Griffith was evi-

>Griffith was evi-
>Griffith was wro-
Its finally confirmed that sacrificing band of hawk was objectively the right thing to do.

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Other urls found in this thread:

the correct thing to do isnt always the good thing to do. or the right thing to do

thats why i cant say griffith isnt evil but hes not wrong

>everybody who does not join Griffith in Falconia dies, because he unleashed dragons n shit on earth

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Surely nothing bad will ever happen. After all the God Hand wants nothing but innocent tea parties with Griffith and Charlotte.
Based Griffith.


>5 years later people are still raving about this
>Nothing bad has yet to happen

>starting as a dark S&S
Miura is still on the boat.

Imagine waiting months and months just to read a chapter of Griffith's tax policies.

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Nigga did you think Miura would suddenly shift focus back to Guts like that? Now, if he doesn't do so after this chapter I'm going to find where he lives and I'm going to personally shit under his door.

If world building of Falconia, the shit city that just popped out of the ground, is so important, make it at least more interesting than some fat fucks sitting around a table.
Also I didn't need another shot of Charlotte doing the same Charlotte thing again. And Sonia doing the I love Griffith cheer again, just so her caretaker, whose name I forgot, can facepalm ONCE AGAIN.
Every single of these things probably cost him weeks and precious life force.

So he could burn the world down to conquer it?
Great fucking hero you have there.

Sounds like something Miura would do

>the ends justify the means
Can the Japanese get some new fucking writing

>>Nothing bad has yet to happen
Except for all the deaths at albion, and the blast of the astral world fucking tons of people up, causing the refugees of course

That is probably the #1 reasoning behind well meaning villains worldwide.

What are some means justify the end villains?

Hes not wrong though. The world was a shit place and had to be changed even by force. The suffering hasnt increased either since it was such a shithole in the first place but now theres a way to better the world.

End did justify the means here

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literally what murrica has been saying to justify their world wide policemen role playing

>The world was a shit place and had to be changed even by force
So he made it even shittier so he could get his kingdom.

I just want to know when this manga end
So i could kill myself already

You will die, before the manga will, so what's the matter?

But annon, that would be my only regret
Not being able to finish manga i read
Fuck why i have a worthless life

Maybe you should learn English before you kill yourself.

yeh but murricans dont bore me to death by injecting it in every piece of media

>fuck over the Worldwide so that you can be the saviour
It's like nuking the whole earth and then inviting everyone to live in your self sustaining space station which you built and designed with a group of people that you killed just shortly before completing it

You think i care about my english on cambodian bamboo basket weaving forum?

Yes, Griffith is a bad guy, further news at 11.

Wait until I catch up

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English imageboard dumbass.

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The world currently needs saving, because Griffith unleashed the fantasy apocalypse to begin with. Everyone dying (and getting dicked) out there by monsters is on him. Also, he got a pretty easy headstart on swooping in as the savior when he also conjured up a pre-built captial city for all those refugees, while the rest of the world went to shit caught unaware.

At least the space station is self sustaining unlike our civilization

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How many time murrican bringing their politics to international forums?
How many time murrican called you must be trump or hillary suporter on international forums just because you broken english?

You've had 30 years to catch up. There are maybe three to six Berserk chapters are year. It takes less than an hour a year to stay caught up on Berserk.

Cambodian bamboo basket weaving forum, annon?
Its all about chinese cartoon, not about english

Never forget that Miura stopped making Berserk for literal years to work on an SnK ripoff about a man who turns into a giant and fights other giants by having a loli pee on his face

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What language are you typing in right now? Memes are not an excuse for not knowing English you fuckwit.

You would do the same thing if given the chance.

>mfw simple-minded "people" can't comprehend Griffith's vision

And its best thing ever

that's just fucking selfish too

The language is engurrissh
I need not excuse, for i barely use english in real life
Learning english so i can pleased some annon is stupid

I'm pretty sure that the thousands of dead people outweigh his selfishness.

Bruh, he just went out at night to rewhiten his hair by consuming the blood of a human, perhaos a child.

