Who is a worse father, Naruto or Sasuke?

Who is a worse father, Naruto or Sasuke?

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How can one artist be so based


He graced the world with perfection and was reprimanded for it. Think about that.

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Did he change her outfit?
How many private lewds do you think he has?

the edgy boy ofc

Only if you think a le quirky hipster trans girl prostitute style is based.

We get it you’re gay

>le quirky hipster trans girl prostitute

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go back reddit

Why is Sarada so ugly, though? Naruto's daughter is way hotter.

You like um on the younger side uh user?

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I like them hot, and Sarada is ugly as shit.

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Why's she dressed like that?

Her design would unironically be improved with spats and no hooker heels

You're not very creative huh

>giving speech about the war at my sons school
>sasukes daughter seems happy and is very interested
>my son is picking his nose and not paying attention
>sarada asking me questions after speech
>"what was my father like during war time?"
>"he deserted the leaf and tried to kill me and your mom."
>"He also took my arm! this arm is a hashirama skin graft btw. haha."
>the look on her face
>she starts crying
>sakura is yelling at me

Why am I so autismo Yea Forums?

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If you want to keep her design the same, but have it make more practical sense, that would be the most obvious option

The author likes sexy children and wont be able to keep up working without enough skin being shown and them wearing clothes indicating willingness to have sex with nearby middle aged jap mangaka.
How would you improve her design while maintaining those limitations?

Both unironically


Himawari wears sluttly skirts thought