Negi totally forgot about 428 day yesterday.
Its over.
I want Nino to bite me.
Tsun always win
I love this image. Nino gets his hand in the end and Miku just can't let go. Will Itsuki get her food, though?
Today's quint image from @5hanayome. It's Monday so it's an Ichika.
Who the fuck did this? Was it that autistic discordfaggot?
This aint twitter
>hipster glasses
>some shitty instant coffee thing
No wonder she got nowayfag'd then
It's a way to avoid giving (You)s to those who don't deserve them.
>nino is only holding fuuts' index finger
You forgot
>boy's hair
This is Fuutarou's wife. Say something nice about her.
I see dude, tnx im being enlighten
Tickle party?
Why do Japs love tsun so much? The tsun bitch won in Oreimo and Nisekoi too
then just don't reply
There's a version with them in swimsuits
ichika, pull off that wig!
Now fuck off and lurk for two years before posting.
Tks Negi. Honestly, Nino and Ichika have most development through manga.
Will Nino and Fuutarou be the CHADDEST couple in Harem romance history?
Fun fact:
That picture of Fuutarou and Nino's bridal volume have the same color
Because they're the best characters.
Not that user.
Negi is a hack
What did they mean by this?
Nino is a slut.
>The tsun bitch won in Oreimo
Makes me think about why they decided to use her VA for Nino
Nino a best
ED artist is a Ninofag, who cares.
Nino was still a child before she met Fuutarou
I don't like the shade of green used for yotsuba, it should be more saturated like a spring leaf after the rain
Because Negi's favorite is Nino
she is FAT
Nino is best girl, lolikano, the kisser, and the bride. This is Nino's fairy tale-like love story.
I agree with 3 and 4, not 1 and 2
S-Shut up!
that nino is a fat womanlet?
The OP artist is the same one? I remember there was something like that in the OP as well.
In the right places, instead or certain someone
>both Nino and Itsuki pink
Now that's the real question. Sideshow nobodies need not apply
I like how casually they acknowledged Itsuki competing for Fuutarou's dick. She's such a nonentity.
Nino's plush gets focus with F's notes in the OP
Negi personally chose each quints VA. The staffs chose the VAs for everyone else in the whole anime.
Oh, yeah. I remember that too.
Nino a fat slut
I find that whole thing odd. The way it’s presented doesn’t feel like she’s necessarily doing it cause she’s into him, though she easily could be. We don’t know exactly how she feels, and we don’t get her sisters’ thoughts on it besides acknowledging her intent. It’s meant to be ambiguous I think.
oh no no no mikubros... i don't want miku to lose...
I think they might be onto something...
After he told Rena to fuck off she said "I've driven a wedge in"
Wedge where? For what purpose. Something is really fishy with Itsuki and it's not just lolikano nostalgia
Wait a minute, she is the last to change? Damn now Nino stole fatty gimmick as well. Bride confirmed, everyone can go home now
That Nino has something long and black deep inside her
It's not just Nino's plush, it appears elsewhere too.
what said that line in the raws?
>this wasn't obvious after F walked in on her naked
>or she saved his job
You don't even need the whole forced as fuck Kintarou plot or them saving each others life, twice to figure it out.
shh, don't tell them or they'll get triggered again
Check the manga, the plushie appears first during the earring chapter.
> Chooses Kirino's VA for Nino and Nadeko's for Ichika
Negi has some great sense of humor
Why don't other quints get such powerful parallels, heavy symbology and narrative impact like Nino does? It's not fucking fair.
All this situation is telling me to believe some faggot named Artur who made an autistic essay or a retarded pinoy, by contrast, Ninofags just need to believe in the fucking author himself. I'm tired of relying on headcanons, hand gestures and their faces' expressions when they're fucking quintuplets to defend my quint's chances.
I like the "I'm a Xfag but" pasta more
He walked in on her naked because Miku let him in
She cucked herself
What could it possibly be?
Maybe Miku was going for some 4D chess to make Nino hate him
They all do. That's how those things work.
