How does Yea Forums feel about the popularity of anime characters like Hanako?

How does Yea Forums feel about the popularity of anime characters like Hanako?

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Other urls found in this thread:



This, it’s hard to write these kinds of characters well

I hate (h8) them.

/u/ pls

That’s not nice, user, they’re fucking little girls

Whoever they are, I’m jealous

My penis loves them.

They’re children

Do tell.

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I want to lick Hanako's armpits.


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Ah, those guys?

I want to lick Hanako’s vulva

Imagine the taste

Imagine the smell

Hanako isn't popular. Only one person makes these threads and talks about her. She's the opposite of popular.

>Hanako isn't popular
Rude. You need to be more gentle with a young girl's feelings.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Asobi Asobase - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.38.604.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

That’s naughty, user

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The thread is also for cute and funny characters like her

It's more rude to imply she is and get a big head.

What is she hiding under there?

do you think she's good with her hands

I would lick ALL of her and I would pay special attention to her feet.

They're made for adult penises

How well would Hanako get along with the Colors?

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But user, that’s too big and they’re so tiny! It can’t possible fit there!


Yui is too sexy when she’s angry

The cute and funny place

You have to be gentle with little girls and use one finger in the cute and funny place because they’re still so little

>you have to be gentle with little girls
Thank god for fairies and their immortality.

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Please don't be mean to fairies.

Can I at least bully unnamed fairies?

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There's nothing mean about using nature's onaholes for their intended function.

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I want to bully this creature with my spitting trouser snake.

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The most useless Yuru Yuri.

That would be the student council prez.

I can think about some use for her.

Surveillance, espionage, assassination, and tracking.

Attached: Akari gets a wedgie.png (1600x1551, 2.17M)

I can't. She's useless

I want to penetrate her funny place with my adult cock.


She's popular among a certain demographic

Why would you subject a little 8 (eight) year old girl to that? She needs something easier like being an onahole.

Nope. Even among lolicons, she isn't that popular. I like her and other Namori lolis, though.

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The demographic of highly cultured people who have top shape taste.

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Is there anything more pathetic than a nameless fairy? They're only fit to be masturbation toys for adult men.

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Ah, those guys?

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If anything they're actually more useful than named fairies because you can do whatever you want including kidnapping them as onapets and nobody will care. Even Reimu pops thousands of them every incident, they just come back later.

Why would a little girl aged 8 (Eight) need to be nude in public?

Am I supposed to know who middle is?

Seems like you need a little bit of spyce in your variety.

Don't listen to this person. That spyce is poisonness.

If you know Hanako and Mao, you should probably know her too.

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Why is Mao saying 8 (eight)?

I think you guys want to have sex with little girls

Why's that?

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Check out this selfie me and Hanako took together!

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Anime would be A lot better if We would get more characters like This.

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Why aren't you wearing pants?

It was pretty hot.


Me behind Hanako

Anime would be a lot better if we would get more characters like this

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Those lolis are sluts, user

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But those little girls do grown up things!

It's okay, they had an adult to accompany them.

I want them to do my grown up thing

Can we agree that White was the BEST?

Only true gentlemen can understand the depth of her character, so yes

I gotta go with brown, the innocently lewd lolis really get my gears going

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What flavor yogurt do lolis like?

Show me your little buttholes.

Both are ダサい. Tenka-chan was the best girl.

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Explain why you like little girls without sounding like a pedophile

wherever Hanako appears she is always popular and best girl, user

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They are little,they are girls,they are cute and i LOVE them.

Little girls are the hope for the future.

Soft and tight.

I love flat chests, small girls, and cuteness, which is why my waifu is pic related.

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They make my dick hard.

I like little girls yuri

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she smells like bacon

It's too bad that she lost her shiny gem-eyes in season 3

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Their tight cunnies.

They are cunnicilous

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I want to mate with Kate.

Mate with Kate until it's Late. It's her Fate to Create Eight Great children with an user. Her lolicon Bait Trait is hard to Hate.

She's a child user.

I miss Leopard and Kate.

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She's thousands of years old.

Why are you trying to turn me on

The S3 ones look pretty close to the manga colour pages so I don't mind either.

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I cannot Wait. Time to Masturbate.

Now explain why you like little girls while absolutely sounding like a pedophile

Which of her school friends would you date?

Their little cunnies.

my wife chino... I WANT TO FUCK CHINO
please chino is so cute my wife chino is so cute chino chan sex chino sex with chino i'd like some more kafuu chino sex with chino kafuu chino my wife cute is so chino wife


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The color pages all use the "default" look. It's in black and white where the eyes are supposed to differ. So even when they colored them for the anime they did them wrong.


I do like the solar system map look they have in the b+w pages as well but can see why the character designer would start with the colour pages instead, especially for a character that doesn't turn up much.

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I hate it.

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Isn't that all the more reason to do it?

Cute girls are cute.

It's extra work for the designer for maybe 2 scenes.
Obviously the one doing S2 thought it was worth it and maybe the one for S3 preferred consistency instead of just being lazy.

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Well they shouldn't be lazy.


How you can hate little Girls?

I hate what they do to me.

They make you feel so bad?

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they make me want to kill.

