What role do you think he will play in future novels, now that he back?
Other urls found in this thread:
OST when?
Teaching Mikoto how to appreciate the romance of combining parts and knotting her
I want a scene with Noukan and Touma. I don't know what it'd be about but I have to have it.
Why? If they were just staring at eachother would you also be happy?
If there was art included, yes.
Shelved like the other side characters until Enshuu and Kihara Kagun's next revival.
You're silly but I also want one between Accel and Mikoto so I guess I can't talk.
Kakine is the most overrated character.
>Kakine of all people
Yes, Kakine of all people. No one is nearly as overrated as he is.
Think about that long and hard.
How did he come back anyway? I don't remember it being said in the novels. He just appeared out of nowhere with the frog doctor. It also reminded me of how he shoehorned those 2 magic gods too. Kamachi doesn't even care anymore does he?
I don't need to. I can see how overrated he is. Tell me how he's not the most overrated.
>You will NEVER be a cute shota and make Waltraute weak in the knees
Doctor fixed him, they do mention it.
Way to out yourself dumbass, it's clearly said in the novel that you didn't actually read.
Because characters like Frenda exist.
I'm talking about characters who powers are overhyped to the extreme. Frenda is overrated in a different way.
>Go from 'overrated character' to 'overrated power'
I'm going to ignore that. I'd say Magic Gods only because people think they're untouchable even in nerfed form when they're not.
Nerfed Magic Gods are pretty overrated but I still don't think they are as overrated as Kakine is though. Saints maybe are though. If there is anyone from the magic side that gets overhyped it's the Saints.
"Sorry, it took me a while to heal this good boy here. Animals just aren’t my specialty, you see."
Shit, I actually skipped a whole sentence while reading. Still, fuck Nephtys and Niang Niang (in both senses)
Did you ever notice how Pitbulls commit 50% of all dog crime, despite only making up 13% of the population
He is overrated because some people disagreed with you on something on the other thread, stop trying to make it about other things user.
Neph and Niang-Niang weren't really forced either. And granted I don't really like their presence, I can't say that they didn't at least do something in the end-game of NT22. I just hope they get BTFO soon permanently by a Secret Chief or Anna.
People consider Saints to be fucking jobbers half the time. There was this weird wank where they assumed Magicians could defend against a scientific mind control method like Mental Out.
People were blowing Neph and Niang for ages
Once they started helping Hamazura they lost peoples' favor
I don't give a fuck who agree with me or disagrees with me.
Neph only has my interest still because she likes Accel a lot and their tussel was actually pretty fun.
I remember a recent question that was asked. Level 5's vs. Saints and one retard actually said that the saints would easily stomp.
Yeah Sainttards are hilarious. I remember one idiot thinking Acqua could beat Accelerator and I had the biggest chuckle. Knight Leader is a bigger threat than Saints honestly but he's gimped by needing the Curtana/Britain for Ni suru shenans. But even he can't beat some of the Level 5's.
It was just some dumbass assuming that Saints would have a defense procedure magic against Mind Control, which they /may/ have, but Misaki's mind control isn't standard and is actually very scientific so unless they, like Accelerator, could control literally every liquid and body function in their body then they aren't resisting it.
Accelerator is the most overrated character!
Get Yuiitsu some proper closure
I liked them best when they gave Kamisato a free therapy session.
do we have to wait for next BD?
Or is it technically out already?
Misaki along with Accelerator and Kakine are probably the three most broken level 5's. I don't believe a saint can do anything against Misaki's mental out.
Mugino could probably kill a Saint if she tagged one with Melt Downer but that would require them to run right into her beams so it's 30/60 with it being in the Saints favor. Gunha could probably go toe-to-toe but whether he can reliably beat one is un for debate but Misaki, Accel, and Kakine can reliably defeat a Saint.
What do you think of Mikoto's chances? I would say 50/50 maybe.
Accel, Misaka or Hamazura?
Who would you say had the biggest plot armor ? (Light novels only)
Her radar would help her avoid anything fatal but she'd need to reliably get in Railguns since normal lightning doesn't cut it. She can't output enough to reliably damage one without possibly iron-sad frequency fuckery or the Railgun. Using Iron-sand she can probably match the speed but I'd say it's more 40/60 depending on the Saint itself. I would say AAA Mikoto can take them though but it's still debatable on killability. Accelerator literally just has to ram himself into them, Kakine won't die to anything they can do and could also just pin-ball the same as Accel.
Hamazura is walking plot armor, Accelerator has jobbed in 80% of his appearances so that's not plot armor. Mikoto doesn't fight enough foes that are above her compared to Hamazura.
Mikoto by a wide margin
Vote for Genkigami
Why do people always wank Misaki? her track record is worse than Mugino
Are you seriously going to tell me Saints can defend against Mental Out?
They don't really need to, in a straight up fight all you have to do is blitz Misaki before she even gets to use any of her remotes, and even then you can actually move too fast for her to do anything.
No one has more plot armour than Hamazura.
NT 22 basically hinted Mental Out having an effect on Kanzaki when Misaki was sneaking around with the right hand undetected. That said, she had trouble dealing with Deadlock moving at high speeds and saints can no doubt move even faster, although their helmets did play a part in interfering with her powers.
Don't forget Touma just because he isn't listed there.
Why would Misaki be in a straight up fight in the first place? When I say 'reliably' I mean by using the method she uses to fight which is to use proxies to gimp. A Saint isn't gonna defend if a civilian under her control spots them while they're looking for her.
Noukan only likes st bernards
I think it'd depend on the circumstances, if they don't know Misaki's ability they may not bother to attack right away, giving her a chance.
When someone brings up a character versus a character, you do know by default that means a straight up fight? You're effectively saying Misaki can beat saints in very specific scenarios, sure if you really want but that'd go both ways regardless.
You're saying a completely different tune from what you're saying before. In reality beating Misaki in a fight isn't really hard, as Misaki is more of a support tactician more than anything. Misaki having an advantage is a different story entirely.
I'd say Acqua would probably beat her ass just because he saw her reaching for something then give her the chance to give up if she isn't already unconscious, or at least OT16 Acqua would
I mean, if it werent for kakine and accelerator they definitely would. And even kakine might be able to be dealt with so its more a question of how long accelerator can last and carry everyone against every saint
I feel like Accel is more overrated. We haven't seen him do anything post embedding and people already think is the most powerful character in the series including Anna, Lolastier, and full power magic gods.
Not to mention clearing fields work on misaka just fine, so it wouldnt be odd if a saint could figure out misaki is going to attack their mind and defend from it. Especially acqua
It hinted the opposite though? Misaki was only thinking kanzaki might save her, which seems to more so hint that she was one of the people she snuck by instead of mental outing away
I think most know he's not as powerful as full powered MG's.
>We haven't seen him do anything post embedding
Did you forget that he has invisible vectors that lets him gib Magic Gods also no shit we haven't seen more. It happened at the end of the volume. Being above aeons and having knowledge from the Abyss already sets you up for high standards. I stay 'wait and see' but it's clear the dude is a lot stronger than how he was.
How can they defend against Misaki's Mental Out though? It's not magic nor is it conventional. It's LITERALLY brain-liquid manipulation. If you think Saints who don't even know how to use a fucking washing machine can energineer a counter to that then that's laughable.
>its not magic
Yes it is mate.
Can you tell me how they can stop it then?
No? I just told you "it wouldnt be weird if they did". We havent seen any magicians actually having to deal with mental attacks after all, its all old hat to them. Acqua though solos, cant manipulate him thanks to divine mothers mercy
>Can't manipulate him due to Divine Mothers mercy
That's literally not how that works.
Yes it is. It protects him even from curses that carry the sins of your past, and you want to tell me it definitely wont be able to protect him from an esper while basic electricity can?
It makes him invulnerable to sin-based curses because his body is basically sinless and through Mary's mercy is forgiven. It doesn't 'negate manipulation' like Mental Out, it's a curse defense. It's never once been used nor said to do anything outside of that aside from stopping him from self-destructing by keeping his Saints power in check.
Not him but pretty sure it's been described to negate side effects of any magic as well, curse negation is apart of that
Blitz her before she even clicks on the remote? It's actually in character for people like Brunhild, Birdway, and KL.
If Misaki tries to 1v1, some saints will absolutely not risk getting caught by the ability of an academy city "weapon".
>it doesnt do anything except protect him from abstract concepts like sins and curses and his body going haywire
>it definitely wouldnt protect him from his body doing things he doesnt want it to though
Oh shit I didnt know we had Kamachi in the house to lay down the law for us. Sasuga kamachi wanking off misaki like he always does(?)
The original scenario was "saints vs level 5s" anyways, so maybe one or two would get caught and then the others either use a spell to free them or blitz misaki before accel or kakine can cover her ass
>He doesn't want it too
He wouldn't even be conscious of that fact.
I meant the ability obviously, since that was the point of our convo.
>dodging the point
>Side effects of any magic
Didn't help with Saint Breakout.
>Didnt help with the spell specifically made to counter saints and send them irreversibly out of control
Actually now that I look at that line again, it doesn't exactly say Misaki ran across Kanzaki when she was sneaking on that particular path. It could just be a bunch of randoms.
