Star Twinkle Precure

Good luck on your upcoming exams, student anons. Lala believes in you.

Attached: schoollala.jpg (1366x768, 147K)

Other urls found in this thread:��֮����Ů&fr=ala0&tpl=5

Lala learning about earth customs with fat faceless old men

Luck won't save me. But thank you, oyo.

I want to have sex with Miss Shamour

this dumb, retarded adult alien is only good for one thing

Attached: 74192160_p0.png (1131x1600, 1.06M)

So all you have to do in order to short circuit this oyo's brain is ask her what 14 plus 27 equals?

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 13 [96B3B0BD].mkv_snapshot_06.28_[2019.04.28_00.00.46].jpg (1280x720, 90K)

>still going to school

*styles on you*

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 13 [96B3B0BD].mkv_snapshot_18.03_[2019.04.29_00.49.49].jpg (1280x720, 120K)

Yeah in your doujin fantasies she is. We all know Hikaru is the one teaching her how to have real yuri fun in school.

Attached: 1556469826721.jpg (640x640, 60K)

I know it was more surfboard-y but all I could think of during that was

Does this make Lala the most academically inept cure in the franchise?

I mean it's understandible given that on her home world AI basically looks after everything, but even Miyuki was able to do basic level math

Nah, it'll be rude boy classmate teaching her sexy-times. Hikaru will be too busy watching stars with the old astromoner guy.

>be space dork
>finally befriend aliens
>they start ignoring you because they're too busy lusting after the dork that doesn't even get to class on time

being hikaru is suffering

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 13 [96B3B0BD].mkv_snapshot_12.12_[2019.04.28_00.18.40].jpg (1280x720, 66K)

That's fine, dream and think whatever fantasies you want slutfags.

Will Lala be giving birth in the flash forward this season?

i will fill the hole in her heart

Is the Fresh movie good?

Wow this thread turn to shit fast. Delete and restart and ban all oldmen cock loving fags.

calm down

Yes mods please do this.

what a dork

Attached: [xPearse] Fresh Precure! - Episode 12 [English Sub] [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.11_[2019.04.28_21.17.39]. (1274x720, 95K)

Sekushi pinku

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Yeah he is. I still like him a lot.

It's fine, I guess? But ugly as sin for a movie.

This episode felt really energetic. Someone was definitely having fun animating it.

Attached: [xPearse] Fresh Precure! - Episode 12 [English Sub] [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.08_[2019.04.28_21.34.57]. (1274x720, 107K)

I will fill the the one between her legs

Attached: 33871484136_c90c3b04a1_k.jpg (1365x2048, 788K)

Attached: Regina and the masochist.jpg (1254x1817, 484K)

precure a shit

stay out of /m/

This is bullying

Attached: file.png (1366x768, 1.44M)


Attached: D45a3o5U0AA-ewF.jpg (1500x1409, 316K)


Put a Precure thread in every room. Let's invade Yea Forums with Precure love.

Poor Lala, the whole class is going to call her by her speech impediment. That's not right.

Don't become the next bronies

Don't do that.

Attached: Lala No.webm (230x542, 17K)

But FUN is fun!

I was going to turn this part into a webm, but you saved me the work, thanks!

I would die happy at least

Endgame destroyed me, please post cute cures

Kakkuu doujins are always an insta-cum for me, I don't why, but I can't argue with my dick.

Here you go.

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Attached: ciel.png (756x843, 554K)

Mom the cat is back again...!

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What does Procreate Precure mean I wonder

Attached: qsdfsf.jpg (1254x543, 193K)

Fuck off

Your mom can't save you, nya.

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Attached: __hagoromo_lala_and_hoshina_hikaru_star_twinkle_precure_and_etc_drawn_by_tokunou_shoutarou__feab64ac (965x1500, 142K)

Tech wear

Procreate is an awesome painting app for iOS.

Post hair-down Hikaru!

Just need to put Axent wear and a respirator mask on Hikaru, then she'll be kirayaba.

Attached: axent mask.jpg (600x600, 64K)

Anybody knows which Fresh episode Kamen Rider Double appears on the ED? It's probably the non-BD version but I don't have that anymore.
It was the first time I saw a Kamen Rider, after I finished Precure I started watching Rider, now I have finished KR Ichigo to KR Decade, just started Double yesterday and it maked me feel really nostalgic.

Attached: 3acf6f4d-e662-4d04-b032-eb9ffc668c86.jpg (720x540, 49K)

That happened to me in school, they called me Wheezy-J. But just like Lala, I didn't care if it was bullying, I was just happy people were paying attention to me.

Now that you point that out

I want a Big Nep hoodie Hikaru and Parka Dress Lala now. Someone draw it!

Attached: __cure_star_and_hoshina_hikaru_star_twinkle_precure_and_etc_drawn_by_niita__143fc55d6d32e3ae25a662d3 (1461x1461, 232K)

My favorite Lala outfit

Attached: file.png (1416x2000, 2.32M)

I dont remember the exact episode, but it was really early, maybe before episode 15

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Where did this outfit come from? It's very kirayaba~

Attached: 74420221_p0.jpg (1100x1474, 2.08M)

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from the mobile game

Attached: __cure_milky_hagoromo_lala_and_peko_chan_star_twinkle_precure_and_etc_drawn_by_nagisa130__27ced3fde1 (1668x2224, 440K)

Is Hikaru naked under that?


