What did Anno mean by this? Was this scene just too deep for me?

What did Anno mean by this? Was this scene just too deep for me?

Attached: Neon Genesis Evangelion - 1x15 - Those Women Longed For the Touch of Others' Lips, and Thus Inv (1440x1080, 1.64M)

Other urls found in this thread:


could be deeper if shinji wasn't a faggot.


God damn it, I shouldn't have posted this thread right before watching anime. Now I'm gonna be thinking about how many (You)s I'll be getting instead of just paying attention to the goddamn anime. Fuck.

Janny, clean it up please.

Attached: Neon Genesis Evangelion - 1x15 - Those Women Longed For the Touch of Others' Lips, and Thus Inv (1440x1080, 1.64M)

I want it on my face.

Attached: 1502503082749.jpg (1024x724, 85K)

Attached: 1539703366031.jpg (600x623, 24K)

Look at it.

Attached: 1510349616705.jpg (880x1249, 146K)

>no decent articulated Asuka figure
god damn it all to hell

Just think of how much a great guy Kaji was. He turned down that ass because he was loyal to Misato and his quest for the truth. Truly the best character.

Imagine the smell

She was trying to sexually humiliate Shinji by being completely defenseless in front of him, to signal how indifferent she is to him as a male

I imagine it nightly.

Attached: Asuka_091.jpg (811x901, 243K)

Asuka didn't really want Kaji anyway. She just wanted a human, any human, to acknowledge her as a person instead of a soldier or a pretty face. That's why she kissed shinji and was then mopey about Kaji just moments later. To be honest I don't think she really was interested in either of them at all, Kaji was a father figure she kind of wanted to acknowledge her and Shinji was a peer she wanted to acknowledge her. In the end Asuka never really gets her wish because no one ever gives a shit about her even until her death.

Screen capping now.
You'll be laughed out of this board and sent to Yea Forums.

I'd like to go too deep for Asuka.

Jesus christ

Attached: 1536294831009.jpg (1200x1190, 93K)

Attached: you 2.webm (1280x720, 519K)

She also has nice petite breasts.

Attached: 1499931158264.jpgS.jpg (823x1106, 65K)

Her ass is too deep for me

Attached: __sachiel_and_souryuu_asuka_langley_neon_genesis_evangelion_drawn_by_pink_doragon__c7fc6360949d5774b (1600x1200, 373K)

The whole thing is comparing Asuka as a girl to Misato as a woman, Asuka's attitude towards a blind date versus Misato's for attending a friend's wedding, Asuka's comment that Shinji should just say so if he doesn't want to see his mother's grave so much versus Misato's insistence there's some more nuance to it. Later on, Misato gets all the sentimental dialogue and the dramatic kiss to shut her up and make her stop disparaging herself, while Asuka turns her side into a kiddy kissing game and runs away from it clearly frustrated. But they made Asuka's butt look juicy simultaneous to illustrating her as childish, so I don't fucking know.

Asuka's red pubes and pink pussy lips

Official Asuka butt > fanart Asuka butt

Attached: 1546715737443.png (1061x1521, 2.25M)

>red pubes

It just looks so inviting.

Where does this come from?

N2 bomb

tasteless philistine

It probably took all of Sadamoto's concentration to draw an ass that wasn't just flat and hinge-like, and I think that deserves to be appreciated.

Attached: 1528722737508.jpg (918x1260, 589K)

too boney, her ass looks way softer in the show

That art is all kinds of fucked up.

what about rebuild ass

Attached: 1537173024980.gif (500x700, 1019K)

The slutsuit looks so fucking bad

Attached: 1552270998577.jpg (1000x750, 66K)


this is the part where the oompa loompas start dancing

Left or right?

Attached: nge_148.png (2000x1600, 1.89M)

>Both Eva VNs each open with a shot of Asuka's ass
All is right with this world.

Attached: assuka.jpg (960x544, 71K)




Excuse you, both GoSses. There were already two VNs before those.

Attached: 1554237545909.png (1894x1024, 1.69M)

Attached: 1550777588437.png (414x379, 14K)

i know 2nd impression, but what was the other?

Attached: 1553830862134.png (628x890, 762K)

>Who do you blame when your kid is a BRAT?
>Blaming the kid is a lie and a SHAME!
>You know exactly who's to BLAME:
Basically Evangelion's entire plot in a single song.

First one just had the same title as the show, it was just like the VN for the show at the time. It's the one Evageeks started retroactively calling First Impression.

Attached: it's where this came from, you're familiar.webm (640x480, 1.87M)

Why would asuka be naked, outdoors, in a house she shares with 2 other people?

As the given explanation, she was in the shower, some robot was causing a disaster downtown, and she ran out to the balcony to take a look.

Attached: C009B.jpg (1894x1024, 345K)

german AND japanese, imagine the latent kink just waiting to explode

I'm gonna have to ask again:
What practical purpose did this serve against heat if her head is still totally exposed?

reminder: canonically puffy

Attached: c001a1.png (820x471, 384K)

That's it exactly, she's literally questioning then if an Angel is attacking and why an emergency isn't being declared.

She tried EVERYTHING with shinji. The only thing she didnt try was laying naked in his bed, belly down, ass up, holding her asscheeks apart, as he enters the room.

And the fagget would probably lay down besides her, say good night and sleep.

Raising Project loves putting Asuka's butt on display.

Attached: 0073-015.jpg (1131x1600, 481K)

Does there really have to be a Neon Genesis Evangelion thread up 24/7?

One for Asuka's cheeks and one for everything else. At least.

Attached: 1479692181884.jpg (1244x758, 101K)

>She tried EVERYTHING with shinji.
You misspelled "Kaji". She basically threw herself at his dick
She played stupid mindgames with Shinji and expected things from him she had no business expecting

There has to be an Asuka's ass thread up 24/7.

Attached: 0210_C161X1.jpg (1024x554, 457K)

We get a couple of Eva threads every day actually. They're some of the best threads on Yea Forums, you're just a tastelet

Attached: 1544389681412.jpg (500x562, 55K)

Asuka threads are a staple of the board.

Attached: gos2_047.jpg (800x1161, 142K)

Asuka is not a natural redhead

>sweaty 14 year old ass
Probably not that great, kids don't have good hygiene

hello where are the proofs

I feel better about this now that I know it's paying tribute.

Attached: 1529768867083.jpg (960x711, 70K)

I want my face to go deep into her ass.

Asuka is vain and concerned with her looks. She's a stacy, not a gross fujo

>tfw you will NEVER knead and spank and worship it

Attached: 1451634277191.webm (964x540, 2.98M)

nice butthole

That fat ass' curves...

