Hi! I'm both Rei and Asuka! No waifu wars in this animation, no siree!
Hi! I'm both Rei and Asuka! No waifu wars in this animation, no siree!
Pretty eyes
Pretty hair
That's one ugly screenshot.
You're an ugly screenshot!
Let me guess. You're a phone fag and can't even see any details.
My phone has a higher screen resolution than my laptop, what are you talking about?
small girl with a big guy
That the resolution doesn't help you if their size is too small for you to see anything. Zoom in. Take a look at the lines.
the anime should have been 2 cour - with the second half being his tours around the world stealing powers
Hell no. The second half should've focused on her. She was the only good thing about this show.
>haruhi knockoff
She was an insufferable bitch, without the redeeming qualities of Haruhi
Yeah no thanks
This was the anime that featured a blind woman who was the singer of a post-rock band that was just a rock band, right?
Who are you again?
Her name was Charlotte user, come on.
Did Speedbro ever fuck the idol?
Screw your no fun allowed policy. You ruined your own show.
>Implying the good thing wasn't the first half of the first episode
360P upscaled to 900p results in such.
Edgelord MC was so much better than anything else.
Everyone fucked the idol, user.