So, there is another special chapter of To Love-Ru. This time the full color on JUMP S.Q.
So, there is another special chapter of To Love-Ru. This time the full color on JUMP S.Q
Just get in the bath with them Mikan.
I completely missed out on the bonus from 2017 where Rito gets turned into a thermometer and gets shoved up Lala's asshole.
>A thermometer up the ass
>Not under the armpit
Japanese are barbarians,I say.
top vagina bones
Scans where?
Not happening again.
>Rito STILL won't have sex with Momo
Holy fucking shit you do not have any idea how much I wish I could trade lives with Rito Yuuki.
Meanwhile this beta FUCK refuses to so much as kiss a girl.
frankly if yabuki starts doing more to loveru rito has to go, or be a side character just add someone with actual balls this time.
I love Mikan
Did Momo's Momos get bigger?
Those hips are made for breeding
Post a link. Or dump it.
Mikan looks off. Yabumi is losing his touch.
Just finish the series properly you fucking hack and have Mikan win since she's best sister and best girl all in one.
>Momo preventing skinship between brother and imouto.
And not even accidental sex with anyone, or being raped by one.
>be a side character
So a manga about an MC who's a really cool and smart and strong dude who tries to fuck girls who are initially really into them but then have one meeting with Rito and fall for him instead?
I guess it sort of works as a Johnny Bravo style joke.
Yeah, she looks like she's a few years older than she should.
Kogarashi could handle all this shit better than Rito anyways.
>post the endpage as OP
If I had any one power it would be that I could hate these people to death.
That's the only available page right now, Jump Sq isn't out yet
That mitigates my anger, but even so, I reserve the right to my power for use in OPTs.
See you in a couple of days then.
Time skip confirmed. JS-Mikan-fags on suicide watch.
He's drawn them like this before now.
Just a little peak of Mikan's nipples.
Fuck I need more.
>Mikan chapter
I miss Lala bros
>her face
>the nipple peek
>those hips
goddamn yabuki what are you doing to me
Momo was a mistake.
Cause Mikan is at the end doesn't mean it is a Mikan chapter.
Teachers shouldn't be wearing this kind of underwear in schools.
let her wear whatever she wants
Mikan is getting big.
She is in her puberty, user. It is expected from her to get bigger.
>editor's note is literally "Until next time!"
Thank god.
Puberty is the enemy.
Mikado convinced her that was official school issue underwear.
>Mikan growing and maturing into a woman.
I hadn't thought about it until now.
She'll be a beauty, just like her big sister.
I still didn't watch the second season of To Love-Ru Darkness, did I miss anything good or it's just more of the same?
its always more of the same my guy, at least it looked good
As long as you've read the manga you're fine.
You missed the cute girls being naked.
Rito is a bigger self-insert character compared to Basara and Issei, he won't go any where since a more assertive MC would hurt the Otaku pride.
>that feel when you touched your imouto too much during puberty and now she hates you as an adult
fuck my life.
It's worth it.
Mikado is the best tlr girl ever
Why the fuck doesn't he just fuck Mikan? Is he gay?
She's his sister.
Shouting at Momo instead of joining them. Mikan you disappoint.
Mikan is getting me big
Really? She looks no different to me.
Even fucking Lala has more balls than Mikan.
Oh fuck that Mikan
So does Nana, for crying out loud.
>user wants Mikan to have balls.
Not physical balls. Just cajones, a spine, ambition, the will to suck and fuck her brother's monstrous cock.
So uhhh what is this "To love-Ru" about exactly? I'm kinda interested
An anime thot is the only likable kind of thot. That's an opportunity I shall not miss.
It's nothing but Trouble
Love, it's nothing but trouble.
Mikan is now used to bathing with Rito again. Having Momo there shouldn't be a problem anymore.
Admit it, user, you want to see what the gender bender gun does to Mikan.
Anime thots are the only likable kind of thots. This is an opportunity I cannot miss.
>Having Momo there shouldn't be a problem anymore.
Bitch is cutting into Mikan's alone time with Rito. Of course Mikan is pissed.
>full color
Drop the darling in shit, and get back to the business alreadyyyy!
Mikan still has a little growing up to do.
Rito confessed to her, clearly she sees her methods working.
When are the restraints coming off of Rito? When can he use his full power?
To Love Ru
To Love You
To Ra Bu Ru
It is a bilingual wordplay.
>tfw trying to find a good crossover
>There's this guy harassing the authors because they don't use Rito
Yeah, yeah, fanfics are trash and all that, but I really do wonder what's his appeal as a character.