Attached: 1556510396705.png (369x369, 123K)

what is the name of this game? where can i download it?

It is property of Mari.

Attached: 132.jpg (480x480, 55K)

Girlfriend of Steel 1 & 2. 1 is a noncanon side story with an oc do not steel girl and 2 is full on sol hijinks au

how am i supposed to understand this? this is why i don't play novels they have lots of versions and weird names

Attached: 1494184782013.png (1703x1505, 102K)

>lots of versions and weird names
there's one game and a sequel, just google girlfriend of steel english or whatever and itll all come up

God damn it, was the weird dumb statue on the TV the RCA logo this whole time?

Attached: [2D4U]Neon_Genesis_Evangelion_BD_09[1080p_DualAudio](03ACE1D1).mkv_snapshot_13.23_[2019.04.29_00.58. (1440x1080, 485K)

gtfo dobson

To give you some help based on what I have found:
Girlfriend of Steel 1 has a fan translation for both the original PC and the Special Edition PC versions.
Special Edition has better res pictures and some added in scenes, but its a pain in the ass to make the Special Edition run on newer versions of Windows and the added scenes are a bit out-of-context IMO, so in general just try finding the normal one.

Girlfriend of Steel 2 has both a PC version and a PSP version, both with different fan translations of varying quality. Art quality also varies between platforms as seen here:

yep, you can just barely make out a sketch of it on the right there

Attached: pag157.jpg (1255x1739, 2.24M)

the additional scenes also have slightly wonkier art than the base game, its not a big difference but its noticeable when they're side by side

Posting superior Eva VN

Attached: 1496109099322.png (500x363, 81K)

This was by far the worst scene in the rebuilds. But to be fair, it just was a product of a problem way older than the rebuilds.

thank you

>sweaty 14 year old ass
>kids don't have great hygiene
Please, go on.

It's even kind of lore-appropriate because it's a dog confused by hearing the voice of its absent master reproduced by a machine, I hate this.

hnng, that outfit with the bare feets.

imagine catching asuka naked and being kicked by her soft foot.

Guess I'll masturbate to Asuka's tight, teenage butt tonight.

Attached: 1553527233788.jpg (708x1000, 449K)

Attached: 06-07 - Asuka (2).jpg (1221x871, 194K)

I want to take turns fucking her with user.

Attached: 1478321681747.jpg (640x1054, 113K)

Where the fuck can i read the raising shinji ikari project manga online?

asuka is sekshy and flusters shinji

Why would you even want that trash?

Attached: it tickles.jpg (1971x1971, 785K)


This is official art?

yeah, from the gainax strip mahjong game

Attached: Watanabe Yasuaki -Neon Genesis Evangelion- Soryu Asuka Langley 001.jpg (651x908, 66K)

Attached: Watanabe Yasuaki -Neon Genesis Evangelion- Soryu Asuka Langley 002.jpg (599x719, 47K)

She likes BBC

Attached: 2636474848.jpg (2560x1920, 1.64M)

>people think this is a good anime ass


Attached: asuka bath.png (715x540, 632K)


>struggles to get sex whether it's from chad or a beta

Attached: DfSf1uvV4AASqaq.jpg orig.jpg (1240x1240, 119K)

Glorious spats

lmaoooooo that anatomy doesn't even make sense look at her back and stomach her torso is like midget proportion

>people think this is sexy

that's an absolute ghetto booty by sadamoto's standards

Japs absolutely cannot do ass right, most of the time.

I feel like they wanted to avoid sexualizing her, and went too far.

I'm masturbating to Asuka, just in case anyone was wondering.

Attached: 6d9992830ca9795bcf85fe7a779fab39.jpg (600x735, 125K)

All the guys at school wanted to fuck her. If she really wanted any dick it would be trivial to get
Kaji had scruples about messing around with a minor and Shinji was a shy sperg, they had reasons not to take her
Anyways, the notion that someone as narcissistic and vain as Asuka would be poorly-groomed is just bullshit. She is completely aware of her body's appeal and probably takes care of it

Attached: 1550649085386.jpg (1440x1080, 315K)

Did you have good hygiene at her age?

Attached: fde4d93f176c8872d2fbdf9d24235083.png (1086x800, 730K)

Skinny girls are sexy. Especially when they have tight butts and small boobs which is not Asuka's case but still

Attached: 1554098385668.gif (500x375, 489K)

That's not too off-model actually. Breasts seem a bit smaller, that's it

those two cringing girls on the far left are way cuter than Asuka and Rei desu
they need a spinoff

The tsunderification of Asuka as according to post-millennium anime tropes. Sure she had a horrible personality in SSE but she also wasn't a tsundere anything like the modern ones. She was passive aggressive, arrogant, and a bit stupid. What she didn't do was spaz out screaming "b-b-b-baka", blushing and beating people for comedic effect every time she got mad.

Slender/petite anime girls are incredibly sexy, just look at Rin, Yukino, Chihaya and Aki. Asuka in some shots look too thin.

>post-millennium anime tropes
GoS came out in 97

Yeah, and most girls did too. Only a few guys I knew actually had shit hygiene. I bathed, every day, shampooed, and I'd have killed myself before I wiped my ass lazily. There's no way a 14 year old girl and a stuck-up one at that would have an unusually badly cared for ass, aside from sweat and the normal ass and pussy smell.

i get it. that must be onea of the reason anime nowadays had a decresae in level in general

Yeah, and the tropes those late-ninties anime started up were popularized and then really heavily warped beyond even their own retarded levels by the earliest 2000s.

ok, that's true

It's all about Pigtails in the middle. She's a different kind of mad from everyone else, that's probably the alternate classroom Kensuko that's selling photos of the boys.

For me it's the one on the far right.

Ok, but I never said unusually bad or shit hygiene. Just regular sweaty ass smell that could have been avoided by above-average hygiene.
I don't know about you, but I think that wouldn't be very pleasant to smell.

she's just pissed they didn't get an oskar instead

Also watching Evangelion again after having watched so many hundreds of shows since I first watched it really gave me a renewed appreciation for its quality. There's something tiring about see the same old characters done to death a million times, and seeing them done right is a breath of fresh air. I'm surprised how much it still stands out even after I watched untold numbers of mecha, harem, and shounen shit.

I've smelled a girls sweaty ass before and it's definitely something I like. But then I always had a bit of a body odor fetish and I, somehow, like the smell of a girls butthole. Still a virgin boyos, don't ban me

How did that happen?

you asked
polite sage for blogposting, lets not let this get out of hand

That's who, not how.