Saint Destroyer is a hard counter to saints(as the name implies), it was really less of the magic itself as it doesn't do jack shit to normal people but rather directly exploits idol theory
I mean if it negates side effects of any magic, why is that the exception?
>Why is the spell specifically made to defeat acqua the exception to his defense
He has gotten stronger but people seem to forget that Alister crossed the abyss too and is Coronzon's immortal above aeons body and that Anna dismissed him as not being much of a threat to her. Also being able to kill a magic god doesn't mean he can just run through them no problem., if it did Kamachi would have made the neph fight a stomp instead of a stalemate it's not like he has any reason to act like the gods are top dogs anymore. It's probably just because Accel is super popular that people gloss over Aliester getting a similar power up and Anna existing.
No one glosses over anything. People think Anna is the top dog atm.
>No one glosses over anything
I fucking wish. We have way more speedreaders than I would like
Pretty sure everyone agreed that Accel is near the top but below Anna and full power magic gods. Probably beside AAA Linked Noukan and Aleister pre-coronzon body. To quote Unlucky's chart at least.
I have barely seen one talk about Lolastier being over powered. Then again half the accel poster are "O MY 3RD TREE" memers.
See, there you go using that word again.
Well because we don't know shit about what Coronzster can do but we've seen what Accel could do with the Abyss stuff so far. We recognize that Lolastier is nigh invulnerable now almost and can probably tank all the magic recoil he wants but Abyss wise he's probably still on the same level as current Accelerator, or at least a good head above due to being....well, Aleister. I mean theoretically he SHOULD have access to Magick sword but technically so should Accel I guess but whatever, it's a 'wait and see' thing but we know those three right now are part of the top dogs aside from the full MG's of course but it's still out there until we see limits.
Sorry. Me and two other anons, better?
I don't think Accel is going to pull flaming sword or any conventional magic. 545 told him to just vector how what he feels right and they will handle the rest. He is probably going to do a lot a weird shit that doesn't directly use legends maybe stressing the whole man made thing with no god/evil. Not to mention flaming sword a sephiroth based attack.
But can Kamisato defeat a saint with his tote bag?
He decided to ignore her and use magic anyway.
Probably. I imagine his stuff is gonna be metaphysical shit due to tree bullshittery but it's really out there. All we know is:
Accelerator is A LOT stronger now
lolaster is still OP Aleister but with a bod that won't break with new knowledge
And Anna is hot shit
So we pretty much can establish these people are 'the top' but how high they rank, no one knows yet
same energy
* aside from Full Power MG's
of course.
>He decided to ignore her and use magic anyway.
Vectoring is how he uses magic. She told him to vector before he the spear at Neph. Accel doesn't incantations.
>She told him to vector before he the spear at Neph
before he shot the spear
I think they might be on equal footing what might put Aleister/Lola above him is that they can use magic without suffering from it's effects but then Accel probably has some conceptional/Metaphysical bullshit going on now. I think with all three it's a wait and see really.
>they can use magic without suffering from it's effects
Aleister would never just ignore the sparks
Basically yeah I still consider Aleister a foot ahead of Accel but Accel isn't one to sneeze at right now. I think they're top tier but /where/ on it is to be decided
When will touma vs everyone will happen
I loved NT16 but this shit was absolutely fucking retarded
All he did was trip them
Can we just get NT9 animated already so animefags can stop saying Touma is generic?
This is my favorite ship. Ver. Omega and Touma also ships it.
They were fucking huge though user.
So? You think that makes it harder to trip them?
Reminder that Mikoto would've fallen in love with anyone who had saved the clones and Omega world proved it with Accelkoto.
I think
Full powered Magic Gods > Anna > Aiwass > Aleister/Lola > Accelerator > Coronzon > Aleister> Fiamma> Noukan
There's probably characters I missed out. I tried to go for the God tiers and the top tiers only. I'm not sure where I would put Nerfed magic Gods.
This is the closest you can get to canon powerlevels. Level 0s < Tokiwadai < Kamisato Faction.
I'd put Ayywass probably below Coronzon because he couldn't seem to even damage her with his space buff but that's probably because he's just lacking on specing himself as Anna said cuz the dude is bored. I think this is pretty correct though for the moment.
Yes, and? Do you think stepping on a baking pan that you thought was solid ground would make you less likely to slip if you're a bit bigger? So long as you're stepping on something non solid and thinking it will support your weight when it doesnt, you'll trip.
user they were fucking the size of buildings , do you know how much non-solid shit you'd have to put for that thing to actually slip from the lack of friction?
level 5s vs All saints is only a win because of Accelerator and Kakine. Mugino, Mikoto and Gunha can go-toe-toe with another 3 saints but anymore than that tips the scales for their human bodies. Misaki can reliably control around 12 people if I recall correctly, so if we assume that both factions move after 5 seconds then she will get BTFO by anyone that she doesn't start by controlling (unless level 5s get dragged down by protecting her), that's if she even is capable of keeping her eye on more than 1 target considering their speed.
I can see Accelerator, Kakine and Misaki surviving after hours of battle assuming they protect her with Vector manipulation and DM durability hax.
It depends a lot more on the size of their feet than it does anything else. If the ground is slippery the ground is slippery, that's that. It's not like it even did any lasting damage or some shit. The harem beat the monsters up, I don't know why it's triggering you so hard.
>Mugino, Mikoto and Gunha can go-toe-toe with another 3 saints
Ehh, I don't think Mugino would really be able to tag anyone without help from Takitsubo. And Mikoto had pretty much every factor in her favor that she could against Brunhilde and was still barely keeping even with her, if someone like Silvia came for her she'd be dead. Gunha is a toss up, but maybe one saint is about right, he couldnt pick up any slack from the other two though.
It's just Kamisato bringing his chuuni savior school daydreaming to life.
>Kakine creates a Dark Matter Cocoon around Misaki while Misaki imprints her powers in Kakine so she can influence the fight and force her powers influence through him against the Saints while Accelerator just blows through them
Level 5's doing teamwork is unironically scary as fuck if they actually trusted eachother to do that shit.
I just think it was dumb as fuck because he just threw whatever shit he had and it just happened to work, the Harem bitches could've done it themselves.
Yeah and Hamazura got the ground slippery in front of Accelerator and it just happened to work. Its not like the elements or Accelerator died from it or anything. Who really cares.
Does anyone here know 3D animation?
I'm working on the 3D Birdway and frankly I don't actually know how to make sexy animations. Rigging should be fine but good motion eludes me.
That hamazura moment was also dumb as shit but I can forgive it because it's in Hamazura's character to have nonsensical shit work with him
>I can forgive this dumb moment because I like Hamazura but I cant forgive this dumb moment because I dont like Kamisato
Ey fuck you i like Kamisato but I don't like him doing Hamazura-tier shittery
NT9 does nothing to prove them wrong though.
To be fair I think it's obvious he chose those items deliberately, he knew what they were going up against. The whole thing with Kamisato is that he's the only one who can actually pull it off. That's why Kamachi brings up the example of fantasizing about saving your school from terrorists, it's an absurd thing to think about but Kamisato is the only one who can pull off that absurdity.
If it takes 31 volumes for you to find evidence that a character is not generic, perhaps the sentiment is true.
The anime would just fuck it up like the previous volumes
>If it doesn't happen fast enough then it's true
Wrong, but also
>Expecting your char that is supposed to be your main staple for 50+ volumes to develop within 10
It's like you're asking for your character to get stale, the point is to develop Touma slowly
>People think Touma is le generic good guy
>Kills 7 billion people
Yeah it kinda fucking does dumbass, the point of NT up to 9 is to go "Touma isn't a good person"
inb4 the 7 billion weren't real
>the point of NT up to 9 is to go "Touma isn't a good person"
It fucking fails at that though, Touma does nothing wrong and muh 7 billion would've been fucked up anyway since Othinus only needed them to break Touma and would gladly dispose of them had Touma successfully killed himself.
It's pretty much true though
>It's justified because they would've died anyways
But his reason for doing it was selfish because he wanted HIS world back. Not 'because Othinus was gonna destroy it anyways'. It doesn't change his motives.
>Othinus would dispose of them after Touma killed them
Not only is that not the point, Touma himself says you're not quite right. The problem for Touma was that they were already back, its too late for platitudes and ideals, they're alive, right now, and as he says, Othinus wouldn't want to make a tragic world to live in anyways, so she'd be living in a world of smiling people anyways even if some things changed.
>There's nothing wrong with killing people since they're going to die anyway
t. Myonri
We all aren't real anyways because this is a simulation so what does it matter?
Not even, it's "since I *think* they're going to die anyways"
His world is what Omega world would have become eventually because people can't be "always good, always smiling" unless you brainwash them or control literally everything they do.
>Kills billions
whoops can't help being a gemini
Othinus and Mikoto will fuse after being eaten by IT.
That doesn't take away the fact of what he did.
>People can't be good even if a God has removed literally every single thing that would trouble them.
>god also couldn't just update the patch notes if anything goes awry
>as he says
Touma is as retarded and naive as Mikoto. Othinus did everything she could to prove Touma wrong.
>Othinus wouldn't want to make a tragic world to live in anyways
The first thing she does in the novels is create another tragedy for her incredibly selfish reasons.