I read the manga and he has nothing going for him that isn't being nice a and being a plot device for fanservice.
What's his appeal, guys? And I mean as a character.
i think you're taking this a bit too seriously here buddy
>The bath chapter is finally happening
Years of cum for this moment
>When can he use his full power?
The closest we get to that is Rito subduing Darkness mode Yami. Personally, I don't think that the galaxy is ready for Rito with his limiters off. That said, Gid shanghaiing Rito to help Deviluke pacify the planet of perpetually angry amazons in "To Love Ru: Unleashed" does have some appeal.
Extremely high IQ manga
He doesn't outright repel the girls either nor he feel insensible to their charms. Finally, he isn't that stupidly dense about the girls feelings, just uncertain and flustered about them, that put him ahead to a lot of other harem's MC.
He's ultimately a good device to let the girls show their appeal and I guess that's probably the most important trait for a harem rom-com.
Now in the case you cited, it's just someone who self-insert too hard.
>already jerked off to this single page
is TLR a drug? I feel like I've had withdrawals
It's a drug.
It's one man's quest to defeat censorship while drawing cute naked girls in fun and gradually more ecchi scenarios.
Mikan has gotten in bed with her onii-chan.
Uh so what. My little sister slept in bed with me all the time. That whole webm is perfectly normal sibling behavior.
>My little sister slept in bed with me all the time. That whole webm is perfectly normal sibling behavior.
Cool story bro.
It's completely normal.
Kana Hanazawa doing lewd roles is always perfect.
Am I crazy or is it actually an announcement?
"until next time" -
"To love ru special chapter - end"
I wonder if he smelled his fingers the morning after. Haha.
Not really, it confirm that the series isn't over yet but doesn't give date to a new spin off . They did send the same sort of message at the end of TLR-DK.
Goddamn, that's just masturbation at this point.
I feel like there's something hidden in this page but I'm not sure what. Just what could it be?
I do hope Yabuki sticks to SQ. The WSJ chapter felt kind of neutered.
Whatever could you be thinking of, user?
Rito is nothing but a fanservice vehicle. He's so bland and forgettable and makes no moves. All he does now is trip and fall on girls. TLR is just so boring when I have access to other anime porn. Momo is a boring girl who has no friends. She's pathetic.
Can Mikan be the 1st wife?
>Sucks his dick on the regular.
>Pussies out of sex.
What's wrong with Momo?
Which Darkness OVA is the one where Yui and Rito become kids and the one where he calls her?
Lala (or Momo or Nana) as first wife is the key to having the harem come together.
Does Nemesis-sama show up?
She respects Lala
If you're talking about the sport's equipment shed scene, Momo there was a dog that finally caught the car, with no clue what to do with it.
Cutest potato.
Catholic girl logic. Anything is ok as long as you don't have vaginal sex and stay a pure virgin.
>implying Momo wouldn't be down for a threesome
I'm pretty sure she says as much
I just want Yui to confess dammit.
Found it. OVAs 2 and 5.
>Yui has a cat ring tone specifically for Rito
Ah shit she's cute.
But then she'd get turned down.
Eh she'd get as turned down as Run was, so not at all. Rito still thinks she hates him, so I just want that to be cleared up because we're getting the harem ending anyways.
>Rito still thinks she hates him,
Not after she gave him a customized chocolate pussy to nibble on, user.
What are vagina bones?
Mikan indeed looks older. I think the new chapter (and next tlr series) will be set in Rito's third year at school.
>Arrival of JC mikan
I'm not ready
I wouldn't count on it yet.Need more evidence.
She'll not be a loli anymore.
But they'll be able to show her nipples and in lewder situations on TV or Ova.
I think shes only like 1 year older at most if it is a timeskip.
Search engines know. Why don't you?
I highlighted them here, mate.
Are you perhaps...super interested?
I understand Rito is a super reserved person and is hung up on Haruna, but you think at some point he'd be more relaxed with sex considering Momo swallows his dick every chance she gets. He's gotten blown while awake and asleep on multiple occasions. That must build some confidence towards sex where he'd eventually wanna seek it out.
How a man can get blown by an underage HS girl on the regular and not want it is a mystery to me.
I hate the fact that the artist is busy with FranXX so much. I don't even need a sequel to TLR, let him do something original.
If you think about it, the only times Rito has "cummed" was when he was actually being Riko.
Maybe he's gay.
Man I'm tired of Momo, if they are planning to bring back to loveru they should bring back Lala and Haruma as main heroines or someone new.