Based. Incest is wincest

Well when I was 15 and she 13, we used to play-wrestle when we got really, really bored. I may have gone too far in a few places.

Why hasn't anyone posted moot's asuka? I either can't find it in my 10000s of images or I don't have it. I also feel like it should be a staple for eva threads.

>I may have gone too far in a few places.
>still a virgin
Clearly not.

You're right, I should have raw dogged her right then and there but I didn't think of it as an option at the time.

imagine smells of asuka's feet.

Usuka is too precious for gookmoot's 4channel.

She really does have the perfect size tits.

Shikinami? Yes, she does.

That's how this scene should have gone

gross dude

Attached: Neon Genesis Evangelion - 1x09 - Both of You, Dance Like You Want to Win! [1080p][x265][bk].mkv_snap (1440x1080, 1.29M)

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She's so fucked up

Attached: a0ab9396a635925a0e77683dc38151ca36d0f531.png (800x875, 819K)

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By me


Attached: 1532095953967.jpg (1440x1080, 260K)

Haven't watched them I just like the way Shikinami looks.

Lol imagine if it was Shinji in the comas and Asuka squirted on him

Asuka Langley Soryu falls in love with Shinji Ikari.

Unable to confess, she is gifted with by a deus ex machina with Shinji's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, she immediately calls him, and is overjoyed to find out that he has a crush on her as well.

But, the next day, when she recounts the previous day's confessions to Shinji, he only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, she finds out that the boy she called is not the same boy she fell in love with. In fact, he doesn't exist in this universe at all. He is Shinji's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with Asuka's own AU self, Asuka Shikinami Langley, who is perfectly aware of his crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, THIRD IMPACT ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the KIMOCHI WARUI.

Attached: 1543732865206.png (500x371, 112K)


Pen Pen.


Post that scene.
You know the one.

Attached: 8f55d1a2ab748931581dbc74c6e0927d.jpg (4002x6000, 2.36M)

Attached: d12c431229b431a78d2def87ebdcff0c.jpg (3508x2480, 2.66M)

Already a thing.


Reminds me of the eternal katawa shoujo generals on /vg/. It's kind of autistic to talk about the same thing over and over every day without any new content regularly coming out.


Attached: 1451227327686.jpg (1920x1280, 2.02M)

Well it's definitely a more accurate anatomical representation of what a skinny ass looks like. Whether that's an improvement or not is up to the beholder.

Generals are a special kind of cancer.

I want to go deep into Assuka.

Attached: 33532163_p0.jpg (600x847, 292K)

>he doesn't see the symbolism of Asuka's sweet booty

Like a Nazi Gas Chamber.

Anno torments his viewers by baiting them with fanservice like this.

Attached: Master anno.png (624x480, 332K)

Attached: what the hell is happening.png (400x400, 14K)

Hey guys.

Attached: Mari_Makinami_Illustrious_-_Casual.png (351x1000, 241K)

weed isn't hallucinogenic

diabolical quad marifag

Attached: eyes.png (890x595, 344K)

Attached: 9wrf8adsfjs.jpg (618x411, 49K)

Reminder that she's 13

Attached: eZcynFs.jpg (1121x600, 82K)


how is it that this gets to stay up for 8 hours without a mod deleting it yet i get 3 day banned constantly for shit that isnt even nsfw

What about trap Shinji?

Already knowing what good a view was hidden, Shinji should have just grabbed and yanked her swimsuit's zipper down.

Attached: 1485607678293.gif (540x405, 1.22M)

Already a thing.


Eva spinoffs all love Asuka's butt.

Attached: 17567.jpg (850x1125, 1.01M)


Are you still fapping user because I'm joining you


And she is already smoking hot, just imagine how she'd fill out by 18.


Attached: b19c8ecee493d7a0d579e4ea9eaa244b.gif (569x517, 155K)

Wanna be shit

My back hurts


You mean Maya?

Shikinami is 28 with the same body, so its okay.

It is the REIwa era
assuka posting is forbidden

Attached: 7475.png (1533x1025, 1.03M)

the sheet

truly the best girl

Lock both in a room until procreation occurs

With me.

Attached: 1368424_p0.jpg (500x700, 280K)

Are you a girl?
Because 2 guys in one place would just redundant, wasteful, and unnecessary for procreation.

I'll procreate with Shinji as well.

>are you a girl
there are no girls on the internet user

>this thread

Attached: 1475097782848.png (918x592, 611K)

I would go full force into Asuka's vagina mouth and ass

To have an Evagelion thread 24/7 is the very reason why moot created this site.

REI WAs shit era

Settle down, Shinji.

>She tried EVERYTHING with shinji
In between humiliating and belittling him. Given her behavior, he had every reason to believe the kiss in episode 15 was just some prank by her. If he had actually held her during it, or tired to reach out, odds are her self defense instinct would go into overdrive and she'd claim that's what she was doing.

Neither of them is ever honest with the other. They're mirror images of each other and each is as bad as the other.

Attached: that's about the sum of it.gif (498x498, 1.66M)

Like Shinji would want to put it in her ass, he'd probably be disgusted to learn people do that.

I can give you a mega for the first
Just gimme a few minutes

aight here you go

Mari is a meme non-character

he'd be disgusted, but secretly intrigued


>Male gaze for little hormonal boys
And people try to pretend this shit is mature? LOL

how has no one posted the exact next frame?

Attached: eyez on the prize.png (704x960, 703K)

Because this helps the narrative postmodernist shill

That's not how that works, user.

That's not how any of that works.

Attached: fedorasuka.png (1000x1294, 482K)


Worth noting he's also openly staring at her tits during the wall of Jericho scene

christ she has the same body type as me

post pics

then he'd ask kaworu to stick it in his ass. you know, for science


Attached: tsunbutt.gif (500x230, 677K)

More likely he'd be openly disgusted and embarrassed, yet secretly intrigued, yet also disgusted at himself for being intrigued before it all boils over in self-loathing fap sessions

In character.

Attached: 1542734670878.jpg (540x1620, 176K)

Shinji was correct in this scene.

He tends to do that a lot in those episodes.

Attached: 1445662597779.webm (1440x1080, 2.54M)

>for science
time to go back

Attached: i have special eyes.jpg (1440x1080, 77K)

There is a doujin with this plot

Get in her, Shinji.

Kaji x Asuka is OTP

Superior Kaji pairing here.