One of the best Precure outfits

Attached: __hagoromo_lala_star_twinkle_precure_and_etc_drawn_by_hayashi_keita__338cfb4cc9bf057403a81142a9c25c1 (1165x1654, 1.29M)

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Why are there two lum-chans?

Attached: 10.jpg (1200x1749, 332K)

Oh my god this is adorable

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God have mercy
I want to smell an alien

What intricate feelings is this expression trying to convey?

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Attached: 3.jpg (1280x720, 139K)

You're right, Bunbee is really adorable there.

thinking about precures



do lalas reproduce by mitosis?

With me

Today we have 2, tomorrow we will have an army of them

We will never get a Nep cure, because she already voiced the original not-cure

Man, Lun-Chan is an idiot.

Attached: [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 13 [D3CC885C].mkv-0001.jpg (1366x768, 208K)

Animator clearly forgot her ears are supposed to be different.


Attached: 92DF36AF-5433-4050-BB21-3DC5D6B2B91E.jpg (1024x1448, 269K)

Is this new Precure worth watching? Is it as good as Heartcatch?

*spills mop water*

Attached: 1556460824556.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

Attached: 190428.jpg (900x660, 120K)

Pic related will be handy

Attached: [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 13 [D3CC885C].mkv_snapshot_03.59_[2019.04.29_10.32.25].jpg (1061x597, 90K)

I could use an AI ojou-sama.

Attached: [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 13 [D3CC885C].mkv_snapshot_05.47_[2019.04.29_10.37.54].jpg (1061x597, 105K)

Hikaru possessing basic algebra skills is shocking indeed.

Attached: [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 13 [D3CC885C].mkv_snapshot_06.36_[2019.04.29_10.39.30].jpg (1061x597, 90K)


Attached: [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 13 [D3CC885C].mkv_snapshot_07.12_[2019.04.29_10.41.15].jpg (1061x597, 113K)

why wasn't her first thought imitating him? lalalun is retarded even by precure standards, she might as well be a pink

>we could've had Ayy-chan as the translated nickname and it would still be better than Yeppers

Point taken, but I was thinking much earlier.

Attached: 1540078857548.jpg (1440x810, 450K)

Huh, so they suddenly started including her oyos in their subs too? Hedging their bets against another episode like this one, I see.

>weapon upgrades instead of motw

Fucking genius.

It's actually kind of amazing that they've never done this simple, elegant setup before. One general fights personally, one uses mooks, and one uses MotWs. Best of all worlds.

Attached: lalawav.gif (1006x658, 638K)


Attached: bibuwav.gif (400x720, 235K)

This episode was lacking something about Lala's struggle with learning on her own instead of relying on AI, but I guess it's my fault for expecting complex stories from a blue. Some cures just get all the good shit, pic related.

Attached: 1521244412322.jpg (1000x1110, 173K)

I suggested they could include -lun in the subs early on for the sake of the hearing impaired, now classmates are calling Lala "Lun-chan" lmao

I wonder what possesses fansubbers to get rid of autistic speech patterns which inevitably get discusses by the characters or even become plot points, evidently it must be an autism of comparable severity

Try not being deaf. It gets annoying listening to it, I wouldn't want to read it too.

They went the "just be yourself-lun" way, which is understandable for Toei even though there was little reason for Lala not to use the opportunity to behave more like a Japanese among muggles.

Who's the real alien?��֮����Ů&fr=ala0&tpl=5

after all the past seasons we've had where they teach little girls that's it's ok to be yourself do you really think they would just make an episode teaching the absolute opposite?

I don't know why you posted these, but it looks like the Japanese properly recognize Lala as the lovechild of Macopy and Hime, so that's cool.

Attached: 1556409944356.gif (320x180, 483K)

Obviously not, I told you I understand this. But we need to teach little girls to be polite and speak properly too once in a while-lun.

sorry, I misinterpreted your post

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Attached: 73859145_p0.png (1200x1550, 939K)

Cute boy this episode. The stupid ones are better than the "working hard everyday" Precure boys.

Attached: 74418562_p0.png (1528x1650, 1.46M)

Lala's gonna take that boy into space and probe him by the end.

I'm your mother now, nya.

Attached: 1555014343947.jpg (1280x720, 137K)

He will help Samaan usurp its insidious AI overlords.

>double asahi

I'd love to have Yukari as my mom

Be my mom instead!

Post cute cures!

Attached: 25060b45de6ffe07e61ca27129ac106c.jpg (607x1080, 735K)

>It's actually kind of amazing that they've never done this simple, elegant setup before.

kirakira kinda did something similar. there were MOTWs but how they worked varied pretty drastically amongst the generals. Julio and Elisio during the final stretch went a different route entirely with using different weapons or armors to fight the cures personally respectively.

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>Is this new Precure worth watching?
>Is it as good as Heartcatch?

Am I a real dork if I wear my bra on the outside?

Attached: 1555560303361.jpg (1280x720, 129K)

That's not a bra but yes, you'd be a dork if you did that.

Wearing underwear outside is a normal thing for superheroes

It does kind of look like a training bra at first glance.