Wasn't it another girl (Momo or Nemesis?) that sexually assaulted him as a Riko? That's kinda straight
Mate, Haruna is a boring character, even more boring than Rito and Momo.
It was Nemesis, Momo was watching.
But my point was that Rito seems to be more comfortable being sexualized as a girl than actually playing the active male part in sex.
I like Haruna.
Maybe not Haruna but Lala certainly. I am also bored and tired of Momo.
forever we can make it
There's a page that shows Rito's trash can full of tissues, either Momo cleans him up every morning or he's masturbing furiously when alone (is he ever anymore?)
Momo making sure rito never has a wet dream, what a good future sister in law
Im pretty sure Momo sucks him off when hes sleeping.
That's the implication yes.
I cant bear the pain of mikan guys
I first read to love ru 10+ years ago
I dont really cares about harunashit and pink hair aliens,
but Mikan truly give me all wonderful moments and makes me want to have a caring imouto.
Yui tries to when he's awake.
i want an alternate timeline chapter where we see what happens when rito never meets lala
He stays as a loser? The only reason the girls showed interest in him was because of Lala, Haruna's crush didn't make sense after the garden incident and Yui didn't talk to him even when they met as childs after saving that cat.
Has Mikan grown up a little?
Is anyone going to dump?
Doesn't officially come out until May 2nd, so Wednesday at the latest. Early leaks are basically guaranteed in some form, but who knows from when/where. TLR has had a dedicated community in the past though luckily.
That's just a teaser; it's not out yet.
Neme-chan is such a dick to Momo.
Cute dick.
rightfully so, momo is shit
Well put.
Like her or not it's Momo who has been the driving force behind Rito's progress.
goddamn mikan.
The strategic speech bubble placement never fails to amuse
How dare you to compare Johnny Bravo with that
Lala is a fucking shit
Exactly that is why all he will ever have is Mikan
Which is why sounds
Mikan is a miracle of the universe
>I just want Yui to confess dammit.
Don't forget that she deserves to be the new main girl
>Maybe he's gay.
He's a fucking Fag, Fuck Rito, Fuck Lala and Fuck Haruna
>Lala and Haruma as main heroines
Fuck No
>or someone new.
Fuck You and Die
Yes please
How does one fit so much hate into such a small skull?
According to Kentaro and not that shit writer of Saki Hasemi, they did not know each other until Yui remembered that moment when Rito was helping to that kitty
It doesn't work that way according to your retarded logic.
I've never read or watched this. Is Mikan nice or a bitch? Its hard to tell
What did I do?
She's usually nice, if bossy, but she turns S sometimes with Rito.
She's the ultimate form of imouto.
She is now an incestuous sister
The answer is yes.
shes peak imouto performance
>Liking Haruna
>Thinking on that slut of Momo will be his lover and Lala becomes Rito's wife
>Saying that Yui does blowjobs and that her inside is a slut
You convinced an angry little man that you were two or three different people.
It is amazing how in the beginning To Love Ru was defining the genre and now it feels like a parody.
>that her inside is a slut
no her outside is one too kek
Are there other characters in this one, or is it just Momo/Mikan shenanigans?
>is it just Momo/Mikan shenanigans?
I wish.
No one knows until it's out, user.
>I wish.
So right.
she's a housewife-imouto tsun who gradually accepts her special ecchi sis privileges.
Yeah who would actually want to be a girl haha
Especially if that meant lesbian sex on the regular, how gross haha
It needs a sequel published in something where it's less implied.
You need to stop relying on other peoples' imaginations to get off.
>Mea has prolapsed vagina
Can anyone link the sauce for these vajayjays?
Them moving up would mean removing some of the 3rd yeard characters.
It's a long running manga called To Love Ru. Have fun playing where's Vag-do like the rest of us did.
By sauce I meant chapter numbers. Not that that matters, since I found some sauce
It's still a less funny Urusei Yatsura that tries to make up for the lack of comedy with softcore porn yet can't do anything with the most boring and infuriating protagonist imaginable.
>3rd yeard characters.
I will honestly be pissed if Tenjouin-senpai doesn't get a genuine shot at Zastin.
I miss the series. It was fun.
How did Darkness end again? I think they were setting up the idea that Momo was too 'in love' to share Rito or be his 3rd girl.
Did she give up on her plan?
It never fell into the trap of taking itself too seriously; it always delivered sexy girls and women; and it never failed to make me grin, if not laugh.
"And their adventure continues" while Rito stuck his thermometer dick up Lala's butt.
You and me both. I had something to look forward to every month.
Mikan looks tight as fuck.
Nemesis is the smallest, flattest and cutest!
