It's just so /aesthetic/, Yea Forums. If only it were a movie trilogy instead of a television series

It's just so /aesthetic/, Yea Forums. If only it were a movie trilogy instead of a television series.

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I was surprised how good it looked with the animation they had.

You got it wrong, it should have been a 24 episodes show, I'm still waiting for an OVA about TK.

wrong, it should have been 4 running seasons and 1 movie finale

No, that would make it even worse. We didn't need all those stupid arcs like the clone Angels or the evil vice-president etc that were put there to fill out episodes. Giving it more episodes would invite even more and more stupid arcs.

Long-running show with +100 episodes, 3 OVA spin-off series, 2 movies and 5 short series would do the trick.

It should have been a VN you mongoloids. It would have been out completely by now if Jun Maeda didn't have a defective heart.

What would the routes be? The only other viable love interest is Yuri but that won't end up carrying the story.

The structure of the VN wasn't going to be conventional IIRC.

Still waiting 1st beat English translation

This, the content of the show was already bad, by extending it you are just expanding on bad content.

That’s Little Busters

only 4 more years to go!

>you'll never have another show that gets you in the same heart strings again
It still hurts bros

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Goddamn this anime was awful. Typical Key-style melodrama, awful designs, terrible color filters.

is this really worth a watch in the current year or is it another Yea Forums nostalgia meme?

How about you find it out for yourself instead of looking for confirmation biases you faggot?

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It's 5 hours of your life, user. You really should have watched all the classic anime before you make a post here.

>2010 anime is now nostalgia
I want off this ride with these zoomers...

shit meme word, dude.

understandable, downloading now

I only ever watched the first 10 minutes but at that point not a single unique line of dialogue has been spoken so I just had to turn it off.
It's an achievement in way. Even the most boring and generic anime can put out better dialogue.

yes, just how people were talking about 2005 show as nostaliga, now, 9 years later, people will talk about a 2010 show the same. Fucking hypocrite.
>inb4 more zoomer boomer words thrown

Iwasawa was best girl and has a better singing voice than Yui. Fite me

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I hate Buddhism with all the reincarnation bullshit. It kills the series for me.

that is seriously autistic user

where do you think we are

but that's like, your opinion man.

I'm sure there will be legions of Yui fanboys lining up to give you a beatdown, in some other universe.


Wait, people actually enjoyed this pile of shit?
It was fucking awful.

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I tried picking it up a few years ago, got to episode 2 and dropped it. Watching it was genuinely painful.