Why do adults watch anime?

Why do you watch anime when you can just watch movies or tv shows?

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because i dont have a girlfriend and 3d is pig disgusting

I'm sorry, i wasn't aware that anime movies were not movies and that anime tv shows were not tv shows.
This is so confusing.

Anime is childish and immature. You must be mentally below 13 to enjoy anime.

>Why do you eat food when you can just eat shit?
What a thought provoking question.

You must be trolling.
Most anime contain deep themes that will fly over a 13 year old's head. You cannot truly appreciate anime without a fully developed brain.

>deep themes

Because it makes me feel like a kid again.

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Because movie and tv shows genuinely have worse quality and have too much censorship and far too many restrictions. Also, they enforce the idea that celebrities should be relevant and non-faceless. I find anime more genuine and realistic relative to what it is.

Almost all people are immature. Proof: you've just revealed yourself to be immature as well by posting a retarded comment like that, so you're either under 13 or I'm right.

can you recommend some movies tv shows that aren't shit?

Are you one of those fags who think eva is deep?

multiple reasons:
1. Anime is fun and not every adult grows out of fun
2. Modern film and television is pretty abysmal because leftist/post-modernists are so intent on subversion of effective storytelling to seem "original" or "progressive" that they throw the baby out with the bathwater and end up making something complete shit
3. Animation allows for essentially any subject matter. CGI in film generally looks terrible and lacks the artistry of traditional animation

Why do you post on 4channel when you can just post on le leddit?

Every anime fan should watch Twin Peaks

Even in Japan only children and creeps watch anime.

Different mediums offer different things. There are things that anime can do that other mediums can't do as well, and live action can offer things anime can't. Of course there are lames on here that exclusively watch anime.

What kinds of shows or movies would you be living to watch in terms of live action? If you want something that is a bit slice of life-y, the Little Forest adaptation is really nice (the Japanese version and not the Korean remake). Here's a clip from the intro: files.catbox.moe/ynp19k.webm

Japanese live action

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Give me a TV show with 13yo girls acting all lewd and I might watch it.

But legal high was fucking brilliant

/r/equesting this post overlaid on top of a collage of superhero movies

Fight club, the thin red line, god father.. There are too many good movies.

The style, themes, and even genres of anime is extremely different than western tv shows. They're barely comparable, but I just like anime a lot more.
You just don't get comfy shit like CGDCT SOL shows.

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as bad and sad as anime might be, it's nowhere near the level of garbage that is Twin Peaks

go watch Blue Spring, its good

naruto, bleach, Dragon ball z.. there are too many good animes


Have you actually watched it, or are you just being retarded?

Average anime fans

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Been watching anime while you were still swimming around your parents nutsack. Just because you popped out a pussy doesn't mean I should stop.


Fuck off grandpa

1. 3d people are ugly and not moe making them inherently unappealing to look at
2. live-action film/tv has been hijacked by degenerates who use it to celebrate vice and ugliness

Conclusion: live-action film/tv is rotten inside out and should not be watched.

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You mean
>Why do you eat shit when you can just eat food?

cause of autism
but that's ok

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Looks nice. I like that it's shot very much like an anime, with a bigger focus on composition rather than camera movement.

Why do you have to restrict yourself to one thing?

>live-action film/tv has been hijacked by degenerates who use it to celebrate vice and ugliness
Isn't it the same with anime tho?

Why watch anime, movies, or TV shows when you can read a book?
You literally can't convince me that any of the above are for mature, functioning adults.

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I never understood questions like that, even as bait. Everything is different, not the same. Angel's Egg is a completely different thing to Cries and Whispers, yet I like them both for different reasons. Some shows and things only exist in anime, I won't find an exact clone of a show I like but in tv style (though even so, I like the art-style), I just don't get how can someone ask a question like that. It simply doesn't make sense.

It's not one or the other.

Because 3d films generally suck and all (modern) western entertainment sucks. I mostly read manga though.

>watch GoT
>it turns into zombie shit

>watch The Expanse
>it turns into zombie shit

>watch Colony (not the reality TV show)
>it gets cancelled

Westerners prefer to watch reality TV garbage. Good shows are extremely rare.

Sometimes the ugliness is done on purpose, as a good thing

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Is that an insult? I love being experienced. It's like a praise.

damn none of those even from this century.

I'm asking like what non anime should I watch after work here in 2019?

only shows I have liked in years were: Stranger Things S1, first couple seasons of The Americans, and Better Call Saul. only movies I can think of were those movies written by Taylor Sheridan

He is talking about SJWs and feminists. Did you ever saw any pure cute girls in movies?