>Did she give up on her plan?
She wanted to, it's not going to happen though since both Haruna and Lala have agreed to share him with each other.
Fuck Yourself slander-fag
>small skull?
>angry little man
Explain your hate-boner towards the people with dwarfism, Fag.
Why is this necessary?
>How did Darkness end again?
Lala and Haruna have agreed to tag team dating Rito. Momo has finally confessed. She's no longer sure that she wants to share.
Oh, Rito got shoved up Lala's ass as well, in an omake.
yeah probably cause she's 12
She tried to then ended up hopping in bed with Rito and Nemesis on a fat to be continued so no not really.
Not after niggers loosened her up.
Live dangerously, user.
I dislike how this doesn't include anus peeks which were a lot more obvious.
So what are young boys supposed to read now to be able to see faucet vaginas?
all the stuff that's listed there and thats the only one you think is unnecessary?
>Mikan is a 70
>Wow, that's really flat, I wonder
a lot of the images still have them, just not pointed out
Just imagine.
I remember reading the first chapter of the original where Zastin picks a fight with Rito and Rito outsmarts him by luring him into a passing train. I thought the premise of the series was a battle romcom with Lala's husband candidates as the villains (doesn't help that I was fresh off of Negima back then). Hell, every now and then the series alludes to some badass action shit with Yami and Lala's father. Prequel when?
Too bad that he did absolutely nothing with Lala even after he confessed to her. It would probably be the same with Haruna
TLR whenever it makes a come back, but I would say HxEros is the closest since Ryoma's done it himself a few times and seems to have taken a gigantic inspiration from TLR gags in a more Shimoneta-like world. also in jump SQ.
The next to love ru would have Riko as MC.
well after getting NTR by his wife, he surely prefers tight pussy than loose
But do they all have cowtits? TLR at least varied.
>Set up an idea where there is a Machine that Mikan and Yami can switch their bodies
>Don't use it when Yami has gone crazy with power and lewdness
I will always mourn this as a missed opportunity. Just imagine Mikan in Yami's super lewded form and super lewd Yami in Mikan's body still trying to sexually molest Rito.
Ecchi Yami is a monster.
Not at all, I think the TL is dead though if you don't know nip.
>Just imagine Mikan in Yami's super lewded form and super lewd Yami in Mikan's body still trying to sexually molest Rito.
And, since now she's in Yami's body and it isn't "really" incest anymore, Mikan could use the opportunity to get closer to her brother, perhaps without him even knowing. So many wasted possibilities.
>Too bad that he did absolutely nothing with Lala even after he confessed to her. It would probably be the same with Haruna
This does put a smile on my face
You have to somehow get them both into the machine, or get them both to hold the smaller version at the same time, user. That ain't easy.
That said, we better see orange Darkness some day.
This is porn
yeah its a pretty good TLR-style manga that clearly steals a lot of ideas from yabuki.
not bad, still not TLR tier though.
Like Sephie said, Rito's a lot like Gid. One or more of these girls will have to just throw him down and take him.
Not a single R18 chapter, child.
fattest nut i've shot in a while
Learn english faggot
that was english you retard
I've had people suggest Tsugumomo to me. I know it's a battle ecchi, but the girl's designs don't seem all that good to me.
I wish it were nano desu.
The chapter better provide more lewd Mikan than this.
Exactly! Mikan in Yami's body is a shapeshifter, so it would have given a great opportunity for Orange Darkness.
Was the full chapter posted anywhere yet?
I sincerely hate to love-ru
I love all the characters in it, their personalities and when there's no stupid shit happening, it's actually watchable, but what I can't stomache is the moment Rito starts tripping like a bumbling moron retard at every possible turn and somehow manages to get every single one of his limbs tangled up on womens bras and panties, somehow managing to undress them from head to toe in the progress, having his feet and arms lodged up in their vagoos with his nose up someone's anus and accidentally kissing someone in the lips at the same time while losing all the clothes he wears himself as well.
I hate what a spineless piece of shit male MC he is with all the rest of 'em.
The absurd falling over, grabbing people by their waists, declothing them, getting tangled, myriad panty shots, groping, all that shit just takes away from what could possibly be an incredible show.
Male MC's like in Infinite Stratos are fucking infuriating. Good exemplary male MC's would be like the ones in Rakudai Kishi and Trinity 7
>Denies her husband have his own harem
>Lets Momo making Rito's harem that she and the other girls "can be happy" with him
Fuck that bitch of Sephie
>I love all the characters
Yui, Nemesis, Risa, Mío, Tearju and Mikado, Celine (Pure Tier).