How hanako would look like JC?

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>like Hanako?
I find them to be very cunny, which makes my cock very hard.

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What is an anime character like Hanako?

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I want to rape her until she loves it, then marry her and have her bear me a football team.

You may be onto something.

Nah, black is cuter, especially the way MC tricks her into sex.

>Fucking normalfaggot tourists? On my Yea Forums?
>It's more likely than you think.

They're very cunning.

i prefer jc but js are nice too

Attached: hotaru.jpg (512x800, 45K)

I hate 3D children , because theyre exact opposite of 2D ones.

2D youjos are cute , they look soft , they probably smell really nice , they have no imperfections and most importantly they're really cute.

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You prefer JKs. Hotaru is a JC in name only.

Like trash, get this abomination out of my cute and funny thread

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>preferring hags

BGOTY 2018

This isn’t even loli, take this normalshit somewhere else

>Twitter nuked all the loli artists
>they move EN masse to pawoo
>pawoo has shit timeline display that is too strictly chronological

They are very cute and funny.

This is your army commander for the day. Say something nice about her!

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They’re very cunning as well

Cute Boko.

Ah, I see you've spotted her limited edition Boko undies. Good eye, the commander will surely approve.

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Isn't she 18?

No, she skipped a bunch of grades because she's a prodigy.

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I really want them to turn out to be the first stage boss of WBaWC

How old is she?

Her age isn't mentioned in the series itself. The only age I can find for her online is 13, but the two sources are a Crunchyroll article, which I don't trust, and anidb, who hasn't provided a source for it. I'm not entirely sure. The only age-related thing about her is that she's much younger than the rest of the cast, and is in university much earlier than she should be because she skipped grades.


Attached: [AK-Submarines] GIRLS und PANZER der FILM OVA [AE573F99].mkv - 0002.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

Oppai loli is a thing even accepted by japanese lolicons,fucking newfag.

It's a meme, you dip

Go back to your beloved Japanese lolicons if you want to oppai spam then. This is Yea Forums.

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Back at you, little nigga.

>Hotaru is a JC in name only.
user I really think it would be a nice idea for you to watch shows and inform yourself before being angry at things.
All the more proof of why hating girls just because of their school grade is retarded.


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>nips also have shit taste
In other news, the sky is blue. Take your hagshit back to /r/eddit, don’t pretend you’re welcome here.

>when you tell her you're a lolicon

Don't be mean.

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Poor Hotarun, she didn't choose to have a growth spurt.
I myself on the other hand prefer Ren-chon.

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JCs are made to be abused!

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Nah you gotta deal with it if you dont like Bad for you,oppai loli is the future of lolis.

Why is this a meme?

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>oppaishitters admit they're shitposters

He's perpetually mad at pointless things and he doesn't even understand what lolis really are, don't mind him.

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Stop this.
Alice is a university student, not a middle school student! She's VERY smart!

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Demon Core and Pregnant Lolis are the best current Nihon memes right now.

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>oppaispic is an ESLfag
What a surprise

Disregard the taste-obsessed faglord, oppai lolis are actually welcome here but seeing how most people dislike them, you should carefully choose when to bring them up. That guy who replied to you doesn't have enough brain matter to count as a person by the way, but since his autism is highly destructive it's better to avoid confronting him. Better wait until a future thread and hope he isn't around.

As the person who makes 99% of Hanako threads, this one actually isn't mine.

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I said stop!

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Why do you make threads with a picture of a naked 8 (eight) year old girl?

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>oppai lolis are actually welcome here
>seeing how most people dislike them
Speaking of not having "enough brain matter to count as a person"

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They are cute, cuddly, lovable and they smell like peaches.

Cause it's adorable and amusing.

Alice is not for bullying.

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Making her feel like she's Boko does not count as bullying.

Arisu is exclusively for bullying.

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>oppai lolis are actually welcome here
Speak for yourself, faggot

Make her feel like she's Boko by dressing up in Boko onesies, not making her feel bad.
No she isn't!

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Fuck the Colors

If only hisashiburi kept drawing more of her instead of korean shows.

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10/10 bully material.

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Yea Forumsnon here, oppai lolis are welcome.

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You're awful.

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Kill yourself, normalfag

Yea Forumsnon here, dragon ball is welcome.
let's post dragon ball, everyone

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>t. haglover

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You aren't posting a loli unlike so you must be reported for off-topic posting. If you're going to post dragon ball on a loli thread, post dragon ball lolis.

That faggot isn’t posting loli either, he’s posting an abomination

So it's Dragon Ball you want, eh? Here's a Dragon Ball character for you.

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Why does Yea Forums have so many ironic lolicons?

Alice's butt is looking a little big in this picture.

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>tags for that image on pixiv include ロリ巨乳
>they don't include abomination
It's a loli, not an abomination.

That's not a loli.
And it's not off-topic either. If non-loli posting in a loli thread is allowed, then I'm doing nothing wrong. If non-loli posting in a loli thread is not allowed, then he's doing as much wrong as I am. Those are your choices.

Pan is better.

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Because you're here and you're so fat that you count as 50 people

Maybe it's swollen from being spanked?

