Look at this little prick

look at this little prick

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Why is she so fucking smug?

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>resets your universe
heh, nothing personnel kiddo

Go away usurper, go insult Madoka’s legacy somewhere else

she's laughing at your favourite series

then she's laughing at herself

*dabs on your corpse*

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At least the Little Busters knew when to let go

Couldn't she have just wished for the elimination of evil and suffering across all realities? Why the hell did she monkey paw herself?

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>tfw Madoka would be a sex goddess because she would do everything to make you happy and revel in your happiness

evil and suffering are ambiguous words

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What would you do?

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Fuck, you got me on that one.

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the obvious

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Judging by her face I'd say she's looking at YOUR little prick

Evil meguca confirmed

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It’s okay to be righteous and save the world, but it’s okay to be selfish and save one person too. Neither is the wrong choice to make. That’s why I’m going to save both. It’s just the natural thing to do!

being meguca is suffering

This is the only way for a mahou shoujo!
That is why Homura saved both
Lot's of people don't understand this.

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>can bend reality
>can't make a perpetual motion machine
yeah I'm thinking these guys are retards

dump cup