I barely watch movies, tv shows or anime. There's maybe one anime I watch per season if at all, and maybe one tv show per year if it's really good. I do watch a lot of youtube shit though.

this x1000

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>Obsession with appearing like an adult

because anime is unironically more interesting and mature than live action television, especially american which is nothing but cuck drama soap garbage with different themes(medieval, zombies, gangster, etc.) these days.

or medieval zombie gangsters as in got

It doesn't try to shove PC shit down by throat and that's enough for me

>anime is deep
>it's must be EVA
holy shit you people are just insufferable as Harry Potter fans
watch another anime

Anime is for little kids and creeps. Anybody who thinks otherwise is the latter.

The left has hijacked the west so monumentally that even the counterculture run off of Japan is more sane than a primetime American television show. Anime is normalcy in a time where ugly is beautiful, weakness is strength and love is an illusion.

It's easy accessible entertainment for me to whittle away the remaining time before i finally decide to end it.
Looking for normie shit on pirate sites is a huge pain in the ass and I don't want to have to interact with them to shitpost about their media.

You must read shit books if you don't know about art-films
3D can have beautiful cinematography if done right

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But it's just like my Japanese animes

Because one single scene from my favorite anime has more soul than an entire season of GoT

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I hope that pic is unrelated

>The left has hijacked the west so monumentally that even the counterculture run off of Japan is more sane than a primetime American television show. Anime is normalcy in a time where ugly is beautiful, weakness is strength and love is an illusion.
I believe that any right-winger who mistakes American liberals for left-wingers should be round up the shot, art was far more left wing than it is now. Hollywood trying to make money is the exact opposite of left-wing, you fucking idiotic leach to humanity.

Manga is superior to anime. There are so many good works that never will be adapted into an anime. And there also many great manga series that were butchered by adaptations. The only good anime series are usually either 4koma adaptations or anime originals.

>Muh edgy shounenshit to so DEEEEEEEEEEEEEP
Jesus christ, you're fucking worse than OP.

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Got first 4 seasons were amazing then they ran out of source material so it is shitty fanfiction territory now. Cringy dialogue and writing doesn't help either. It is like they stoped trying.Atleast threads on Yea Forums are fun

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you're both liberals

>muh semantics
we all know what I meant, you're on a burger website, deal with it. If you're not going to address the actual comment then don't comment.

>Compares GoT to an anime.
Fuck off weeb

>normal overweight people framed with the worst possible timing

HxH is fucking masterpiece.

No because Japan isn't cucked by (((political correctness)))

>Westerners prefer to watch reality TV garbage. Good shows are extremely rare.

No, I am a socialist because I am not fucking Amer*can

GoT is normalfag garbage. Only redditors like that shit.

A truly mature adult can enjoy “immature” things without worrying about their “maturity” or what others think of them.

Based, HxH is unironically better than all the shit that aired in the past 2 years.

GoT was okay during the first season and has declined ever since to become a piece of utter shit.

Fuck off, moebuta.

What aired on TV 3 years ago that was better than HxH?

Linda Linda Linda - Rich man Keion
Swing girls - Rich man hibikek

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So? At least normal people watch it.

I started watching anime at the age of 27, just for reference.

Western TV is shit and there's only a handful of shows that are actually worth bothering with. The rest forces you to waste 45 minutes of your life to watch a single episode, and somehow the writing, foreshadowing, metaphorical language etc. manage to be as bad as anime.
Western Films I've seen plenty and still watch, especially now that I've started to run out of worthwhile animation to consume. My anime consumption habbits have been reduced to watching college graduate short films and listening to Naruto OPs and EDs on loop.

I also watch a lot of western animation, albeit I try very hard to stay clear of American animation for obvious reasons. Personal interest in Japanese language and culture kinda adds to it, but I don't think they drive me. I could engage with Japan through live action. I've simply developed a very strong interest in animation and Japan just happens to produce more of it than anyone else. I love animation for what it is and can be. Never even felt the need to buy a design, setplay or costume book for live action film, yet my shelf already houses like 70 anime art books.

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that's not saying much

>MC punches evil
>other show's MC is a cute girl being cute with other girls
>an other show's character spews pseudoscientific bullshit to make the writer of the show sound smart
yeh, so deep LMAO
just admit that you watch anime because it's fun, no need to justify something you enjoy to some random stranger over the internet

I hardly watch anime or TV/movies anymore, but I like it when something tries to be both.