She creates a tragedy *for Touma*. She isn't going to live in an apocalyptic waste land, don't be fucking stupid.
Vector-Cocoon Misaki actually sounds like something she would do. Navigating through remotes to switch functions and cheering on the others like "Yes we can do it team" as she drinks tea safely inside the dome
>Dickhead Gunha
I'll never be over this dumb fanfic
But he's an Aquarius.
I mean she'd be a liability so it'd make sense for Kekine to make a bullshit tough Cocoon and be her proxy by choice
Not that they'd ever actually do such a thing but it's a pretty dangerous strategy
It does. In the end, he did the only sensible thing and no amount of self-deception is going to change that.
It's a shame that "God" doesn't give a shit to do those things?
>She isn't going to live in an apocalyptic waste land
That's right, she's going to live in HER world, while Touma's can wither and burn for all she cares.
>It's a shame that "God" doesn't give a shit to do those things?
Says who? You? Sorry, but I'll believe the book over you.
>She's living in her world and Touma's can burn
I don't think you quite understand how the concept of phases works. It's not time travel.
>Killing people that were already going to die is the right thing to do even if we have no proof that she was gonna do away with the world
With your logic, it still doesn't even matter because he didn't /KNOW/ if that was the outcome. He was doing it in /SELFISH/ contexts and no amount of "THEY WERE GONNA DIE ANYWAYS" matters if his main motive was "I WANT /MY/ WORLD BACK". Why can't you understand?
It's an injustice that Myonri still doesn't have a volume dedicated to her yet.
>Didn't help with Saint Breakout.
That's why the first Saint Destroyer didn't work.
Post Index chars if they were the protagonist of line-light novel names
My Right hand Suddenly Has the Power to Transport Things to Another Dimension and my Sister is a Psychopath? I just can't stop saving girls and it's all these Gods fault!
I levelled up to level 98 too fast and the grind for my last level is boring the shit out of me.
Everybody either fears or loves me, but all I want is to stop eating bread and water for every meal!
I'm banging my cute sister but her jewish friend keeps calling me a necrophiliac?!
I got resurrected from a fossil in a new world, but every time I try to pet something it turns into an eldritch horror?
So ma girl Kuroko teleport behind NightKing this time?
Where was this said again?
OT1, the very beginning of chapter 1.
With the IT unleashed
Mikoto is best girl and I love her so much
Lots of Toumas hatched from the eggs
I hope Kamachi changes Mikoto outfit for NT23
Both her and Misaki will get some new clothes.
They will be naked.
in bed together
What's his power level?
So since Index III is 26 episodes long are we gonna get an extra Index-tan in the blu-rays?
Speaking of Index-tan, is Index-tan now more well-known than Shana-tan now?
>when the first Index-tan was 10 fucking years ago
Jesus this shit is old.
And even out of bed.
while kissing
Would they have horns and tails like dragons?
How do mindlinked kisses feel like?
Like salty bags of sand and coin.
Mikoto and Misaki taking over England when?
How did they let Noukan get away with this?
Noukan dindu nuffin
Mikoto will die
I wish I could live in Academy City anons... That place looks so comfy...
what do you think about the male/female ratio in AC, something like 30/70 ?
Too bad Kuroko is on a coma
And a crippled arm.
What are they doing with their legs?
Creating a Level 6 through addition
Next Railgun chapter better be about Mikoto dicking Raifu into the good side
Well if Gunha could take a Saint then so can Junko.
I only want to see Kuroko fights from now on.
Most of us probably want that.
We all do.
And Saten too!?
Ok new AB chapter hype was the day before yesterday. Let's stop being retarded now. Grace period is over.
>Why do people always wank Misaki?
'Cause she's hella cute, are you blind? She's the sexycutest Raildex. Now in all seriousness, the discussion was about a team battle and the results would undoubtedly vary a lot depending on the conditions (all 20 saints vs level 5s as opposed to a team of seven of the former and which ones, the battle is a series of 1v1, a full-on cooperation brawl, everyone is in character or going for the kill etc). And like other people have said before, regardless of whether she could win a fight or not against a saint, MO itself should definitely work on them just fine except for Aqua since he's got both DMM and the element he controls due to his arch-angel blessing happens to be the medium for Misaki's esper ability.
>her track record is worse than Mugino's
Mugino has won like 1v1 fight against a named character and then lost to Mikoto, Hamazura 3 times un a row, and got a case of chiken shit vs Kakine, all that while being a frontline fighter. Misaki is a support type and has only been involved in like two 1v1 fights with a 1-1 record. There's nothing to discuss there since you're factually wrong.
I like that.
It’s still hype.
Can someone link me to the translated AB chapter thread? Or is it already on Mangadex?
Would you stick it inside a trashcan?
I’m excited for the new Railgun anime,
Is the new Railgun and Accel going to air back to back or close by each other?
Junko is going to lose hard though. Gunha is obviously taking it easy and she was barely holding on with her trump card. Someone is going to clear the misunderstanding before he turns her into paste of course.
She hasn’t used her trump card yet. She still doesn’t even know what it is.
Id fuck that squid
You guys said it wouldn’t even be close. That’s he’d Just immediately beat her with no effort. You were already wrong once.
You wouldn’t. You’d chicken out at the last second.
Literally nobody said that, also he IS barely trying. He's grinning and having fun the whole time while Junko is fighting for her life and shitting her pantsu. Just because Gunha doesnt immeadiately try to murder people doesnt mean she stands even the slightest chance against him
I don't think it's a question of wether Mugino or Misaki won more or not (as Mugino has killed and won plenty more times off screen due to her job than any other Level 5). I'd argue that she also won against Misaka but then when I say that i'm sure you guys will latch onto that and ignore my primary point entirely.
I think it's more that Level 5s in general are over-rated, it doesn't matter which one does a better job it's just that they all have heavy losses under their belts. More losses than the saints at this point, friendly reminder Gunha has done nothing but lose since his debut same as Misaki.
oh god is that what her forehead looks like?
>That’s he’d Just immediately beat her with no effort.
Feel free to post evidence of people saying this
You’re going to shit your pants when she wins aren’t you?
Kanzaki and a lot of the saints just usually get destoyed. Even gods right seat job all the timez
People said it was going to be a stupid fight because she *should* lose instantly, but that nogi would probably prolong the fight in an attempt to shill junko as being better than she actually is. And here I am, with exactly that happening.
Hey MP, if you're wrong you have to come on here and say "Im a stupid fucking cunt and I was wrong about Junko". And if you're right, I'll say that I'm a dumb cunt and that I should have never doubted you.
Deal? Or are you too much of a pussy?
Will you end your life when she loses?
>gunha has done nothing but lose
Gunha has done nothing but tie or win, he lost only to ollerus.
You didn’t keep your promise about the last bet we made so nope.
Uh, yes she did? What more can she do now other than meme bullshit like going 110% rampage dress? She even has dimp-I mean ghost-chan helping her out already.
She wont, she'll make an excuse as always because she's too much of a coward
He’s about to lose against Junko.
I never made a bet with you before. Now are you going to stop making excuses or are you going to admit that youre a big scared pussy that doesnt even believe what she's saying? If you make a single excuse, you instantly concede.
Accel is a lucky guy
A wet slippery soft hole is a wet slippery soft hole.
And here we go again.
That’s part of her trump card.
>the way it coils and caresses the purple thing
Stop giving me more fetishes you fucks
Liquid Proof Astral Rampage Dress
>this is what 545's forehead looks like
You 100% did and now you’re pretending you forgot which is what’d you’d do this time. I have absolutely no reason to ever believe you again. You had your chance to own up to the first bet but you pretended it didn’t exist so I’m never betting with you again.
>iqdb image search
>Accelerator shows up
You heard it here first everyone, MP is a scared little pussy that cant even back up her own opinions. As expected, I accept your concession.
>posts probably the most irrelevant character in this series
At least post Himegami if you’re going to use a character THAT irrelevant.
Memes are real
Junko needs a special move.
This isn’t a battle or a game of chess. There’s no “concession” or wins nerd. This is me telling you I’m not playing your game because you can’t play by the rules.
Does anyone have the sweet sweet Gunha chapter?
Hahaha, MP mad as fuck that she lost again and got exposed to everyone, what a loser
Give it a few hours.
You are. How about that?
Fucking nice
Her boobs weigh less than a grape.
The Level 5's with the exception of Accel can be overrated but the saints are even more so.
Many characters experience loss. Touma himself is the advocate of this in NT.
Still bigger than Mikoto.
Got em!
Yup. But that should have been clear after NT9/10 where he just wrote bs without any regards if it makes sense or not.
IMAGINEmind mind
IMAGINEmindmind mind
IMAGINEmindmind mind.
Remove hivemind.
Stop, I ain't playing your mindgames no more.
God damn it
I don't think it's about track records either. I only brought it up because it's something that happens to be verifiable. Overall, Misaki's toolkit would be far more useful for team level 5 than Mugino's, including the fact that she has a veritable one-shot kill ability vs almost all saints in the LPR if she combos with Misaka.
As for your Gunha assessment , I can only think of two legit 1v1 fights he's ever had with a conclusive result and he's 1-1, so you're wrong there too.