Yes and I would cum on you and inside you massively because I love having sex with dorks.

Who's idea was it to dress this dork like this, was it any of you guys or her mom?

Whoops forgot picture.

Attached: 57813637949.jpg (317x600, 54K)

i reckon she'd look better with just the top and no bottom shirt

>極上の貧乳 first-rate flat breasts


Hana's outfit is one of my favorite pink outfits to have and fap in.

>なんで中に出したルン? おこルン

So Elena dad looks like a spci chad?

Come here often?

Attached: 1554164106305.jpg (800x1200, 129K)

Oh no!

Attached: Hikaru falling in the trap.jpg (1262x1811, 687K)

Why are yellows consistently the best and cutest of their team?


Attached: [xPearse] Fresh Precure! - Episode 13 [English Sub] [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.14_[2019.04.29_09.55.28]. (1274x720, 74K)

The world may never know

Attached: 43604233_p0.jpg (1032x1039, 668K)

Attached: Cute Custard.jpg (1280x720, 133K)

Yes! Himari is super cute!

This is true.

Attached: [Gelatin] KiraKira☆Precure À La Mode - 43 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.06_[2019.04.15_22.32.03].jpg (1280x720, 83K)

My favorite one!

Attached: Himari.png (864x540, 267K)

Yep, she is.

Attached: 61753894_p0.jpg (1500x1500, 558K)

That's not true! Inori is perfectly fertile!


I love it when past seasons unintentionally foreshadow future ones.

Attached: [Doremi].Happiness.Charge.Precure.35.[1280x720].[D967EF51].mkv_snapshot_00.15_[2019.04.29_10.11.27]. (1280x720, 1.36M)

There's shit in my food

la rata..

Not only is she cute, she's also very smart! 2 for 1 bonus!

Attached: Custard_KKPCALM_Movie_Website.png (276x442, 154K)

Toei confirmed bros

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Where's Megumi?

>why is the weird space girl trying to talk to me again?
>can't she see I'm trying to hit on the new, actually hot, girl?

Attached: [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 13 [D3CC885C].mkv_snapshot_05.37_[2019.04.29_12.23.13].jpg (1280x720, 112K)

Do you think Lalalun would need to consult the AI when having sex? Like, it would tell her what parts to focus on and what she should say to inspire optimal arousal?

Attached: [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 13 [D3CC885C].mkv_snapshot_11.13_[2019.04.29_12.31.22].jpg (1280x720, 89K)

>wow, so this is bullying
>Earth culture is so interesting

Attached: [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 13 [D3CC885C].mkv_snapshot_21.50_[2019.04.29_12.45.56].jpg (1280x720, 76K)

This girl is really cute.

Attached: 1556558709281_1.jpg (200x440, 24K)

Attached: 1556513624021.jpg (1280x720, 228K)

Yes, this is normal human behavior

The AI would tell her everything. Who to date, who to marry, how many kids, when to die.

It's more efficient

>The /u/ Precure Thread didn't get any post since the last episode and died
Heh, I guess the >boy getting between Hikaru and Lala triggered them.

Attached: 1552272979963.jpg (657x854, 189K)

So, Kappard was cool as fuck this episode. That god damn hoverboard. He looked fucking slick.
...and then he jobs because he's too busy looking cool for the camera instead of fighting.
But damn, he looked cool.

It's moe. I guess you can't understand moe.

He was fun.

Watching this bit hurt me.
Peak spaghetti.

>This episode was lacking something about Lala's struggle with learning on her own instead of relying on AI
Given the obvious parallels of looking everything up on the phone, I'm amazed they didn't particularly bring it up outright.

God I wish

That was one of the most uncomfortable scenes in Precure for me. Lala was so lost on what to do and then that kid calls her a weirdo, I felt so bad for her.

>Lala's struggle with learning on her own instead of relying on AI,
That's because it's her culture and you're being an imperialist by wanting to stop the intellectual regression of organics in an AI dominated world. Just because you meatbags are forced to do everything themselves due to their low levels of technological advancement doesn't mean others can't embrace the elegant symbiosis of man and machine.

Hikaru may be better at math than Lala, but AI+Lala outdoes her by a long shot.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Beatless - 18 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.32.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

First Lala is a teal, second we just had a complex story last season with Saaya.

There really shouldn't even exist a Precure thread in /u/

Attached: 8.jpg (1280x720, 304K)

Haven't seen the episode yet. Is this the boy who will ultimately impregnate Lala for the inevitable season finale birth scene?

Attached: D5Szpb3VUAAvXwQ.jpg (952x1200, 105K)

We must have more

What are the chances that Lala's planet is just inhabited by Lala's? She hasn't said anything about her parents, has she? What if the ai's just grow Lala's because they know that they are easy to control?

That boy was me all

A civilization that advanced shouldn't even need breeding through normal means, they'd probably just grow them, but I'm guessing the show will never touch on that subject so we'll never know if Lala is a test tube baby

Me on the left lun.

Why not? It's only been a few months since we heard and watched a precure giving birth after presumably having sex with a guy.

With all these antennas they're starting to look like cockroaches, oh god.

I hope that they go to Lala's planet eventually, that way we can find out if she has parents or not. But yeah I doubt that they will go into detail on how Lala was born.