Are the only good ones
>Good exemplary male MC's would be like the ones in Rakudai Kishi and Trinity 7
Fuck Yourself Auto-Insert, Normie-Fag
Still a couple of days away.
Eh I think it's fine since she just wants all of her daughters to be happy with Rito.
>shit taste in characters
>defends trash MC design
spineless permavirgin incel spotted
>How did Darkness end again?
The bigamy end that the original series set up solidified a lot more. The harem end deflated.
If only there were a "what if" chapters where Rito ends up with Yui and impregnating her with sextuplets.
It's never happening is it?
If the series ever was to continue, Riko needs to be split off from Rito.
god damnit yabuki why do you torture us?
I don't see how it can works.
Tsugumomo has great designs. I think if I had to name a drawback of that series its just that some of the arcs are just not good, which is made a lot more apparent when some of the arcs are absolutely god tier in art, battle and fan service. It's easily one of my favorite manga series ever and I eagerly await it every month but god damn do I never want to reread some of the arcs. It's not like TLR doesn't have its fair share of shit chapters either though.
If she wasn't going to join, she shouldn't have interrupted until at least one of the other two was finished.
I don't care if they split or not I just want more Riko god damn it.
The most fuckable girl in the story has too little screen time.
I like the way he draws the boobs with realistic sag. He's much better than Yabuki in that department. He sucks at hands and feet though. He doesn't do very good looking normal panties.
I don' wanna wait 3 days.
Their styles are too different to make a fair comparison, Yabuki leans toward ideal anime body proportions while Hamada tends to have a more realistic style, as far as I can tell.
It's most likely going to get leaked early by gook scans, earlbox (who have posted TLR early for years) or something else. The series is popular as everliving shit and nips love it, i'll be surprised if we have to wait until Wednesday outside of for proper scans.
Riko the prettiest girl in the series.
The Tsugomomo girls are quite varied, and the fucker knows how to draw bodies.
We need Riko and Mikun stuck sharing a bed for a night.
It will be Mikan that lewds Riko.
if the queen was anything to go by, TLR needs more hot moms!
I do wish if Yabuki made special To Love Ru special chapter, but 5 years later... do I wish for too much?
I know a possible answer for that dilemma.
Everyone in the family has the golden fingers after all.
Fix Rito's biggest problem and a lot more moms can be in the manga.
we need a 40yo cougar to try and take rito for herself and make momo jealous.
Life has been empty without new TLR in it.
Oldest we are gonna get are the cake duo.
>tfw getting older than the cake heroine age range
Can't say it is a good feel desu.
Wait until cakes are too young for you, user.
What a drag it is getting old.
My favorite girls are all 100 age plus lolibabas so I'm fine.
I haven't read it in a while. Girls are deliciously thicc. Is the loli still dead?
Oh fuck no.
Kukuri is still dead
Kiriha is alive
I would definitely try to catch up to at least chapter 112 since it's probably one of the most wholesome chapters in the entire manga. The current arc is pretty mediocre but it has a lot of fanservice, no clue where it's going and it's definitely dragging on too long.
Isn't Mikan 12? Why is she still taking baths with her brother? I thought she was supposed to be mature for her age, but she's just a little kid!
Needle showing us the same thing when?
Read the mango.
She is doing it so Momo doesn't sneak in.
She knows what she's doing.
Its called learning from your mistakes. She probably felt bad for the other girls and she misses freely chatting with them and hanging out. A harem cures all that.
She stopped for like 2 years then started doing it again.
Before there is the chapter with Sayaka. I just see the raw korean.
I wouldn't mind if Momo monopolizes Rito, honestly. Even though I like most of the girls, a harem ending sounds kind of whack unless it's the 3 Deviluke sisters.
I'd like to see more battles, desu. Momo vs Azenda was good stuff.
You mean the slut that got oneshotted by Rito?
What a slut.
I haven't read this in so long, so my memory is hazy but I thought Sephie was encouraging Momo to do what's in her best interest/be greedy with Momo. I remember her saying that Momo is the daughter that's most like her or something along those lines.
*with Rito
Yes. She was telling Momo it is ok to want him for herself and that she's the one that resembles her the most.
God fuck I just want the harem end to get heavily hinted at already.
That's fine. I prefer to see Mikan with other guys anyway.
Hopefully it's me.
Is that you?
No, I'd fully penetrate her if that was me. I'm not a cuck.
He's a romantic, he's taking his time. Just wait for part two.
>I'd like to see more battles
This is not an action/battle shonen.