>despite making up just 13% of the population, Kushans commit 50% of violent crimes in Falconia
What did Miura mean by this?

How does that matter? One dead child per week is nothing, its not a big price to pay for advancing the society and doing away with suffering.

>doing away with suffering.
Tell that to the people being killed by all the magical shit that he brought into the realm.

Boohoo. Now theyre dying to magical shit instead of starvation and invading armies.

When the ruler isn’t subjected to the same punishment as any cotizen would be under his own law for his actions (murder), it’s not advancement, it’s wishful coping. ‘Cause then it’s not a kingdom, it’s a prison, and everyone is on death row.

Soon there won't be many left, so no one will suffer. In the old world they would be raped or killed by mercenaries.

Finally, a well-meaning
>totalitarian state
built together by the sweat of the people
>and sustained by brutal conquering
taking in all refugees
>of the states they destroy
as the people enjoy relative safety while they're
>conscripted as meat shields and slave labour
while their children get taken care of by the kingdom and
>indoctrinated as they're held hostage
but not to worry, they will sustain themselves and carry on through faith in
>Griffith's personality cult

At least, with the orphan institutions, the parents can safely
>labour and die in the name of the kingdom
knowing that their children will be
>the property of the kingdom when they die
this all of course financed by generous spending of the kingdom via
>taxes and inflation

Except that after the 10 year war that Midland was in there was peace, or would've been if Griffith hadn't stuck his penis on the princess. The only threat was that demon king and he's no different from Griffith right now, it's just that instead of fighting kingdoms they're going to fight super-natural bullshit that Griffith created in the first place.

>10 years

Do you think we live in a totaliratian state? All Griffith's proposals were very modern. But yeah, I'm sure a shitty feudal state was better for commoners than Griffith's kingdom.

That's even worse then, 100 years of bullshit and when the war finally stops some faggot comes along and fucks it up for everyone.

The war only stopped because Griffith and his people defeated Tudor.

Yes, and then he fucked it all up for the people that didn't fight in the war and everyone else in the world.

>Griffith wants to build California
>somehow that's a good thing

Civilization is self correcting and has a much longer shelf life

The fact that we're debating about this dilemma in such a way means, that Miura is really good at creating complex world building concepts, and one-of-a-kind personalities with deep thinking

t.flyover redneck

There's no dilemma here, Griffith is still an asshole.

No, we don't, we have the freedom to make our own choices. But that's not what Griffith is founding. He just gave us the utopian layout proposed in fascism.

Not to worry, if there's any problems I'm sure the military police deployed in the slums will take care of any dissidents.

Griffith is literally evil because the god hand are incarnations of evil. It's not hard to understand.

>military police
Military demon police.

> In order to save the world, I must first destroy the world!
Griffith was a good boy who dindu nuffin wrong

>transitioning the world from a medieval to a modern state? Pff, can't he go kill a dragon or something hella freaking epic?

I'm sure that people want to see that instead of Guts and Casca reuniting.

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Was Guts gay for Griffith?

>Not to worry, if there's any problems I'm sure the military police deployed in the slums will take care of any dissidents.
Nice headcanon

Yeah, I sure loved this masterfully crafted world building of Falconia where 20 dudes sitting in a room talking about taxes.
After we all know the great pillars of story telling such: TELL - DON'T SHOW.
I also loved how in depth characters like Charlotte and Sonia are being developed.
Wow talking about tea and flowers again Charlotte? Amazing. Wow Sonia sperging out over Griffith and her caretaker doing the epic face palm in the background? Haha I never get tired of this shtick, simply hilarious.

TL:DR fuck you nigger

I'm sure the military police will enforce peace through peaceful means.

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Anyone else feeling like there's an 2nd layer undercity in Faconia, where people get tortured and raped by demons 24/7, just waiting to get uncovered?

This is such a basic assumption it doesn't even need to be said.

So him disappearing during a full moon means that the child of guts and casca is coming to the real world? So next chapter might be a family reunion? A man can dream.

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Griffith is a demon lord masturbating his own ego on a fantasy of perfection. No place in the entire world is safe except for his capital because that's the way he made it. That's already a lot of second layer.

