
This episode is pure kino.

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I hope the later episodes get a better treatment.

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I could even turn a blind eye to the "style" of the episode director, I was more annoyed at the absolute garbage writing of the episode, they butchered my favorite arc and turned the demon into a literal who with the most anticlimactic fight of the entire series, no build up and no pathos.

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A waste of nice backgrounds.

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That was weird


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>episode is shit
>Aniki is as pretty as ever

at least they got their priotities straight

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>Letting the infamous ttgl ep4 man direct anything again

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It was interesting, the lack of music all of it.

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The character art style would actually be pretty nice in another show.
But put on top of these gorgeous backgrounds it's jarring.

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what do

Those DOROROs cute noises

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As expected of Aniki


unironically agree

>hurrhurrrrr look mina, im pretending to be retarded. am i not funny??? duuuurrr

hyakki using his leg as a oil pump redeemed the episode for me. but just a bit. shit felt a bit too disjointed. i thought they will make this arc as a contrast to the spider demon of the first cour, where she used humans to surive, but didn't kill them, whereas moth thot used them as food with no fucks given, but instead they went with hyakkimaru going bloodthirsty and giving no shits if people get hurt everytime he recovers a body part.
guess he will probably learn how to be a real human bean with sharkboy's arc and as a reward he will recover his other leg
i also wonder if blind monk will appear and help, since looks like hyakki a bit outnumbered nowthe little camera focus on the monk at the hotspring kinda gave me a bad feeling though, like he's hiding something, and since he already did everything from the manga, the anime can shape him up whatever way they want

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It looked like the village would have naturally destroyed itself, since the episode didn't even properly convey that the oil Dororo spilled went anywhere.

Didn't the spider kill people too and just lie about it? She turned away when asked the question and looked pretty distressed for a while, then changed her tone when answering.

Alluh Akbar

why does she wear two chokers

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i was sure she said somewhere that she absorbed just part of their life energy but not fully, hence her pale look. but then again she had a red aura until she wanted to protect the dude who took care of her

No, she said she sucked the life force but never killed, so she could suck it again when they regained it.

Did they run out of animation budget already?
This episode hurt my eyes.

When she finds a man who'll love and cherish her, she'll give one to him, then fuck his brains out.

>Frist half was AOTS material
>Second half fucking lost all its animators
What the fuck happened?

double the fuck

She only said that after the guy asked her if she'd killed humans and she turned away grimacing then thought about an answer for a few moments.

As explained above, that might have been her lying. She wouldn't want to tell him the truth and lose his favor, and she knows she's done something bad enough that she can't just immediately answer "no," without betraying something in how she says it.

They let the guy who directed Gurren Lagann episode 4 be the director for this episode. Just like with Gurren Lagann, he made another dud when it comes to animation, direction, and pacing.

He's alright when given the right style of show to make, but that's generally restricted to slice of life realistic shit like Beck and Paradise Kiss, not fantasy and action.

In this episode his style looked terrible even in the talking scenes. The lip flap was awkward, all of the eyes looked odd (when only two characters are supposed to have that), and he had a terrible habit of focusing on faces from a straight-on 90-degree perspective.

Considering the time constraints and the focus that had to be on the action sequences it makes sense.

As it is, his animation work has never been stellar but it can evoke a very 'real' feeling if done right, but he really shouldn't be allowed to work on anything with action/a lot of stylisation.

I think this is one of the best anime adaptations of a manga I've ever seen but this arc and the one with the budhha statue got kind of butchered. Not even mentioning the animation in this episode.
I was suprised to not see anyone mention this but I guess not many people actually read it.

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The time constraints of a normal episode? Unless it was out of his hands that this arc ends on this episode, he could have handled it better, and the series hadn't felt rushed to conclude things before. Heck, even if action scenes aren't his thing, he could have tried to make it more character-driven and used suspenseful direction to make up for having less on-screen action sequences.

The problem here is that part where Hyaki was following Sabame. Holy fucking shit that was QUALITY.

That was easily the worst. That looked like something AC-bu would make for a comical music video, but it was meant to be entirely serious.

I thought the villagers on the right 'working' looked more dumb.

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They were humping their rice fields instead of planting anything, but it took a second to notice that. Hyakkimaru running, on the other hand, was the only thing happening in its respective scene, and it was clearly the action that the scene wanted to focus on. It wasn't just a small part of, say, a landscape shot to establish a distant setting.

I can kinda tolerate that but what the fuck was that QUALITY running. That almost Polyphonica levels bad.

As a fucking secondary I felt a huge Madoka vibe from the villagers. I thought they might be like the background characters in Rebellion, especially with how they reacted to questions about the Temple. Then it ended and I realized it wasn't sakuga, but QUALITY.

Does anyone have a webbum of the running sequence
I thought I was legitimately hallucinating for a second.

It was, i dont know what to think