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Yes, it is a loli. It might not be a loli you like, but it is still a loli because you have no authority to decide what means what.
And even if it wasn't a loli, it would still be more of a loli than what you're posting.
>loli thread shitposters are DBspics
You just can't fucking make this shit up.

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No-one would spank Alice, she's a good girl.

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Oppai lolifags are the definition of ironic lolicons. Why do they even like "lolis" if they're attracted to giant breasts?

Attached: 1510110266877.jpg (720x405, 61K)"ロリ巨乳はロリではない"

A loli is, by definition, a character whose appearance matches the likeness of a prepubescent girl. Oppaishit doesn't, therefore they aren't. QED.
>oppaishitters reminding everyone why they're not allowed here
Thanks, now I don't have to.

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She's just too innately spankable.

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What are Hanako's feelings about anal and ugly fat bald old black men?

If anything, that makes people who like oppai lolis even more lolicons because they can love lolis of all kinds and they know that a lack of breasts aren't the only thing that defines a loli. On the other hand,
>only girls below a certain age who look flat are lolis
>no you can not like girls who are older, they're hags
>no you can't like them if they have breasts either, they're hags
>if you do you're a normalfag and an ironic lolicon
People who try this hard to fit in are much more deserving of that title.

More like innately huggable.

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>a lack of breasts aren't the only thing that defines a loli
No, but it's one of the things. Do you know what a loli is, by any chance?

Then explain why Comic LO, as in the biggest magazine with lolicon content, is so full of non-lolis (according to you) who have breasts despite those not matching the likeness of a prepubescent girl.
>still posting DBshit
I guess Yea Forums really went further into shit when your kind invaded this place.

Why does she sit like this?

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Maybe her butt hurts

It’s shit, and you’re shit for defending it

>they know that a lack of breasts aren't the only thing that defines a loli
But lolis are little girls, and little girls don't have enormous boobs.

Hey guys, is this a loli?

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The fuck are these mental gymnastics? Oppai loli goes against the whole fucking point of lolicon, you absolute faggot

>he doesn’t realize nips have shit taste
Imagine being this new

Please don't feed the troll.

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Because it's their magazine and they can put whatever the fuck they want in it. If they suddenly had muscly oiled men fucking each other, would muscle men engaged in anal count as loli too? I guess this comes with not having enough brain matter to count as a person.
>waaah ur ruining me thread!!!!
The reason this conversation started is because you won't stop trying to force oppaishit here despite knowing full well, and even admitting to the fact that, oppaishit is not welcome here. This bothers you? Then stop.

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>Comic LO
They forced several mangaka to age up girls who were lolis and published several full-adult only chapters by Ohigetan. Only PETA and JuiCy were ever lolicon mags.

>hurr taste taste
Average discordshitter reply.
Nothing else needs to be said here.

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Talk to the oppashitter

I doubt it's actually a meme. Is there a pixiv tag for lolis operating the Demon Core?

This is why oppaifaggots were never welcome here
Make your own thread

Wait, are you still believing in that one article ANN wrote ages ago? The one that came before people like Miyasaka Takaji published a few stories with obvious preschoolers who stated their own ages, which were obviously way lower than 9? And you still believe you know enough about LO to have any part in this discussion?

>discordfags have a total meltdown because someone posted Yaia
Absolute comedy.

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>muh taste
>muh discord
Take your oppai cancer back to pleddit

>anybody who calls me out for shitposting in a loli thread is from discord
Go the fuck back to your containment site

Maybe デーモンコアくん
Here's the original tweet.

>n-no you're the shitposter!!
Absolute comedy indeed.

So? That still doesn't change the fact that plenty of lolis below the age of 9 have been in the magazine since then, meaning that either he was making a joke (which ANN took seriously because they're fucking retarded, especially about this kind of subject - remember how quick they were to report on the important announcement LO made some time ago, but never wrote back on how it was just a price increase?), or said editor got fired, both cases meaning it's no longer relevant. Hell, last month's edition had a 7 years old loli getting penetrated by her brother in a foursome with his other sisters.

>unironically defends oppai loli
>acts shocked when he gets called out

I miss Kamimemo.

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>completely ignored
Oppaimenace beyond destroyed.
Now do like user said and make your own thread. If even JCfaggots can do it then so can you.

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i always imagined oppai lolis to be bit more reserved

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>too strictly chronological
Wait, what? Either something is chronological or it isn't

My condolences, here's the (You) you wanted so hard.
So you're basically saying that the leading authority on lolicon erotica doesn't know anything about lolicon because you say so. Yup that's about what I'd expect of a DBfag.

Still a better oxymoron than oppai "loli."

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What is the outcome? Are loli artists being marginalized, or is pawoo the new twitter?

The results are shittier than shit.

>the leading authority on lolicon erotica
According to who? You? Do you have any objective proof that Comic LO is the sole authority on the word loli and the ones that set its definition? Any certificates? Acknowledgement by the relevant governmental bodies? Anything?

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Why did Juicy get cancelled?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 01 [720p].mkv - 0003.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

Unsustainable shit taste.

There's no way the artist was joking, but he is an extreme depressive type, so it's possible he took something the wrong way. It's more likely that it was just a bad editor, though, since LO has had plenty of girls below 9 (whether stated, in appearance, or both) for as long as I can remember.