>destroy the world
>just so you can LARP as a great king by rebuilding it
>turn people into mere cogs of a large, well-oiled state-machine
>introduce public education
I see only evil here.

You just gave me a horrible idea
>Griffith goes to elf island
>Casca is still in shock and blames Guts for everything
>Griffith shows up and offers to take Casca to Falconia
>She accepts and Guts has to go after her

Griffith is going to JUST the world pretty soon. Just watch.

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It's for the greater good user! The kids belong to the state!

>No one talking about the full moon and Griffith implying that he'll turn into the moonlight child
Will the moonlight child help casca not to lose her shit again?

Sounds like our world.

Literally five posts above you, read the thread,

That would be a nice way to get Guts started on dismantling Griffith's fantasy. I almost hope it will go that way.

Griffith invented the Secret Colosseum for Apostles to satisfy their blood lust by killing Captured Trolls.

Did you forget?

Man ganishka didn't himself any favours by calling himself the demon king and griffith the hawk of light did he?

How is this shit gonna fucking end? We are still far from the climax, and the progression of this story is getting slower and slower as miura gets older. If the boat arc took 9 years, and it took 8 months to learn about griffiths taxes miuras gonna die before we get a decent ending

When Miura dies, hes like 55

Not even joking, by now I would prefer him to be the MC instead. I can't bring myself to care about the protags anymore, all these "funny" and comedy parts and quirky characters the main PoV is riddled with annoy the shit out of me, the plot doesn't move on and everything gets dragged by introducing even more new magical girls and elf women and whatever until Guts needs to defeat some random monsters again that add absolutely nothing to the story and Guts himself starts to bore me too.

I wonder if the pacing feels better once the manga is finished (>implying), if you just read it in one go. Obviously this feels jarring since there's 8 months gaps and what not

Not really. I had this series on hold for years during the ship arc and reading it almost all at once bored me to no end. I felt it was a waste of hundreds of pages for irrelevant bullshit and stupid pirate monsters.

the refugees are only mentioned to be from Kushan i.e. people nearby from the invasion. Midland hasn't made any mention of any other nation such as what happened to the Tudors, because anyone remotely distant is too far to reach or heard about falconia in a world where lines of communication are destroyed

kys faggot
chapter literally states that the issue is that non-citizens lack income and that cultural/religious differences are basically amounting to nothing


You know very well that Femto and the godhand are objectively evil and care nothing for the human race.

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It wouldn't be bad if it wasn't for the glacial pacing. As is you know every page wasted on lolis being funny is literally two or three months of drawing time spent.

Yet the idea of evil told Femto to do whatever he wants, whether it benefits humanity or not, meaning that there's no requirement that they be evil.

Miura likes to draw one full page a day user, with a few days each month to fix stuff up

>Femto and the godhand are objectively evil
How come? We have yet to see their true aim.
>But band of the hawk
Deserved it, every single one of them was a killer and hell was pure karma.
>and care nothing for the human race.
Do you care about the human race? What have you done against climate change?

>Let's send all our nations children to the godhand
What could go wrong?


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>Deserved it, every single one of them was a killer and hell was pure karma.

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They do not have a collective aim
Griffith just wants to rule everything thanks to limitless ambition.
Slan however just wants to fuck everything and who knows what the other three actually want

If you want to prance around the thread pretending to be a frilly platinum blonde fairypunk fine, but I'm saying you know that they are the antagonists of the story you're reading.

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> they are the antagonists of the story you're reading.
Berserk can be so much more than your generic shounen sempai

Go fuck yourself.

are you implying that pure villains can't exist in seinen?

Why are Berserkfags so desperate to try and make the story out to be anything more than a pretty simplistic (which isn't necessarily a bad thing if it's executed well) good vs evil tale?

Berserk is a generic shounen that just happens to have a lot of gore and rape in it. That's why it's so accessible and popular too.

Yeah this, and then we also have Isidro and a bunch of randoms whose names I have forgotten already since the main party got bigger. They don't add anything to the story, they only eat screentime.