Miku's entire role is to be the catalyst that gets Fuutarou and Nino together, isn't it?
>Wait a minute, she is the last to change?
user. Did you actually read the manga?
That was the whole point of 7 Goodbyes.
How does Artur feel about this latest chapter?
Doubt it, but then the entire thing got turned into a "precious memory" 60 chapters later according to that color spread .
Either way. Miku is an angel
Last to change, first to confess. Pottery all the way.
A cuck angel.
What color spread?
How will Yotsuba make everyone happy?
Nino a SHIT
He's still seething about pic related.
That's a great Nino there.
That one with all 5 with panel cutouts, Nino is in a bath towel
I want to be an astronaut like Takeda!
The "I already knew Miku had feelings for me" line destroyed his autistic essay.
Anons and redditors just can't pay attention, enlightened user.
> powerful parallels, heavy symbology and narrative impact
user, please...
Takeda is going to get sucked into Miku's black hole!
Great idea, Fuutarou. You'll finally be able to escape those dumb sluts
I'm not sure if it was him who actually got BTFO'D in one thread a while back, but I remember a few days ago someone just unloaded on the idea that Raiha's charm has a significant meaning other than its connection to Nino. It was epic.
But that line was also great.
Honestly I don’t see the ‘Fuutaro knew Miku had feelings for him’ as too big a deal. He’s the type with low self worth, so he probably wouldn’t actively consider it too hard even if he had an inkling of it, and it’s not like he’d go and confront her out of the blue either. It feels like a bit of a reach to hurt Miku’s chances from that.
Oh, shit, that thread was something else. It must be him I think. In fact, he may be the "I like Nino, but I hate her fags" shitposter as well.
It also happened on Nino
There's a rare F blush early on people forget, when Nino compliments how Kintarou is handsome, he starts blushing and playing with his hair.
On it's own, it doesn't mean much, but the light it sheds on his previous actions is where it becomes damaging. I wouldn't have expected him to confess either way, but he spent 12 chapters treating her like just any other quint while he was actively thinking about (and checking the lips of) Nino and Ichika. He didn't seem to be too interested in actively pursuing a follow up with the real Miku on what he clearly suspected was a fake Miku's actions. His actions with her seemed almost disinterested.
You could interpret that the way you want, I think it shows that Miku hasn't been in his mind as Nino has. But the point is that Artur implied Fuuts was in love with Miku. He also said Miku's the most developed quint and true main girl.
Based purely on manga Nino > Miku > Itsuki >Never ever ever > Yotsuba > Ichika
Who the fuck is Arthur and why are Ninofags so obsessed with him?
It's their new boogeyman
>Raiha's charm has a significant meaning other than its connection to Nino
It doesn't
Nincels are just insecure who can't handle the bants.
I'll post my own essay of Nino being the bride, it has around 1600 pages and is growing. Stay tuned!
Ichika - snekfags
Nino - Nincels
Miku - doormatfags
Yotsuba - despairfags
Itsuki - chubby chasers
5 toubun fans in a nutshell
Here's mine
You have the option to combine two quints into a single character. Which combination makes the best character?
Does anybody else think that this manga would actually be better if it was called 4toubun instead? I mean, you can easily merge Itsuki and Yotsuba into a single character without loosing too much.
Miku and Nino of course
Yotsuba + Nino
>you can easily merge Itsuki and Yotsuba into a single character without loosing too much
NItsuki to quadruple the tsun.
She would also be self-sustaining in terms of food.
And F A T
But I-I like the five of them. What am I?
Previously I said 1 and 2 but they have way too conflicting personalities, values and way of dealing with things so it would just be a split personality.
Can't merge 2 with anyone because she's already complete.
a haremfag
Shut up Artur.
Guys, have you read "Close as neighbours"? It's similar to toubun (but better)
Normal functional human being
whats wrong with you
Imagine if Itsuki was the one said "There's no way that'd happen" instead. Everyone and their mother would be absolutely sure she'll win
Shut up Fuufag
Did you read what I wrote? Or did Artur also say that it's only connected to Nino
I just said that I like them. They six being just friends would be nice for me.
