
Attached: matsudaira_touko_is_cute_CUTE!.jpg (2560x1600, 367K)

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Attached: i'll_be_there_for_you.jpg (1200x1200, 264K)

Attached: lilian_4hand.png (640x480, 310K)

Pick your fighter.

Attached: marimite_cuties!.jpg (1163x1063, 221K)

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She looks cute


Touko-chan is cute! CUTE! All the marmites are awesome. Fuckin' marmite.


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Why is Touko such an ass?

Attached: touko5.jpg (957x1400, 376K)

Very. Pic related was my phone wallpaper for god knows how long.

Attached: touko1.png (1105x1600, 495K)

Bros, watching Yumi go from petite to grande soeur is fucking satisfying. Satchmo Omega, Yummy, and Drills are all my favorite grills. But we'll never get a triangle true end.

Reason to continue living?

What's the name of the trope where the worst girl was actually really the best girl all along?

>Bros, watching Yumi go from petite to grande soeur is fucking satisfying
This, very very much. I remember rewatching season 1 right after finishing season 4 and the difference in her character and personality is massive.
>But we'll never get a triangle true end
?????? Is that something that happens in the LNs? Haven't read them yet. Any chance of a surprise season 5 as conclusion?

Attached: marimite_cafe.jpg (890x629, 190K)

Touko Syndrome.

Attached: touko6.png (1107x1600, 589K)

Kanako's Arc was a fun ride.

Attached: tall_kanako.jpg (853x480, 59K)