Too bad this is all according Momo's plan.
Rito is way too OP when up against female opponents.
He could NTR any of the most OP harem protagonists. They can destroy planets, but Rito can destroy cunts.
How did he go from Black Cat to TLR?
Yui should be the main focus of the next TLR series.
Cause true talent cannot be wasted for crappy generic shonens.
And there better be lot of impregnation jokes.
>And there better be lot of impregnation
why doesn't he just reboot the series as fucking porn already. It already has a plot stupid enough to be hentai, why not just add 10 more pages with full on banging instead of a gayass cutaway.
>why doesn't he do the same job for way less money?
Cause porn don't sell well as mainstream. Sadly.
There's little Riko because rule 63 is shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
If you can draw lewds that well it should be a fucking crime to tease us and then never actually do porn. Please man, at least just do a one-off doujin special every now and then. Do it for the fans.
He could switch to shojo/josei.
They are often very close to mainstream hentai. But it would be about Momo and her reverse harem.
>MC snaps, gets tired of all this Ecchi-tease bullshit.
>Starts running amok with a tranq gun, dragging girls away to mating press each one repeatedly.
>This is all depicted shockingly and explicitly on-panel.
>Minor environment and character gags continue, manga refuses to even acknowledge the tone has shifted.
Is this really Yabuki? What happened to his art?
Is Mikan the sexiest imouto?
Old and busted
I do not approve of you lewding my aho daughter. Cease and desist.
How else is this aho ever going to find a man?
Need more Rin.
you can see her butthole.
Momo has corrupted Mikan and it's a glorious thing.
Practice and improvement.
Also, color.
Fuck her shit daughters
>Liking Bullshit mc's to hide his low self-esteem
That is a fake excuse that momo believes that she's doing the right thing when actually she is manipulating the situation
>I wouldn't mind if Momo monopolizes Rito, honestly. Even though I like most of the girls,
Fuck You Harem-Fag
>anus peak
I hope so, She is the only reason why I follow this stupid manga.
Don't lewd Ruri goddamn it
What would you do to have access to Yabuki's secret stash of personally drawn hardcore sketches?
Fuck that Rin
Mikan has been corrupted herself by her "special privilege"
would you sniff mikan's socks?
All started by Momo's oush.
Mikan x Rito is best pairing.
Why wouldn't you?
>this cute kid will never be real
why is it that whenever you have a series with a large female cast you always end up with discussion being 90% about wanting to fuck the youngest looking one?
>momo fags trying to stay relevant
What the hell are you talking about? Mikan is not the youngest girl.
? Celine aside, she's indeed the youngest girl and the sole harem member in primary school, even if Nana and Momo skipped a few grade, they should be in middle school normally.
she looks the most loli along with nana. you see this too with dead or alive where everyone is obsessed with marie and even kantai collection.
Nemesis looks younger than her.
Correct, but Nemesis delivers to a different fetish than Mikan. Nemesis is for femdom, whereas Mikan isn't.
Mikan is the innocent little sister. My guess is that it feeds the desire for someone to protect, and that her undeveloped body adds to the image.
So does Nana, roughly the same height and even smaller breasts.
She is a cloud of dark matter.
Her age is irrelevant.
I said "looks".
is there a compilation of all butthole sightings in TLR?
Have sex
Because women scare the hell out of most Yea Forumsnons. At least there's more for me that way.
Hana is canon
Her look is relative as well.
Sometime i have the feeling that Nemesis was designed as a loli, and overally the manga gone lolicon simply cause Momo would be overshadowed by other characters like Lala and Yui. This kinda made me hate Momo.
What. Are there scans on the regular reader sites?
It was posted here at the time. I've no clue if anyone uploaded it elsewhere. It would be Bangaihen 25 if you're searching for it.
Or you could grab these.
My thermometer is moving on its own!
My armpit fetish...
We're back to family-friendly images at the end.
>You will never be inside Lala's anus
so that's how lala lost her anal virginity?
lmao, they are not going to add NTR in TLR.
he even drew the ridges, what a hero
It's just a fan service manga.
The MC is forgettable/bland, the narrative is based around creating fan service moments as opposed to any ostensible plot.
The main selling point is the art quality and the characters of the girls. Also how the artist is intent on avoiding censorship, e.g. by drawing reflections of uncensored vaginas in water droplets.
I hope we get more sex hair Risa in the sequel.
New sequel means new doujinshi too
Can't wait.
Did something happen between mc and any from his girls? I dropped it at some point.
If you mean something substantial, no. Besides him now being in a three way relationship with Lala and Haruna he's had no other progress with anyone else.
