They gave the hag loser Bocchi a series instead of Colors season 2

>they gave the hag loser Bocchi a series instead of Colors season 2
What did they mean by this?

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Invert the Colors

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Who is they?

Don't worry. After the failure of Hagcchi, it'll surely be the Colors' turn once again.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.04_[2018.03.04_19.47.33].jpg (1280x720, 154K)

Ah, those guys?


Impregnate the Colors

But user, the Colors can’t get pregnant

Why do you faggots have to be like this?

If you enjoy something you can't enjoy other things

Welcome to Yea Forums

Bocchi is AOTS my friend.

Not even anime of the hour

Neither of them are likely to get a S2 anyway

It's amazing how with every post that says hag I see, I feel more and more like that thing about them all being worthless is true, I can't believe something that should be as easy to understand as that became a meaningless buzzword
Time to add it to my filter so I can see how much the board will improve

Shin-Neo-Modern-Yea Forums a.k.a. Pseudo-Yea Forums. Everything is an excuse to start console wars now.

Colors is fucking trash.

What's with all these bait threads using Colors?

I liked it better when we were IFTC

Yea Forumsiscord is currently trying to pit lolicons against each other
Don't fall for their shit and never forget the cun

I thought the Colors were fucking little girls.

Bocchi is prime

>I'll never have a cute JC gf like Bocchi

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Bocchi and the Colors are by the same creator so if Bocchi does well, it also spells good fortune for the Colors too. Bocchi and the Colors are friends.

Kill yourself with this hag, she ain't worth nothing, not even sexualizing

Because you give them replies for being like that.

A videogame addict and future cat witch, a coprophile, and a Yui. Bocchi is objectively superior to them in every respect.

Because Colors flopped? Don't worry, Bocchi is flopping too. Both shows are shit, and they deserve it.
Mitsuboshi Colors sold less than fucking Death March. It's a total failure; it'll never get another season.

And then the salesfags arrived. The whole discord gang is here.

Sad part is Bocchi is flopping harder despite having the better staff and adaptation. It got like the overrated hack Hanada on it for fuck's sake.

It's hard to tell if a series is "flopping" or not based on BD sales before the series has even ended, for one thing. For another, BD sales alone aren't the only way shows make a profit, Mitsuboshi Colors had a lot of real life marketing done and even had a live event with the voice actresses performing recently. Considering Colors was animated on a shoestring budget, it's hardly a "loss".

Under 1k is bad no matter how you look at it.

There's also no real reason to buy the BDs for this show. It's on Niconico and the BDs don't really improve anything.

Don't bother, salesfags don't have enough IQ to understand even that much.

Mitsuboshi Colors will never get a season 2, and this is a fact.

There's more to life than S2s. No matter how little the show might have sold, I watched and loved it and that's enough for me.

Oh okay. Sorry, I wasn't aware I was speaking to someone with insider knowledge.

Occasional reminder that Hand Shakers got a S2

Salesfags are there to wake you up, and make you realize that Colors is a piece of garbage that only retarded ironic lolicons like.

Thanks for the concern but I'd rather enjoy the things I like than let others decide what I should enjoy. Looks like that's an entirely alien concept for salesfags and discordfriends though, I guess that's what happens when you spend your entire life on Yea Forums.

If Etotama can get one then anything can.

I want to remove a 9yo girl's clothes and lick her tiny body all over, nibble her neck and kiss her adorable little nipples. I want to feel her cute girlish mouth and tongue wrapped around my cock and then cum more than her little throat can swallow. Ironically of course

This but unironically and with an anime girl.

Bocchi is prime

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What’s so meaningless about being against hagshit?

Literally who

This is what happens when you let normalfags shit up threads with JCshit
>muh breeding hips
>muh budding breasts
>muh developing butts
Fucking normalshit missing the point of loli, almost as bad as oppai cancer

Bocchi is flat as a board, has a square fridge frame, and has no ass to speak of.

JC is better than oppai loli.

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She’s also a 14 year old used up grandma

She's only 12, the series starts with her first day at middle school.

