F*** off if you hate Naruto

I think people who haven't completed either Naruto manga or anime shouldn't be allowed to post on Yea Forums. I mean this is the best work of this century that inspired many writers and had massive influence on Japanese literature as a whole.

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How do I delete someone else's thread?

Did anyone make a thread shitting on Naruto? Don't worry mods will take care of that.

I don't like Naruto but this trolling is hilarious, keep it up

Live in the same IP as them

>I don't like Naruto
Get banned, retard. We don't need intellectually bankrupt monkeys like you who can't understand the brilliance of Naruto.

>that inspired many writers and had massive influence on Japanese literature as a whole.
Such as? With sources please

>please spoofeed me
Fuck off, newfag.

Boruto is better than Naruto

Like everything. Even fucking dragon ball.

All memes aside, is it actually worth giving a try? I've never read a battle shounen yet, even though i'm a mangafag.

Where's your example? tik tok

Anime is very slow paced and too much unnecessary filler. The animation only gets good during fights. Manga is better. Just read manga and watch anime fights when you have time. Speaking about manga, it starts good and becomes retarded as it ends.

worst manga in existence

I completed it.
It's shit.

Ahahaha narutards struggling to remain relevant. Your gf is draining a hunterchad's nuts right now.

>getting baited

kek, based chad of/a/

The only thing Naruto inspired is the feces that smears the pages of current WSJ.

This but unironically, the anime is the best adaptation of a shounen to date.


>no fun allowed
Taking baits and making baits is this site's culture, reddit bro.

The first few arcs are actually pretty good, but it goes to shit pretty soon. It's just a subtle decline at first, and you don't realize that the signs were all already there until you get to the second part when it becomes pure unadulterated garbage.
I wouldn't really recommend it as a first experience with battle shonens.
Check out the first dragonball series, hunterxhunter or even my hero academia instead.

OP are you off your meds again?

Muh wizard ninjas
Literally for 9 year olds

>my hero academia
Naruto is unironically better than this garbage. At least it had some cool fights.

Now i remember i actually read a few chapters of mha, i thought it was absolute garbage. Maybe l'll try DB.

Muh pirate wizards , muh superhero wizards , muh martial arts wizards , muh wizard wizards all shounen is for 9 year olds.