BERSERK like any woman, Griffith was unable to resist the pull of a bad boy like Guts. So, when he came into vast supernatural power he used it to slowly transform Guts into a bland, well-adjusted average shonen manga hero, who would have no appeal for him.

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So what do God Hand even fucking want? Kill off humanity? If yes then for what, what do they gain?
And is Griffith even aware of it? Does he even have all the memories of Femto or are they using him and his goal is to actually help humanity progress for real?

>Griffith doesn't seem to have a choice about the Moon Child. When he wants out on a full moon, it'll be out.

No wonder Miura hinted at Zodd following him, it's literally the one time he's most vulnerable. It's his one fucking weakness. Guts will need to kill his own son to kill Griffith confirmed.

>are they using him and his goal is to actually help humanity progress for real?
Are you retarded?

Option 1: this is a long con and Griffith is just setting up the worst and bloodiest sacrifice of humanity he'll ever make

Option 2: Griffith really is creating a paradise, and Guts will be hated by everyone when he destroys it

Which is it, Miura?

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1 sounds weirder and weirder to me the more time passes. I still think it's 1, but I really hope Miura will come up with some really good reason for making Griffith spend ages to build all that shit up only to sacrifice it later. He was always the guy who does evil things to achieve something good in the end, he isn't one of those crazy villains that trigger the end of the world for fun or because some ancient God told him to.

>the characters that by definition are the antagonists of the story aren't actually antagonists because "Muh Seinen"
Poe's law is a bitch.

>nice headcanon
Can you not read

>Option 2: Griffith really is creating a paradise, and Guts will be hated by everyone when he destroys it
I hope this is the case. I mean he turned the whole world into a nightmare inhabited by fairytale monsters, but for the people of his new city it should look like Guts is an evil dark knight assaulting their holy kingdom.

I think elf magic will seperate grif and the kid which reduce his power to give guts chance

He just want to be the fucking God emperor of mankind
this multiplied by 20
>mfw the theory about guts killing the "savior" becomes real
God fucking damn it

People will find out he is behind monsters invasion

>Entire situation was Griffith's doing
>Proposes brainwashing an entire generation of vulnerable children
>Wants to press all refugees into army service so they can be fodder in his sham battles

He chased away Rickert because if the truth got out everything would crumble. They could just chop down the big tree and everything would be back to normal. Griffith is very clearly an evil fuck.

Which is exactly why they're evil, since they're not being forced into it.

>He was always the guy who does evil things to achieve something good in the end

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not even once

Miura droppin some redpills up in here!

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>Nothing bad has yet to happen
>nevermind all the astral world monsters flooding the normal world and literally turning hell on earth
>it is okay tho, we have a slice of heaven with based griffith xd

not even once

He's the lord and savior afterall, some idiots still think he's a wolf in sheep's clothing.

How did you not got molested and murdered as a child considering how insanely naive you are as an adult? You sound like you would have leapt into a wood chipper if someone wrote ball pit on the side of it.

Nothing wrong with that. Evey big change in human history required sacrifice. Griffith is turning a shitty medieval world into a modern state.

Cool down there Guts, did he rape your waifu or something? Can't you see all the good he's doing?

He's going to get murdered and there is not a damn thing any of you can do about it. That's justice - that's fair.

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> Griffith brings humanity to his gay city
> Like, all of it that he didn't fuck up already
> It's a huge ritual to summon the other members of the god hand.
> Literally wipe out humanity
And you faggots will still say he did nothing wrong. Guts is going to save the world.

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For what reason?

t. Sonia

>Guts is going to save the world.
By repopulating it himself?

Finally a reason for the loli collection.

Who knows.
It's been twenty years and we still don't know what the god hand actually want to accomplish.

but loli can't make kids

That and cuteness. We have one of those reasons being used already, he needs to start on the other one and make use of all the time available.

Is that you, Shirou?

At this point I just accept it like a beated wife.

