Trans Representation

Everyone has always told me Japan was a largely conservative and otherwise backwards nation, but a number of high profile anime have featured trans characters in recent years.

From Haruhi Fujioka to Felix Argyle to Yukimura Kusonoki to Astolfo, and countless others.

So which is it? And why are they so common in anime.

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Other urls found in this thread:

They all identify as their birth sex though. They would be crossdressers


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Traps are not trannies, you fucking tranny

mental illness awareness thread


It's always been super common with shoujo or female authors especially.

Did the world really end in 2012, is this all a dream? Why are trannies and faggots so accepted nowadays, they deserve to be skinned alive and die in nameless graves why are they so accepted it makes so sense

Haruhi is gender fluid.

Felix is trans according to the author.

Yukimura identifies as a guy.

Astolfo is also trans.

>shows what you know.

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its funny how people forget that its an actual illness and not something healthy.

why does astolfo keep his gender secret?

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What's your definition of trans?
>shows what you know.

He enjoys being a trap. But he identifies as male because he uses “boku”

>be /pol/
>be incel otaku
Like clockwork

>Haruhi Fujioka
She's non-binary and uses the neutral pronoun "jibun". Haruhi doesn't mind being seen as male as she doesn't care what's between ones legs. Her dad on the other hand....

A few years ago I got banned for trolling - referring to trap characters as transsexuals.

I wish we could go back to those times.

>trusting an english translation that likely has its own agenda

Cis male. Keep throwing your tendies, nazi scum.

But those are all traps though.

Is this the mental illness thread?

Get lost you piece of sub human shit

There's a difference between LGBT for entertainment and LGBT for pushing political/social agendas.

Most Japanese media does it purely to appeal to their existing degenerate fanbase which loves it (traps, yuri, yaoi, whatever else). Most Western media does it to be progressive, but certainly not all, many indie studios get by on pandering to yaoi/yuri fanbase.

Stupid iFaggot.

it depends, buy yes, the word are not synonimous

Propaganda thread disgused as an Yea Forums thread. Report and ignore.

Not trans myself, but I thought Yea Forums was liberal...

But this is 4channel friend everyone's allowed to have an opinion as long as they love ad revenue

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Kek, keep talking.

>Astolfo is also trans
>Haruhi is genderfluid

Lord knows its bait but hot damn is it tempting.

prove that the author said felix is trans
he just acts girly because crusch wants him to

>being a liberal in 2019
>not being either far right or far left
begone centrist scum

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I miss the times when that went without saying.

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>vocal minorities with access to more platforms than ever before constitute an actual trend

>I thought Yea Forums was liberal

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Roger you are cringe

Most western media DOESN’T do it for progression. They do it for market appeal under the disguise of being inclusive and liberal when they’re really just making characters with no depth for the sole purpose of being a fag or being a transvestite. They don’t fucking care.

idk who roger is but you didn’t deny it lol

Based ret/a/rds taking the bait like champions.

>Everyone has always told me Japan was a largely conservative and otherwise backwards nation
Just take everything with a grain of salt user. Remember that people both left and right are going to project their own feelings and views onto this sort of content. Don't build assumptions, just take in the little things.

For example, im@s CG's Asuka is voiced by an x-gender seiyuu who decided they were nonbinary after watching Kara no Kyoukai. They stream games sometimes. Kind of cool.

roger is a black male

>Make a trans representation thread
>Talk about traps
Wow user are you saying that trans are men in a dress ?
This christian site doesn't welcome transphobic people like you

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People try to bullshit this excuse but everyone called Watarase Jun a trap for years when the reality is that in the source material they want to be called a girl, treated like a girl, and when they get girl parts it's the best thing that's ever happened to them.

This. It’s all marketing. It always has been.
You want a good gay character the. You wouldn’t put “is gay” as one of their character traits.

>roger is a black male

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Felix is literally a heterosexual with a girlfriend who likes to fuck with losers who don't have one themselves.

>this entire thread
have sex

>christian site

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>I thought Yea Forums was liberal...
this is bait

fucking kill yourself tranny

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>if you discuss something controversial it's bait!!


>reddit spacing
you look like you're not from here
>calling someone else subhuman
oh the ironing
Go back, kike nigger
no one cares what you think, you colossal faggot

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for me, it's bestiality.

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>have sex

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i sometimes like to wear female cosplay but it's because i like to feel cute and take pics but i like vagina

Big chance that you'll kys

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Fictional bestiality is the best fetish desu.

Please seek physical contact with the opposite sex.

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Horse dicks (and horses in general) are overrated.

Based and Statisticspilled
You guys are just as bad as trannies

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based and 40%pilled

Name a liberal board on Yea Forums. One. MAYBE /soc/.

incel otakus need to get some self awareness

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>physical contact with the opposite sex

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fuck off stupid tranny nigger

I’m not trans, but please continue your angry projections :^)

The lgbt

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cringe, get a job.