Attached: 2139.gif (498x364, 2.14M)

It is amazing that Shinji didn't pick up that she was basically throwing herself at him. She literally does every basic flirty behavior in the book. (The kiss and the falling asleep next to him were both big moments where Shinji probably could have gotten his dick wet)

Yes, but Shinji was too stupid or depressed to notice

It doesn't help that her vanity was off tye charts. She needed somobe who was also a pilot aka "her equal".

I think it's pretty obvious that shinji and asuka would have fucked if the angels hadn't gotten mind rapey. It would have taken time due to both their issues but the underlying need to experiment was there.

Especially since eoe confirmed that Shinji was sexually attracted to her and lusted for her.

Maybe if they lived to 16. It made sense to me that Asuka was afraid of what she thought she had to do to as proof she wasn't a child.

Attached: this smear between Nein and Tod was supposed to be Sex.jpg (1440x1080, 210K)

the combination of sweltering summers, close proximity and teenage hormones is just too strong

Unless she made another obvious pass at Shinji like the kiss one (and without autistic mindgames this time) it wouldn't happen. Shinji was probably convinced she didn't like him

So what was the real reason they used kids to pilot evas? Because they had no souls right?

Attached: 1534013364528.jpg (492x419, 58K)

so that Anno could write a story about Shinji Ikari.

>flat as a board

I hate this fucking meme.

feel free to post some deep fried black people tweets then you fucking normalfag

The smell meme is normalfaggy/niggery as fuck and you know it.

>Narrator: It was like that.

It's canon in Rebuild

Attached: Rebuild ED Theory.jpg (5760x1080, 2.99M)

I have never seen it once outside of Yea Forums. If that absolves it from being normalfaggotry is another question, but nobody outside of here would understand it.

Attached: envy.jpg (1000x1000, 320K)

The real answer is because Anno wanted to tell a coming of age story and because protagonists in action anime are often teenagers.

The in-story reason is that they needed the pilots to have a neural link to the soul of the robot to allow for synchronisation. Best way to accomplish this was with mothers and children. Rei was the only one who didn't have a mother soul to connect to, and her synch ratio was the weakest. Adults don't have the same dependency on their parents so the synch wouldn't be as strong if you got a fully grown adult and put their parent in an Eva.

Yui had Shinji watch her get absorbed to foster his sense of abandonment. This meant he was desperate for connection and was fully open to syncing. Early on, Asuka was also desperate for human connection despite her attitude of wanting to be alone. After her failure to get with Kaji and Shinji, she closes herself off from human connection, causing her synch ratio to plummet. Based on this, it seems the best way to have a pilot is to have them be a loner who is desperate for affection. Adults who are loners are more likely to be closed off, which would hurt syncing.

looks uncomfortable on the neck desu

that's not how you hold an asuka

>nobody outside of here would understand it
I think that's only true to some extent. It's not like you need to know where it originates to find it funny, it's the kind of meme that's just inherently funny and relatable. I could show it to my mom and she would mostly understand it. I think the main reason why it's such a chan culture exclusive meme is that it's not hilarious, it's just ever so slightly amusing. You wouldn't go share it on leddit to whore for upvotes, companies wouldn't try to use it in their viral marketing on social media (and another reason for that is that it's not very presentable), it's just not the kind of flashy shit that normiememes are.

Of course, the exclusivity of the meme is a big part of its value to the community, which is why I also partially agree with you. There's a certain sense of comfiness when you see someone use a meme and you know the same meme because that identifies the other guy as someone who shares some of your cultural background. That's something that outsiders can't have even if they find the phrase itself amusing.

>fully nude and jerking off to asuka now.

Attached: 1556559200677.jpg (520x574, 119K)

Eh, maybe. I just don't see normies making the connection between "imagine the smell" and somebody wanting to smell some musty vagina or ass smell, much less finding it funny.

The mother-child connection seems to be optimum but not the basis for synchronizing, but something they never go back on is that the people with the ability to synchronize are born after Second Impact. There's no suggestion of maybe taking like an ROTC cadet and secretly killing his mom to make a Children with some more capability and respect. Nerv's sequencing their DNA, too, could be a component there.

Attached: how Shinji's cells die.jpg (1440x1080, 406K)

I want to caress Rei's flat chest.

Attached: 1552545394497.png (1440x1080, 1.17M)

Asuka cant really complain at 13, she will probably end up as big as Misato

I can't believe people still don't understand why Asuka is the woman you HAVE to choose.

I don't think you should choose her if you can't understand her desu

that picture is fake news

Attached: rei plugsuit.jpg (700x525, 210K)

>EoE has Asuka nipples
>EoE has Rei nipples
>no Misato nipples
Life isn't fair.

Attached: 1523718620519.jpg (931x781, 236K)

post it


I'm surprised people get through the entire series yet still ask this question. How much of a fucking smooth-brain do you have to be to miss the fact that all Eva pilots are children born within nine months of Second Impact? It awakened their AT fields and made them the only possible candidates for piloting an Eva and surviving. Hence why, adults like Yui who tried to pilot it were simply absorbed into the Evangelion. Of course Gendo planned for that in the case of the pilots mothers but no adult could have done it.

It's why Asukas mother went batshit insane

Rei canonically has bigger tits than Asuka.

Attached: [Sephirotic] Evangelion - 19 [MULTI][BD 1080p 8bits 5.1 AAC][FE27EA55].mkv_snapshot_03.15_[2019.03.3 (1440x1080, 714K)


If there's one thing Eva was lacking, it was consistency in the proportions of things. Possibly due to natural animation needs of exaggerating certain features for enhanced effect, but also it just didn't have consistent sizes. As far as canonical character models are concerned, Rei and Asuka are supposed to be near-identical bodywise.

Asukas fluctuate too often, they're huge for a young girl in certain scenes.
Her plugsuit also has cups that might be compressing them a bit, while Rei's plugsuit just lets them sit there

It's been long accepted that Eva, especially the anime, is wildly inconsistent with its breast sizes, which might be deliberate (e.g. when Shinji's ogling Asuka like in pic related she gains two cup sizes all of a sudden because he's a horny teen, whereas when she tries to seduce Kaji, she looks flat as a board to represent how he doesn't view her sexually at all).
Plus of course there is just a typical fanservice factor. In your pic they are pretty much shoving Rei's tits in the viewer's face, so of course they will be made to look bigger as well.
I'd wager they are meant to be pretty similarly sized overall.

Attached: asuka swim.jpg (468x676, 71K)

>they're huge for a young girl in certain scenes.
If only you'd seen the 14 year olds I saw. God, I pity the ignorant fools who claim "teenagers can't have tits like that!"

Yall need to see jesus, also misato is true best girl.