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Cute lion.

Attached: D5VgOTyUIAAXrWl.jpg_orig.jpg (1918x2048, 324K)

I had a few gripes with KiraKira when it was airing but one thing they did do right was the characters, everyone was great and likeable.

I imagine they do it the old fashioned way. I imagine Lala's planet will be full of 13 year old looking aliens with big bellys

Attached: D5UUZlzVUAExOKY.jpg (450x600, 42K)

Lala's race probably hatches from eggs.


We should have noticed Lala constantly laying eggs already if it were so. Has there been a scene where she shows her belly? A bellybutton would confirm she's a mammal.

Lala, what are you seeing with your alien eyes?


To all humans?

This is now my favorite season.

To everyone besides her race

this is a little too much, don't you think?

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 12 [C8738AC1].mkv_snapshot_07.41_[2019.04.26_15.02.26].jpg (1280x720, 108K)

my fan is bigger than youuuuuurs...

Global temperature keeps rising. Modern problems require modern solutions.

Good, I'm also not human
Finally, a dildo to pleasure metal gear

Attached: [email protected] (729x792, 424K)

*strikes a pose*

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 13 [96B3B0BD].mkv_snapshot_18.00_[2019.04.29_00.49.46].jpg (1280x720, 70K)

Lala wouldn't kill humans, we have riceballs.

Attached: D4sBcqIUcAAv03-.png_orig.png (900x720, 347K)

What happens when she realizes her AI knows the secrets of their creation?

It's a Momodora reference.

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Tinkgen of Elena

>one's dad is a control freak
>the other's is a Mexican
I don't know which one's worse.

Control freaks are worse in my experience.

Cure feet!

Attached: 74444203_p0.jpg (800x1136, 1.32M)

Her putting her hand up to her ear made her look even more autistic compared to her acting naturally.

Attached: bb3790c148c5a078f3704c770e4f9e5e.jpg (1050x1400, 430K)

I love cute background characters.

Attached: [Aesir-Anxious]_Smile_Precure_-_37_[720p][687BC01C].mkv_snapshot_10.32_[2016.08.27_21.02.48].jpg (1280x720, 173K)

God I wish she landed on my face

That's a lot of hair

Attached: 74446144_p0.png (1600x1000, 787K)

>shouri no BIG WAVE
I could listen for hours to Kappard lines

Attached: best_boi.jpg (1280x720, 148K)

Samaanians reproduce at an alarming rate.

Attached: 16.jpg (1280x720, 430K)

Attached: [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 08.mkv_snapshot_21.21.jpg (1960x720, 331K)

Attached: [CommieRaws] Kirakira Precure A La Mode - 24 [2550BFE0].mkv_snapshot_07.27_[2017.07.23_10.15.44].jpg (2224x720, 392K)

Can I have one?

>A bellybutton would confirm she's a mammal.
Any species that developed on another planet would be so genetically distant to us that they wouldn't fit in any of our existing taxonomic categories.

Can't wait for the episode where Lala eats too much onigiri and goes through mitosis.

She's an alien not a gremlin

Say something nice about Ace.

Attached: DuoDF8lVAAEi8o6.jpg (1200x850, 127K)

Her transformation sequence is really cool.

Maybe in real life, but we're talking about a cartoon space alien whose only difference so far is impaired math skills and electric hair strands (and the math might be a cultural thing anyway).

Lala is pretty much a human

Attached: D5Mr_NmUwAAQZx7.jpg (1200x1200, 276K)

She's pretty.

Attached: D1BrrXVU4AMXejQ.jpg (2048x1458, 761K)

Mexicans are good Catholics and have good family values so the answer is pretty clear.

Attached: 14662608365_e30d03df7c_k.jpg (2048x2048, 1.8M)

i dont remember hating her

I want Lala and Hikaru to eat out each others bellybuttons

I want that now too.

Only if you're prepared to take care of a thousand.

Attached: 32.jpg (1280x720, 524K)

Oyo? Hikaru always smells really good-lun

now add more and turn it into a computer wallpaper

>I want Lala and Hikaru to eat each other out

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Yuri-san kakkoii

>Happy Yuri
And then she wakes up.

Aida Mana

Attached: 1552663904948.jpg (608x900, 204K)

Handsome devil

Attached: DjpVpqBUwAAglui.jpg (617x1024, 77K)

Attached: imoutoo.png (936x720, 408K)

Does anyone have that picture of Mana with her cock sticking out? I also believe she's in her summer outfit.

Bros I just
I just can't enjoy this season
Even KiraKira didnt bore me so much. Pink is the stinkiest part of this series. Lala bullying is too much to take.

Attached: [Chihiro]_Smile_Precure_-_13_[1280x720_H.264_AAC][40C9E7BF].mkv_snapshot_06.46_[2019.04.18_16.41.47] (1280x720, 116K)

All theses bitches wanted the Dick of Henri

I want to die

>Pink is the stinkiest part of this series.
Oh yeah, I want smell Hikaru's stinky farts.

Attached: 17.jpg (900x590, 119K)

Attached: 3a8c51831c99dd10babd3dab7880c7e0.jpg (681x1024, 84K)

I didn't understood Komachi's fear here after all
>Sleeping Yuri
Inmersion ruined.
Eh, I like the diversity of the season. I'll still hold my horses until the idol comes out.