Too juicy

Are you really that desperate? I give up, feel free to win the argument now.
And no, they're the leading authority on this subject because of the amount of content they put out, how regular they are at putting it out, and the quality of content they put out. If there was any other lolicon-focused magazine that releases as much content as they do every year they could be fighting for said spot, but given how all others either can't release as many chapters per issue or can't release as many issues per year that's not the case. Not that any of this matters to you anyway, since that post proves how ignorant you are about this topic, and you're only here because you were attracted to shitposting like every other shounenfag in the current Yea Forums.

They pretty much got merged into LO. Maybe Akaneshinsha didn't see much point in spending too much money by keeping them separate given how similar they were.

I'm going to be nice and assume you just don't get what the problem with your argument is, and you're not just trying to ignore it to justify spamming oppaishit. To reiterate the hypothetical scenario, say Comic LO puts out greasy men having yaoi buttsex every day for years while calling itself a lolicon magazine. Then what? Does greasy men having yaoi buttsex count as loli now? They'd put out a lot of content, they'd do it regularly, they'd do it in high quality, and they'd be the only ones to do it. By all accounts, it'd fit the way you think words should be defined. If you're going to come back to this conversation then I want you to please answer what is to be considered loli in this scenario.

There's also the larger problem that you also missed that, what Comic LO thinks loli is doesn't matter here at all. Anime is defined in Japan as all animated cartoon media. Manga is defined in Japan as all comics. But you wouldn't describe SpongeBob as anime nor would you describe the latest capeshit comic as manga here, right? Words, even lifted ones, mean different things in different places and in different contexts. Hell, I don't think any definition mentioned in this thread matches the ORIGINAL definition set by Lolita. This is Yea Forums. The word "loli" has always been used here to describe characters who look like prepubescent girls. If you're going to use the word "loli" on Yea Forums then that's the definition you have to adhere to.

Now that any of this matters to you, since all your posts proved how ignorant you are on this topic, and you're only here because you really want to shitpost. That's all it is - if you wanted to post oppaishit, you could make your own thread and do so there. You're trying to muscle your way in here, despite knowing your kind is not welcome here, for a reason.


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I'll just be taking my loli and leaving.

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Congratulations, you've just discovered that words have no innate meaning and what meaning they do have to us comes purely from common usage. Now try talking about things you like instead of sperging out at people for not being as pedophilic as you and maybe we can have a good thread for once.

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The issue with "what if" arguments is that they never actually care whether something is realistically reasonable. "If apples were made of meat would vegans still eat them?" No fucking shit, please try to understand if what you're about to say makes sense before writing it. There's no "what if this lolicon magazine suddenly started publishing nothing but bara" because such a thing could never happen as muscular man are not the theme they focus on. Unless you're taking things to that route for the sake of argument shitposting, in that likely case you really should just kill yourself.
And really now, that's the first time I've seen someone say that this place uses its own definition of loli, isolated of any influence from Japan, in the 12 years since I've started using Yea Forums.

Sorry Yea Forums, I couldn't resist. I guess discordfags really won after all.

I want to suck on her toes.

Now could you please ignore the shitposters and post some fucking lolis

Attached: 1449045162234.gif (490x375, 993K)

It's against the rules to post those.

Attached: 57606823.png (708x1000, 1.03M)

That's dirty, you don't know where Alice's toes have been.

Attached: 1540363976715.jpg (676x1000, 73K)

>no u
What a faggot. Really show you're not even remotely interested in using words correctly. Which I suppose it's not the biggest surprise when it comes to oppaishitters.

>i know the problem with my argument but i don't feel like addressing it because it would undermine my already-flimsy point
>And really now, that's the first time I've seen someone say that this place uses its own definition of loli, isolated of any influence from Japan, in the 12 years since I've started using Yea Forums.
More like 12 days. Many times has the difference between the Pixiv definition of loli (which is closer to what you want so you should really just go there) and the Yea Forums definition of loli (aka the "bodytype" definition, which is what's been in use since before you got here) been discussed. It's not anyone else's fault if you weren't here for it.

Attached: 1554879510219.jpg (477x405, 15K)

Loli toes are always clean, pretty and smell good

Even after a day inside heavy boots?

Attached: 1549980819807.jpg (800x1130, 104K)

>i know the problem with my argument but i don't feel like addressing it because it would undermine my already-flimsy point
>If Comic LO stopped publishing loli would they still publish loli?

By the way, pixiv's definition of loli states that EITHER age or appearance qualifies someone as a loli. This means that what you're calling Yea Forums's definition of loli, which is actually the normal definition of loli everywhere, is also included there for obvious reasons.

Yes, that only makes me want her to step on me more.

The tone of this post reminds me a lot of a certain shitposter who's been all over Yea Forums recently, I wonder if it's because it's the same person yet again or because the current shitposters are so devoid of life they all sound exactly the same

Attached: be quiet.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

I know nobody cares, but I only started "enjoying" loli characters in 2016 and yet I can't even remember life before that.