Bocchi is 12

Both are fucking shit, at least oppai is blatantly shit while JCfags are just thinly veiled normalshitters pretending to be lolicons

>double digits
Fucking disgusting, take your shit taste somewhere else

How do you know the Colors aren't double digits? They could be 10, or 11.

As expected, the retard who hates JCs doesn't even know what loli fucking means.
Kill yourself back to discord. Even the autistic normalfag was better than you.

They’re nine

How don’t I know what loli is when normalfags like you keep defending hagshit? It’s retards like you who excuse trash like lolibaba because m-m-m-muh body type

Here’s a simple question nobody seems to have a good answer for. Why JC when you can JS?

I would actually argue that JCfags are the true pedos, because a normalfag lolicon wouldn't have such a specific preference.

If you actually knew what both terms stand for, you wouldn't be asking that question, unless you're genuinely autistic to the point where you really are incapable of understanding why people like different things even when they're related.

Because you're being stupid. 12 is an age which both a JS and a JC can be, if Bocchi were in her last year of elementary, would that arbitrarily make her fine? Or is it not the fact that she's a JC but the fact that she's an age which is double digits which is the problem? In which case, why even talk about the fact that she's a JC? And also, there's no definitive proof of what age the Colors are, just that they're JS. How can you be so certain they're, by what your definition is, loli if you can't even know for sure they aren't double digits? Being such a stickler for pointless labels like that is exactly the kind of mindset a normalfag has. There's flashbacks to Bocchi from elementary school and she looks exactly the same as she does in middle school. Stop being such an idiot.

Case in point. Thanks for doing the entire work yourself.

Middle school and elementary school. Now answer the question, faggot. Why JC when you can JS?

JCs are more likely to be double digits, JSs as more likely to be single digits, it’s not that hard to grasp

Not necessarily, JCfags go on about developing curves and normalshit. What use does a lolicon have for developing curves?

>I have no rebuttal: the post

It's pretty easy to work out considering only 3 posts so far have even included an image of the Colors, all within the first 5 min of the thread.
A good chance a lot of these haven't even watched the series.

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I never argued that JC isn’t loli, I’m pointing out how useless JCs are for a lolicon when JS is perfect

Why eat an orange when you can eat a tangerine? If you can answer this question your brain might have reached the level where you can understand why you're acting like a retard.
Wait, no, you're hopeless. I'll give you the answer then:
Because one is slightly older than the other, which might result in different behavior and other things even when their bodies look exactly the same.
Don't reveal the spoiler if you don't understand how it's possible that people could like things you don't, that might be too advanced for your case then.

Just look at the OP of this thread. It was never meant to be a Colors thread, it was a console wars thread from the get-go so it's no wonder you can see this beautiful quality of posts especially after the mod deleted the other JC shitposting thread.

>slightly older
>different behavior
Everything JCfags prefer over JS borders on normalfaggotry, like wanting little girls who act slightly more mature and have slightly more mature bodies instead of liking little girls who actually look and act like little girls

The best thing is how the new LRD is entirely responsible for creating this idiot and yet he has never said anything against him whenever they're both around. I wonder why that could be.

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>Why eat an orange when you can eat a tangerine?
>implying JCshit is anywhere near the quality of a JS
user pls

Why do you act like this is a new thing when anons have always argued over which age is prime

I just thought that at the very least if that fag cared about JS he'd post some, Colors or not.

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Even LRD (back when he was a tripfag) said that loli is a body type, and budding breasts/developing butts are okay. It's just some newfag Discordshitter.

>muh discord
Or it’s about time normalfags fucked off

Because all of that was just jokey, lighthearted "x is prime" "No, y is prime" playing around. Nobody gave that much of a shit because at the end of the day, they're all still lolis anyway and judging characters by real life standards of age is absurd in fiction when you can draw a character with any body type and just say "This character is JS" or "This character is JC" and it'll become true. Then this fucking idiot came along and took those jokes seriously. A loli who acts "more mature" is still a loli, if it were a JS who is 9 years old who was "acting mature", I'm sure there'd be absolutely no problem in this dipshit's head. Stop thinking from the normalfag perspective of reality and "girls must be within a certain age bracket to be loli" and think outside the box and in the realm of fiction, the realm of "any character could be anything and only your imagination is the limit".