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>God had flood which killed everyone except for a few good people and some animals
was god well meaning tho

Why cant Miura just fucking hand it over to someone else. He doesnt want to do the story anymore. Just let it go

Noone here actually believes that the plot is going to have Griffiths, front-runner for the least subtle Antichrist character, rule the kingdom justly and fairly and it won't devolve into demonic blood orgies and shit, right?

He's the Antichrist, my dudes. The point is that he seems cool but then he isn't. That's the point. That's the conceit of all this crap that's taken far too long to be released; to set up that Griffiths seems angelic and shit so it's a better contrast when everything goes to shit and Gutts gets to kick more ass but then also die at the end to save our souls because he's Jesus.

But hey, maybe Miura will surprise us and the painfully obvious symbolism will turn out to be a ruse.

>just hand over your children to the state, got for the greater good Shlomo!

>Create a situation where most people would die from even stepping foot outside of their homes, or even inside of them
>Unable to live if they don't join with up with him, and even then, he wants to force you to fight for him and do everything for him
>I am so benevolent guys, love me, adore me, I make you talk to ghosts, why don't you love me?
>God I wish Guts was raping me right now instead of that fucking whore...

What the fuck is his problem?

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> entire story structure since conviction arc has been mostly guts with occasional insights into what Griffiths after
> Griffiths actions affect the entire world, most notably fantasia
> Faggots spend their time bitching and moaning that they have to see important info like its some great failure on Miura's part

This is his it's always been, you're just used to having 300+ chapters immediately available. It's like when people bitched about guts on the boat when the arc reads perfectly fine now.

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The godhand are just kind of fucking around. Void trashed Gaiserics empire for who knows what reason, and has just been dicking around for like 30 gajillion years.

Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Tolkien, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Lord of the Rings had a very medieval philosophy: that if the king was a good man, the land would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Tolkien can say that Aragorn became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Tolkien doesn’t ask the question: What was Aragorn’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these orcs? By the end of the war, Sauron is gone but all of the orcs aren’t gone – they’re in the mountains. Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?

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I just don’t get what comes after falconia
The place is gonna be the second empire, and then what? That’s it? Doesn’t make any sense, griffith is literally a god on the mortal plane and he’s content with empire 2.0?
And, btw, fuck you miura, shota faced griffith is repulsive, as is everyone else with those shota and loli faces and body proportions

>he’s content with empire 2.0?
It's almost as if the whole reason for sacrificing the band of hawk was to become the ruler of his own epire and everything he's done is for that purpose. Wow!

GRRM is such a faggot.

I don't think this thread is very good if I'm honest

No, I get that, I just imagine that if you’re an immortal being it kinda gets boring playing ruler once you’ve conquered the whole map and there’s very little left to do

Retard, his dream has always been secondary. he just wants Guts' dick sloop bad he's trying to force him to love him.

Nah first he wanted his own kingdom and now that he has Falconia he wants an empire,
Once he's gotten his empire he will want something greater. There's no end to his ambition.

The youngest pregnant "woman" IRL was 5 years old. Add magic to the mix and you have no excuse.

So is guts going to be the most hated man in existence? The new hitler?

It's usually what the villains do though. I hate what the mains do even more to be honest. Never do anything if it would mean doing something bad or killing a few guys. Rather letting the world rot in the shitty status quo it has than killing a few fuckers or whatever and change things for the better.

I though christ/anti-christ thing with Guts and Griffith was pretty obvious. Are you people finally just starting to get it?

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Yeah I remember in Revalations 18:45-56 where Satan proclaimed his tax policies

It was clear since the whole god hand chosen one stuff just as it was clear that the Friend from 20thCB was another antichrist archetype figure too, the thing is just that I knew what the Friend wanted and why he wanted it while Griffith's plan feels weird for now regarding reason behind his acting and specific goal and the way to achieve it.

Satan and Antichrist aren't related, speedreader.

You know what I mean semanticsfag

Satan and the antichrist are literally related, the antichrist is supposed to be satan's son, like jesus was god's son.

He´s doing the right thing, yeah. Problem is he also caused it being necessary to begin with.

