why is this show so slutty?
Fairy Tail
Who is that and what is she doing
she had a hard life
Cause that's literally the only reason anyone would watch this trash.
reminder that the loli on the table gave birth to a child
Orgasm magic next episode?
absolutely disgusting
>Those who aren't virgin are affected
The main theory I’ve seen on that is August is actually an illusion created by Mavis, like Zena was. Which is why he disappeared when she looked at him.
How can a show be slutty? Fucking white people, I swear to god.
t. thot
It's beautiful and wonderful, Mashima is a great man
Haven't watched this since Tartarus. Is this season decent to start watching again?
Nips like sluts
That's hot.
Reasons. Namely my dick.
>Magi erza
I want to savor every last part of her body