Sorry, but this persistent arguing about which age is "prime" (to the point where there are multiple posts replying to each other trying to pinpoint the exact age) only got this common fairly recently. People never took it as seriously as some fags have started doing as of not too long ago. The fact that you insist this behavior has been common ever since forever is simply further proof of how new you actually are.


It could’ve been a proper Colors thread if retards didn’t bring hagshit into the thread

But you're the biggest normalfag of them all. Insisting this hard that age is the most important thing is a normalfag trait, and you trying to accuse everyone other than you of being a normalfag doesn't help. You don't even like lolis, all you want to do is shitpost.

You do realize that this is a board filled with shounenshitters that hate both JSs and JCs, right?

>It could’ve been a proper Colors thread
>they gave the hag loser Bocchi a series instead of Colors
So you really are a retard after all.

Whether or not it’s been taken this seriously in the past says nothing about whether or not it’s “new” to discuss overall. People unironically believing 14 is prime is just a gateway for normalfags who fap to shonen.

>A loli who acts "more mature" is still a loli, if it were a JS who is 9 years old who was "acting mature", I'm sure there'd be absolutely no problem in this dipshit's head.
Wrong. A 9 year old who acts like a hag is a 9 year old who acts like a hag. It’s fucking simple:
>look like a little girl
>act like a little girl

Are you retarded? Colors vs Bocchi happens all the time

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JCfags are a lot closer to shonenshitters considering the girls they both like are usually around the same age

It does because of everything put perfectly. It was always meant to be a fucking joke, further proven by how someone always starts reciting prime numbers whenever that meme is brought up, but then you or something as dumb as you started taking it as seriously as you're doing right now and started getting upset even at the people who mention prime numbers.
That's exactly how jokes are ruined - when a genuine newfag takes them too seriously and insists he's right so often to the point where all previous enjoyment of it is gone. Congratulations.

I like lolis who aren’t hags, is that really so hard to understand?

>insists he's right so often to the point where all previous enjoyment of it is gone
Good, it’s a shit meme in the first place considering single digits are objectively prime

You don't even like lolis or know what hag means.

I like lolis who look and act like little girls, just look at how JCfags describe JCs.
>muh hips
>muh maturity
>muh budding breasts
Why the fuck would a true lolicon have any interest in that normalshit? You still haven’t answered this

And this here is the biggest proof of your newfaggotry, just because the -fag suffix is part of Yea Forums's vocabulary there's a reason why it isn't used for just about everything. Lurk for long enough and even your single digit IQ might be able to get the hint.
>he keeps doing it
Holy fucking shit.

>And this here is the biggest proof of your newfaggotry, just because the -fag suffix is part of Yea Forums's vocabulary there's a reason why it isn't used for just about everything.
I’m using it to denote people who like JCs because it’s a lot quicker than saying “people who like JCs”, retard

I said earlier that Bocchi is flat, has a sqaure body, and has no ass. You then told me that regardless of that, Bocchi is a used up grandma. I should also add on that she's incredibly immature, she can barely even handle talking to another human being let alone even begin to take care of herself. Why is Bocchi a hag if she fits the bill in every way except not being a JS?

The answer to your question lies in the reason why Comic LO has so many lolis of all grades and appearances every issue. If you were an actual "true lolicon" (you aren't) you'd be able to understand without begging so hard for someone to spell it out to you.
I hope you've had your share of (You)s because I don't see the point of trying to argue any further with a newfag as fucking stupid as you. I'm glad to know you're this hopeless so I'll warn anyone who commits the same mistake of trying to correct you I did.

>Why is Bocchi a hag if she fits the bill in every way except not being a JS?
Because she’s a 12 year old JC poor excuse for a loli. Which goes back to my original point. What is the point of JC when you can have JS? Why settle for a 12 year old who acts immature when you can have a 9 year old who acts immature?

