The truth is

The truth is...

Attached: gendo-tells-ritsuko.jpg (650x433, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Hirame is good, but not THAT good

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Attached: index.jpg (300x168, 5K)

The game was rigged from the start

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Everybody wanna know how close me and Snoop is

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It took me a while to notice that Gendo lost his hand here.

Attached: rei's weird stomach vagina sure can take a fisting.jpg (500x276, 10K)

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There never was a robot

Aren't the EVA Series thingies robots?

Das rite.

Attached: dasright.gif (450x500, 3.49M)

They're fettered aliens.

traps aren't gay

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You can heat it in his voice.

Massive violation of man laws.

You are retarded.


Perhaps you should have watched Shin Sekai Tori (from the new world)
Subhuman faggots like you should know your place

i fucked your mom lol

I made Shinji retarded on purpose, as a joke


The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.


"watching a show based on the recommendation of another person is setting the show up to fail. Watching it blind is the only way to objectively experience something."

Who is that between Astolfo and Felix? They look familiar but I can't put my finger on it.

He also had adam in his hand which I didn't realize and thought this scene was just random wackyness the first time I watched it

imma prove you wrong by jacking it to that doujin right this instant

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Arikawa Hime from Himegoto

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Despite omitting over 52% of variables,

The bag was nylon from the start.

Attached: Fallout 4.jpg (580x478, 45K)

not american here
is this even true? or is it just a meme
where do you guys got those percentages?

This artist is familiar...
Doesn't he draw trap doujins?

>is this even true? or is it just a meme
it's actually worse than that when you consider that the vast majority of black crime is committed by males age 18-55.

>The truth is...
Lies just beyond the gate

Your mother was a better lay.


it's true

"I jerked off in Eva-01's entry plug, and it was better than you or your mom"

"I fucked ur mom lol"


Even if it is true, it ignores the conditions that cause crime and the conditions that cause those conditions and presents it as a purely racial issue. Rich black women aren't holding up liquor stores, yet they would have you believe it was just as likely.

You're gay

30% of felony convictions in the US are black people and they make up about 37% of the prison population. Some Stormfront dudes conflated a bunch of statistics to make the number as high as possible, resulting in the 50% figure.

That's why if you take that into account poor black men and poor asian and white men, they all commit the same amount of per capita crime... Oh wait, no. They're still vastly overrepresented compared to other races, nevermind.

fucking based assposter

The richest black places have more crime than the poorest white places. Crime correlates the best with race, education or money doesn't even come close.

Statistics are racist!


Attached: Every day until you like it.png (841x1200, 507K)

It's true. The media would have you believe that it's all just racist lies but the statistics actually hash it out that this is the case. The intelligent people (i.e. not the SJWs) who are concerned about providing actual solutions to the problem of the massively higher representation in criminal statistics of blacks would inform you that there are many reasons why blacks are strongly represented in crime. For one thing blacks tend to be much poorer and they suffer from a race culture that's both pervasive and self-destructive. The nuclear family unit has fallen apart among blacks and this results in many black men being raised by single mothers. They end up getting involved in gangs which causes them to acquire a strong criminal record and this ruins many of their future prospects. They often end up spending time in jail. The vast majority of homicides committed by blacks are intraracial, meaning they're committed against other black people. Usually against other gang members.

There are many politicians, including black community leaders, who are trying to fix this problem by strengthening the family culture in these black communities and providing alternatives to young black men than joining gangs. The problem is that the leftist propaganda machine refuses to admit that this problem even exists and instead blames all of it on racial oppression by the white majority. Which, of course, does absolutely nothing to actually resolve these issues and oftentimes even exacerbates them.

They might well be when you purposefully misrepresent them, or just outright make them up on the spot

Can you point me to the paper from where this stadistics comes from? I would like to read the real stadistics and variables and not to listen to some random user in the internet

>The nuclear family unit has fallen apart among blacks and this results in many black men being raised by single mothers.

Biggest issue right fucking here. Single Mothers raise criminals. Pushing this "Single mothers are strong" meme has just caused infinitely more issues than it attempted to solve.

You are not actually refuting anything, just saying that you dont agree with official statistics. Its not like the source is not given for it, but its tipical leftist garbage that you just say something is wrong without giving a reason why.

That's super reductive, m8. I agree that black people have some tendency to be more affective, and thus more prone to violence, but to say that their living situations, the societal structures surrounding them, the educational system, and many other factors do not contribute to such a statistic is just dishonest.
It's like the wage gap. Yeah, it exists, but not all of it is due to sexual discrimination or whatever, there are a lot of factors contributing to it.

Its something that have more to do with the gang culture and how poor this types of families are? Dunno, if you are a back kid i imagine that if you try to get better and studing and shit you are getting bullied to hell and their own comunnity will keep you down

Like rural towns were leaving is seeing as treason to the community

The statistics are straight from the FBI and are consistently true every single year.

That this is now a thread debating crime statistics, apparently.

My statement isn't just about black people specifically. It applies to all races.


So are there stadistics or not?

>its not race!