>If Comic LO stopped publishing loli would they still publish loli?
No, user. Your argument is that Comic LO publishes a lot while calling itself a lolicon publication. Your reasoning follows that whatever they publish is now loli because they publish a lot and call themselves a lolicon publication. Consider that maybe your logic is flawed.

>By the way, pixiv's definition of loli states that EITHER age or appearance qualifies someone as a loli.
Which explictly makes it different than Yea Forums's definition, which excludes age as a deciding factor. What are you even trying to equate here.
>which is actually the normal definition of loli everywhere
No one cares if your Facebook group would call a 15 year old character a loli just because of her age. This is Yea Forums. The definition here is set. "A loli is a character whose physical appearance approximates that of a prepubescent girl". If those other definitions are the ones you like then maybe you should fuck off to where they're mainly used.

The tone of this post reminds me a lot of extreme butthurt.

Attached: 1555643726405.jpg (635x474, 75K)

Let's settle this.

Attached: ryuuou no oshigoto official art 4.jpg (4077x5933, 1.87M)

>u mad
Ebin troll m8

Is bodytype but not all the lolis are the same.

Loli is a body type. Otherwise pic related would be a loli while Senko-san wouldn't.

Attached: 68a9046a6c0eb15e9b474435a6606a23.jpg (707x1000, 77K)

Attached: 1555531780542.png (1372x1155, 377K)

Post the nude Senko

>No Loli Fox gf
Why Live?

Well, you don't have to.

>you'll never see your JS/JC gf smiling like this when you pick her up from school


Attached: Bottomless Bocchi.jpg (1536x2384, 380K)

I love my wife Hanako

Attached: Hanako12.png (794x593, 812K)

Attached: 1426498905942.png (1400x1000, 1.17M)

But Hotaru is a JS

But she's gay.

>7/37 chapters translated
>Scanlations dropped twice already
What did they mean by this? Is this the power of a fake loli?

Attached: hshscover.jpg (1125x1600, 1.19M)

There cant be Fake lolis

no, she's my girlfriend

Attached: Da_c76oVQAAWb_R.jpg (1191x1684, 272K)

Your have a very nice girlfriend, user.

Attached: 1553701977648.jpg (1280x1823, 375K)

I want to hug a lolis the way this particular loli is hugging her cat pillow. SQUEEZE!!!

Attached: c-word lolis (cute).jpg (1280x912, 490K)

You want to break their spines?

cute and petit

Attached: loli drapes 2.jpg (808x1000, 81K)

I want a sexy night with hanako.

Lolicon doesn't mean pedophile

No, lolis have cute spines. I just want to stretch them a little.

It basically does, though. The difference is just in intensity.

Lolis are squishy and flexible, built for prolonged bear hugs.

I imagined doing it to my niece after your post, am I a psychopath?

Based ironic lolicon.

Lolita was pubescent, and that’s how Japanese people typically define lolicon. But most people just like sexy children and don’t stress over the Tanner stage.

I miss the time before neo-Yea Forums took over.

Please don't break loli spines.

Lolis don't have bones. They're like cute squishy little jellyfish.

Lolis are cartilaginous like sharks

If you feel insulted by being called a pedophile, you're an ironic lolicon.

Attached: nagi hug.jpg (2000x2246, 735K)

Lolis have a strong exoskeleton and armor plating to protect them from attacks

There used to be discussions about loli gravure idols. Not that you would know.

Just because we were all stupid kids back in the day doesn't mean we have to keep misusing words like we did then.

If I like lolis does that make me a lolicon?

That depends how much you like lolis.

miss them

Any fellow loliphiles here?

Attached: 62786011.jpg (846x1280, 165K)

I mean, lolis are quite sexy. But irl kids are not. There's a big difference.

If kids weren’t sexy then sexy pictures of kids wouldn’t be illegal

Everyone is attracted to some things and not to others, sure. That doesn't change the fact that lolicon can refer to either 2D or 3D attraction.

Why yes, I too am also a fellow lolita connoisseur. How do you do?

Attached: 1550582897146.png (1003x1416, 1.59M)

For being so worried about the threads, you sure are really easy to bait by saying "3d" anything.

Attached: 1520813357055.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

I agree. No one here is interested in 3D. By the way, what do you guys think of Bubukka? How accurately does he draw 2D anime characters?

Attached: illust_47454446_20190429_022735.png (600x874, 188K)


I like Bubukka. There's something about the way he draws 2D anime character little girls which is very sexy.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru! - 13 [1080p] 00:13:07.745.jpg (1920x1080, 210K)

They're illegal because it's evidence of child explotation, which is illegal.
Pedophilia is strictly 3d attraction, the fact japs had to expropiate a word, that was used to 2d exclusively, since they can't pronounce that word is another whole issue.

>How accurately does he draw 2D anime characters?
Extremely accurate considering he literally traces.

Have you never read anything from Puni Pedo?

He traces other 2D anime character artists? I don't think that's true.

What are you talking about, user? Mai here looks much more loli-like than she did in the anime.

Attached: illust_70947814_20190322_042230.png (700x910, 393K)

ZERO proof

Attached: bubuka del.png (500x538, 95K)

Like this one?

