Is this what a suicide looks like?
Is this what a suicide looks like?
You're so fucking late, I want to write a letter of apology to the widow you don't have.
I ignored this cause I thought it was generic ecchi shit but I just read it. Wtf. Is he trying to get cancelled or something? How is he not cancelled?
truly, rip to a cute and wholesome series
honestly who knows what the fuck happened
pick up yancha anjou san or something if you want the same feel
god, what a waste
He was getting axed but the publisher fucked up.
>P:Once you release chapter 10 you are done
>A: OK
And that is how we got eternal chapter 8.
what a power move
I really liked the cleaning tips
Technically no, axes would be the proper word.
Artist got a chance to finish in chapter 10 and he exploited what they said releasing "sub" chapters.
When u don't f**k the girl, she just uses u for utility
dumbass that page is a textbook nip marriage proposal
What a chad, but im guessing doing that and the sudden rape must've gotten him blacklisted?
I'm out of the loop here, only vaguely heard of this series. What exactly happened with it?
rape didn't happen
author had a mental breakdown
deleted twitter & pixiv
infinite sub chapters
Could have just given it a descent ending. MC ranted about how he hates the girl and then they never confront that at all.
Now I can't imagine the author will get work again. Art was descent could have just moved on and tried again.
I thought it did have a descent ending? the author descended into madness.
but created the greatest meme of the year
I really enjoy endings like this and Prison School. Are there more Mangas with based endings?
So why is this dude's Pixiv/Twitter still deleted? The whole thing blew over already.
He’s dead.
What happened?
The best part was when he hid her in a trash can.
A better ending would have been for the gal to run in front of a truck and gets splattered. Kaji runs over to her broken and maimed body and screams that even though he cam clean this mess he doesn't know how to clean his tainted soul
Best girl was NOT-AKIHA
Oh my God, that's right, MR.CLEAN... CLEAN me! CLEAN me! CLEAN all over my face! Oh, that's so CLEANly of you. Oh, you're such a good CLEANER. Make CLEAN with my vagina!
Wait how do I read this? Are these sub chapters released after or during?
I hate gals
Have you literally never read manga before?
Nah, not a single one. Is that what you want to hear?
Now tell me
In that case, it's easy.
Lurk for two more years.
Oh ok, in that case you know how there's a chapter 8, and then an 8.5 for like a side chapter of goofing off? Well this series had shit like 8.91,8.92, and so on and so forth. Was real wack and I looked forward to it with bated breath at the peak of craziness. If you stop reading before chapter 8 you get the blue pill, the story ends and you wake up. If you read beyond chapter 8, you get the red pill and see how far this travesty truly lies.
Author was pissed that the sales for the first volume were so low. Instead of dealing with it calmly so he start again with another series, he nuked his twitter preemptively and tried to go out on his own terms. Que endless chapter 8 which had a mini rape namek arc.
>shitty rip-off of gal gohan but with cleaning instead of cooking
this series was a fucking masterpiece
Well well well well well well
that was really something else
Now I finally know what exactly happened with this. Was nuts but not THAT nuts, it wasn't even the main girl it happened to
kumamiko ending, kemono friends, this... otaku are a buncha crybabbies
I'd lick that ギャル's クリ tbhdesu.
i rated it 10 on mangadex just because the threads were fun
> he washes the grime out of crime
Gets me every fucking time
Should have taken it down this route
the cleaning never ends
Will you be looking forward to it?
Thank you for reading this with pleasure! Please look foward to the next work by Ramunemura Shuwata!
>malfaggots unironically thought this was good before rape namek
Except everyone loved this series at the beginning and by everyone I mean Yea Forums since this didn't become "popular" until vice prez got introduced.
> very talented story writer
Turns out 8.5 to 10 are 9 to 24 in the volume release
Should've been a nigger rape scene
I'm more surprised they let him get away with it.
For sure, what a ride that was.
It wasn't bad, it was an interesting setting fucked by retarded plot.
Who doesn't want cleaning tips?
Had some good tips, then we got a couple bad tips desu.
why are they even releasing this dumpster fire?
I like the idea of putting on sodium bicarbonate on everything.
I'm more surprised about it even got a volume release.