Attached: matsudaira_touko_is_cute_CUTE!.jpg (2560x1600, 367K)
Anthony Parker
Bentley Nguyen
Andrew Watson
James Cruz
Jaxson Fisher
Joshua Kelly
Hudson Thompson
Pick your fighter.
Michael Ortiz
Ian Jackson
Justin Sanders
Daniel Powell
Easton Ward
She looks cute
Eli Gomez
Josiah Peterson
Touko-chan is cute! CUTE! All the marmites are awesome. Fuckin' marmite.
Isaac Rodriguez
Hudson Ross
Lucas Anderson
Why is Touko such an ass?
Benjamin Rogers
Very. Pic related was my phone wallpaper for god knows how long.
Gabriel Flores
Bros, watching Yumi go from petite to grande soeur is fucking satisfying. Satchmo Omega, Yummy, and Drills are all my favorite grills. But we'll never get a triangle true end.
Reason to continue living?
Dylan Wood
What's the name of the trope where the worst girl was actually really the best girl all along?
Eli Johnson
>Bros, watching Yumi go from petite to grande soeur is fucking satisfying
This, very very much. I remember rewatching season 1 right after finishing season 4 and the difference in her character and personality is massive.
>But we'll never get a triangle true end
?????? Is that something that happens in the LNs? Haven't read them yet. Any chance of a surprise season 5 as conclusion?
John Wright
Touko Syndrome.
David Diaz
Kanako's Arc was a fun ride.