My apologies, I misread your post as disagreeing with me. I need more sleep lol.
It's the second instance of that happening too
>Everyone and their mother would be absolutely sure she'll win
The whole Itsuki thing was built on the premise that she's the "first girl" which we
now know isn't the case. (Negi only put her first because of his Editor, she doesn't have the "first girl" role)
She's sits on the throne of lies.
Is this referring to the bonfire scene or something else.
He meant, what did that line say in the raws?
What makes Nino so shitty bros?
Remember to stay hydrated, user.
I see. By "wedge" Itsuki actually meant cheese.
Does someone have this edit? Just realized I don't have it for some reason.
That she is the clear end girl but we need to go through at least 2 more volumes to get a confirmation of this.
Was it the thread where some user kept saying it has more emotional relevance to Raiha than it does to Nino and kept trying to push that idea? Then a bunch of anons came and destroyed that interpretation.
Post page
Let's see
>generic tsundere
>violent bitch
>hypocrite of the highest degree
>holier than thou attitude
>annoying in general
>basic Instagram thot
>bratty nature
>ugly nails
>Chapter after the kiss
>Another bell is ringing
What does it mean?
Does Itsuki use Instagram?
Can't wait for the Nincels inevitable meltdown once Nino loses.
I'm anticipating that more than the actual identity of the bride.
Yeah that.
A Meme Queen
No. She hogs the food before there's a chance to take a picture.
Fuutarou almost immediately gave it away.
Dunno how could anyone think that Raiha making it held a super special significance
Here's the thread in which Artur got BTFO
Yeah, or as someone summed it up, "Artur got BTFO, the thread"
Is there a color version but no censor bar user?
That's one of the cutest Ninos
Have you read the new Miku doujin?
There is, but I think he only posted it on twitter.
That's one of the ugliest Ninos
>that OP
Still can't believe they actually seriously wrote that.
Nino is never ugly
I liked the other one better, can't post all the different colourings this had at once.
Tks user.
You mean with the original manga text, or with the edited text but without censor bars?
But she's cute
As Miku noted in the panel after the bell, she lost.
That's one of the best Ninos because you know she's still wrestling with her feelings but knows she still has to be nice to him regardless.
I finally come to understand Yotsuba
She knows the game was rigged from the start
The only way to win is not to play
And then decided change back their name to Yea Forumsnonymous because they weren't getting clicks
Too much brown
Holy shit that's ugly, also
Meh, they're just gonna get one upped even harder.
That whole thread was beautiful. You could make an entire hall of anal devastation based on that alone.
>The only way to win is not to play
There's only one way to play the Game of Bride. You either win, or you die.
Here's an uncompressed one
That thread was made by monka who went to dropout.
>And then decided change back their name to Yea Forumsnonymous because they weren't getting clicks
>being this wrong
Still mad you can't steal Yea Forums translations, dropout?
I want Nino to bite me.
>Everyone who doesn't lick my feet is dropout
Stay paranoid
Thanks. Post the version with English text too
Anything but without censor bars
I'd rather want you to focus on translation not being shit this time than one upping
And here are some incredibly rude ones.
>That thread was made by monka who went to dropout.
No way, why would monka call sc/a/ns "high-quality"?
Wholesome doujin fucking when. I didn't sign up for necrophilia and NTR shit
More pls
This image does things to me. Good things.
I love shark Nino
No, EVERYwhere.
Where’s the gook scans?
>Bend over, Fuu-kun
I bet she wouldn't even give a reach around.
Wow this thread is full of perverts
I-i think i can see i!
They are the Knights Who Say Nino. Do not anger them!
Too rude
I want to kill Miku!
>Knights Who Say Nino
Order of Nino's Temple
The perviest. Now fuck off.
There's a reason why they have a bad rep.
Not rude enough!
