Girls und Panzer

How do we save Momo from the ill-fate of prostitution?

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Someone will have to bite the bullet and marry her.

How do we convince someone on Yea Forums to marry her?

I'll do it. It's all I'm good for anyway.

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Based Yea Forumsnon, I salute you on your journey of being married to the hot tempered failure

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What would sex with Momo feel like?

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Teach her proper study habits

Run out without paying

If girls have Senshado to teach them how to be wives and mothers, what do boys have to teach them how to be husbands and fathers?

the end of a whip

That doesn't sound very wholesome

Speak when spoken to user

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Good thread

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yes master, my apologies master

I hope you like missionary and bad blowjobs

Imagine her trying to straddle you. Then miss because she's a piece of shit that can't hit anything.

What about paizuri?

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You aim for the mouth but a last second twitch from her makes you miss the mark and hit the monocle.

What happened to her glasses? Did they break by accident, or did she break them on purpose?

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>aim for the mouth
I aim for the tits

She only needs correction on one of her eyes or needs too little on her left eye to bother.

Okay, until the condom rips, then amazing enough to continue despite the consequences.

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Her accuracy suggests otherwise.

then you'll hit her armpits

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Doesn't sound bad at all

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But when you're marrying her, then it makes sense to impregnate her for a future happy family. By the time she's pregnant, her tits will become much larger and overflowing with milk

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But can pregnant girls compete in Sensha-Do?

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Always anal, even if you don't want.

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Senshado is simply a mean to an end. She's not a girl anymore, a woman. It's your duty as a man to protect her and give her a sense of security in this cruel cruel world. It's her duty as a woman to bear your child, service your sexual urges, suck your cock, and call you "Daddy"

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Why would you marry this useless meat?

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Because she's the only one who'd say yes

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But what about Saori?

This, Saori and Duce are more willing and are more competent.

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Which has the better tits? Saori or Momo?

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she is going to say no and from that moment is going to be akward

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Hey, is not her fault that her school is full of retards.

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i want the pizza to sit on my belly while her feet rest on my face

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I want to marry this finn

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The useless sow.

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Mako, obviously.

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You don't mary Mika, she just invade your life.

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So Saori

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Because she is the most dedicated girl.

She gets an honorable mention for being a cute and the best radio operator.

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At least she compensates all her failures.

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And a good mother.

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She has some.

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I love budding chest.

Me too.

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Me too.


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I want this cat.

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I want to rub my dong all over the front of her uniform

Imagine if she ended up as the bustiest girl after graduating

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Don't lewd the mako

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She did fine as a student council member

If her breasts are still budding at her age they're not likely to get a lot bigger.

This show already has too many titcows, let us have nice things too.

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That dumbass should care more about her studies.

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GuP has enough flatties too.

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Flat is better.

>Not liking every GuP size

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That's true, every flat guppie is lovely.

The titcows and medium-sized ones are lovely too, even though I'm a DFC guy.

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Just say that every girl is lovely, besides Erika.

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Hey, is that Nishi in the fat camp? My wife has small chest, this is slander!

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I wonder which are the most degenerate pandering threads, MiA or GuP threads?

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maybe a little

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Officially fat

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GuP is free of furries at least

Damn, that's a sexy Mako.

Furry is replaced by fluffy

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Not so fast

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Saori is so fat

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that's- that's not

poor Saori

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That's a boy chest.


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She can't be a good mother just like that.

What an absolute unit

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but she is still too young for that

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Sauce in this pica?

Classic literature isn't a real academic subject

Breast grows larger when the girl is pregnant. It's fine.

GuP app, the recent one.

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If she is doing senshado, then she is ready for motherhood.

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It's time

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since senshado is preparing
she has plenty of time

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I love this. That is all.

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I think that she is already ready.

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adaptation when?

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Never i hope.


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How can you say no to this?

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Kill yourself.

She would keep shouting "UTE! UTE! UTE!"

While Anzu watches smugly


>not marrying Katyusha
You'll never taste her home cooking. Why even bother living?

>completely drains you and still keeps humping your already limp dick.

she is for cuddles and head patting not for sexs

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Nice digits
>Katyusha scooting a chair around the kitchen to reach the countertops when she cooks for you
Imagine, eh?

shameless narcolesbian

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How many rounds until she's satisfied?

12 is a very rough estimate

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I don't think I can last that long with her bouncing and shouting.

this is one of the rare shots where Momo is neither yelling nor crying.

a completely different person.

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>leather straps and buckles

Awkward and meek at the beginning, then excessively loud and aggressively submissive as things heat up