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Anime is worse than bollywood and Korean dramas.

>I only watch mature anime for mature people, such as myself

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Japanese live action manages to be even worse and more obscure than anime. It's shitty on an another level.

ok liberal

I watch anime for them plots

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Nolan stole most of his shit from Satoshi Kon. COPE.

This. They are more popular too. Japan can't do shit.

What film?

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Lady Snowblood


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Why not both?

don't you fucking insult Mizoguchi, Ozu and Kurosawa
no u

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>ran out of source material

I havent read the books and can clearly see when this happened. Havent watched the newest season and dont plan to.

No one fucking cares about bollywood outside of India. It's big only because there are too many hindi speaking subhumans.

well at least they can improve their looks by losing weight, you're stuck with your deformities for life

Nobody cares about them. They are nowhere as good our directors.

There are some good indian film, go watch 3idiots or slumdog.

Why do you keep making these trash threads?

At least it's popular somewhere. Anime is not even popular in its home country.

give me your good tv shows and I'll tell you why it's shit.

Both are trash. South Indian film industries are relatively better, they at least produce good musical talent.

It's one of the most anime TV shows there is.

Nostalgia mostly, watched alot of Anime as a kid... rewatch them and a few others now and again as an adult.

Honestly though, it feels nice rewatching those anime I watched as a kid, Gundam wing, Big O, Cowboy bebop, Ghost in the Shell, even Outlaw Star and Tenchi Muyo, its just nice to go back and watch them again every so often.

Anime is more popular than nip tv shows or movies.

>Nobody cares about them.
they were some of the most well known and influential directors in the world, directors all over the world hold high regard for them.

You are just incredibly ignorant.

Japanese are actually masters of film-making, when they actually do it for an artistic purpose, if you don't know about the Japanese tradition of film making then you don't know about Japan

Teryama also influenced Utena youtube.com/watch?v=qdVNIB50YU0

>This thread again.

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Anime is turning mainstream. Most normalfags are already sick and tired of MCU/capeshit.
Anime adaptation is happening left and right now. Dragonball, Alita, Death note, Cowboy Bebop, Your name, Godzilla etcetc. Eva is going to be announced anyday now.


Legal high

Which black actor will play Shinji?

well this thread got 100+ posts

This was such a piss poor critique of Indian education system.

don't fucking do this. Can these american shitheads just keep use actors that look like the same race as a character is portrayed to be?

Because Yea Forumsutists always fall for the most basic of baits.


The Sopranos.

As a 32yr wizard it helps to take my mind off life's responsibilities the same way one would watch a sitcom, but in my case its slice of life or isekai

In other words its all trash all the same, I also don't have a proper tv connection but I have internet, and fuck netflix ain't paying for that shit nor do I have much interest in its content

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You know its gonna happen because its made by Netflix. If not black Shinji, then mutt Asuka.

This is utter garbage.

stop projecting

>Anime is turning mainstream

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The Wire is probably the greatest TV show of all time. The Leftovers for something recent and just an overall mindfuck.

why would they do this? shinji asuka is already amwf
oh wait because americans love cuckoldry

It's just better. This is objective truth.

Forgot Tokyo Story was on youtube: m.youtube.com/watch?v=9FmwyXp8I0Q

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>"You must be trolling"
>Replies anyway

For kids and creeps


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do you even know how to use this word?

Less kike propaganda than in the western entertainment industry, dunno how long will it last, but Japan is still far from the progressive dissolution levels of the west. This and 2d girls> 3d

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Idris Elba will be Gendo.

But anime IS movies and tv shows

I can enjoy both but there are more non shit anime than non shit western tv shows. One thing I hate about western shows is the fact that they go on for fucking forever and there are barely anything that has a decency to tell a complete story and just fucking end instead of going on for 10 more seasons.
Watched Haunting of the Hill House recently and it was really good.

Based on that novel by Jackson?

malty is/was a girly innocent virgin princess, unlike whoretalia

why do you think daddy is upset with shield heroes?

Japanese cartoons are just a cheap imitation of French cartoons.

If you want real fucked up glorious Asian animation and culture then go watch Chinese cartoons.
If you thought subs and dialogue were shit before then oh boy does China have a surprise for you.

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Only America and Britain make decent entertainment. Japanese entertainment is shit and only consumed by creeps.

We're not on Yea Forums, user

Are you the same guy? Were you really baiting the entire time? Thought you were just some butthurt idiot crying about anime

this but unironically

Even Japs think so.


sorry this

american and british entertainment nowadays are fucking cucked by jews. Your opinion sounds like shit

>Japanese cartoons are just a cheap imitation of French cartoons.
Is this sarcasm?