Saten’s boobs change size every single volume.
Alright guys this is getting out of hand
Thats her power, she uses it to please Skill Out cock
Wow, I never thought of that
You're getting out of hand, you're getting out of hand, this entire tread is getting out of hand.
That's true.
The only thing getting out of my hand is my cock
You can't handle the cock.
No one can beat the cock
What's the liquid proof part in this one? Does she gain the ability to be telepathically commanded by Misaki without flooding the neighboring area?
>lvl5s overrated
>Accel is an exception
Wot? How can you list the worst offender as an exception?
My dick when I slip under those girls' dresses and go on a rampage until I astrally ascend into complete bliss.
Because he's the only one that can somewhat back his hype up. The rest of them are only as useful/strong as the circumstances of the fight allows them to be.
Why do you choose completely irrelevant character?
He is not the worst defender though. While yes there are those who think he's full powered MG tier, most know his level which is way above Saint level but below MG level.
She’s a girl isn’t she?
All brainlets like them need is tits to be interested. You can tell by how braindead most of orianafags posts are that there's barely three braincells in there.
>Junko is fighting on par with gunha, who had a close fight with mikoto who held her own against high Priest.
Junko can fight magic gods.
Way below full powered mg close to nerfed mg
But Himegami has big tits, Misaka.
Why did you? By the way, I refuse to open a twatter account just for this, so can anyone tell me if there's a way you can see how the voting is going in real time or at least updated periodically?
But I like her hair, eyes, lips, collarbone, armpits, navel, thighs, legs, and feet too.
Junko can beat Lola.
No you only see your own votes
I’m guessing the sixth level five could solo all the saints.
Why is Mehkoto so tsundere about big tits when she has experienced their power firsthand before? Is she in denial like with magic's existance?
God damn it Crowlola
He's above Nerfed Magic God. He should be above Coronzon and Pre Lola Aleister. But yes he's below Magic Gods but it should have been a give me that he is way below them like basically all characters barring maybe Anna.
I see, what a shameful bunch they are to be attracted to vulgar woman like Oriana
I want to lick his thighs and tummy
Being capable of hurting magic gods isnt all you need to be above nerfed magic gods
It’s possible. They’re not ranked on combat ability.
I like Himegami but she got wrecked here.
Pfft, so it's not even good shitposting material until it's done then? As expected of the shittiest SM platform behind dumblr and leddit.
We'll see
He's above nerfed magic God and you can try and argue against it all you like but it won't change anything. There are a few reasons he's above them besides from being able to hurt them.
I’m not going to lie. That would be pretty cool.
>like Himegami
>couldn't even bother on extracting the actual file of that image from the website.
Step it up, user.
Where’s her bow?
It would be cool if Himegami was able to use the magic bow Yamasaki Ouma had.
She’s going to die. Where are her souls collectors at?
soul collectors^
Here's your soul (food) collector.
Is she a badass now that she has a face tattoo?
I like you Himegami poster. Himegami is one of the better waifus in raildex
It means she’s killed people before.
Not as much as Saten though. You’ve at least got to admit that.
Haha, OWNED. And then she turned whomegami into a pile of blood. I don't even like Orianna that much but that was one of her finer moments.
Yes she is, much better than any other girl in Academy City.
I’m going to edit her boobs so they’re equally matched.
Any other “magic” girl.
Most polls dont update until they're done mate, maybe one update in the middle of the period at most
Any other "science" girl for that matter too.
How about no?
Oh thank god it was just MP not anyone who matters
The only argument I’d ever make about magic gods is that they’re not need and plot devices in general and they bring nothing but a hindrance to this series. That user is definitely not me.
You can deny it all you want. The facts won't change. Himegami is better than all the magic and science side girls by virtue of being a gemstone.
Blonde elf himegami is better
>virtue of being a gemstone.
This is my favorite gemstone.
I like adult himegami working the jail myself
Because you know you're wrong and you don't like the fact, you decide to call me MP. Accel is above nerfed Magic Gods. I know you don't like this fact but it is what it is. No one is saying he is on Full powered Magic God level, nowhere near but you are in denial if you don't think he's above Nerfed Magic God.
Why is Astral Buddy called that again? I don't remember...
Is it for Ghost-chan?
>be good boy
>smoke cigs
>fuck bitches
Probably. But much like "NT" we dont really get told.
Astral Buddy is Ghost-chan's power. Don't ask me, ask those smart ass scientists who came up with the name.
>of, connected with, or resembling the stars.
"astral navigation"
>relating to a supposed nonphysical realm of existence to which various psychic and paranormal phenomena are ascribed, and in which the physical human body is said to have a counterpart.
It should be pretty clear no?
>of, connected with, or resembling the stars.
"astral navigation"
Misaki = Star. Hokaze is the buddy of Misaki
>relating to a supposed nonphysical realm of existence to which various psychic and paranormal phenomena are ascribed, and in which the physical human body is said to have a counterpart.
Ghost-chan isn't a ghost. It's already revealed that she is the AIM of Senya removed from it's body. The core of project Ideal. Misaki had worked with a board member to get it defunded, but Senya never died in that experiment. She's probably in a tube somewhere like Sisters/Dolly/Chemicloids were, her memories altered, and her aim form was forced out.
A literal "Astral" that is a buddy of Hokaze.
Anons... I've fallen in love...
It's a play on words alluding both ghost-chan's powers and Misaki/Junko's proclivity for lewd scenes involving their elder god tier bodies.
Sure it feels like your heart is melting, but don't let your guard down or it will be in halves soon.
I just finished NT22. I'm fairly certain IT is some cosmic horror at this point. Is NT23 coming or is NT over?
Miki said the climax of NT was soon, so it seems like its not over yet. I wouldn't be too surprised if it was just part 3 either though
NT 23 is coming.
NT 23 will be a thing but the question is whether NT 23 will be the last volume of NT or the first of the final arc.
Wait there's a dog in Toaru universe now? I thought the author was a catfag.
Wait until you see him fight a universe busting mummy priest god in the straosphere
I wouldn't say "exactly two characters own cats" is enough to call someone a catfag personally.
It's been a while since I've watched Toaru but I don't remember a single dog. Just thought the author was one of those catfags that hates dogs. There's catfags that are also dogfags and dogfags that are catfags but usually catfags like only cats and make sure everyone knows it.
Shit might have to pick this up again. Been meaning to rewatch this series, gives me an excuse to enjoy Railgun all over again.
>I dont remember a single dog
And like I said, there were exactly two cats in the show. It's not like there was a wealth of animals and dogs were mysteriously missing. There was not a lot of animals in general.
Episode 18 had a guy help a dog get back to its owner.
This dog is probably the strongest adult in Academy City not counting Aleister.
Misaki a pile of shit
Where's Mikoto looking at? Misaki's eyes aren't down there.
You're waifu a pile of shit. SHIT.
I like to think that this user literally comes into threads just to post this, then exits out.
At Misaki's coffee.
that smoke effect on the cups is pretty bad
>Misaki voluntarily drinking a cheap paper cup instant coffee
She is drinking it to humor Misaka who likes stuff from vending machines because she is her best friends, partner, and are in a passionate non-romantic sexual relationship.
Can you really can call constant physical contact and play non-romantic?
Yes? Do you not know what friends with benefits or booty calls are? If anything you should have used the mental connection.
>I thought the author was a catfag.
Kamachi is a
1. Pedofag
2. Frogfag
3-9001. Anything else fag
Frogs have a larger influence on the series than dogs and cats combined.
>Gekota always drawn with wings
>Heaven canceller is the "frog" doctor
>angels and demons have the wings of cold blooded animals
>Touma has dragons. Dragons are reptilian also share traits with frogs
>LO/Mikoto are the most powerful misakas and are obsessed with Gekota
>Aleister keeps himself in a piss tube. Amphibians like keeping themselves wet.
>Touma has eggs. Amphibians have eggs.
>Touma has eggs in his body. Amphibians carry eggs in their bodies. youtube.com
I wish Misaki would humor me, lads
I'd call Misaka and Misaki's booties if you know what I mean.
I wish Nogi would draw more illicit midnight lewds of the characters he is being paid to draw.
Does non-sexual physical contact not count as romance?
>Misaki introduced in Railgun: Goddamn she's hot
>Misaki introduced in Index: Aww she's so sweet.
>Misaki introduced in Astral Buddy: A FUCKING SEXUAL TYRANNOSAURUS
How does Nogi do it?
Misaki's body so bomb she turned Misaka into a lesbian.
Kuroko in shambles.
>non sexual physical contact
>Isnt all non sexual contact romantic
How long has it been since you've hugged one of your friends or patted their shoulder user? Be honest.
/ss/ isn't pedophilia, it's pure love.
Kamachi has not hesitated to call her a bitch in heat on multiple occasions in Index
I hope Nogi draws more lewds of different raildex girls the further AB evolves.
>Misaka gets to scoop that ass and sleep using those bazongas as pillows
First time I've ever been jelous of her, lads.
>Blushing at cofee
Not even her is autistic enough to do that.
Guys...I....I love Touma so much...
Shut the fuck up, Misaka.