>Pink is the stinkiest

>negom locked her twitter account

Wait what, why!?


Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!

What happen?

I see children to entertain-lun

Does anyone have a nice pic of Madokabottle by any chance?

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Attached: 1554158664085.jpg (5984x3366, 3.45M)

This is not nice and I feel sorry for you.

Don't you get tired of being like that?

dark times

stop this, yeppers is solely for that late dork she sits next to in class

that guy isn't that much of a dork

he's a bit of a dweeb to be honest.

No, because people like you would be happy and delighted to break up Mirai and Liko. To that I say fuck you and I'm glad things don't go your way. You want a proper ship, you earn it like everybody else.

>dating your bully

Attached: 1550431050275.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

I like Mirai/Liko

he's not a bully just a bit of a dumdum

He is kinda retarded.

If Lala gets pregnant I might cry.

Attached: 1540149958958.jpg (531x612, 68K)

can oyos even get pregnant

But she is an alien

From the happiness of witnessing the miracle of life?

Oh stop it, no you don't.

girls cannot impregnate girls
I think

Attached: 1551573898153.jpg (776x900, 170K)

But I do.

Okay post a picture of Hikaru bottle kissing Lala bottle then. Post them too hanging out at the window together.

But Hikaru and Lala aren't Mirai and Liko

Did you mean Mirai bottle kissing Liko bottle? Sorry I don't have any pic like that

That's cute, do you happen to have any images of the Elena bottle. I can't find one anywhere.

the sun

Attached: sunny.jpg (1000x1332, 1.8M)

not by itself

Attached: 1549682944980.jpg (1280x554, 149K)

That'll work, thanks.

Except they're the soul successors to Mirai and Liko though so yeah.


Now that's what I call delusion.

I understand where you'd find similarities between them but to call them successors is just bonkers.

No user he's right, you're the only delusional one here.

I shouldn't have to explain it the writing's on the wall. It's more than just similarities.

Mirai and Liko were unconditionally in love with each other. Hikaru spent an episode getting awfully close with Madoka while Lala was the 3rd wheel. They are not even close

Cool lion.

Attached: D5VYVQfUEAAPp-6.jpg_orig.jpg (2047x1308, 576K)

Fuck off

Why is Soleilbottle so smug

There's no writing on the wall expect the one you want to see, Hikaru and Lala have no more of a relationship than Megumi and Hime, for example, had.

And now you're just being an utter pillock

who is the biggest
>dork cure
>dork general

Lala having one of Hikaru's riceballs was small potatoes compared to the lengths HIkaru went to make Madoka feel good and enjoy donuts

Same people who worked on Maho, Twins working on the manga. Also Hikaru and Lala are already establishing grounds. You just don't want to admit it and keep defending your delusional ways. Megumi got Hime in the end.

The twins work on all the manga, you nitwit, hardly makes any of their work canon.


>dork cure
>dork general

They aren't even on Haruharu and Minamin's level, since they haven't had their own big gay dance

I want Lala’s yellow balls to touch Hikaru’s yellow balls, even if they’re inert!

So what, their relationship is establishing like Mirai and Liko and it's holding true, the twins just add more enthesis to that. Their stuff is as canon as the main show.

Attached: 1555534768727.jpg (577x902, 119K)

>Their stuff is as canon as the main show.

Now who's the one who is deluded

These two did it better. Twice

Attached: 74017195_p0.jpg (800x800, 244K)

>He doesn't know

Apparently you don't know the very thing that stopped Negom from shipping Madoka with Lala and instead went with her self-insert.

So the Dragon Ball Super manga isn't canon then?

Christ you /u/tards are insufferable.

What does getting bored with Lala have to do with this?

the a.i told me that Lala is in love with Hikaru

>Their stuff is as canon as the main show.
If the twins stuff is canon does that mean that Aoi and Himari are together?

>user gets fucking gangbanged by the rest of /pc/


More like /u/ anons.

>not dating your bully

Attached: 1392181675637.jpg (640x360, 38K)

While being forced into a cure outfit? Which one?

Which Precure would you let turn you into a eunuch?

I want to be in Cure Soleil's outfit as you guys are drowning me in your cum.

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Attached: ǝʌɐM nɹᴉɯƎ.gif (371x251, 617K)

Dammit, Hikaru! I told you, don't feed them after midnight!

I miss Saaya

Attached: 001.jpg (1243x1816, 280K)

bitch me too

Onani Master Kurosawa is one of the best love story ever told, yes.

next ep
>family de sonrisa
it should be sonrisas!, btw did /ai/ got deleted?

I dedicate this song to the love of my life, Hino Akane

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It's not lesbian if the balls don't touch!

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Attached: ʌɐʍnqᴉq.gif (400x720, 244K)

Oh my goodness, detective Akimoto Komachi was amazing. This episode gave me hope for this show, it seemed iffy to me at first but now I love it. The whole episode was so good.

Attached: Yes! Precure 5 Go Go! - 09 [HugMan][8056191D]-0005.jpg (1920x1072, 161K)

Such a cutie

Attached: Yes! Precure 5 Go Go! - 09 [HugMan][8056191D]-0006.jpg (1920x1072, 280K)

This rip looks nice. Torrent?