Yes he is brainlet.
>And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
Dragon is satan, beast is anti-christ

>implying Griffith won't sacrifice all of it like a bitch he is

>becomes a God
>achieves his dream of getting his own kingdom
>becomes the God Emperor of Man
>every full moon he gets to LARP as Guts' and Casca's child
He really is living the dream isn't he

>griffith fags will still find a way to claim he's done nothing wrong

>no buttsex from Guts his husbando
Not yet, but he is REALLY close

All is fine and dandy until you're the one being sacrificial pawn.

based & christianpilled

He didn't do it to save people lmfao

>He wouldnt die for a better future

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>Everything seems good and happy.
>Get to the orphan relief part.
>Griffith immediately goes full Hitler with making all of the children "wards of the state".
I knew I wasn't imagining all of the Socialist police state crap. Everything being organized, being presented as clean and orderly, with a growing bureaucratic overreach and attempted assassinations of dissidents. And now, public "educational" brainwashing facilities!

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I am pretty sure actual Griffith fags don't exist anymore. There might be people who find his actions more interesting than those of the RPG squat but no Griffith fan I have ever seen still seems to care about the series.

Of course not. Maybe for my child but not for some literal faggot.

maybe someone didn't understand when there is a full moon he is no longer Griffith, but the son of Guts and Casca. So nothing will happen on the island except that he will save his mother from being patato, then the wizards will understand that inside of him the falcon is hiding, the child disappears, Casca wants to save his son separating him from Griffith, the end

I would only do it to be the big hero after my death when I was actually just bored enough to let somebody kill me. That way you have both, you quit real life shit AND become a legend for doing so because everyone assumes it was a sacrifice and not something you were tempted to do to begin with.

pretty sure miura is aiming for a form of early modern nationalism/imperialism, like napoleons france

Why have unwilling sacrifices when you can get a whole generation of kids to do it willingly.

Weak filled faggots, no wonder humanity is doomed

Spaceships when? God Hand should have enough wisdom to build them.

>has a giant ass empire now
>head of monster and human armies
>literally one of the movers and shakers of the entire universe
>now its established everytime there's a full moon he turns into a shota to go be hugged by his ex-boytoy

can anything stop Griffith at this point? he's getting everything he ever wanted and more

give Rickert a couple years, he should be developing anti-apostle ICBMs shortly

I honestly can't imagine a way to beat him that isn't pants on head retarded. It will probably involve the moon child and a lot of white magic mumbujumbo of Schierke and I already hate it.

With a totalitarian police state, with "free" public education to indoctrinate the children into Griffith's personality cult?

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I think it'll be what fucked him before, when his goal was in reach: His feelings for Guts.

He'll probably make a play for Elf Island, just cause Guts and party are there.

public education was basically formed so they could indoctrinate everyone into loving the german emperor, so yeah

did Guts ever figure out that Griffith had feelings for him?

That makes sense. It's subconsciously and he isn't even aware of it until later when he suddently remembers, probably during a fight.
>inb4 it will end with Griffith being reborn as Guts' and Cascar's daugther

It'll start there to break through his whole Femto fursona then turn into a perversion of the duel on the hill when he fell in love with Guts.

Griffith isn't the anti-christ. There is no anti-christ in Berserk because there is no real Christ. Griffith is a messianic figure, not someone pretending to be a messiah.

Do people still not see that Falconia is a gilded cage, funneling people in to be sacrificed just like what happened in the last age? Did everyone forget all the sacrifices at the bottom of the prison tower?

you don't know what that word means

He is explicitly pretending to be a messiah to lead everyone to the slaughter. Or did the magical, beutiful facade powered by evil magic too obtuse for you?

If Falconia is the only safe place in the world then sacrificing people in Falconia could potentially cause the extinction of Homo sapiens. I doubt this is Griffith's goal.

>Did everyone forget all the sacrifices at the bottom of the prison tower?
We don't know what exactly happened, but it happened for a reason. Griffith has no reason to sacrifice his city.

No, there is simply no other messiah in Berserk world. There is no "Christ" because there is no Christian God. Griffith plays the role of a messiah. It's obviously a criticism of messianic religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Hindu, Zoroastrianism and so on.


