The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. Based or Cringe? What are your thoughts Yea Forums?

The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. Based or Cringe? What are your thoughts Yea Forums?

Attached: Saiki-Kusuo-no-Psi-Nan-anime-1000x600.jpg (1000x600, 155K)

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I literally just watched the first espisode after seeing on Netflix for years.
Crazy coincidence

It was pretty good desu

Sell me this anime, Yea Forums

Go away.

Based. Even if you don't like it, doesn't even come close to cringe.

idk dude, it's just kinda funny

Great show, great threads. As a longtime fan of the manga the entire experience was a huge treat for me.
Also fuck Indonesia.

One of the only good comedy orientated anime

Season 1 was pretty good

I got bored a few eps in season 2 and stopped watching it

Watch it yourself and form your own opinion


Teruhashi was best girl.

Best comedy since Gintama peak episodes

just torrent it for free nigger

why the fuck would anyone on four channel pay money to jews for entertainment


Mikoto best waifu not even a contest

I tried so hard to get into this show, it was not funny for me.

The indosubs are pretty good.



Fuck Indonesia
Fuck tractors


S3 is where tractor user will deliver the subs
I still believe

I took some time to get into it. I watched the first 3 episodes (or 15, depending on how you count) and was ready to drop it because the jokes were only moderately funny and I hated the sonic speed pacing of the dialogue. Kept on watching and got hooked a few episodes later, now it's one of my all-time favorite comedy shows.

Not sure if it just has a weak start or if it's an acquired taste but it's worth pushing through at least the first quarter of the first season.

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Thanks for letting me know that it's a rick and morty-tier comedy. Will not bother.

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Anime comedy of the decade.