Hi! I'm both Rei and Asuka! No waifu wars in this animation, no siree!

Hi! I'm both Rei and Asuka! No waifu wars in this animation, no siree!

Attached: Nao_Tomori_Crying_(Charlotte_Ep_13).png (1600x900, 1.06M)

Pretty eyes
Pretty hair

That's one ugly screenshot.

You're an ugly screenshot!

Let me guess. You're a phone fag and can't even see any details.

Attached: bc2fa834fc.jpg (900x1200, 428K)

My phone has a higher screen resolution than my laptop, what are you talking about?

small girl with a big guy

Attached: 1442282307038.jpg (797x1056, 159K)


That the resolution doesn't help you if their size is too small for you to see anything. Zoom in. Take a look at the lines.

the anime should have been 2 cour - with the second half being his tours around the world stealing powers

Hell no. The second half should've focused on her. She was the only good thing about this show.

>haruhi knockoff
She was an insufferable bitch, without the redeeming qualities of Haruhi

Yeah no thanks

This was the anime that featured a blind woman who was the singer of a post-rock band that was just a rock band, right?

Who are you again?

Her name was Charlotte user, come on.

Did Speedbro ever fuck the idol?

Attached: 1555733833513.jpg (900x1200, 96K)


Screw your no fun allowed policy. You ruined your own show.

>Implying the good thing wasn't the first half of the first episode

360P upscaled to 900p results in such.

Edgelord MC was so much better than anything else.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Charlotte - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_03.09_[2015.07.11_22.19.54].jpg (1920x1080, 88K)

Everyone fucked the idol, user.