Depends on your definition of something, I guess.
Also wow, look at the wikipedia article for it.
goddamn thats hot, surprised he didn't do any of his signature reflections here though
It doesn't happen often, but I love it when Risa has the tables turned on her.
>That many
>Implying she would handle them if they were few yet more than one
What a slut
Mikan could handle of them in those doujins. Risa needs to step up.
she could hand 3 at least, 5 considering she has two hands as well
Risa is still a virgin.
which girls have sucked/kissed Rito's dick?
>Rito will never NTR the harem for best girl.
Anybody got emotional over the lightning scene? Just a little bit?
Off the top of my head Momo, Yui. Mikan had been slaped in the face it.
Sure. Even when he's sleep-lewding, Rito instinctively does what a good big brother should do.
Fapped to that page so many times I've lost count.
What kind of monster would you create if you combined Nemesis's demeanor with Rito's techniques?
Harem King in less than a week.
Nemesis left Rito's body too soon.
She honestly should have stay forever in, it had so much potential.
With NemeRito taking over the harem!
God damn Yabuki's bellies are actually lethal.
This pissed me off so much. Actually, the events that followed the ending of Darkness were an emotional rollercoaster. I was riding high with Nemesis being Rito's stand and there being no sign of her moving out. It was probably the best thing Yabuki had done in the manga in ages. Then in quick succession he removes Nemesis from Rito and then has Rito confess and start dating literally the worst girl in the entire franchise. I hope the manga comes back but after that ending I feel almost as disgusted with Yabuki as I did with Hackamatsu after Negima.
Nemesis is the best thing to happen to TLR, those 10 or so chapters after her arc were the most enjoyable of them all and she should be the main focus of TLR3 alongside Yui and Risa.
Oh man, the reflections on this one are preeeeeeetty good.
It's all in your filthy deviant mind, user.
i must be blind, im not seeing any
Previous page
I tell you man, I saw it! In the reflection on the thermometer tip! The subtle insinuations of the pagan man and his gods, the rounded shape with the divot in the middle, an ancient fertility icon! Tell me I'm not the only one who sees the truth hidden in plain sight!
they why did you reply to the last one
That was not me. I just happened to look in that last page for the reflection too, then realized maybe it was on another page. I just wanted to fast forward the process for you
It's not a good idea to let everyone know the truth about the deep connections between the Japanese manga industry and you know what.
>He can't see it.
There are other things that can be reflected that aren't vaginas and buttholes you know.
Is that what I think it is?
ooooh wait i see it now, damn that's on a whole nother level. based yabuki does it again.
The outside reflects the inside. We all should be so enlightened. Eyes without, eyes within.
The guy was right all along
i just hope he can forgive me for my transgressions
>alongside Yui and Risa.
There was nothing to forgive, no transgression. You've seen it too, and that is the only thing that matters in a YABUKI YOU MADMAN thread.
mikan has the perfect body
>tfw stuck at work tabbing to this thread every ten minutes because I'm so horny
This series is a sin
What's being reflected?
Look HARD, brother.
Some random beast.
Not their fault that it's the best girl
Time to whip out your dicks
That's it?
Yami implicitly sucked it in the last OVA
It will, in part 3.
momo with the hair bunched up into pigtails = perfection.
It's nice, for a change, that Yabuki drew a dick for the Thermometer.
so the best page was already posted and the rest is garbage, too bad it started before momo entered the bath instead of starting just as mikan was about to get in
So since this is a continuation of the previous chaptee we just got, Sayaka part 3 MC? She's cute
Pretty short, huh?
>Sayaka flashback
I guess she finally becomes relevant enough to be included in the harem plan.
All of those girls will be very Happy with Rito fucking them.
This is just sex. Start with a handjob, then titjob, with the start of the penetration as Mikan was ready to come in.
Ive been staring at this for an hour. There is nothing on this page, only on the previous one.
The only thing that even has a reflection on it is the thermometer and there is nothing on it.
I'm never doubting the MADmaster again
Weird pupil
Lose some weight, then take a look down to see what Yabuki snuck in along the thermometer's shaft.
>even risa blushing
she is a total pureslut isn't she?
Alright, let me spoonfed you user.
Look at the shinny part of the Thermometer. Look at the shape of the clear against the black, look at the opening in the middle...
Doesn't that remind you of anything?
It's more visible here, since we have a veins on the shaft.
have they ever shown mikan's nips
She is, but only when she isn't in charge. She doesn't mind raping an innocent girl (like she nearly did with Momo).
