>Mio: leave-in conditioner (for hair straightening) >Ritsu: sweat >Mugi: custard and cream from being around sweets, and expensive perfume on some days
I've got these three, but I can't for the life of me figure out what Yui and Azunyan smell like. Does anyone know?
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April 28, 2019 - 03:24
Why would Ritsu smell like sweat that's so mean and rude of U
April 28, 2019 - 03:29
Or semen. I'm not above banging a retard girl.
April 28, 2019 - 03:33
People always say that anime girls smell like strawberries, but I don't buy it. Where do the strawberries come from? Does she eat them before school?
Milk, perhaps, or strawberry milk. She probably wants to grow bigger so I wouldn't be surprised if her breath smelled like strawberry milk.
April 28, 2019 - 03:36
Mugi would smell like fried chicken and colt 45
April 28, 2019 - 03:36
It’s perfume smell bro. All girls use it.
April 28, 2019 - 03:38
I think the smell of girls is more determined by the type of shampoo or soap or conditioner or perfume they use.
April 28, 2019 - 03:41
I specifically love tricking retarded cute girls into having sex.
April 28, 2019 - 03:45
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April 28, 2019 - 03:51
I bet Yui smells like strawberries,marshmallows and cake.
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April 28, 2019 - 03:58
Dumb girls get sex addicted easily and then begin to smell like semen.
April 28, 2019 - 04:19
Wrong, Yui's made for passionate sex while hugging for the sole purpose of procreating.
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April 28, 2019 - 04:25
>procreating Why would you want retarded kids?
April 28, 2019 - 04:28
So diapers that need changing
April 28, 2019 - 04:30
Yui's a genius tho, who wouldn't want to have sex and marry this girl if that means their kids are gonna have higher IQ.
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April 28, 2019 - 04:36
Or you could just choose Mugi best girl and be rich
April 28, 2019 - 04:40
I think Azusa and Mio would be extra clean but I can't figure out what Yui would use. Probably whatever Ui finds in the bargain bin.
April 28, 2019 - 04:45