Attached: Yes! Precure 5 Go Go! - 09 [HugMan][8056191D]-0007.jpg (1920x1072, 280K)


Attached: Yes! Precure 5 Go Go! - 09 [HugMan][8056191D]-0013.jpg (1920x1072, 136K)

Thanks man

Attached: [DmonHiro] Yes! Pretty Cure 5 - 44 - What Kind Of Person Is A Caregiver! (720p) [D432BC1B].mkv_snaps (1280x720, 60K)

Yeah, sorry.

Attached: 1554450165325.jpg (2834x1814, 214K)

It was funny just because the sheer "we don't fucking care about you, where's our keiki?"

Bunbee was a victim


Attached: __hagoromo_lala_star_twinkle_precure_and_etc_drawn_by_haruyama_kazunori__13b543be87e34a0b0c1621638da (900x514, 119K)

>no panties

why is Ironman visiting Lala?

Attached: IMG_20190429_200236.jpg (1470x1959, 458K)

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Isn't Lala an adult on her home planet?


I'll make her an adult on any planet she wants.

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Is Negom ok?

Was she ever?

For gopri fans there is a convention called Noble Party ノーブルパーティ 3 weeks ago.

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*sniffff snifffffff*

All cute except for the poptepipic trash

What's it smell like?

Out of this world


Good-bye, Japanese Heisei era!

Attached: 7vr1Pbt.jpg (640x480, 63K)

Welcome, Japanese Reiwa era!

Attached: 3Ru98Ag.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

Cute Cure team.

Is there a picture like this but with Hikaru's outfit?

Attached: 74479024_p0.png (496x702, 370K)

Tell me about the mobile game?Is it good?I need a break from all the rhytm games i'm playing.

Left or right?

Attached: [xPearse] Futari wa Precure Max Heart - The Movie - SP01 - Theater Test Screening Event [JP RAW] [48 (650x480, 60K)

Left. Kig is life.

>manji's still a thing

Attached: 019.png (1148x363, 317K)

She looks like she does anal.

Attached: [CommieRaws]_HappinessCharge_Precure__-_39_[37C8D0A5] Feet Edition.webm (852x480, 2.49M)

I believe that's the last episode of HaCha that I saw before I dropped it. I should really get around to finishing it someday.

What did Honk mean by this?

Attached: nagisa's smelly socks.png (720x529, 395K)

Did they duck after?

She's been studying for the quiz.

Attached: Nagisa quiz.png (512x1642, 274K)

why is tsubomi so lewd?

its a simple puzzle game.Not great, but its a ton of fun

Her socks are a bit smelly.

The quiet, nerdy girls are generally the naughtiest

I'm really hard from Tsubomi's comments now.

There's a bunch of orbs of different colours, and you draw a line through as many adjacent orbs of the same colour as you can to deal damage to a monster. If the orbs match the colour of the Cure you're using, you deal more damage.
It's extremely simple, and not honestly my cup of tea, and the gacha is ridiculously bad for a free player, but hey. It's full of cute Precure.

Attached: [CG]-PreCure-Max-Heart-Movie-1-[1080P-BD][RAW][4F684BD9].mkv_snapshot_00.23.37_[2016.09.27_13.13.38] (1920x2900, 2.37M)

Attached: this makes the pc mad.png (292x493, 233K)

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>her fashion sense is awful
cowboy shirts are cool though


Attached: IMG_20190430_123029.jpg (1152x2048, 370K)

Elena's and Lala's outfits look the best.

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 13 [96B3B0BD].mkv-2019-04-30-15h47m00s927.jpg (1280x720, 163K)

Why is her mouth cut out?

>gacha is ridiculously bad for a free player
You underestimate my luckshitting and Yuroop timezone abuse.

>the gacha is ridiculously bad for a free player
so true, it's been months since i got a 5*/ red? star.
>Yuroop timezone abuse
tell me more

I haven't download the game yet due to problems but usually on most mobages if you roll between 7~8 PM Burger hours there's a considerably higher chance of getting SSR/*5-6 stuff, of course that only apply for F2P players because getting your unit is enough, if you want to upgrade it you need to have patient or sheel shekels. I personally just want my cards/units, mixmaxing is for Esports fags. Why is called that way dunno but that's how it works.

*bowing farewell to the Heisei Era*

so, like 8 am japan?

Remember that each roll makes the gacha algorithm change, and if you're really lucky you can get 3 *5 on 5 rolls when nobody's rolling. 8 am sounds like a point where Neets are sleeping, people going to work/school and yuroops are mostly sleeping as well, that reduces the roll count by 50% or more hence the higher chance. It's cuter when you have 2 or 3 different banners up so you can just try your luck with the less popular one. Also never roll between 5~7 am japan or after an update because there's a 0% chance you'll get what you want.

i play a lot of gachas and this is the first time i read this stuff, will try it when i get the jewels in like, 2 months

I got this knowledge on /moba/ and was proven true many times. Is that hard to save for a single roll or it's better to save for a x10?

i always save for x10, and i really dont play that much so i dont get a lot of jewels im sure you can watch ads for jewels, but im sure you need a VPN for that or some shit

and still making exactly the same fucking face

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I think I was enjoying Hugtto a little more at this point but Hugtto started going downhill after episodes 16/17 so hopefully Star Twinkle doesn't follow suit.