He is the only lvl 5 that actually tries to improve and gets results. Everyone else except kakine just took their power for granted and are overrated just because they are on the same powerlevel group as accel even if they are several tiers below him
Footsies, feeding, cheek rubbing, head patting, hugging, etc.
I mean you'd obviously call hand holding and cuddling romance so where do you draw the line between romantic intimacy and totally just friends bro.
>Non sexual
user is right though. Having knoweldge above aeons > Aeon reliant MG's. His only gimp is he takes recoil from trying to gimp them but all they can really do is fight defensively against him at this point now that he has knowledge to buff his AIM field against their Aeon magic. Knowledge is power for Accelerator if you even understood his character.
They did say no homo after all that right? Right?
>headpats and cheek rubs
You monster.
They aren't. It's not tied to any sexual intentions. You can kiss your girlfriend because you like being close to her and touching her, not necessarily because you want to fuck on the spot.
I'm pretty sure every level 5 tries to improve except maybe Misaki
Imagine repeatedly, persistently headpatting Misaki until she enters a state of arousal.
Yeah, they always think that they totally hate each other and could never get along afterwards.
>is right
Misaki likes massages and the scalp is one of the most sensitive parts of the body. And as Mikoto found out, she's super sensitive so she might cum from you just thoroughly washing and brushing her hair.
>Get so BTFO he can't even retort properly
Concession accepted
>So btfo
Wait you mean you actually had an argument somewhere in that mess of wankery? Oh geez, I thought you were just joking. You seriously, unironically think that magic gods, even nerfed ones, can do NOTHING but run away from Accelerator? PLEASE tell me you're joking or I'll lose all faith in humanity.
NT22 still has Mikoto thinking of her as "That arrogant queen" despite of their teamwork. No doubt their relations have improved but they're seemingly still not on middle ground as of yet, although it seems like that gap is closing pretty fast.
Kihara counter, gg no re Accelerator.
At this point, they're a non-satirical version of that one comic strip with the pirate sleeping with his "nemesis" portrait.
Now you're putting words in my mouth and making a fallacy. He can fight Nerfed MG's but no one can go toe to toe with full power. If you're so confident that Nerfed MG's can still wipe the floor with Accelerator, feel free to show me but from the state of the last novel, they get stomped pretty hard unless they're playing defensively.
She clearly trusts her more than anyone at the moment seeing as how the first one who sprang to her mind when she was insecure about the AAA was Misaki. She's just not self aware enough and too much of a prideful 14 year old girl to admit to it.
I didn't say that anywhere. Try reading the posts, and the books while you're at it, SLOWLY, so you don't miss important things, and invent others in your mind.
>From the state of the last novel clearly Accelerator stomps nerfed magic gods very hard
You fucking what? Did you even read the fucking book?
Literally nobody in these threads even knows what happens in Accel manga.
Apparently, Nogi was drawing Raildex porn before actually drawing it officially.
That must be quite the promotion!
Neph was missing a single hair user, and Accelerator was bleeding pretty damn heavily, what part of that is a stomp in your mind?
I'm waiting until the arc is done. It's just too slow
You're cherry picking my argument and forgetting that they can stale it out if they fight defensively. But their magic isn't gonna get through current Accelerator due to his Aeon knowledge and Qliphah support to boot. The more he learns, the more he buffs himself. So if you think gaining Abyss knowledge doesn't do 'anything' for him, then that's false. He already displayed he can interfere with Magic against Neph with his vectors now, it's just that he has to hit them.
>Try reading it SLOWLY
If you can't argue back properly and have to resort to telling me "r-read the book..." then you have no proof to give.
I more or less know what's happening, the problem is caring about what happens.
Accel and Yomikawa bust up a typical Rothschild's party but with esper powers.
You aren't understanding my point. If Neph got hit by that once she'd be dead and the only reason she survived is likely because she was playing footsies and avoiding all the harmful shit she could and Accel spammed. He was bleeding heavily not due to her, but due to magic recoil. If your battle ends up being to where you have to fight defensively and not equally then it's clear you're disadvantaged.
I hope this is bait.
This is the part I remember most from the entire first arc.
That wasn't from anything Neph did though but from the magic recoil he suffered from using magic against her.
>Look man, if Accel hadn't blocked the bullet Misaka Imouto fired at him he'd be dead, the only reason he survived is because he reflected it
>He thinks MG's can tank Aeon fuckery spears if they ram right into them
Yeah, thought so.
>Accel-tan-esque specials in the BD
>constant jokes of Leader peeing
I can't wait.
I'm not cherry picking shit. You quite literally think that Magic gods cannot actually hurt Accelerator. That is beyond stupidity. you can backtrack if you like, I won't judge. But pointing out you said something stupid is not "cherry picking".
>w-why should I read the books?
Because you're speedreading my posts, and that doesn't give me a good impression of how you read the books paired with your lack of understanding of what happened. You're either a speedreader or a hardcore Accelfag. Take your pick.
>Strawmanning immediately
I guess it was. That's a relief.
/Nerfed/ magic gods can't if they rely on Aeon-only magic. Accelerator's ability works on the pretext of understanding and the fact that he just crossed the abyss means he has knowledge of all the aeons and above in his system which he can use with Qliphah. Why would ISIS magic work on him at this point? You're the one that keeps saying "YOU'RE DUMB FOR THINKING THEY CAN'T HURT THEM" but you haven't given me a single argument towards it and you hide behind 'speedreader' and 'r-read the books' as a crutch for an argument you cannot provide.
>Span of time for all of index literally a few months
>Accelerator the only one that actually got permanently worse by becoming a cripple with brain damage
She is already too strong. Kamachi already nerfed and gimped her by making everyone L5 or above immune to her via b.s. reasons and retconning Misaki into a moralfag that couldn't trample over human rights by permanently rewriting the minds/memories/emotions/subconscious/feelings of people except those she takes responsibility for.
Even then she's too powerful so Kamachi just writes about her manipulating weaker characters.
Well yeah dumbass. My point is it's a defensive fight they can do but if they try and fight like Niang-niang they're gonna get their shit pushed in.
I didn't say it was. I said it's not a stomp. That's really not hard to puzzle out. I have no idea why you think it was a stomp. Neph was barely hurt, Accelerator sustained major self inflicted wounds. That is, at best, a tie. Not a stomp. Not to mention, you should know damn well by now that both Magic gods were messing around.
>Footsies, feeding, cheek rubbing, head patting, hugging, etc.
>can't be romantic because it ain't LEWD enough
You guys watch too much online porn.
>/Nerfed/ magic gods can't if they rely on Aeon-only magic
>doubling down instead of backtracking
>Why would magic work on Accelerator?
>you should give me the arguments because I'm such a speedreader I can't think of a single way that Accelerator's reflection has ever or could ever fail him
Man, you can already tell that no matter what Kamachi says Accel can and can't do, a lot of people are going to be mad about it regardless.
>xxxx is too strong! So Kamachi nerfed them by making everyone above immune to their bullshit!
You can say that for any existing character or any existing ability.
>If they try to fight like Niang Niang
Like what, specifically? Messing around and trying to have fun? Or do you mean like when Niang Niang literally dunked another magic god into the earth and nearly exploded the whole thing?
Logic dictates that if you can't meet a point and have to rely on outsourcing to 'r-read this' then you don't even know the shit you're talking about. If you could actually give me reasons why I'm wrong instead of cherry picking my words then I'd take you seriously. If you can provide a good enough argument I can concede but all you're doing is spewing 'speed reader' then I've read the fight several times. But that's fine, I don't have to waste my time with someone who doesn't know how discussion works.
I basically mean if they don't take it seriously, chances are they could get hit by a stray bullet and that bullet will turn out to be a silver-bullet for them. I backtrack my 'stomp' statement because that's not really correct but his kit gives him the advantage over them with the only gimp being the recoil, so they can't just try and run right towards him and shit, they need to be careful.
>Not to mention, you should know damn well by now that both Magic gods were messing around.
This MIGHT and that is a MIGHT have been the case before Accel nearly killed Neph with the spear but that certainly wasn't the case after that. If you truly believe that Neph wasn't still serious after that then you are truly living inside your headcanon.
>Logic dictates that if you cant
You mean "won't". I don't really want to bother with yet another speedreader who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about just so you can show up tomorrow and spout the same dumb bullshit especially when there's a non zero chance I'm just talking to MP or a troll.
Keep using it as a crutch for an argument you cannot prove nor provide user. Have a nice day with your bias.
Mikoto and Misaki have been more intimate than Othinus and Touma
>If you believe Neph was still messing around when she was play crying in the cables above the stage and apologizing then you're just using headcanon
Kamachi quite literally described Neph as someone who was helping everyone in the afterword.
They are already Understanders.
Basically Toaru OPM+Superman
Superman-like in that Accel too OP. All the villains fight him with plots, attacking his one weakness, with magic, or attacking those around him.
OPM like because the real fights are mostly between other characters. They'll try their best. Win or lose. Big bad gets wrecked when Accel arrives.
People complain about accel artist, but his dark and off putting art fits dark edgy Accel very well.
Also artist a piss-fetishist so Accel has become a pedo (kamachi's fault) who likes making little girls piss themselves. Leader pissed herself. Seike pissed herself after #1 reversed her bioelectric current like he did during one of the experiments.