Attached: 1555807602753.jpg (418x398, 16K)

Fuck Kikes and fuck you. Misato is pretty good though, unironically the purest girl (because she only ever loved Kaji). Still not the best though.

I still call bullshit on her claim, a woman who drinks and acts like Misato would not have a ~10 year dry spell throughout her 20s.

Might be true, but Asuka starts the series at 13 1/2, and there can be quite some difference from that and nearly 15.

her lower back is bending more than 90 degrees forward. she's forming a fucking acute angle with her back being the vertex. how the fuck does anyone draw something like this and then say, "yep, that looks good, send it!"

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>In your pic they are pretty much shoving Rei's tits in the viewer's face, so of course they will be made to look bigger as well.
There's a reverse shot in that scene where Rei's tits are still bigger.

Attached: [Sephirotic] Evangelion - 19 [MULTI][BD 1080p 8bits 5.1 AAC][FE27EA55].mkv_snapshot_03.19_[2019.03.3 (1440x1080, 825K)

the tits in eva vary based on the shot, the outfit, the episode, and how much titty the animator wanted to draw on a given day. they're practically more inconsistent than the exact scale of the evas themselves. the closest thing to a canon answer is the model sheets, where they're drawn with more or the same build, but there's really no definitive answer

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Why do brainlets simply obsess over character designs so much

Brainlets are the people who only care about plot, true patricians can appreciate all aspects of a show, including character design.

>nearly 15
Please my guy, I'm talking 13-14 year old eighth graders.

official art is the best

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Attached: gainex(l)09.jpg (2461x3477, 535K)

good scene

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Maybe you should stop self-inserting too hard.

>less ass than shinji


>the closest thing to a canon answer
Thermal Expansion

A simple yet sufficient explanation


Attached: [DPG]NGE_Groundwork-1-213.jpg (1200x1750, 377K)

Mari's good for jerking off, nothing else.

Cunt punt fetish. She's perfectly positioned for delivering a firm kick that will give her a shock that isn't sexually stimulating enough to count as rape.

>came back from work to get that daily Eva dose
How're you doing, f/a/gs?


Attached: 5dfd28d15db2539acd45ea916ad8e76e.webm (1920x1080, 2.73M)

Asuka... easy on the bento...


>putting dick in crazy

By the power of the beastly quads, Mari will commence invasion.

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How did Asuka survive 14 years with only Mari around?

Appealing to the inflation fetishists.

This. Your typical 15 y o body

how come anno is allowed to sexualize underaged girls and still be worshipped

>came back from work
imagine being this guy

Attached: 1441283182957.jpg (200x267, 9K)

You are my friend.
Double blow job from both of them. Right as I cum Asuka pushes Shinjis head down forcing him to take my NUT.

is it legal for me to save this onto my computer?


>half white, half japanese
>small ass
Butt of course!

Of course it would be too deep for you. A single-raindrop puddle would be too deep for your microdick, user.


Attached: 43_Gainex.jpg (1280x1816, 1.36M)

even if it isn't, nothing will happen. It's entirely legal in the US though.


Why is she fingering her urethra?

Urinary constipation.

They are skin tight suits meant to reveal every curve, it ain't suppressing her bust. Asuka is just a petite girl.

>that doujin where Asuka invites her female friend over to learn about sex and just because Asuka just wanted her to watch.

Attached: I don't have the weirdest boner right now.jpg (480x800, 37K)

Honestly I think the girl from Oriemo is a cuter anime character but you’ve got to give Asuka respect for her character design holding up for this long regardless.

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That’s true.

>not the one where hikari wants to watch her suck off shinji
>or the one where she looks through asuka's sex toy drawer

Eva really has a great variety.

I want all the names.

[Chuuka Mantou (Yagami Dai)] Mantou .31
[Tengu no Tsuzura (Kuro Tengu)] Let's share it

Attached: mantou31_20.png (747x463, 250K)

Hikari a cute.

Attached: Asuka Hikari.jpg (684x418, 32K)

bump again

why would asuka wear one of those frontal zip swimsuits? what a horndog

Easy access for bakas.

Attached: 16823.jpg (850x643, 137K)

Why would Asuka make a boy do his homework fully dressed next to a pool he can't swim in while she models it?

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lolol what are body proportions
this cap is a mess all over

they're really cute
they're easier to change
- signed a femanon

y'know i never really thought about it before, but isn't it a bit odd that rei has another swimsuit that isn't her school one? since she doesn't have casual clothes or anything apparently

I think swimming is basically Rei's only hobby other than reading, and she picks books out for herself, so it makes sense.

FUCK you're right

Attached: Misato_Katsuragi.png (471x1000, 263K)

>literally lists canon nipple colors

I feel you, Rei owning much of anything seems strange. Rei going into a store and choosing something for herself would be surreal. It's Nerv's pool and they do keep wet suits and scuba for techs to go into the coolant with the Evas, maybe they have a stock of suits to wear underneath, too.

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My second favorite.

>shows her pussy and asshole to a nearly complete stranger
Why do people waifu this autistic slut anyways? She barely knows how to function in society

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>4, potentially 6 outfits of 8 show off crotch

Who wore it better?

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I think we grew up around different 15 year olds

Was it kino?

Attached: 034.png (823x1200, 288K)

nah but it was pretty good

the ost was

Attached: booklet front.jpg (1438x1416, 1.65M)

>Neon Genesis Evangelion - 1x15 - Those Women Longed For the Touch of Others' Lips, and Thus Invited Their Kisses [1080p][x265][bk].mkv
Why do people watch shitty hevc re-encodes? Literally all the grain and thus fine detail is lost in this pic.

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Ha, Shinji's grooming her hair.
By that point, they should just stop denying it.

I think he put the headphones on her and is moving away

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Kinda lost me at Rei being totally out of character and hanging herself over Shinji not banging her.

It was basically just for the shock value.

Yellow dress Asuka is top tier

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I honestly prefer Girlfriend of Steel and Rebuild Asuka more than the original one. I have nothing against the original anime version per say, but I always get the impression otaku like her because they think they can fix Asuka's daddy issues with their wonky psycho analysis. It's why they always seem bitter when Shinji chooses Rei.

I'm more distracted by how long Asuka's legs are in those pics. Where they always that long, or am i imagining things?

Canonically speaking, in terms of what the character sheets say, Asuka's are bigger. I found that surprising, because Rei's seem bigger in most of the episodes. As others have said, it's not very consistent.

It doesn't matter anyway because Misato is bigger than either

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It's alright because I'm 12.