Attached: sample_68b1603e3bb5ecc8bb494337baf766ab.jpg (850x850, 74K)

What's inaccurate about describing lolicon-ism as "pedophilia"? It's sexual attraction/gratification from looking at children - who cares if it's drawing instead of real kids? Jerking off to drawings of two men having sex is gay, some one fucking a horse is zoophilia, poop stuff is a scat fetish.

It's disingenuous to say being a lolicon isn't a subclass of being a pedo. You don't have to even look at any form of imagery to be a pedophile, just imagining it is enough. Do you guys not understand what a "philia" is?

Loli loev milk.

How does /l/ feel about Precure?

Attached: 1540505646109.gif (1280x720, 2.72M)

How Many times im gonna say that i dont care.

>Puni Pedo

its ok
depends on the season its mostly mediocre

Attached: hugto nono.png (800x1402, 271K)

Because lolicon is a body type. By the definition of the term, it's not pedophilia to be attracted to a woman of age who just so happens to be really short and have an undeveloped body.

Attached: 1527412467554.jpg (3357x4502, 716K)

Considering that touching the desired object of pedophilia is a crime because you're harming a real person, while the other one no one is harmed, the innacurecy is palpable.

What's your favorite loli subclass?

Attached: sleepover~ classes.png (1280x912, 2.45M)

Why do people like you care so much whether it is pedo or not. I can understand the ones that don't want to be called that for obvious reasons but don't get it the other way around. Why the fuck do you people care so much whether you are a pedo based on what fictional character you jack off to.

No one is harmed from someone fapping to kids.

Someone was exploited, thus harmed, for those 3d pics to exist.

No one is harmed from wearing bikinis and posing.

You don't get arrested for fapping to kids, you get arrested for child pornography when it's real

Bard is such a hussy.

You don't know that.

On some level you might be right, but what the public considers a pedophile and what lolicons idealize is very different.
The most important thing about is that we don't welcome 3D fags here. Fuck off.

Me on the right.

Are you telling me those junior idols have sexual relationships with older men who make those videos?

Me being hugged by you.

Don't be silly, idols don't have sex.

He's okay, but I think Rustle, Okada Kou, and Mochi draw 2D anime characters better, and Higashiyama Shou draws them best.

Threads like this one are the reason that you pedo filth need to get banned off the board.

As a lolicon, I agree. It really can't be that hard to ignore and report shitposters who insist on bringing 3D shit here. I don't care if you're for it or against it, it doesn't fucking belong here, leave.

But it just keeps happening.

Attached: 1518297394048.png (1920x1080, 1.09M)

Seems like he's more bragging about LO being so picky about things like that rather than complaining.

We need a year where every anime studio replaces their characters with lolis

Attached: illya_commie.png (480x480, 415K)

I want to kick down the door and bap all these lolis on the head with a rolled up newspaper!

A magical de-age ray zaps every anime character and makes them lolis for a year? Sounds good to me.

Certain posters keep making It hard for the rest of us.

It makes sense. Original cartoons are literally drawn like little kids. You can't be buttblasted that a japanese cartoon character that's a little kid becomes popular.

Do you how many porn there is of Lisa Simpson? It's disturbing.

>b-but loli is a body type!

Ignore the samefags just report them when they bring up 3d

Itd be the best year for anime

Attached: 1434476013454leaving.png (500x743, 247K)

Seems more neutral to me, but I was saying his recollection of the exchange might have been warped.

You mean hot.

No bap

Attached: duck.jpg (750x750, 80K)

>that art style
>combined with general incompetence of western artists
No, disturbing is the right word.
You can fuck off to Yea Forums if you disagree.

I want to bap a loli so bad

Attached: bapped.jpg (599x439, 33K)

But what about those AT-X shows where characters have sex?

Those will be must watch

Attached: HorribleSubs_Endro_06_720p.mkv_snapshot_01.06_2019.02.16_14.38.28.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

Attached: henreader oniichan bap.png (392x310, 109K)

Attached: hazukashii.gif (500x281, 1023K)

Why does Rustle think he can fool anyone with his "I'm going blind" story? He got caught tracing, the least he could do is own up to it. If anything he'd gain more fans that way.

>He got caught tracing

You're a retard in at least three ways.

>hurrr look I'm a retarded shitposter
Here's your (You).

Nice samefag Rustle

Why is it so difficult for some people to just ignore obvious bait

How are next seasons lolis looking? I likethe lolifox now but boochi was disapointing to me

Attached: 1518116661924.png (620x640, 260K)

i love loli

Well, from a quick cursory look through anichart, it looks worse than this season.
I guess the meme that the Olympics will kill the lolis was real after all.

These people dont care about lolis,their action only affect lolis In a age that lolis seems to be being desmoralized.

Try that again, but in English this time.

Arifureta,Takagi-san,Cop Craft and re stage.

half of those aren't loli

Why was this allowed?

Attached: 74404437_p0.jpg (850x1200, 327K)

>I likethe lolifox now
You're referring to the show, r-right?

Also Accelerator anime and Uchi no Musume.
What ones you Don't consider lolis?

I'm relieved.

Fuck off, you're just one of those retards who don't consider lolis lolis.