Adding onto this, let's talk about another series. Prisma Illya is one of the most frequent loli series which comes up in a LOT of loli threads. The main characters are all JS, but they also have noticeable budding breasts, slightly more shapely hips, and barely even act like an actual little girl would; no little girl would be as mature as Miyu, or as overtly sex hungry as Kuro. And yet, no-one complains about Prillya's existence in loli threads ever. Why?

>If you were an actual "true lolicon" (you aren't) you'd be able to understand without begging so hard for someone to spell it out to you.
That’s a funny way of saying you have no counter argument
>I don't see the point of trying to argue any further
How convenient that you’d say this after I made my point

And I ask you, why exclude yourself? Why not have your cake AND eat it too?

>please argue with meeee

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Why care more about labels than appearances? Because you're a fucking faker, that's why.

For the most part, Prisma Illya posters stay in their own threads and they don’t pop up that much. Simply posting JC usually doesn’t start arguments, it’s when people are provoked. Personally, I think those girls look and act too old for my lolicon dick.

Having standards isn’t fake, user, you would know if you had any

>no guys I totally am a lolicon
>look how lolicon I am hehehe hags hags fucking normalfags
>seriously please believe me I'm so lolicon it hurts
>I-I just have standards yeah, standards that's all

Because when one option is so much better than the other, it makes the other option pointless. Why fuck Yui AND Bocchi when you can just keep fucking Yui?

If you’re going to pretend to be a lolicon, don’t do it while defending normalshit at the same time

Sure, whatever. I've already said everything I could have.

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>Why fuck Yui AND Bocchi when you can just keep fucking Yui?
Couldn’t have said it better myself

>see guys I hate normalfags so much!!!
>please accept me please

It’s the same problem I have with people who want to fuck Nono. Why? You have three cute and funny Colors begging for cock RIGHT THERE

Projecting won’t get you anywhere, user

Nono is a disgusting hairy old bitch, don't compare sweet little Bocchi to her.

Attached: nono.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

Bocchi is a loser though

Speaking of fucking Yui

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I think we should speak more about RAPING Yui

Why would you want to do that?

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What do you mean “why”? Just look at her!

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I can't believe she's exposing her shoulders like that in broad daylight. It's like she's begging for it.

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She needs to be more careful, there’s all kinds of disgusting lolicons out there. Thankfully, she’s safe with us.

Well, us and those guys, who are with us.

Mitsubushi Niggers

The Colors haven't even had their first period yet.

>JCfags go on about developing curves and normalshit. What use does a lolicon have for developing curves?

My point is that that kind of stuff is a closer to real pedophilia than general lolicon stuff is.

On the other hand, I wonder if there are any real lolicons out there, or if they are just repressed pedophiles/pedophiles in denial.

I’m sure there are genuine pedophiles, 3DPD is shit either way. I mean, I’m no pedo, I just really want to cum inside the Colors.

Maybe I’m just misunderstanding, but I think you guys want to have sex with little girls

>I’m sure there are genuine pedophiles
I said lolicons, user.

>I mean, I’m no pedo, I just really want to cum inside the Colors.
I lol'd.

On a different note, I bet you like the Schlechtenthal twins too, you sick fuck

That's a pretty strange argument to make, there's 3DPD prepubescents who have absolutely no curves too.

Absolutely not. How could anyone get off to the idea of removing their clothes?

Why do you think that?

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>My point is that that kind of stuff is a closer to real pedophilia than general lolicon stuff is.
No, that's called hebephilia.

I don’t get it

I'm asking, why do you think anyone here wants to have sex with little girls?

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Such a beautifully snowy day in Ueno Park

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That wasn’t me, I’m just confused. What are the Colors supposed to be showing me?

Is it just me or should Yui and Sacchan’s facial expressions be swapped?

I'm not quite sure.

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Little girls shouldn’t pee in public

Anyone else really like natto? I hate how it gets everywhere though, it's so sticky and hard to get off. I want to eat natto with the Colors.

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Oh no, now Sacchan has natto all over her face. What a mess.

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So when they get one year older you would stop liking them?