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>you just KNOW

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maybe that's why rei reacts so erotically when the angel starts to invade her suit

she's used to that sort of treatment

Asuka's asukas are bigger than Rei's reis in NGE, but smaller in the Rebuids.
But NGE has no scale consistency, so some scenes it looks equal if not inverted.

>I honestly prefer Girlfriend of Steel and Rebuild Asuka more than the original one
Shit taste, get out. Rebuild Asuka is a bland tsundere. NGE Asuka is a far more interesting character.

>they always seem bitter when Shinji chooses Rei
When has this ever happened? If Shinji chooses anyone over Asuka, it's Kaworu. Rei NEVER wins and she never will. The reason that Shinji gravitates towards her between episodes 15 and 23 is because she offers a non-threatening, non-sexual, form of companionship that demands very little of him, just like *drumroll* a mother.

Attached: rei slap.gif (500x281, 1.08M)

SIRP definitively has Asuka as larger, though that can't even be consistent on Rei, who bounces between near flat breast envy and still filling out her plugsuit if fanservice demands it.

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Rei does not know how society works. I do not understand why you ask something so obvious.

No, Rei is not used to an angel wanting to merge with her.

Wait hold up, you mean to tell me that Rei and Gendo were fucking???

I bet Mari's presence in the Rebuilds leeched away Asuka's asukas.

Odd because I feel Asuka as a character fits better for the breast envy troupe.


Doesn’t have to just be weed either


t. Joe Rogan

It's pretty much legal.

All detail is important.

Yup. Only mentally ill niggas trip on weed

gos 1 asuka is somewhat softened, but by and large i think her characterization is consistent with that mid-series 'peak' of functionality in their relationship. even in the ending where she tries to comfort shinji her actions are totally informed by her trauma and dysfunctional ways of thinking, since her advice basically boils down to just trying to repress and forget the losses and pain of the past through sheer force of will.

They fucked in ep 15. I read multiple fan theories.

They did not.
All the "evidence" for it is straight up wrong.
Nor does it makes sense for the characters to do it.

fan theories =/= canon

That analysis is not too far off.
With some alterations, GoS1 could concievably fit in canon somewhere between the 10th and 12th angels where the whole group was at their best.

Those anime titties can't support themselves.

Are Eva threads eternal? Inevitable?

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It's in service to the plot. Rei needed a new joke after her laboratory-raised kuudere awkwardness was blown and she was made just shy.

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Eat something.

Also because it assists the fanservice along since Rei is willing to voice the insecurity.

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As long as anime exists, there will always be Eva.

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prove it

every day until you like it

I've always liked it user

Attached: yuri fish.jpg (1000x1000, 173K)

well i guess it's over then. bye user

I agree. It also works thematically for Rei, the Oedipal character to have big milkers that Shinji would want to suck on. For purely thematic purposes of course.

go to bed Mogudan

We've been arguing for 24 years, why stop now?

Of course.

Gendo is known to be THE most hung guy in NGE, possibly one of the biggest in the anime. his cock has been described as "like an entry plug", with gargantual thickness that would rival Ippo Makunouchi and full-stretch Luffy. im estimating his size to be at least 21.59cm bone pressed, with OVER 17.78cm of girth. he would have absolutely destroyed ayanami's pussy.

they would have spent hours and hours on foreplay, getting herself wet enough just so she can take it. i can just imagine her begging for it, with gendo barely able to force it past the knob, and rei moaning and squirming, demanding him to force it in deeper. she would have orgasm'd within seconds of taking the entire length, being filled and stretched right up to her cervix.. the orgasm would have been powerful, with her vaginal muscles clamping down on gendo's throbbing monstrosity, her whole body quivering in euphoria..

i bet she still masturbates to the memory of it

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As long as the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth exist, there will be Eva threads

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>what do we do now.jpg
Talk, apologize, fuck.

I still think that Attack on Eva idea for an EoE sequel sounded wicked.

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Any place can be heaven as long as there are Eva threads.

it was

You might as well say "Wow, people are still talking about anime? Really? Hasn't it been a long time?"
I'm convinced the Asuka vs. Rei debate will go on for just as long as anime is even mildly culturally relevant.

Attached: misato pained.png (300x300, 133K)

Knowing them, not necessarily in that order.

>the Asuka vs. Rei debate
No. It's always just shitposting. Thankfully there are often discussions that have almost none of that(like this thread).

it's board culture and will outlive newfags like you who don't know what constitutes shitposting

Asukafags are degenerate ephebeophiles.
Reifags don't exist.
Misatofags need to watch more anime.
Marifags are shitposters.
Shinjifags probably fap to 3DPD trannies.

>Reifags don't exist.
Guess again, faggot

Attached: 1534489768430.jpg (1424x2018, 1.28M)

>Reifags don't exist
>he's never seen Mogudan

>lab coats
Where are all the gaiden stories about Asuka and Shinji deciding to do the worst thing possible and continue Project E just by themselves?

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What a beautiful platonic image

>Project E

What about Mayafags?

E for Eva, it's how Gehirn and then Nerv referred to the development of the evangelions. You'll also see references to a Project Eva, but that was the real world legal entity made out of the rights holders that sponsored and produced the series itself.

Attached: literally E Keikaku.jpg (960x720, 83K)

Nah, they totally improved Asuka's character by toning down her neurosis in the Rebuild series. Evangelion really needs consistency to keep people interested, nobody cares for the twists the series offers.

Shinji and Asuka would continue Project E to make themselves gods, that's what's the worst thing possible. Imagine the fate of humanity being decided by a woman who wants to be sexually dominated in bed, and a man too impotent to do anything. Shinji and Asuka's relationship would mutate into making the same mistakes as Gendo and Ritsuko.

Wouldnt Project E be bringing Kaworu back to life? I doubt Asuka would be willing to share her baka with gaylord

Asuka would pull double duty as Yui and Ritsuko: the glue that holds the family together AND a woman jealous of her man finding another lover.

If they'd be doing this because nobody else came back, they're both children acting out to force some adults to show up and stop them.

>improved Asuka's character by toning down her neurosis
I liked Rebuild, but this has to be the dumbest goddamn thing I've heard said about Evangelion for a while.
The characters's various neuroses are the entire goddamn point of the show.

Nothing can cure the characters of their neuroses. In real life, Shinji, Asuka, and Rei would just be given oxycontin or ibuprofen, then get in the fucking robot.

What did Anno mean by this?

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>Toji doesnt give a single fuck about her
Based, he is married to best girl already
>B-but muh cut alternate reality scene from EoE
Pump and Dump

Why would they do that when they could just have some cute kids and be happy with not ending the world yet again?