JC aren't loli
prove me wrong
you can't

>character says lolicon
>sub says pedophile

Not even prime(14)

Attached: 1555248929431.png (1280x720, 1.06M)

Dolores Haze was a JC

Prime is nine.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.18_[2018.03.11_15.23.04].jpg (1280x720, 65K)

yummy i forgot about that place kek

Was this shot necessary?

Fools, prime is 11.

Attached: 080a53e717e55016.jpg (688x971, 98K)


Is Juju still around or did she leave us again

I trust the director knew what he was doing.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.01_[2018.02.25_15.15.36].jpg (1280x720, 75K)

Patrician taste.

Attached: single digits.png (457x695, 240K)

Did Ueno have a spike in tourism after Colors aired?

How does Jiji do it?

Single digit fags are dumb

Attached: 1541211398378.jpg (868x868, 919K)

Double digit fags are gay.

Attached: 1525496095187.png (433x468, 322K)

Master of female anatomy.

Colors flopped hard, user.

I love this JD loli

But LLENN is double digits

I hope so.

You have to go back.

LLENN is a dual digit hag

Karen is double digits.
LLENN is fine.

Attached: 1524407821285.jpg (542x805, 336K)

Petite enough for me

Attached: _00022vjm9.jpg (4767x3539, 2.94M)

Blue LLENN is the sexiest.

Attached: 1556198749962.jpg (1920x1080, 870K)

>You have to go back
For stating facts?
Enjoy thinking your shitty flop anime has any relevance outside of appealing to newfag ironic lolicons on Yea Forums who think and count as actual fanservice.

Enjoy getting banned again, LRD.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.27_[2018.01.14_15.14.47].jpg (1280x720, 72K)

Sauce katsudon.

Attached: sausu katsudon.png (535x721, 823K)


Attached: 1541607692404.png (1133x1600, 1.71M)

Gross shit.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.15_[2018.01.14_16.47.52].jpg (1280x720, 143K)

I think you're in the wrong thread. That character is not like Hanako at all.

Hanako a shit. Her JC sister is sexier

Attached: 53331058_p2.png (700x618, 291K)

Why is Uran doing JCs now?

The Olympics.

>a fictional loli in a show isn't a loli
holy shit do you even know how wrong that is? you fucking retards, think about it for a second.

He wanted to draw sexy girls

Attached: 1550326877594.png (622x909, 196K)

>Hanako a shit.
JCshitposters, everyone.

is llenns anime worth the watch?

I didn't say LLENN wasn't a loli.

He's a shitty sellout

Does this interest you?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sword Art Online Alternative - Gun Gale Online - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.11_[2018.0 (1280x720, 193K)

Yes. It's like SAO, but good.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sword Art Online Alternative - Gun Gale Online - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.41_[2018.0 (1280x720, 52K)

Yes, even if you don't care for SAOshit.

Attached: 1479587282633.jpg (2397x3488, 2.44M)


Attached: 1531732598192.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

In all honesty, it's actually fairly entertaining for what it is. You don't really need to know anything about SAO at all, you can just watch it on its own and enjoy the Pink Devil gunning down old men and going crazy.

It's actually severely dragged down by being related to SAO

Attached: 1543887469695.png (1114x1027, 1.37M)

W-what is LLENN drinking?


Thanks anons for finally ending the struggle between my brain and my dick. Guess I'll give it a shot.

The Lolimpics.

>Yea Forums suddenly hates JC
What happened?

Attached: 1540195203553.png (1280x824, 1.02M)

I can't decide if Collagen's art is better or worse now, though it still make me hard.

Yea Forums got taste.
Fuck off.

Attached: 1554566918783.png (1920x2082, 3.9M)

I don't hate Rika

Attached: 1540237710744.jpg (706x1000, 79K)

What would it be like to date the Colors?

he clearly has a fetish for bloated starving african children


Attached: 1553359508319.png (363x499, 74K)

Um, I can quite clearly see a little butthole in this picture.

That's fine, little girl buttholes aren't lewd.

The 142s are love.

Attached: 1474524098521.png (1280x824, 1003K)

He didn't always draw like this, hopefully he gets on the correct path again.

Attached: 63652598_p18.jpg (400x800, 270K)

Thanks, now I'm going to have nightmares tonight.

Oh okay. I thought my boss would get mad.

Why won't the Jews let me have a gf like that, Yea Forums?


Attached: 1550376304357.jpg (900x743, 72K)

They want the monopoly

Sorry about that, have a cute butt.

Attached: D3lobG2V4AAXyqX.jpg (1017x1514, 70K)

Which Ichigo would you Mashimaro?

Attached: 961046.jpg (1569x1500, 341K)

>meganekko loli
That one.

the second from the left looks the cunningest

Ana and Mats at the same time

I love Rika!

Attached: 1535440523023.gif (480x810, 2.91M)

How much?

Good taste anons

Attached: rika furude.jpg (900x1324, 504K)

Attached: 1478127107343.jpg (700x763, 428K)

Why did this artist completely stop doing lewds and deleted it all?


Attached: 1527197940212.png (1440x2019, 3.16M)

probably got a job

Yakuza threatens random artists sometimes as a show of power, they completely control the porn industry.