I'm gonna stop before I push my luck further.
She'll make a cute zombie.
I already think you went too far
If you don't get b& for that, I'd be surprised.
It just occurred to me that 4 is a bad luck number in Japan and you can also use shi instead of yon. Shi...tsuba. She's dead.
Stop making me hate Nino even more
I had to move my cadaver from bed
No, please keep hating.
What did user mean by this?
Probably. Have something wholesome instead.
Yeahhh I'm backing down.
Not Itsuki.
Im gonna go wholesome too i guess
I'm dead and waiting for Nino to take my soul to heaven
She looks like a squid here and her hair like tentacles.
I love wholesome Nino with Fuu-kun
Yeah, I thought it was about something else.
>Will Nino and Fuutarou be the CHADDEST couple in Harem romance history?
What was it?
Second after Harima and Eri
How was your day?
I just want my chapter, GW...
You would be surprised how many Nino Splatoon crossovers there are
I don't keep random cadavers in my bed. Who would do such a thing haha
Ugly, just like Nino
But Nino is the prettiest.
It seems like the complication going forward will be fuu deciding how he feels about rena vs the other 2 girls.
For fuu to fall for nino, it'll require something major. As it stands, he simply acknowledges her feelings. Minus the wildcard because we don't know if fuu has to make a leap, or if he's already heading down that path.
Basically, we know how far nino has left in the race for fuus heart, we know rena has a head start but itsuki is squandering it, but we don't know where miku is.
She could be last, she could be first. We'll find out soon enough.
If she's not ahead of rena OR nino, then I can't imagine miku will stay in the race more than a couple weeks
it was okay, didnt had enough sleep but i can sleep more tonight, how was ur day
>Implying Rena=Lolikano
I can't believe Ichika's disguising as Miku again to confess
It was fine. Could've been productive.
If the water mark is the best thing in a chapter that doesn't make things 5Toubun chapter.
Am I the only one who because of those cute Ninos wants to bully him?
Shitsuba is still 428 so everything will be fine.
Are you seriously that retarded?
Shit. Just like Nino
There are keychains with those quints
>the kisser and bride
The kisser IS the bride. Why some people can't accept this?
wait here with us, user
But no chapter this week, deal with it
Don't torture me like that
It's a bit unappealing name
same, i really like negi's different art style of the quints
Will we stop making new threads once this reaches bump limit? There is literally nothing to discuss at this point
It looks like it, but there are some points of contention
Didn't he not even talk to nino that day though?
>there are some points of contention
You never learn huh yotsuba
Oh, that other thread got deleted?
People believe a certain girl is the kisser but she's not the one they want to be the bride, so they suppress certain facts while fabricating others.
Fuu is really happy he gets to go after Miku and not be there for his crush when she's in trouble.
No. There will always be pointless threads and the same regurgitated shitposting everytime. I'm amazed that it can keep up the way it does
Only Mikufags because They know that Miku is not the kisser
I'm sorry Yotsuba. But shitposting and riling up a certain group of people is too much fun
Question for anyone who thinks the bride is "obvious" at this point (mostly ninobros apparently, but some mikubros too)
Do you think negi is a bad writer? I mean, at this stage if the endgame is as clear as people proclaim, isn't that undeniable proof he's not telling the story of the reveal well?
>a certain group of people
Which group are you talking about?
This has potential as a future pasta.
I don't want to name them because they're too rabid and autistic.
Hint: they are unable to handle any banter
I phrased it that way because the idiots out there don't get it.
I dunno, we have ample evidence of miku being braver when disguised, nino being more reserved, ichika being nutters, and yotsuba being... bad at it.
Hmm, I wonder who.
I love Ichika but I hate the way Negi made fer OOC for a few chapters to generate drama to help Miku and then have Ichika be the one who helps her at her own expense. Negi is a bad writer imho
This but unironically
There's always retard baiting retard to keep the thread alive
How, it gives a timeline
By the time the Kyoto trip is over, we'll know whether miku has a chance or not.