>Asuka as a kind and caring mother
Is there anything more pathetics than Asukucks? They bend the character into working in a relationship with Shinji, when literally everything from the show implies it wouldn't be a possibility

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>their kid is rin







Asukafags idealize the character and worship a fake one.
Just look at all the retards posting a fap bait doujin.

It's pretty clear that Asuka wants Shinji to pay attention to her. She wants him to make advances on her, but at the same time she also violently rebuffs any such attempts. It's pretty core to her character.

Technically, that character is older than most people on this board atm, given that she was 14 in 1996.

Who cares? Rebuild is a non-salvageable mess

Eva takes place in 2015 and Asuka was born December 2001, she'd be 17 now.

Attached: 72630027_p0.jpg (1212x2087, 1.32M)

nice, legal in my part of world

Honestly don't see how anything in the last Rebuild could be satisfying.

Unless they manage to revive the Rei from 2.0, there is nothing interesting that can occur character-wise at this point with Shinji being a confused mess throughout all of 3.0 into the ending and the rest of the cast being jaded assholes from the 14 year skip (aside from Mari being Mari, who will probably still not be given a reason for existing here).

Attached: 2843.jpg (1920x1080, 576K)

I'm not watching the rebuilds for a satisfying conclusion. I'm watching it for the message.

>I'm watching it for the message.
I could tell you to go fuck yourself for free, user.

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>Buy the merch
Here. Saved you a few hours.

Is there something like eva...but without the super sci fi futuristic world and setting? I really liked the characters, their plots, their developments. Shinjis betaness is really easy to connect with. Asuka being a total bitch to him and fucking with his head by lusting after kaji, reis beaten down and shy depressive demeanor. There is a lot of cruelty and abuse in the show, whether its subtle or plainly said/shown. Its really a top tier anime for the themes and characters but i want something in a more relatable grounded setting.

There isn't, really. I've looked far and wide for something that could live up to Eva (including all the usual suspects like Utena, Lain, Madoka, etc.) and have come empty-handed. It really is unique

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Love & Pop

In what sense do you want it to be 'something like eva'? As in explore the same themes and having similar characters? There's nothing really that fits the criteria then. If you just want something that is more about a deeper exploration of characters and their struggles with everyday stuff(even if the themes themselves are different) then you can check something like Welcome to the NHK, paranoia agent, Kare Kano, Satoshi Kon stuff or something.

I think probably you could scratch that with some seinen and josei sols, but just straight character anguish gets tedious and without a fantastical setting to break it up they just rely more on comedy.

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Yeah its a tough gig for us. I havent seriously watched anime in about a year now. I rewatch old favorites now and then but i think im on the cusp of outgrowing/not caring for it anymore. We need another eva of the generation with really well done characters and themes. Things like lain are to pretentious. NHK is pretty hard hitting and its in a more modern setting. The characters are all shitheads who fuck with each other and i like that

Friendly reminder that ReTake is canon.

Ive read this. Its strange because ive read 30 or so manga but i cant remember any of them besides prison school and a few bits in punpun. This was the one where the girl pissed in the mcs face right? I dont know...i cant remember written stories all to well

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the wedding invitations bit killed me

Attached: 303462.png (433x585, 278K)

For me, it was the pregnancy ;_;.

And the abortion ;__;.

So what's the deal with all the first names written in katakana? Is the world so "wow, modern" they dropped the jouyou+jinmeiyou kanji/hiragana/katakana as the allowed characters in first names and just went with phonetics? Also, pic related, alternate timeline sequence, episode 26. Asuka's name is written as 明日香 there--does it mean they do use meaningful kanji names for private reasons and just have it katakanized in official documents? Or did whatever caused Japanese to drop non-katakana names never happen in the alternate timeline, so they all have them? If so, what was it?

Attached: mpv-shot0052.jpg (1440x1080, 134K)

I attribute that one more to real Asuka being conversant but nearly illiterate in Japanese, but alternate childhood friend Asuka getting more handle on the language from living next door in Japan for years.

Judging by the context, the author of the above scribble was certainly not Asuka. She did cross it out and write 「あんたバカァ」 below it, but I doubt it she would herself draw a love umbrella with herself and Shinji underneath it.
Also, Japanese illiteracy of Asuka does not explain literally every character having their first name in katakana in every other context.

Attached: mpv-shot0053.jpg (1440x1080, 156K)

finna bases

>nobody outside of here would understand it.
No matter how I look at it, I don't see how "imagine the smell" is hard to understand


and asukafags say that they've never made this argument.

Seems to me you're getting baited

Twin Peaks maybe? Those two shows always reminded me of each other. I haven't watched the new season of it yet though. Don't know if I will. Worried it will be Rebuild-tier.

every timeline is canon through the instrumentality tripping balls

Attached: f3342886328.jpg (735x1000, 165K)

It's a pretty big tone shift, from almost a surrealist soap that got edgy in places to unambiguously supernatural horror, but I don't think it's not Twin Peaks.

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And when every timeline is canon, none of them is.
Just stick to the timeline that wasn't the product of a 14 year old's escapist fantasies.

Them with kids would be a funny thing.
They'd probably overcompensate for their own childhoods/parents by spoiling them rotten.

Attached: twins.jpg (1280x3668, 1.24M)

Skinny girls are cute, faggot.

Based smug baby Kaworu

She did not do it to elicit a sexual reaction. She does not even understand there is anything sexual about being naked, and is unfazed when Shinji sees her naked, because she is so socially sheltered. In that regard she is like a small child and there is nothing lewd about it.
It's ok to be an Asukafag, I am one too, but you should find better arguments other than "Rei is a slut".

Attached: asuka resting head on hand.jpg (909x1080, 643K)

Is there any official material saying anything about it? I've never seen it actually discussed.

I sort of imagined if Shinji could have gotten his act together and instrumentality prevented or something, Shinji might have tried to work as a humanitarian aide organization director or something like that. Just generally try to undo or at least soften the damage his parents did.

it is kind of cute to imagine. but if we really want to see any of this good end stuff there's a billion and one fanfics and doujin that cover it.

I had a fanfic idea once with an ironically brighter premise that crossed NGE over with the MMO Secret World (Legends)

>Secret World
I can see it, the Black Moon is pretty much a Second Age artifact and Orochi is just Seele with a more diverse portfolio. Rei's going to be so much more screwed up if she's supposed to have that Lilith in her head.

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Asuka would fit Gendo role better than Shinji.

She's the kind of person who would lash out at you if you hug her, but if you keep holding on she would break down into tears and hug back.


