Carole & Tuesday

Yuri of the decade?

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Is this the first cartoon yuri made for Americans?

It’s anime fag!

Damn shame this anime is doomed to have shitty threads like this.

I bet you can’t even name another yuri anime that came out last season.

the blonde girl is top cute.


Yuri on ice

this. rogers from american dad a cute

maybe if the anime was good, I would agree with you

I could never forget this fat tail

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better than yagakimishit



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Why is Noa so gay? she's too young to have that kind of feeling.


>girl turned to be canonically straight
I love yuribait

Why do you always fall for the same bait?

Why does everything needs to have niggers for it to sell in the west

Go back to tumblr with your American race obsession.

Deleted for saying the N word

It doesn't (see KCD), but it does to get good press, and most companies don't understand that the people who actually watch anime or play video games mostly hate the journalists who cover those fields.

That’s a no my man

Because Hinata is too much of a chad

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>can't have a carole & tuesday thread without edgy /pol/fags streaming in

Nana is gayer than this anime

>Damn shame this anime is doomed to have shitty threads like this.

Yeah, we need to redirect them to the SARAZANMAI or any fujo threads in Yea Forums

Always up for a good swirl

>Can't have any thread without edgy /pol/fags streaming in


I want a Basketball-Martian GF


>Everyone who disagrees with me is /pol/
Sure. I'm guessing they hacked the writing for this show to make it shit, too.

>fucking niggers REEE
>w-we're not /pol btw