When will people admit this arc was trash? This was by far the most directionless nonsensical mess in DB? Set up a serious plot about two cyborgs made on Earth that kill all of the Dragon Team and destroy humanity only to have them do nothing because of plot and then randomly throw in a new villain with no hype and loses his flavor just as soon as he's introduced.
Major Problems: •Goku and Gohan do nothing the entire arc. •Everyone is completely useless in battle and complicated nothing. •Pointless Transformations that achieved nothing. Piccolo, Vegeta, Trunks, and Goku. •No good fights outside Goku&Cell and Piccolo&17. •17 & 18 do nothing •Plot holes destroy everything about cell. •Vegetas character regresses 100% by completely repeating the same mistakes •Gohan is somehow the hero even though he did nothing and was gone the entire story. •History of Trunks get made because nobody believes in 17&18. Damage control. •Cell wastes his time creating and setting up a ring only to destroy it and make everything generic desert fight. •Cell has no personality after transforming. •DragonTeam are 100 jobbers that sit in the crowd and watch everything but waste time training and calling themselves warriors. Pathetic. •Gohan regresses as a character too. Was willing to fight Freeza and Gero but pussies out on Cell.
You forgot that this is the arc that introduced time travel, opening up a massive can of worms nobody can get right to this very day. Plague of Gripes made a video where he tries to figure out how many timelines Dragonball is supposed to have right now (about 11).
Jeremiah Powell
Better question: when will people admit DBZ was trash?
Wyatt Turner
No. The time travel in DBZ is 100% internally consistent. School children understand it.
The time travel in DBS is a horrifying clusterfuck of retardation that has and never will make sense or be unfucked forever.
Jaxon Roberts
When you realize it wasn't as a whole?
Adrian Morris
non-autists know that there are only two timelines, one where goku gets sick and the andriods kill everyone and trunks goes back in time to save gokus life, causing the second time line where gohan beats cell
Cameron Wilson
the anime, sure it was awful.
the manga is good though. Sayians/Frieza are top tier shounen arcs
Levi Miller
You forgot the timeline where Cell kills Trunks, so there's at least three. Canonically (going by Toriyama's comments), there's four (pre-Super).
Aaron Gonzalez
There are three timelines.
The first future trunks who used the switch but who was killed by cell The second future trunks that came back and met and fought cell and then went to the future and beat 17 18 and cell from his time. The third timeline which is the new prime timeline. That's it That's all.
Bentley Ramirez
>regular timeline >Trunks' timeline >Cell's timeline >4th timeline: Trunks who was killed by Cell had already gone back in time >Black timeline >rebooted timeline (double Trunks/Mai) That's 6 right there and I'm pretty sure there are more.
Jeremiah Bell
but most of Yea Forums does admit it's a shit arc
they just like certain moments of it
Josiah Cooper
shit taste
Jacob Thompson
No i'm down. Cell saga was pretty shit. Its just for Americans it was the first new DBZ we'd seen after waiting years watching Goku beat up frieza over and over. So it had a fresh exciting feel to it.
Landon Powell
Pretty much. We got a mess of a plot and Hype moments.
But man, I had to make the quickest switch on the channel as soon as Cellvore appeared.
Dragon ball awesomeness always came from the pace (I'm talking about the manga, not the anime, I never watched that shit). The pace is god like, I've never seen a Manga succeding in that aspect like dragon ball did.
Lincoln Barnes
>•Goku and Gohan do nothing the entire arc. Goku was fucked and the series does a lot better when it doesn't revolve around goku. Gohan was off training like everyone else.
>•Everyone is completely useless in battle and complicated nothing. What? Only like fucking the humans didn't do shit. The editors were on Toriyama's ass about the SSJ thing.
>•Pointless Transformations that achieved nothing. Piccolo, Vegeta, Trunks, and Goku. It's not pointless if it's fucking cool you fucking retard. If you want a basic bitch boring a-b hero story then DBZ isn't and never was for you.