However, the moment she doesn't control the situation, she became a pureslut.
All the time, just not in the anime. I hope they don't stop.
Yes. She's number 7 on the most exposed nipples.
>Rito's penis
does this count as anal?
Found the secondaryfag
Just Momo. Fucking boring.
Did you all miss the soap-penis?
Get a load of this fag
Of course i noticed it. It's just more Momo and Momo alone. So boring.
Yeah... If only Mikan had properly joined them...
yes and?
why are they not allowed to show them in the anime, but they can show little Lala's?
Always with Momo. Why can't it be Mikan and her curious friend, Sachie?
Because Mikan is too young, while Lala, even as a Loli, is old enough.
or literally anyone but momo
Is that the reason though? Wasn't Maria from Haganai even younger and they still showed her running naked?
the latest season of senran kagura showed Kagura's nips and she's like 8.
>still showed her running naked?
Only on the BDs.
Short super hot chapter. I'm sad Mikan didn't get involved, so now I still need to keep dreaming the threesome bath will happen eventually one day.
>Momo only
Why doesn't Mikan get any more love? Is the whole incest aspect suddenly scaring Yabuki away now?
She has to stay pure for her debut as a magical girl.
So just like how they show the nipples of everyone else on the BD's?
user... It's possible they aren't related by blood. And honestly would be the best way to officialy add Mikan.
Also, does anyone know where to find High Quality scan and tranlastion for the first series?
>It's possible they aren't related by blood
If they wanted to confirm her as NBR they would have done so long ago at this point.
She has among the most nudity and screentime in the entire series. If this chapter and previous hints are anything to go by we'll get the fabled Momo and Mikan dryhump Rito in the bath chapter.
I know people are going to be disappointed with this chapter since it's Momo but Yabuki's coloring is actually legendary. I can't comprehend how he is so good at making everything so soft yet sexy.
>Sister without a blood relation.
What's even the point then.
No, because only confirming that later would be a good way to have a Rito centric arc where he learn where he really come from.
Sena, Kobato, and Maria only as I recall. BDs are held to different standards than broadcasts, after all.
I meant everyone else in TLR but yeah, you're right. Though again, they still showed Maria.
>that 40010 masterpiece where she gets squirted in the face
>I meant everyone else in TLR...
That could be Jump's own policy on animated nips kicking in.
Who cares about Momo, give us the oyakodon incest chapter already with Rito, Mikan and Ringo. In fact if they're going to go with a NBR reveal it's the perfect way to do it.
that OVA where momo and darkness play with those squirting flowers really is a little slice of heaven in animated form.
Ahh, talking about doujin reminded me of all of those that had the JoJo reference in it.
Rito needs to be sure to stay hydrated.
>And honestly would be the best way to officialy add Mikan.
That's a really normalfaggish way of thinking.
Two questions: how can Mikan be so best? And why does Yabuki even bother with any other TLR?
The seiyuu work here is straight porn
This short has better fanservice than many ecchi manga. And Momo is always the best. And this time Sayaka is not censored in the reference.
no Mikan no life
Because that's the way God intended. Just Momo.
I want the couple of days I've waited back.
>At all
Fuck out of here
This obsession toward Mikan is very boring.
Nope. The original To Love-Ru had almost none of Mikan's lewds, especially in the beginning
It would certainly seem that way from the outside.
>Sayaka joining the harem
>We're in a possible timeline where Sachi will join the harem
yes and the original is only a fraction of the whole series
Bit late to dump with bump limit in a few posts.
>Sucks his dick on the regular.
Now she is returned a brunette?
Holy shit Momo is perfect.
How the FUCK does he not jam it in
Rito has legendary iron will but I think at this point its more of a curse then a perk.
>Mikan sees Momo jerk Rito off, give him paizuri and dry hump him and offers to join in
At what point did these stop becoming baths
Hmm, yes, I find this super interesting indeed.
pretty sure she didn't offer to join in user
Fuck I have to jerk off again.
Just read the manga, she sucked him off thrice
Is this series still going? Lastt chapter i've read is when rito multiplies himself because he couldn't chose one single girl (i think). I read this a long time ago
It's pretty much on hiatus until the illustrator is done with another manga.
So far Sayaka's hair has been brown, dark green, green, and black. Maybe she dyes her hair for fun and style.
>flattest characters are the tightest
What did Yabuki mean by this?
>And Momo is always the best
Momo is the worst
Are we all going to just ignore this masterpiece?
because they're also the youngest
In this thread we are.
Fuck You with your spam of ringo
Who cares about this hag