>when rei straps down Asuka and saws off her legs and begins ranting about all the abominations she's birthed

rough idea was that the Angels were after Gaia engines across the world. Rei (and by extension Gendo) rep illuminati (fuck, just look at the Geofront), Asuka is from the Templars and requested to help check things by the Council of Venice and Sonnac, and Shinji is secretly an agent of the Dragon.

Attached: CharacterConcepts.jpg (1280x916, 97K)

Seeing how you didn't mention the one, I name thee kaworufag.

>implying there are degenerates only on one side
Get that broomhandle out of your ass

I'm a bit more an asuka man than a rei one... but I do see the degenerates on both sides, and the flaws of each character.

imagining how it might be possible for such characters to slowly work through their flaws on their own and with the support of good friends and loving family until they are forced to confront themselves and they rise gloriously anew from the ashes of their old selves and proudly declare themselves to the world is part of my fetishes.

That recovery scene for Simon in Gurren Lagann had me so fucking hard.

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>no official art of Maya naked


Attached: Maya_Ibuki.png (425x964, 185K)

>anno criticizes people for sexualizing the minors of the series
>Makes nude art of them
>makes little nude art of the adults

what the fuck, man?

Attached: 1376269694809.png (1280x1746, 764K)

Bland lesbian is bland

Attached: D46vh-HWsAAT_yi.jpg (825x1200, 106K)

Why are bloody girls so sexy?

Will they manage to get it out before 3.0's 10 year anniversary?

Asuka best girl 20 years running

Reifags are kidding themselves

>School supplied swimsuit, stays at school or wash
>Nerv supplied swimsuit, stays Nervs pool or wherever
Makes sense to me.

Only thing I could find of a decent size.

For me it's because I relate to OG Asuka more than any of the other characters in Eva. If you pay close attention, of all the characters she's the only one who is actually, genuinely alone. Shinji has Misato, his friends, Rei. Rei has Shinji and Gendo. Misato has Kaji, Ritsuko in a weird way has her mother and Gendo. Despite the fact that Shinji is the centerpiece for human isolation, Asuka is the most truly detached from any non-superficial relationship with another human being. See how she is polite and puts on a mask with her mother, despite hating her. Shinji on the other hand argues and fights with his dad and Misato. He is closer to his dad by that than Asuka is with anyone until she realizes her real mother was in the Eva all along. Beyond that, Asukas has the whole doll/perfectionist complex going on, something I experienced with my own family and something that I think all people experience to some extent but more so those with mentally ill mothers.

Asuka is the best character in the story because she is the extreme of the themes of isolation, separation, denial of the self, sexual coming of age and the frustration that comes with it.

>genuinely sweetest woman in NGE that secretly wanted senpai to notice her
>made into an angry and openly man hating dyke in 3.0
What the hell

I think you need some scifi or big apocalyptic event to bring up people to break down their masks

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Shes always been a dyke.

Is it really necessary? The Evangelions both in world and in theme help to enhance and draw out the natural emotional problems inside humans.

>See how she is polite and puts on a mask with her mother, despite hating her
I dont think she hated her step mother, she tells Shinji that much after the phone call and it didnt sound like she was lying.
She definitely hates her dad though.

He may be an artist, but he likes money

is Asuka beating Shinji's cock?

Everyone is ruined in 3.0

Cant beat the cock

Maybe hate isn't the right word. But she doesn't really like her. She puts on a shallow facade rather than confronting her or her father. Shinji on the other hand will openly fight with his father and even had the balls to quite Nerv just because he was mad at him twice.

Is this pasta

>tfw you first realized Shinji was just a young version of Gendo
Truly the vicious cycle never ends

This is also the woman she begged and uglycried at to not resign from being her mama. Probably she hates and fears anybody who sees her like this, but not totally and at all times.

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>there will never be a decent fanfiction, lewd or otherwise, with the 3 of them building a relationship and fixing the world together.

feels awful, man.

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yes, he hated himself. duh.

based yoko taro

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It can exist user, all you must do is write it.

Nothing is written in stone. He is a young version of Gendo, but he is also a young version of Kaji. There is more than one route for him to follow. Gendo is merely the cautionary tale.

user, Rei is dead in EoE. At most her ghost can show up every once a while

>Strong and Independent

Do you think Ghost Rei watches Shinji and Asuka have sex?

Attached: 767gla2ye6h01.png (1058x709, 578K)

Meant for

She might even chastise him for doing it wrong
>No shinji, dont stay still like a dead fish.
>Hold her hand while you are fucking her
>Put one arm behind her back and hold her like if you are hugging her.
>Actually move your hips

Possibly. Also haunts them every now and then.

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She can't because they won't have sex.

The fucking DECADE is almost ending and 4.0 STILL isn't out. What the fuck

>Actually move your hips
Sorry, I thought that they would move on their own

Why are people still talking about this? It's either gonna come out in 2020 as scheduled or it will be delayed again.

>No! Don't pull out, Shinji!

>Ikari-kun, slap her rear.

>up for 4 days
how much revenue has gookmoot lost with this pic

Just got an image in my head of Shinji screaming "I mustn't run away!" as he nuts

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He then whispers to himself between pants "I didn't run away!" and then gets overwhelmed because he is going to become papa

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>Ghost Rei spends all her time devising spooky pranks for whenever Asuka is in a bad mood
>Convinces Shinji to never tell Asuka
>After a while, Asuka starts getting nervous on reflex whenever she is about to bully Shinji

The alternative is this, which is done to death in anime

Attached: normal reiaction.jpg (483x604, 41K)

Sure, if we rewrite her entire character.

Not like she has much of a character to begin with

Now I want to see what a tsundeRei would be like.

EoE Rei is wise and a goddess. She wouldn't be angry, screaming at him. She would have a very calm and monotonous voice telling him what she learned when she absorbed every single human.

We've already seen tsundeRei.
She is sharper and more tsun than asuka

Are you really using the dub as an example of characterization

Yeah, but I want to see this Rei in the main story bitch at early series Shinji for breaking into her apartment, and Gendo being forced to put up with the whims of Rei because his entire plan depends on her.

Why do they sound so old?

She acts like that in the sub too. Did you even watch epi 26?
>Shitting in the baloney poney scene

I am so, so glad shit-taste-for-brains like you didn't write Evangelion.

No, it wasn't quite that bad. The dub really fucked the energy of certain lines. Especially Asuka, somehow they manage to make her sound like shit.

Rei is like she is in the show because she was raised by Gendo.

One last Assuka for the thread

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Oh, i didnt see we hit the bump limit