If she does, then I'm guessing this is when Rena falls out.
Also interesting to consider, fuu refers to the day they met as a dreamlike day
Has he ever referred to the day he met rena that way? We know the day he met ichika, miku, yotsuba, and nino has been described like that
But baiters usually don't make the thread.
I'm telling you: Yotsuba is the kisser. She feels that she has betrayed Miku and that's why she's been trying to help her for the past few chapters
I appreciate that he takes common tropes and adds a twist to them that hardly and harem/romcom mangaka does. What I don't appreciate is how he's rushing things and how he inconsistent he makes one of his characters after regressing them x10 than they shouldn't have. I don't think he's the best, but as I said it is refreshing and his story is a wild ride.
I, for one, welcome our new megane overlords.
Only Mikufags because They know that Miku is not the kisser
What a beautiful porn actress.
>dreamlike day
Because he's been put to sleep against his will by a certain individual?
This has been a high quality thread. Great images, minimal arguing, lots of Nino, fun shitposts...A+ effort all around, guys.
Not sure how I feel about this one.
You guys do know that Itsuki is going to win, right?
post more megane quints pls
But yotsuba always helps
She tends to shy away from nino and ichika because they're bossy, but she goes out of her way to help whoever, all the time.
She has guilt about a lot of things, there's no way to know it's kiss related
DAT is amazing.
Being as objective as possible
So far i have not seen any kind of romantic interest Fuutaro towards any quint, the most "close" i've seen is that he managed to find Miku supposedly with "love", although he says does not know how achieved it, but after that Fuutaro has not shown any sign of affection towards any quint in particular
So outside of any delirium of the fags, the bride is still a mystery
Wanna lick Itsuki's flabs
Yes, Nino. You have to stretch your lips everyday. We wouldn't want you to hurt yourself
Did Itsuki eat the sun, too?
>6 episodes late
>Nino is still a complete cunt
I can't take it.
Itsuki is the sun
On a scale of 1-ichiruki, how devastated will ninobros be if miku wins?
If ichika wins?
I'm assuming if itsuki wins the response will mostly be "lame" and "first girl copout" and if yotsuba wins no one will really be mad because yotsuba's not being in conflict with anyone.
I obliged.
Why are you surprised the generic bitchy tsundere is still a bitch?
Seems like everyone here loves her though.
>The Taming of the Shrew
Reminds me of Chi-chan. I really miss her manga.
I need more Nino x Fuu-kun art.
Raiha will win.
>If ichika wins?
I can;t imagine a bigger salt storm if that happens. Most of Yea Forums is either a Ninofag or a Mikufag and as much as they bitch about eachother they hate Ichika the most even though Ichikafags are some of the best posters.
I think his game is misdirection while putting the real answer in front of us. I don't think he's trying to be all that cryptic. I think he wants us to evaluate what's in front of us and question if our instincts are right. Many of the things I'm saying about certain quints or plot points in this series are things I wouldn't say about other harems or series.
By the point, we do have enough information to begin making judgments. We've been at that point since chapter 68.
I don't think he's in love with any quint, but he's more interested in some than others.
And I think Negi's a smart and clever writer, but not as smart and clever as he thinks he is. This is his first manga as a writer. Some unevenness is to be expected.
It's really a few anons posting her. Happens in almost every thread. They're very vocal.
There's only one actress in the cast and it isn't Nino.
>I think his game is misdirection while putting the real answer in front of us.
Exactly what happened with the 'who is Rena' situation. Itsuki was the only one we knew for sure who knew the story but so many people insisted it wasn't Itsuki.
Post your rarest Ninos
Ninobro here, if Nino doesn't win, I'd love an Ichika win. Burn it all down. Make me not care about this series anymore. I'd celebrate it. Not as much as a Nino win, but I'd still celebrate it.
I'd have loved a Miku win as a second, maybe even first choice 10 chapters ago. Now, I'm just frustrated by her.
Ichika isn't trying to climb onto Fuutarou's dick like some thirsty whore.