>literally the same posts in /int/
stop the bait shilling

1) Da j000s!!!!!1111

I didn't start watching anime as much as I do now until I was around 18 or 19.

>an /int/ crossboarder
top zozzle

It's actually very truthful.

They are objectively better and more popular but you wouldnt understand. Go watch your moe shit.

you can be objectively better and still be trash

They're clearly based on old disney cartoons

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They're based on French cartoons which are obsessed with comic books and animatics. French are pretty good at camera work, perspectives, graphics, loose lineart.

Watching Japanese, French, Italian cartoons is like watching an animatic/a lagging animated comic book.

French couldn't into animation directing, even trash like Hannah Barbera's Scooby Doo has the characters reacting on time and has the lineart and shading done properly without use of effects. Only effects I remember the west using were colored light bulbs.


Fuck no, anime breaks every Disney animation rules

France also heavily inspired Japan after WW2 in terms of fashion trends.

France was the one obsessed with hair dye, outrageous fashion trends, sex revolution, grittiness, nudity, sex, etc.
Britain and France share a similar taste in comedy, art style, violent cliches like mind control, drama, soap opera.
Italy is a close second.

Why do you think every character in Japanese cartoons look nothing like asians and have outrageous fashion trends?

>every character

If the only anime you've ever seen is jojo then it's understandable that you'd hate anime

It started out being based on Disney in the 60s, now it’s completely different. That girl should have shown something from Disney from the 60s or before.

I literally don't, Manga board free of normalniggers when?

>Anime characters look white.

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There's a good portion of black haired and black eyed characters, but weirdly enough none of them have yellow skin and neither any asian or phillipines-related facial features. Same for the bodies, asians are tiny.

Because fuck west and kikes.

Why do americans don't make cool shows like the A-Team, MacGyver, Knight rider or the fresh prince of Bel Air anymore.
There's dozens on TV now but they're all pretty forgettable.

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>still gives her bigger eyes than normal
These fucking chinks won't quit it, will they?

Why don't (you)? I blame our generation, we're lazy talentless soulless fucks.

What happened to /film/? I want a board where I can discuss non-pleb shit.

t. every Yea Forums poster

Part of it is that I genuinely enjoy hand drawn animation. Its a real shame America abandoned it. Old Fleischer cartoons and classic Disney looked mind blowing.

Also anime girls. The cutest thing mankind ever produced.

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> You cannot truly appreciate anime without a fully developed brain.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Ghost in the Shell
Oyasumi Punpun (not animu [s]yet[/s])

Some animu will not be appreciated without some generous degree of brain development.

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Kikes don't have control over Japanese media.

anime girls don't look like men so its impossible for them to be white

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this, anime girls don't fuck **** while proudly calling themselves a bitch

Because in the end any form of entertainment is just a distraction for the fact life is completely pointless

Please read manga "I am a hero". Japanese are drawn very realistically there. The author also draws some european people and you'll see who he draws better looking and more "anime-like".

>Yea Forums, capeshit and 3dpd
Not anime.

there isn't a single living animal that genuinely believes this and doesn't just entertain it in some
abstract definitional fashion

I don’t post on Yea Forums because art-films are never posted there, I just go there once every four months to complain about how shit that board is and how everyone who posts there should be shot.

No, please don’t misunderstand I seriously don’t post on Yea Forums at all and I never did - maybe on art-house generals.

I haven't read that
but I've seen tons of anime where they make the western women visibly different and in an uglier way

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pic related

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It would be better if you compared right to a Greek woman, since not all white people are the same.

Most animals other than humans cannot comprehend the passage of time

Refute this
You literally can't

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Really I thought "transfer students" from Europe/US was just excuse to draw cute blonde girls but I guess they look ugly to you. That may be your opinion but Japanese obviously love them.

thats a pretty good movie

Who doesn’t want to sex an ayylmao?

>that aren't shit
That's highly subjective. Don't try to please others and enjoy what you like be anime or tv shows
People in the past thought any kinda fantasy was just for children

Because I'm not chinese.

American movies and TV aren't made for Americans. They're made for Chinese and Indians.

Neither the average caucasian nor the average nip look like animu. There are however rare specimens from both that come close.

i bet you call yourself a sceptic

Nah, I'm just a failure

I've had sex, so I'm not so insecure that I avoid doing what I enjoy because some other fag doesn't like it