>no reason
He’s the kind of a city when he could just sacrifice it and be king of the world. Griffith is all about moving upwards, that’s his dream. He can’t be a king, so he’ll kill the Band of the Hawk and become one. This is just the next step.
Did you forget Guts exists? The breaker of fate?

>only safe place in the world
You know Berserk’s setting only takes place in a single part of the world, right?

Griffith can be already the king of the world.
Guts is just some guy, he isn't a part of any prophecy and he clearly isn't a messiah. And calling him the breaker of fate is an exaggeration. Slan compared him to a fish that can go for a short time against the river's current, but that's it.

So? We know that the entire world was affected by the blast.

Why do you think the God Hand sent him, exactly? To be a benevolent good guy? To ruin their own interests?

>What was Aragorn’s tax policy?

He is explicitly part of a prophecy, he’s the opposition of the “Hawk of Darkness”

Does Miura hate us bros ? I don't mind chapters like this at all in fact i like them because they add depth to the world but we've waited so long for this and he just keeps delaying, he can't even keep a fucking schedule, has he lost any appreciation he had for Berserk ? Does he not care anymore ?

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He's plenty productive when he gets to draw peeing lolis.

Perhaps the lolis are the only reason he still draws Berserk at all.

Maybe 1 as the means to do something with the Idea of Evil.

>Did everyone forget all the sacrifices at the bottom of the prison tower?
I thought those were the sacrifices for Void to join the Godhand.

Griffith doesn't have to be the one to sacrifice it, just build it up as important to someone else, pull the rug out from under them, and watch the fireworks.

Only question is, who? Charlotte? Duck girl?

He means antichrost archetypes. As in "fake messiah who is seemingly creating some new world utopia which will actually end up being some 1984 state or actual hell later and everyone who followed him will be fucked".

>sacrifices his loyal friends and completely obliterates the world in order literally just to live out his childhood dream of being the bestest and coolest king ever
Griffith apologists are mentally ill.

Why do people constantly ask this question? He's been drawing berserk since he was young and now hes old and sick. If you've been with the series for a while you shouldn't bat an eye at any of this. We could not get a single chapter in 4 years and I wouldn't bat an eye. Just be happy we're getting anything.

>a fantasy kingdom in a book that isn't trying to be realistic doesn't depict a kingdom realistically
Shock horror

I don't think anyone capable of paying attention to the story doesn't realize this. The faggots who still follow berserk and can't understand what's happening aren't worth attention.

I still know what it is about but I honestly forgot a shitton. I barely remember anything Ganishka related at all, forgot everything about the voyage other than that it took almost a decade and generally forgot a lot of stuff.
I should seriously reread the arcs after golden arc again but everything after Retribution bores me to hell to be honest, aside from the Griffith chapters maybe. Because I find it rather interesting to learn about his plans and see all the other characters.

He can fight other GH

>Nothing bad has yet to happen
That's because Miura has released 6 fucking chapters in 5 years

>Do you think Miura would suddenly shift focus back to Guts after suddenly shifting focus off of Guts at a pivotal moment?
What's it like living with room temperature IQ user?

At last, now i am waiting for Aragon tax policies.

Will that go in the Silmarillion or in a sequel to it?

>was god well meaning tho
No, he wasn't.

God got sick of humanity's shit and flipped the chess board.

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Should I read this?

>a year after we were last with Guts

>look at full picture of griffith
>get chills
what does it mean

>what's "taxes," precious?
>you know, TAX-A-TION. Fill em out, file em, pay em when they're due!

>unleash LITERAL hell on earth
>walk up and offer to save people from the mess that you yourself caused
>"hurr Griffith dindunuffin"
Are Griffithfags mentally ill?

Option 3: it's a long con but only Guts and his group realize it. Guts will save everyone by killing Griffith but he'll become hated as the monster who destroyed the utopia because the people don't know better.

The moonchild is going to get separated from his vessel which will leave him weakened. It's pretty obviously building towards that and it'll be poetic because Griffith's downfall will once more be caused by him not being able to keep his dick in his pants.