But sailor uranus clones make me happy, not mad.

I didn't know being modeled after takarazuka male roles makes one a lesbian. Only her actions make her gay not her fashion.

What happened in 2009? I always wondered why it was only precure and Sentai changng at the same time. You would think it would be easier to have all that stuff lined up.

As you can see, it is clearly Decade's fault.

The destroyer of worlds, Decade happened.

Attached: ONORE DIKEIDO.jpg (609x400, 86K)

2009 got way too fabulous.

Attached: heartcatch tsukasa kaito.jpg (733x387, 147K)

I thought Decade was a cool thing? Didn't he summon all the past riders or something along those lines? Was it planned to be only a half year or was it just doing really poorly?

What would you do in this situation?

Pet the cat.

Miyuki is dating Yayoi? How cute!!

MC/actor's good, show itself as bad


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Attached: NagisaBlush.jpg (640x480, 42K)

does she have good doujins?

gonna go ahead and say the best year to be keeping up with all three combined was either 2004 or 2009, and in my personal opinion the best year for just cure/rider would be 2017 and just cure/sentai 2012.

pretty sure decade was deliberately shorter for the sake of shaking up when the start of rider's toy releases would happen for the sake of sales

Why do purple cures exist? I always read that in Japanese fiction, purple is most often used to represent death or other malice. Like poison-type Pokémon always being purple. So why do we have our pure-hearted, cute pretty cures being purple? Is this ok for little girls?

Bitchy little girls buy toys too.

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Attached: 1524959006983.jpg (1440x810, 200K)

Attached: stop-saying-childish-things.jpg (1280x720, 337K)

pinks exist for the average girl
blues exist for that girl that picks luigi in mario kart
yellows exist for the older fan that enjoys precure for innocent reasons
purples exist for the older fan that enjoys precure for less innocent reasons

Attached: [Doremi].HeartCatch.PreCure!.32.[1280x720].[4202ABB2].mkv_snapshot_05.34_[2014.11.06_14.54.01].jpg (1280x720, 52K)

Not yet

Wait, fuck. Mai can't be purple; she's not a bitch.

Attached: [PCSS] Pretty Cure Splash Star 14 (DVD) [63A7185C].mkv_snapshot_08.59_[2014.04.13_02.54.07].jpg (640x480, 40K)

Attached: [naisho] Mahoutsukai Precure! - 03 [615FFF7E]-0004.jpg (1280x720, 142K)

I mean, what a lovely color. Apologies.

Attached: DXDCggCVQAIVXNE.jpg (1012x1200, 180K)

Attached: [Doremi].Yes.Pretty.Cure.5.Go.Go!.15.[1280x720].[FA9C89E6].mkv_snapshot_20.55_[2014.06.30_22.19.57]. (1280x720, 68K)

>blues exist for that girl that picks luigi in mario kart
Oh, so me?

>stealth camo was purple

Attached: [Coalgirls]_Suite_Precure_39_(1280x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[4A3A003C].mkv_snapshot_09.33_[2014.12.13_19.38 (1280x720, 92K)

Are you telling me that cute little Hotaru is a bitch, I don't buy it.

made for naizuri

I pick Rosalina tho

The turbodyke from Non Non Biyori that likes Precure? She does seem kind of purple now that you mention it.

Attached: 1389900096548.jpg (428x600, 72K)

Yukari was a pussy, Akira was the bitch.

Attached: 1545285413403.jpg (1280x720, 201K)

Oh no I meant Sailor Saturn sorry.

Attached: [anon] Mahoutsukai Precure! - 33-0031.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

Attached: [naisho] Mahoutsukai Precure! - 24 [2A1145D7]-0065.jpg (1280x720, 140K)

Sex with Miss Shamour NOW

Attached: file.png (3000x3507, 919K)

Move over Liko, Top Bitch coming through.

Attached: [Doremi].Yes.Pretty.Cure.5.Go.Go!.34.[1280x720].[07DFCA48].mkv_snapshot_00.30_[2014.07.29_02.37.19]. (1280x720, 84K)

Attached: [anon] Mahoutsukai Precure! - 39.gif (640x360, 722K)

Rin, right?

Milk is a frightening bitch indeed.

Attached: [Kimi] PreCure All Stars - Minna De Utau♪ Kiseki No Mahou! [720p] [5C359402]-0017.jpg (1280x720, 136K)


Attached: Yes! Precure 5 Go Go! - 09 [HugMan][8056191D]-0028.jpg (1920x1072, 144K)

I guess Y5 was pretty bitchy, huh?

Attached: [Doremi].Yes.Pretty.Cure.5.Go.Go!.23.[1280x720].[530496E7].mkv_snapshot_11.10_[2014.07.23_21.01.14]. (1280x720, 100K)

Attached: Yes! Precure 5 Go Go! - 09 [HugMan][8056191D]-0018.jpg (1920x1072, 172K)

Attached: 48644532_p0.jpg (1010x800, 382K)

Nah, I'm pretty sure I'm right. Rin was completely unlikable.
A bit yeah.

