ITT:Characters who did nothing wrong

best girl incomming

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I haven't kept up with the manwa. What did she do now?

she saved her own series

no one can surpass this man

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She is dead

The true hero of the series. Psycho Pass is largely written from the perspective of the bad guys, attempting to uphold their murderous and authoritarian 'Brave New World' against the forces of individualistic and human revolution.

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is that edward elric's sister

No, it's Rachel from the Manhwa 'Tower of God'
She's the villain/big sister character to the protagonist

>implying killing terrorists is a bad thing
>implying destroying hostile nations that pose a threat to your nation is a bad thing
>implying being good at your job and being happy with it is a bad thing
>implying the weak don't deserve to be crushed under the heels of the strong

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She is extremely bad at her job. She is supposed to provide peace, but she wants to have more enemies to fight, so she is crushing rebellions so cruelly more people want to rebel later.

How is that being bad at her job? If they're rebbeling because of her cruel way then they're idiot that fell for the bait and never submitted. If anything, this shows she's bad at her job because these rebellious people should have just bowed their heads and not dare to raise their swords.

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Piece of shit I hope she dies the most painful way possible

Absolutely sinless

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post griffithu pls

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He just wanted to live a peaceful life with his lover, Guts.

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>Imparted Guts with the power of blackness so that he may survive this harsh world and defeat the Apostles
People underestimate just how much of a master planner this nigga is.

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