You have just proven how retarded you actually are.
If she was playing around, she wouldn't have been afraid of that spear lopping off her head and clearly panicked a tad. Maybe she wasn't 100% serious but she clearly knew "Okay, I can't let that shit touch much."
See you in a few volumes where Accelerator has his reflection countered for the 5th time and you continue denying anyone could ever hurt him.
This doesn't mean anything because the counters work around his system in general, they don't blow right through. And if you lead with 'neph did it' no she didn't, her properties was a body of ISIS magic which he had never once interacted with so his field, while the initial reaction still happened, allowed her through. Kek, see you in the next few volumes whining about Accel being strong. I'm not saying the dude is invincible because Nerfed MG's can stale him out but you can't seriously think they can fight on equal footing.
Actually very few characters needed that. If anything Kamachi needed to write it in reverse and make characters that are stronger/smart not around.
Like umidori, silver, and the rest of FRESHMEN. Accel literally needed to make 1 call and have Worst/anySister hack them and turn them into powerless bitches.
You'd think after Neph literally fucking kicked him that no matter how much shit Accel pumps into his calculations someone will always find a way to hit the albino.
>You can't seriously think two people who can both hurt or kill each other are fighting on equal footing
>"I can't let that shit touch me."
Not that user, but you can perfectly think that and still play around. Have you ever fought someone that is massively bellow you in a fighting game? There's like 10 different level of seriousness when you're really that strong.
It's not like she did it through full force, it was due to the composition of her body being literally magic essence. Otherwise the dude would be literal paste from a kick like that.
Did you miss the Index tan episode where Accel joined team SNIFF by smelling Last Order's chest after killing Kakine?
>Both hurt and kill eachother
>When one side can get gimped from a single stray bullet and the other side just has to keep throwing them out
That's not an equal battle.
More like see you in a few volumes when accel jobs instantly to the new big bad to reinforce how strong the new threat is.
>Otherwise the dude would be literal paste
OR, maybe, just MAYBE, Neph was messing around and having fun? It's not like, you know, Aleister literally said flat out that Niang Niang went easy on him or something. Nah, MY interpretation of what happened in the scene is the only possible one!
So... what's inside Touma's hand?
Oh my mistake, I forgot you still don't think Accel can be hurt, I thought my cheeky comment about how often Accelerator gets countered would wake you the fuck up. But I assumed too much of you.
My dude, if you think an attack that can get through the field of a dude who could ignore nuclear bombs wouldn't turn his face to jelly if it got through by force, then you're the delusional one. It's clearly not how it happened and she even explains it.
Doritos and Fish Eggs; food--the very thing he desires.
You're retarded and using a phrase I said out of context to try and prove a point and it doesn't work. Kek, but stay mad.
It's just a kihara punch mate. Difference is instead of pulling her leg out she left it there.
>force is redirected
>leg breaks
>leg is still sitting in the ripe reflection spot
>push it through
GG no re
That's...not how his reflection works. There is no time-lag nor window for reflection and it's never once been a thing either. The true passively reflects light, are you saying that the harmful rays are getting through a gap in his reflection every millisecond it's reflection?
It was due to the composition of her body user, why else did she even go through the trouble of explaining it?
Quote me where I said there was a gap. Go ahead. Try it. You really are very bad at speedreading.
>He needs it literally spelled out for him
It's a /time-gap/ you fucking moron. Holy shit, I think you're actually pretending at this point.
If you kick accel and get reflected, yet keep your leg there, the moment you attempted to even go a milimeter closer, it'll get reflected again and again and again and again. There is no time-gap nor can you ignore the intial reflection in the first place since you're being hit with 2x the force that's being sent to you.
The dude reflects LIGHT passively. With your logic, those harmful ways should be getting through his filter if that's all it took. But it's not. I hate to use this, but you sound like the speed reader right now.
>It's just a kihara punch mate.
That has literally nothing to do with what I said. I never said there was a time gap, thats literally you speedreading my very simple post which is why I have very little faith in how closely you read the books.
>go a millimeter closer
You're already there. The acceleration was already reflected. You dont need to go closer, the force was already redirected and broke her leg, she didnt flinch, she didnt pull back, it all went straight into snapping her leg. Then, after the force is redirected, you push through because the defense already activated. This is dead simple. Try not to speed read my post a second or third time.
>Because the defense already activated
You literally don't even know how the Kihara counter worked, do you? I'm not talking to a dumbass who doesn't even know the Counter he was using as a crutch.
When it comes to Kihara punch, a lot of how Accel's power works is kind of changed.
Unless Kihara was lying, that's always a possibility.
Then again, if this graph was correct, I'd think it'd cause a paradox where your fist would ping pong between Accel's face and the barrier indefinitely.
Kihara's punch worked because his filter and field was designed to allow a punch, if vectored towards Accelerator, to be given the 'ok' to hit his face. Not because he can't reflect it after the fact.
It's where it teases Accel's field into thinking the initial attack has already been reflected and instead goes right into his face. It's dumb but that's the logic behind it. Thanks Amata for a method that only you and some edgy girl can use.
You're missing my point. You're saying that a character was nerfed because someone above them is immune to their bullshit.
And I'm saying it's not an argument, because anyone can come up with any similar reasoning in a series were Rock paper scissor, laws of hierarchy and match ups exist. (Which in the end makes her not special at all)
Index was too strong so he had to make deaf nuns immune to her bullshit.
Izzard was too strong so he had to make Touma immune to his bullshit.
Accel was too strong, so he had to make Touma immune to his bullshit, and Angels shit on his reflection.
Kanzaki was too strong so he had to make Acqua and Knight leader immune to her bullshit.
Mikoto was too strong so he had to make Mugino immune to her bullshit.
Teleporters were too strong so he had to make Touma and Accel immune to their bullshit.
Knight Leader was too strong so he had to make Carissa immune to his bullshit.
Carissa was too strong so he had to make Gab immune to her bullshit.
Fiamma was too strong, so he had to make IT and magic gods immune to his bullshit.
IT was too strong so he had to make Othinus immune to its bullshit.
Touma was too strong, so he had to make MG and greater beings above and immune to his bullshit.
Othinus was too strong so he had to make Touma's mental fortitude immune to her endless hell bullshit.
MG were too strong so he had to make WR immune to their bullshit.
>A series where*
On a lighter note, now that Good boy is back, she has to also come back, right? She's not ACTUALLY dead...right?
You clearly don't if you think that doesn't work. You'll have to call Kamachi and tell him the Kihara counter doesn't work before you whine at me about Neph hurting Accelerator with her kick. The principle is the same
>punch Accel, pull fist back somehow before it activates, get vectored into Accel
>kick Accel, don't pull leg back, get reflected, push it through and it's allowed because "it was already reflected"
Even ignoring your little speedreading bitch fit, it's a solid fact that Neph HAS hurt Accelerator.
Only one having a fit is you because:
A: I've never said Neph hasn't hurt him and you're strawmanning
B: Kihara counter works by tricking the field into thinking the attack has been reflected, but alternatively if an attack has already been reflected and is till in the field, the moment you try and move again you're gonna get reflected immediately because there is no 'reflection wall'. His entire AIM field /IS/ the reflection wall. Kihara's punch went through not because it got vectored towards accel, but because his filter was tricked into believing the harmful attack had already been reflected. He literally explains this, and if I'm a speed reader for doing your job for you, what does that make you?
Literally nobody in these threads even know what happens in Blood Sign.
We all do.
>I never said she hasn't hurt him
Oh yeah, because it's a HUGE difference when you're instead arguing she CAN'T hurt him, right? That's a totally different and definitely unrelated argument, right? Fucking dumbass Accelfag.
>Kihara counter works this way, but if it was reflected normally it would be double reflected
Lmao, nice headcanon. Then you're telling me what actually happened was that Neph's foot tried to pull back and Accel kicked himself, whatever, small difference. FACT of the matter remains, your dumbfuck statement about people not being able to hurt Accelerator is still a dumbfuck statement.
The only spinoffs and alternative stories we care about in these threads are Railgun and Astral Buddy for some reason.
Do they know about the memes?
Real question is why Kamachi makes accelerator fight fist fights when dude can control all vectors and has tons of options.
>fight against touma devolves into a fist fight when he could have stayed away
>fight against awaki bacially 1 punch to the face.
>fight against kihara devolved into fist fights both times
>fight between accelerator and kakine ends with accelerator beating kakine to a pulp by hand.
>fight between #1 and ayyywass was basically accelerator charging in instead of vector throwing some rocks first
>accelerator v touma 2 devolves into a fist fight
wtf nice one user
Everything past the first fight can be explained by a Touma complex. He is his hero after all.
Punching people is just satisfying. I can't blame Accelerator for wanting to finish his fights by punching someone's face in.
>She had knocked Academy City’s #1 through a wall with an unarmed tackle. She had succeeded in a head-on attack against that Level 5 who could push back any vector with his reflection.
Your logic is 'stop moving after the reflect' is flawed by the fact that Neph, in a dive against him, still got through and there's no way she'd have the opportunity to immediately stop once the reflection hits from crashing into him. So it's not how it works.
>Nephthys’s body blurred.