>he doesn't realize where he is
foolish mortal, the dick is for the waifu, not for some std filled roastie.

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If you want to discuss something off-topic that exists solely to stir shit or encourage blogging then yes it's bait. Everyone bit though

Nah. A dick is going in a vagina and it’s fictional.
What’s weong with wanting to see a cute gurl take a massive dick from an animal?

There seems to be a correlation between far right extremism and not getting laid

Yea Forums

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>identifies as a guy.
>still wants the dick
Oh fuck, I guess that makes "him" gay trans, right? But then she still wants to be pounded in the front not the behind.

You will never be a real woman.
You can try to change society as much as you like, you can never change the reality you were born a man and that will never change.

It's fucking disgusting

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Astolfo is in no way trans, he crossdresses to cheer up Roland

No Yea Forums is just filled with nasty fujos. Far more than Yea Forums and Yea Forums.

This thread proves that the sexual revolution was a huge mistake.

Better than ugly bastard. Better than cuckshit.

>this thread

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So I know osme people will get mad and say 'traps aren't trans" and you're technically right. But for some people maybe exploring their sexual identity they're good role models of guys and girls who might not fit gender norms but are still good people.

I mean if you like reverse traps and tomboys, you have to kind of be fair and not bully traps.

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cringe otakus hate homos but love to fap to futa doujins

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Ugly bastard is disgusting (just as bad as animal shit), NTR is not bad as long as the guy is handsome

being a trap doesn't mean you want to be a woman

>2010 meme

The only reason they ‘might not’ is because they learn about it from others instead of discovering it themselves.

That's pretty homophobic, you damn Nazi.

It was on the news recently that tomboys in my country are a dying breed because they go FtM instead, there was even an interview with one who claimed the whole trans movement was a scam that ruined peoples lives for money.

I bet you would complain if it were you taking my dick.

You haven't seen Yea Forums when it gets political. Yea Forumsmblr is real.

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They aren't snowflakes.

>NTR is not bad as long as the guy is handsome
>actually advicating and standing up for cuckshit
Opinion IMMEDIATELY discarded. Jesus christ.

>Yes i watch anime and browse /pol/, what gave it away

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>right wing claims trans are snowflakes
>get offended at the mere mention of trans people

Post pic. Why you posting that asian spider

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Jesus fucking Christ janny do your job.

I wish pre-/pol/ Yea Forums was back.
/pol/ and gamergate ruined the fucking internet way more than SJWs.

Hating trannies doesn't mean you're from /pol/.

>not wanting to be a cute feminine man

>Yea Forums isn't liberal
>literally non Japanese people watching Japanese things and being fans of Japanese styles and cultural norms
>watching anime requires you to develop understanding of different cultures and peoples

I know some people hate liberals but this is just being idiotic.

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I still have no fucking clue what gamergate is desu

take your pills

how about faggot then?

Lurk two years before posting.

That's rich coming from a bunch of guys who obsess about "gene seeds".

le tranny boogeyman is /pol/

There's a big difference between not liking or supporting trannies and hating them. Only a miserable /pol/tard would obsessively hate people who are different from them.

clean it up janny


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Quit being a faggot

Trannies are and always will be a gag in Japan.

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fuck you bitch
Why are trannies allowed to be mods

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>Why you posting that asian spider
And why not?

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Kill yourself mentally ill tranny

Fuck off nigger

I don't "obsessively hate" them, I just tell them to fuck off when I see their political bullshit on Yea Forums.

I've been around since before gamergate. I just can't be arsed to find out any more than "it's a bunch of angry incels"

You seem to forget that Japan is xenophobic and is an old fashioned country, especially by western standards. Why would progressive people want to support a culture that is "backwards"?

the traitor in occultic;nine was a tranny

>Yea Forumsmblr
There's liberals on every board man. Even /pol/ has it's hardcore masochist liberals.

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Fuck off with hat shit, no one would hate trannies if they kept to themselves but they try and push it on all others

The difference is that /pol/tards aren't trying to censor anime.

checked and redpilled

Bc she's ugly

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Society is diseased, but thinks it's a blessing.

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The nips don't give a fuck about Western feminists.

Because he does it for lulz.

Reminder that freaks like trannies or homos should just kill themselves

A lot of the Japanese reaction to this was actually being really pissed off that anyone would think that Japanese are racist or intolerant of other cultures. It seems the average urban Japanese person is pretty globalist especially since they're aware of the declining birth rates and the need for foreign labour if Japan doesn't want to spiral into economic oblivion.

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Felix is straight tho?

>iPhone shitter
Weak bait.

At least they dont make threads about it. Pollacks shit up every board on my favorite website. I hate them more for sure.

incels should too

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The real trans representation in anime are hideous mentally ill rapists used as a comic relief. Pretty realistic, I'd say.

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ur mom is ugleh

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Isn't trans someone who went a surgery to change their gender? Why are you calling a feminine boy who crossdres a trans? Are you a fucking retard


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