Attached: Milk not goog enough.png (1280x720, 1.24M)


Attached: Yes! Precure 5 Go Go! - 04 [HugMan][8FE2AFCE]-0001.jpg (1920x1072, 264K)

Wait, there are people who think Riko is a bitch?

Attached: 1462183614336.jpg (570x778, 162K)

Clams, the lot of 'em.

Attached: [naisho] Mahoutsukai Precure! - 06 [FD045C45].mkv_snapshot_23.58_[2017.11.04_09.23.08].jpg (1280x720, 130K)

Wow so this is why people hate Rin, what a bitch.

It looks sort of sad to be grimaced at so carelessly, doesn't it?

Attached: [naisho] Mahoutsukai Precure! - 06 [FD045C45].mkv_snapshot_23.47_[2017.11.04_09.22.29].jpg (1280x720, 83K)

you should probably look into fixing that filename user

Ok, let's try this from another way, what do you like about Rin?

Attached: 1556671383502.jpg (1920x1072, 212K)

Attached: [Doremi].Happiness.Charge.Precure.44.[1280x720].[00FC85E1].mkv_snapshot_04.35_[2014.12.17_04.42.28]. (1280x720, 58K)

Attached: 1457222363306.jpg (1440x810, 203K)

I think it's so cute how she is Yumehara Nozomi's best friend, her brash nature is a contrast to Yumehara Nozomi's and keeps her alive like a good friend and I think she is attractive but also I want to make her feel loved from this mass bullying from the fanbase

Attached: 4662078_p0.jpg (464x650, 125K)

Attached: Yes! Precure 5 Go Go! - 01 [HugMan][63443DE9]-0014.jpg (1920x1072, 184K)

I'd say that Urara is a better friend than Rin is for Nozomi. Rin can be too harsh and mean at times, that's not being a good friend that's being a bully. I also don't think that Rin is attractive in any way, but different people have different views on things like that. And why do you keep using Nozomi's full name?

i better kill myself

Cute Star.

Attached: D5cJX8kVUAAaGNe.jpg_orig.jpg (707x1000, 166K)

Some people think that nagging someone when you think they're making a mistake is being a good friend. Usually because they think being right gives them license to be assholes.


Attached: 74465759_p0.jpg (2976x4209, 1.23M)

Liko wasn't a bitch per se. Maybe a tryhard but that's all.
No, he hates her for the "go fuck yourself Nozomi!, Shut up Urara!" line on Yes5
You're missing a few colors pal.
She's a White, not a purple.

Does anybody know what's going on here?

Attached: D5aWRIEU0AEurLF.jpg_orig.jpg (600x425, 98K)

only two really. Tell us about reds and greens.

>She's a White

No such thing. There are six colors. Your whites are blue and yellow.

You forgot about teal.

I don't see what ducks have to do with this.

I swear I saw somewhere someone shitting on Greens but my mind can't remember for shit about who, I think it was Milky Holmes. Basically greens are Akari-tier.
If you tell me Rhythm is a purple I'll fucking kill you.

Squirrely cuteness.

Attached: 1554821719015.jpg (800x1065, 90K)

There are so many other shitty things she says in Y5. She's toned down in GoGo.

No that one seems yellowish to me. Honoka is the blue. Who's the other white? The purple is Muse.

Rhythm and Echo are both white.

Well yeah, I get that much. I meant more specifically what's going on there. Like what the text says.

Attached: D24u_AFU8AEF4fJ.jpg (2894x4093, 669K)

In order of season
I don't remember any other aside from superforms.


Smile is so retarded, I love it. By process of elimination, she's purple. Parfait is green.

Attached: ciel is green.png (1559x138, 28K)

Saki is pink. Michiru and Kaoru are red and blue. Mai isn't yellow, and she's isn't green.

Attached: [PCSS] Pretty Cure Splash Star 49 (DVD) [59294F55] [END].mkv_snapshot_18.23_[2014.04.30_04.13.43].jp (640x480, 46K)

>negom's twitter is still locked
I already hate the Reiwa era.

Post it in the next thread and I'll translate it for you

Oh my god, this is adorable. I want to roll around in bed all morning talking about nerdy trivia with Himari.

Please explain, I do not understand.

What's there to explain?

Attached: a.png (604x99, 7K)


Uhh like why she did that and what is this Reiwa era? Also what does it have to do with her Twitter being locked?

Parfait is a rainbow.

Attached: 1547245472589.jpg (768x1024, 142K)

IF you feel pretty you could say she's a purple due to her attacks but then again Pazurun list her as a fucking green but that's thanks to the lack of more White cures, but the truth is that she's a White.

Attached: kkrcloop.webm (640x360, 217K)

>Why she did that
Great question. Why is she so fixated with blues and purples?
>What is this Reiwa era?
New emperor on nipland.
>Also what does it have to do with her Twitter being locked?
Literally nothing but the Reiwa era started today so it's like "great way to start a year" deal.

Attached: 1537793728976.png (1279x800, 1.61M)

Fun fun fun:

>Great question. Why is she so fixated with blues and purples?
A simple I don't know would've been fine.
>New emperor on nipland.
>Literally nothing but the Reiwa era started today so it's like "great way to start a year" deal.
Oh OK thank you for the info.

Attached: 1121536499713888256_@yasu_satohE7 - 1.jpg (1020x1447, 298K)