>“So my body never did require the circulation of an individual. I contain countless linked loops of life force, so even if one part is severed, the pathway can be rerouted to preserve the overall circulation. Cutting just one of the parallel wires will not shut off the light bulb. Did you think destroying what looks like my brain or heart would be enough to kill me?”
Accelerator has always had trouble with his reflection against beings made up of unknown laws, and Accelerator has only encountered OSiris and Horus laws, but he has not once encountered ISIS which is what he entire body is composed of. Therefor, your method can't be correct because there are too many factors going into it. She didn't have the time to 'stop and hold herself' when she's busy tackling him through a fucking wall user. That's flawed.
It's from the last Index-tan episode
Kihara's punch didn't go through. The Kihara encounter works by pulling your fist back just before it interacts with Accel's reflection. This causes the vector to reverse it self into Accel. Kihara actually described it as Accel punching himself since it;s actually his own reflection that is doing the damage.
I said related to her magic. You're cherry picking once again and using my words out of context without supplying the full meaning behind them to make your point look better. I'm done arguing with you, believe your headcanons and your bias because I've never /once/ said he can't be hurt. I just said AEON magic is likely useless at this point against him. Have fun with your little bubble though.
I didn't say she'd stop moving, but that the force was redirected into her, and that she'd keep moving through. If you're in a run, and someone punches you in the face, most people might fall over backwards, but you could also force yourself through it. In much the same way as Amata somehow has time to reverse his fist's direction when it hits Accelerator's field.
But it's still interacting with his field, it's just he's pulling back at the micro-second the field addresses it. And the reason the punch goes through is, yes, the reflection deemed the punch had already reflected it so the punch cleanly rams right into his face because the field thinks it isn't forcing itself forward. It's a flaw that causes the field to be its own worst enemy. But that doesn't mean anything to the Neph scenario since she doesn't imply a tactic anywhere similar.
>The Kihara encounter works by pulling your fist back just before it interacts with Accel's reflection
But that doesn't actually work. You can't actually hit a solid wall while moving your fist backwards. Unless you're saying Accelerator unconsciously moves himself forward to catch the fist that is moving away from him and pulls it in.
First of all, why would she not get forced back from her own force going back in her x2? Her kick was enough to snap her bones and twist it backwards in a mangled mess, yet she followed through with it and Accelerator barely even fell down. The distribution of the force doesn't add up to the damage he took. Also, chances are, if you're getting redirected with a force greater than you're outputting, you'll be forced back especially if you don't know the field range.
>I never said
Yes you did, nice to hear you're finally backtracking though, it makes you SLIGHTLY less of a moron. You said quite clearly that Accelerator was above magic gods because they can't hurt him and can only fight defensively. Which is HILARIOUSLY stupid.
Keep fighting with this narrative that I said such a thing because I never did. It was under the pretext of magic. I'm done talking to an ape who can't even understand simple logic and needs to twist words to try and win an argument instead of using their own.
>Why would she not get forced back?
She said it herself, she's a mess of parts. The force going into your arm is normally enough to push you back sure, but you could also just tank all of it, and have all the damage go straight into you and have none of it turn into motion.
>The force doesn't add up
Yes it does? Most of the intial force was reflected, thus, she only had however much distance is between his field and his skin to speed up. Try punching something while starting a millimeter away from it, it's going to be weaker than normal.
He wants to become the touma so he fist fights as much as he can. Same as Aleister
Where do I vote?
>Keep fighting with this narrative that I said such a thing because I never did.
>ctrl+f defensively
Oh but let me guess "T-that's not me! I just got here!"
>She's a mess of parts
No she ain't. Her exact quote is: >I contain countless linked loops of life force, so even if one part is severed, the pathway can be rerouted to preserve the overall circulation
She's not so much as 'parts' more so that she's made up of the magic essence with different pathways and that doesn't really relate to the logic you're saying. I mean i guess you can consider that 'parts' but it's not the word I'd use.
>It's going to be weaker than normal
Yet it actually staggered him, so again, it doesn't add up. If it was enough to stagger him at millimeter distance then clearly there's something beyond 'hold your leg there and kick through'. Would you stagger if I held my fist 2 milimeters away from your face then punched you with whatever distance I had? Likely not.
>Would you stagger if I held my fist 2 milimeters away from your face then punched you with whatever distance I had? Likely not.
Depends, are you a magic god?
I see you conveniently ignored the part where I said 'magic'.
Yeah and if I were a magic god your face would have a dent in it even from the distance with that logic. The fallacy of "Magic Gods can do it" means they could have put a while dent in his face too rather than have him stagger and shake his head for a second.
That was how it worked in the novel and how Kihara explained it. It doesn't matter what makes sense.
I always thought the Kihara Encounter was pure PIS personally.
Nope didn't ignore it, just figured it wasn't worth addressing the magic that will be able to go through him before I could get you to even admit the more basic fact of the matter that they don't have to fight purely defensively. If I can't even get you to admit something so fucking basic why would I bother moving onto anything more complicated? You've clearly proven yourself too stupid to understand the higher level stuff.
Says the one who has to use the crutch of "R-read the novels, I don't HAVE to tell you something that I'm trying to prove..."
Burden of proof buddy. That's how it works.
>Magic gods being stronger than humans means they have infinite power
user...there are a lot of numbers between 0 and infinity.
>Could have
Neph was literally not trying to kill him, whether or not she COULD one shot Accelerator is irrelevant.
I want to let both of you know that I won and that I accept your concessions
Get a room retards
Burden of proof applies to the sky being blue as well, doesn't mean I'm going to go through the trouble of pointing out the sky is blue when you could easily figure that out by looking outside. How many fucking times have people worked around Accelerator's fucking barrier? How many fucking times? And you want me to list every single one? Fuck off
Fair enough, but it still doesn't make sense with how his ability works. IF you leave something in his field, the moment you attempt to move it, it should get reflected immediately too. His field doesn't have a single barrier where if you get past that, you're A-okay, his entire field is the barrier so no matter if you hold it inside, you WILL be met with more reflections and I doubt she could take 20 reflections before reaching his face and causing a stagger because there'd be no force nor distance to even make him move.
See, this is why I fucking hate Kamachi sometimes. He leaves shit too vague when it comes to Accel so we're left going "But that doesn't make sense", honestly.
Accel would just learn any attack she used and use that information to beat her.
I'm aware of how many but my stance was always "Their magic can't get through and if they try and fight physically aggressive they risk a silver bullet". I've retracted my statement on a stomp, but a full on battle against current Accel is too dangerous for them. They could win through stalling if he's dumb enough to spam but he has the advantage in too many areas aside from battle experience.
>IF you leave something in his field, the moment you attempt to move it, it should get reflected immediately too
Not if it's already been reflected. Thats the whole reason the Kihara punch works.
I mean, it's true that she is nerfed if the very idea of her power just won't work automatically with a rank that pretty much all opponents will be from now on. Like how in a shounen where all revenant villains can only be beaten by the MC, and his allies become window dressing.
And the writer does give her a mental block to not just handicap her opponent. Gensei may be the only one she was really willing to cripple. In addition to making the power so complex she has to have a focusing program for anything she wants to do. Though the Psychometry means she should be capable of lore, Kamachi will just have to decide to loosen or tighten the narrative hold he has on her role.
Even IF I granted you the dumb notion that not a single spell will ever affect Accelerator there are still a million ways for a magic god to deal with Accelerator. Fucking toss him into space. Easy.
Is this the fabled Misaka Network shitposting
No, it works on the pretext that the field thinks his fist has been reflected away but it's actually directly towards him. Neph's method in what you're saying is an ENTIRELY different ball game because it's not being fooled into being redirected into him, but she's purposely keeping it there which means she can still get reflected if she kept moving because it'd still deem it harmful, whereas Kihara worked on the principle of the field deeming it 'already reflected' but it was actually going right into his cute jaw.
Two small details, but those details mean A LOT.
>Toss Accel into space
You know he could just do the exact same to them with that logic, right? I try not to go for the 'space' shit because it's a cop-out. There's nothing stopping him from grabbing their vectors and forcing their body to reflect gravity until they're in space.
Remember how MGs can dance around Coronzon and she’s beyond Aeons with beyond Aeon knowledge and is the ruler of the Abyss?
His field knows exactly where it was reflected. Towards him, it's the one that did it. It lets it through because it already reflected it. Same reason he's able to pull his fist out, otherwise as another user noted, Amata would have his fist trapped and constantly ping pong into Accelerator's face from the barrier as he pulls back. Amata pulling his fist back after it was reflected, and Neph pushing her leg forward after it got reflected are the same principle and neither was reflected a second time.
>Beyond aeons
She was still limited to the Sephirot unlike Accel who went beyond Keter, which Coronzon could not do. She also only 'dwelled' in the Abyss and was a guide to the knowledge but I doubt she actually knew the knowledge beyond Keter because she was limited to it.
What does that even mean?
Choosing completely irrelevant characters is actually a good thing, if they are not relevant enough in the actual series you might as well make them relevant in at least one event in a gacha game.
Kamachi accidentally made her too powerful so he had to write her off as "maybe she is DED or maybe not its up to the reader".
>He could do the same to them
Yeah but MGs can survive in space and he can't.