Attached: 1478008218546.jpg (530x680, 155K)

Loads of what?

Loads of love!

Attached: 1540443474350.png (700x1048, 1.25M)


I want to destroy Sachko's little pussy

Attached: 72082562_p0.jpg (1500x1814, 728K)

I want to perform judo moves in her and break all her bones

i want to lick her tights

I want to snap her spine in two like a toothpick

You really should aim higher in your life

Attached: 1448398358098.jpg (595x842, 561K)

What would you do if you were stranded on an island with a JC?

Attached: 1534309182662.png (1723x1900, 3.73M)

I want to kiss her cute tummy. Say no to baps.

Attached: 41695247_p0.jpg (645x1000, 308K)

Girls look their cutest writhing in pain

I want to bap a JS in the tummy with my tongue. Is that okay?

Create our own civilization, and populate it ourselves.

Eat her.


Attached: 14 year old.jpg (1000x1412, 113K)

Ainu age in dog years so Machi is a lolibaba


Start making two soccer teams with her.

Machi is made for molesting.

How does this 275 year old loli (male) make you feel Yea Forums?

Attached: 0d7c50da334bfcd5d690c7d4e2c5fc85.jpg (1000x1483, 701K)

Truly triple digit lolis are the best

You mean if she's face down I should go for her anus instead?

souls don't actually exists and every time he shifts into a new body he dies and the clone takes over

Is loli a gender or a body type?

Single digit lolis > Quadruple digit lolis > Triple digit lolis >>>>>>>>>>>> Double digit lolis

Attached: 55202af16d0b77887e4b3537e059265b.jpg (480x720, 124K)

I didn't like it at first but
anime characters like Hanako have convinced me

Attached: D5NlV88U0AItBrB.jpg (610x800, 54K)

Attached: prime js and prime jc.jpg (1192x1460, 665K)

Pure lolis>>>>>>>>>>

Attached: 72517105_p0.jpg (2579x3643, 2.28M)

All lolis are pure something

Don't forget the legendary Zero digit loli

Attached: sample-7fa0607ccf429037d3e379f3ab8548d0[1].jpg (745x1000, 82K)

Good stuff, this thread.

Attached: tanaka other sis.gif (267x328, 127K)

I want a JC imouto

The current state of things is so fucking bad that even that autismlord felt like a saint in comparison.

It had good parts. Too bad about the JCshitter spam at the end.

Cute, funny and puffy

New forced meme, just ignore it.

>everything i don't like is a forced meme

Cute feet

>immediately getting defensive

Attached: dragon.jpg (427x441, 41K)


Attached: 1520901473377.png (177x209, 72K)

I know you autistic subhumans are all lonely virgins but a simple image dump thread is a million times better than these autism fests. You are all retarded so why even bother defending your retarded positions in e-fights?
Please reconsider committing suicide and going to hell so you can suffer for all eternity

Attached: 1548373204218.png (2108x2953, 2.43M)

When you put it that way it makes me not want to go

But are there cute JS in hell?

Lolis. Yum.

No. Hell is just Yea Forums but the mods are even gayer

>entire catalog is shota and shounen threads

Well I don't want to go then, I don't even play video games.

P-please don't say such scary things.

Attached: 1466386078132.gif (480x270, 382K)


Attached: 1540733431887.jpg (661x960, 121K)

shotas and lolie go hand in hand why do you reject them?

Depends if you go to Japanese hell or not.
It's depressing how every time loli threads get rid of an issue, another one pops up.

Attached: afro.jpg (1258x1626, 966K)

You and cock go hand in hand, why aren't you in /y/?

Some people just enjoy spending all day being upset at everything, don't give them any attention.

Attached: living like that.jpg (1280x720, 114K)

Dann thats heaven

I am not a shota, I have no interest in being a shota, and lolis are for my use only.


JC are the best

Attached: best jc.jpg (2000x2800, 1.29M)

Imagine a world where all the non-loli fags that come shit up loli threads made their own threads and stayed there instead.

Imagine a world where you stopped sucking dicks

That'd be difficult since I haven't started
I ain't no JCfaggot

And now that the thread is about to die, remember to never fall for it again.
JS and JC are both equally the best and anyone who insists there must be a war between then should be disregarded.

Have fun with your loli of choice everyone and see you in the next patrician thread.

Autistic shitpost fags can stay here and count your (You)s.

Attached: cf5cddb200ba1c9b194ae34742d090e6.jpg (960x1440, 202K)

i got 37

Have you considered making JC threads instead of coming here
Honest replies only

Attached: 1524993838745.jpg (317x635, 81K)


Attached: 444306 5240mosu hatoba_tsugu hatoba_tsugu_(character).jpg (1530x2136, 486K)

>people brought something up
>why are you talking about that thing
You're an idiot.
You're also disregarded.

sleep tite tsugu

>i wish i could talk about thing
>why not make a thing thread

>most of the time, the first post mentioning JCs in these threads is made by someone who doesn't care about capitalization or punctuation
>most of the time, all posts bashing JCs in these threads are made by people who don't care about punctuation or capitalization
Really encourages some thoughts.
Until the next hopefully less bait-ridden thread.

Attached: 1444679863679.png (451x619, 429K)