Lewd. Too lewd!
Loud vocal minority.
Empty vessels making the most noise.
Kyoto arc says you're wrong.
there was some noise in the bushes and Fuu said he thought there was someone there so people theorized that that person was the true Rena
It turns out it was just a red herring
I think the bride is obviously either 123 and my instinct tells me it's 1 then 3 then 2 because of potential development, Nino's character arc seems complete, I don't see how she could develop, she is also already a good cook and stuff. However, we know the kisser is the bride and I think the kisser can only be 1 or 2.
>Burn it all down.
Aka throw tantrums because your favorite quint didn't win. Sad!
>my instinct tells me it's 1 then 3 then 2 because of potential development
You've got shit instincts if they are telling you Ichika has the best chances.
I like the past and future mysteries of this series.
She helped Miku in the end and wasn't all over him. Ichika probably isn't even in the top 3 in this arc. 235 have all been way thirstier.
I would be celebrating the embrace of darkness. It would be about damn time someone chose that route in a harem.
>and wasn't all over him
How about some cursed ones?
i think Negi is overall a good writer but it shows that he didn't plan the entire story other than some plot points and who the winner would be, iirc he even said at one point that the legend that binds arc was a last minute addition as his editor told him the first exam arc wouldn't be enough for a full anime season so he needed to make another arc with a proper cutoff point at the end
this has started to show now with some pacing issues like Nino saying she'll use their time alone at work to gain an advantage and then we never see them working together again or Miku not having any interaction with Fuu after scrambled eggs until now, it shows that Negi couldn't think of a way to keep them interacting without giving too much of an advantage to one or the other so he just froze them in place, it feels like his desire to keep the bride hidden is starting to hurt the plot and he knows it so he speed up the pace on this arc to get things ready for the end
kek, look at these faggots go
>She helped Miku in the end
that's headcannon until is confirmed in the manga, it's just as likely that she just decided to play fair in the end
One of my favourites. I really like the artstyle
>Nino saying she'll use their time alone at work to gain an advantage and then we never see them working together again
That fucking sucked
>Chapter 60
>I'm going to make you concious of me
>Nothing for the next 10 chapters
>Chapter 71
>Get ready, Fuu-kun
>Nothing for the next 13 chapters
I was hoping for an Itsuki dump to come out of this, not nino niggers.
He's better than your average harem writer, but that doesn't take much. Out of 5 characters, only 2 got actual development, and 1 of them is because he shoved it down everyone's throat for months. The other was just used as a cheap plot device.
I sleep. Bye bros.
Too bad for you, huh.
Nice lucky trips
You wouldn't want Itsuki's dump
Oops forgot the last Nino. I love you my Goddess. Can I lick your toes in my dream?
I chuckled.
Why would Itsuki and Nino fags even fight with each other? They're both in the same camp, even the manga confirms they complement each other the best.
Itsuki eats the food before Nino can post it on instagram
And why?
Literally only quint to get the look of disgust from Fuutarou but she's suppose to have the best chances? Really?
Sweet toes in your dreams, user
More chompers
Why are you trying to make me fap to your waifu, user?
we nino thread now
I miss typesetting this shit. One month more.
no user
Every thread is a nino thread
And it's my fault, I shouldn't have said those breasts were rude.
This thread is beautiful.
this store manager is a fuutaroufag
You don't have to agree with me. But I have a long term view. Apparently, you do not. 1 and 3 have more room for development for the drama and to get better, while 2 hasn't much room for growth IMO. That drama with Ichika is one of the events which led to the good Miku moments in the spoilers.
So that's why he put that charm crap in there. Had to send a signal about the bride in a potential anime series.
Okay time to start posting thighs.
What will happen in one month?
Its the last scene in the anime too
Can we reach the image limit?
I'm trying to make it happen but I'm only one Ninofag
All me.
cute fatty
He's a gentleman and a scholar.
I see you're bringing out the heavy guns
We're in the final stretch. Gotta give it all I got.