>I doubt she has the knowledge
She does. Crowley's original plan to get the abyss knowledge was to house her in his body and steal the knowledge from her directly.
There is a difference between being able to completely bypass and having to work around. Also just because some things can bypass his reflection initially it doesn't mean that will always be the case.
>I try not to go for the 'space' shit because it's a cop-out.
It means aeons are not tiers where one trumps the other automatically. Aleister says it himself it is not a rejection of aeons to go above them.
Is that the space elevator on the left
>Are the same principle
They literally aren't. I don't get how you can be met with so much information and still come out with that when his field is NOT just 'one barrier'. The entire field is the barrier.
Amata's punch was TRICKED, Neph's attack is more so letting it stay with your logic, but can you tell me why it wouldn't get reflected if she moved it? She's still inside his AIM field at that point, so any movement like that would get her reflected. Amata's was abusing a back-loop that /he himself/ purposely put. Neph's, in your method, is still moving within the aim-field and is not addressing the back-door method.
The Amata punch is stupid as it is and shouldn't work, but it really shouldn't be used as comparisons either because with your logic, if something is reflected once it can just go right through if it's not pushed out from the initial reflection which isn't true.
Dude can stand inside flaming inferno's and the moisture absorption from Neph didn't touch him so there /are/ no gaps through the initial reflection to just 'stay there and wait' especially in a fight like Accel. You'd have to know /exactly/ where his reflection starts to even do such a thing and it's pretty wanky to assume Neph knew where his field began when she kicked so she could time it like that. There are too many holes and it just makes more sense to go "Her body is ISIS magic which he has never once interacted with so it fucked with his field."
Bit small to be an actual space elevator.
But they can't return from it. High Priest needed to jack a comet.
Don't look at me, I'm not Kamachi.
>but can you tell me why it wouldn't get reflected if she moved it?
I literally just did.
>if something is reflected once it can just go right through if it's not pushed out from the initial reflection which isn't true.
According to what? When has this ever happened besides Neph? Like I already said, why is Amata allowed to pull his fist out after punching Accelerator if this isn't the case? When has anything ever been reflected and not been pushed out of his field besides these two instances?
>They cant return from it
>No MG has propulsion in any way shape or form
Really? Niang Niang and Neph were literally flying around with Kamisato user. I find it stranger honestly that HP only had the comet method to get back. Which is probably due to his very narrow skill set.
He doesn't pull his fist out. That is not how the Kihara encounter works.
Just for fun
>Touma erases his field
>Telekinesis or whatever from his manga
>Amata "masochist-kun"'s him
>Kakine abuses his white list
>Aiwass is straight incomprehensible to him
>lol telesma, see above
>Mina outcalculates him
>Neph just fucking powers through or some shit. I don't care. Don't try to explain it to me.
So we got 8 methods so far. What will Kamachi come up with next to make the strongest face hurt?
AFTER he punches him in the face user.
Because if that was the case, constant pressure from something would mean it could get through a gap and that clearly does not exist as he can comfortable sit in infernos and reflect everything without a single amber reaching him. No matter if you're in his field or not ,if you're trying to do a method his field deems 'harmful' you will get blocked out .
Why did Amata work? Because it needed to, sadly. That's kinda the truth of it. I can say that he didn't get pinballed because his back-door loop was part of it but it's widely agreed the Amata punch is a bit bullshit either way.
Either way, you're working on the assumption that:
A: Neph knows /exactly/ where his field begins to time that
B: That she's aware such a method works
That's highly unlikely since even the ninja who knew about the method couldn't replicate it, so a MG who knows nothing about Accelerator's esper development definitely can't see an invisible barrier. You can use the 'but she's a magic god' fallacy but that's a slippery slope.
Mina being able to fuck with him is an exception because she knew his ability in the first place, but someone like Neph has no clue in that department. It's just wankery to assume she can pull all that off on the first try and that 'that's all there is to it'. But I see I'm not gonna get anywhere so let's just agree to disagree.
It was teleportation, and done by teleporting him and not something into him. So it's like picking up the rock Accelerator is standing on and throwing it, which should theoretically work seeing as Hamazura tripped him with ice.
I'm taking about when his arm was cut by telekinesis or something, not the asport.
I thought it was more teleporting the space around him because it doesn't require to directly interact with him but the space he's standing on.
>constant pressure from something would mean it could get through a gap
Only if it's the same thing. Thus your inferno example doesnt work, as those embers were constantly being pushed away. A better example would be dropping a planet sized object on him very slowly. The force he reflects wouldnt be enough to move it, so it would slowly get through his barrier until it squishes him.
>His field deems harmful
Not this meme. The field is not intelligent, Accelerator picked the things that he allows through himself. Everything else is unilaterally reflected.
>You're assuming Neph knows where it is
Nope. I'm only assuming that she keeps powering through and doesn't let the reflection bother her. She doesn't need to know where it is, just not get pushed back.
>You assume she's aware
Not really? Neph is messing around and trying things, it could have been lucky on her part. But it also wouldnt be a huge assumption that the god who was interested in fighting Accelerator knows the basics of his power.
>Even a ninja couldnt replicate it
Sugitani tried to replicate the "pull back" method, so it's much more likely his fist came back out of the field, even then he got some amount of a hit on Accelerator. It just cost him his fist, kind of like Neph.
then I can't say I recall that scene.
The narration did say Neph was unphased by the situation and even accel was frustrated by her half hearted apology.
That doesn't mean much. The fight was over at that point. I wouldn't say he was frustrated. He kind of just begrudgingly accepted her half-assed apology before completely ignoring her to deal with Coronzon.
>The force he reflects wouldn't be enough to move it
Only replying to this to add that Accel can control the magnitude if he wants to as shown in the Accel manga when he applied the soundwaves, so that doesn't really work unless he's dumb enough to just stand there and let his field tank it.
Well yes obviously I was talking about the auto reflection. That's what Neph got through and how Kihara counter even works after all.
What’s aeons?
>Why would isis magic effect him
It hurt Coronzon despite being beyond aeons and having an immortal body. He still gets magic recoil so sparks are thing for and at least one magic god knows how to weaponize that. The aeon wall isn't as solid as you think. Neph's tears didn't stop because aeons it stopped because of system with 545 and the network. Even Crowley stopped Coronzon's stuff.
Can Kuroko use aeons?
Accelerator had knowledge beyond Aeon's though and I wasn't talking about the tears stuff, I was more so referencing that his vectors could null her life essence magic which is composed of ISIS magic, meaning he has influence over Aeon Magic in some form so that probably will relate to his field too. Accel went beyond Keter, Coronzon is still limited to the tree. Although now that Lolaster crossed the abyss Coronzon's body should be even more bullshit.
Saying it just won't work is a tall assumption when we've literally just seen Aleister work around the beyond aeons thing after years of claiming it's an insurmountable tier system. He's using a different tree that could and probably will have exploitable loopholes.
>it's another 200 posts arguing about Accel's powerlevel episode
>toss #1 into space
>accel couldn't stop how he moves by vecotr control
>he can't just fly back
Reminder this was literally tried in the novels and worked, but Touma somehow kicked in the shit of niggas on 200 km/h bikes.
>Aleister work around beyond aeons
When was this and what context?
Coronzon isn't even beyond Aeons.
He was blasting the hair dragon and tied the aeons together instead of giving them clear distinctions.
>accelerator can't just stop his movement with vector control
Apparently he can't no. Thank Hamazura for that one.
Tying the aeons together isn't working around being beyond Aeons. IB was working on the hair too but it couldn't work on Coronzon's body. Coronzon isn't limited to 'beyond aeons' and neither is she to begin with. The Aethry Avatars were probably horus because if this was true she would've gotten BTFO by Aleister linking aeons to begin with but he couldn't even exile her body without the force of a metaphysical punch beyond Keter.
>Coronzon isn't beyond aeons
Hold on there partner, do you have any idea how fast you were reading there?
>Kamachi giving Hamazura the asspulls he needs in situations that defy logic
>Or accelerator is just a dummy who underestimated shiageluck and didn't bother correcting himself
Frankly user I don't fucking know what it means to be beyond aeons because apparently you can be but still be limited to the tree or you can go beyond it to Ein Sof and also be like Accel has done.
The point of that exchange was that the thing he was attacking was beyond aeons so some Osiris or Horus shit wouldn't work, so he tied them together. You can't just claim that Coronzon isn't beyond aeons when everything in the damn novel was telling us it was. The knockoff squid could provide knowledge beyond the aeons, but the original with a necessary vessel can't do it itself? I find that hard to believe just because you say so.
Then why didn't any of that shit phase Coronzon?
We should discuss MisaMisa instead
"Kyousuke, I'm Uniquely Selfless."
"Uh...you don't get to bring vessels."
"She was trying to steal Kyousuke's heart which belongs to the Sword of Unsullied Truth..."
"White Queen?"
"Get'em on board, I'll call it in!"
"Perhaps he's wondering why someone would end a chain before throwing an Incense Grendade."
"No one cared who I was until I met Brother."
I’m attracted to... Saten
Coronzon said it was because she herself was too damn strong to be weakened enough and the exorcism itself was stopped by her physical body. She didn't say it was an aeon thing which you know she loves to gloat about.