>New vegas
>Despite being 13% of population...
Is this dare I say
A good thread?

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How much do you need to be spoonfed? You could have just googled it yourself, its official FBI statiatics.

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HxH is unironically good.

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Hey i thought the guy was joking until the other guy post the link to it

Everything that I do's public
And you'd love it if you could run and tell all your friends.

The biggest issue with the collapse of the nuclear family among black communities is that it results in socioeconomic hardship and pushes young black men towards gang culture. This isn't even a race issue; you saw the same sort of thing occur to the Irish immigrants that migrated to America in the 19th Century. It creates a perpetual spiral of poverty which is reinforced by a desire to find one's place among one's peers. Without access to money or legitimized means of competition they will resort to the most ancient form of acquiring standing; tribalism and violence. Without any money and without a strong family structure to direct them down a more productive path these young black men often end up becoming involved in gangs due to the acceptance and camaraderie they find there. They in turn end up committing crimes. They're caught by the police and end up with a criminal record which diminishes their future prospects and also potentially leaves them in jail for years at a time. They come out of jail having missed the boat of opportunity and with no actual skills, leading to a high rate of repeat offenders as they try to make a living the only way they know how. Meanwhile any children they might have had are left fatherless since their father is in prison for years at a time and often unmarried and financially unstable. And so the cycle starts all over again.

Um, the link you gave say 27.2 percent are African American, not 50.

Coincidentally this is why you see Hispanics and Latinos, who are oftentimes just as poor as blacks, represented far less in criminal statistics. Hispanic culture has a VERY strong nuclear family dynamic and thus young Hispanic men are often under far more pressure and scrutiny from their families to do well and succeed. This results in much less representation in crime statistics since they usually have a family to answer to and often several male family members who serve as teachers and role models.

Long live the new flesh.

Yeah in my country we really dont have many black people, and the ones that are here dont form big communitys because they are ftom different contrys and shit, so its hard for me to see any correlation between being black and crime, like we have gangs and shit and everyone know poor people are the dangerous ones, maybe inmigrants make some crimes but the worst are the ones that are allredy stablished and have territories and shit

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>drunk driving is the same as murder
Way to go.

Great. Another thread spammed by retards arguing US politics. Just go back to your containment boards Yea Forums and Yea Forums


I think you posted the wrong link, the only race with close to 50% is whites at 68% of the crime

these FBI stats includes hispanics as "white" which completely skews the results.

That's the population percentage distribution, not the percentage of crime committed. If you look down under "Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter" and then look over at the population percentage of that category you'll see that blacks, which represent 27.2% of the population, commit 53% of the crime. Whites commit 44% which is actually well below the 68.9% population percentage they represent.

Adam in his hand was more important in the manga, where it gave Gendo super-powers.

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Are you mentally disabled? Blacks make up 13% of the US population. The rows and columns in that document are clearly labeled, and "27.2%" is the total share of crimes that black people commit. 53% is for one category of crime.

>population distribution
No its not. If you calculate the total arrests by race, the percentages are the same as in the latter table. Blacks were 2.221M arrears out of 8.162M, which is 27%.

So you mean blacks commit only 50% of the crime in a few categories? The only categories where blacks are near 50% are murder, gambling and robbery, which makes up less than a percent of the crime committed. Whites lead by a wide margin in rape, aggravated assault, larency-theft, embezzlement, motor vehicle theft, violent crime, property crime, other assaults, fraud, sex offenses, drug abuse, weapons carrying & possessing et cetera.

There are apparently misread statistics here
Either misread or changed since he last read it


I think I got confused because I compared the white population to the total population and it's almost exactly 68.9%.

god I wish that were me

The statistics are there, but /pol/ hasn't actually read them. 27.2% of criminal arrests in the US are black people, and about 30% of all people convicted are black. Black people face longer sentences on average than whites or latinos, so they make up 37.8% of the US prison population.

Why did he have to start at her boob and work down?

Does that factor in repeat offenders?

He didn't have to do anything. But be real right now. What would you have done?

All those numbers are on a year-by-year basis. Data on recidivism can be found here:

Not sure who's more of a fag, the /pol/tards who shit up normal threads or the J*nnie having his Reddit Moment.

Mods pls delete mine too!

>entire thread from it's conception has been Yea Forums and /pol/ shitposting
>only delete the political shit
sasuga janny.

Why did everyone want to bang him?

You don't?

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Daddy complexes. Loads and loads of daddy complexes.

Think for a moment what Rei is and it's not exactly a difficult question.

Cool, mysterious, dominant and ambitious dude that is in charge of a powerful organization. Some bitches love that shit. It's not explicitly stated but he's probably attractive too.

I love Rei

Attached: Rei Ayanami.jpg (1440x1080, 95K)

director self insert

That part is just kind of incidental, it happens so he can be in that scene with Shinji and the superpowers don't matter again out of it. It's more important because there's more impression made of what Gendo is doing, this is a living, aware Adam that Gendo's dominated and will use to enter Rei, before reinstalling Rei in Lilith, and then he'll be God.

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