>•No good fights outside Goku&Cell and Piccolo&17. Goku vs Cell...it was okay. Piccolo vs 17? Yeah that was old school Toriyama kino done in grand DBZ style.
>•17 & 18 do nothing They shouldn't have fucking existed. They only added two decent fight scenes to the plot and the editor who insisted on hip cool teens being the ultimate androids should have had his shit slapped. Them being the powerful underlings of 16? Who are technically his children(Fuck you the fourstar canon is now actual canon suck muh balls)I can dig it. 16 from the future being a horrifying despot and utterly evil with 16 from the new prime timeline being incomplete and all Terminator 2 over 17 and 18? Cool.
>•Plot holes destroy everything about cell. Cell becoming perfect destroyed everything about cell.
>•Vegetas character regresses 100% by completely repeating the same mistakes Yeah. Goku regresses even further back. Dude is a bad father.
Nolan Thompson
the thing that makes me very angry about the whole Android/Cell saga is that during those 3 years they could've fucking destroyed the androids before their activation but they refused to do so because "hurr durr grug wants a good fite :D", fuck the rest of the planet, who cares i mean, even if they didn't know the exact position of Gero's lab they had 3 goddamn years (+dragon balls) of time to find it and destroy everything the whole arc feels some sort of horribly written fanfic, Trunks didn't even mention how 17&18 look like, that's so fucking dumb
Lincoln Roberts
>•Gohan is somehow the hero even though he did nothing and was gone the entire story. Gohan has been the hero since the fucking saiyajin saga bro. When they have new shounen heroe's with a rage form and shit like that? IT'S GOHAN THEY"RE COPYING!
>•History of Trunks get made because nobody believes in 17&18. Damage control. Well yeah. But the History of Trunks OVA was made of god and awesome. Would have actually loved to watch a series about Future Trunks in his time.
>•Cell wastes his time creating and setting up a ring only to destroy it and make everything generic desert fight. Yeah that's called flexibility.
>•Cell has no personality after transforming. Yeah. He's just...ME GREAT NOW Would have loved it if someone said the Mayuri speech and said that his perfection is where he stops and he will never grow.
>•DragonTeam are 100 jobbers that sit in the crowd and watch everything but waste time training and calling themselves warriors. Pathetic. Well yeah. Better then random bullshit powerups and throwing out the entire goddamend series to power up random faggots that were pointless filler decades ago. ROSHI AND FUCKING 17!
>•Gohan regresses as a character too. Was willing to fight Freeza and Gero but pussies out on Cell. No. He was actually trying to power up to tap into his anger and go SSJ2, the fear scene is a anime original thing.
Andrew Bennett
Fucking no one excepts the stupid goddamned timeline fuckery from the black arc. Even the people who defend that retarded goddamned arc become as quite as blonde lesbian who's under Jamal while her gun toting girlfriend is standing at the door.
It's a clusterfuck of stupid goddamnend bullshit that will never makes sense. Even in retrospect.
Nothing in Super makes any fucking sense. It's just random stuff that happens mostly to make more shit to sell to idiots.
Remember when someone tried to make a chronologically correct ToP edit? They dropped that shit yesterday. I believe it's because Goku would have had to have been in multiple places at once.
Wyatt Barnes
>It's not pointless if it's fucking cool user are you fucking serious? If it achieved nothing it is pointless.
>>No. He was actually trying to power up to tap into his anger and go SSJ2, the fear scene is a anime original thing. He wouldn't have struggled with it in the first place if he hadn't been such a pussy. >>Gohan has been the hero since the fucking saiyajin saga bro. >fell back on Goku against Nappa >did nothing against Vegeta on his own >fell back on Goku against Recoome >fell back on Goku against Freeza >did literally nothing after that until the Cell Games >>the series does a lot better when it doesn't revolve around goku. >the one arc he isn't involved in is utter shit >It's not pointless if it's fucking cool you fucking retard. Wew.
Christian Thomas
Honestly what pisses me off is Trunks inconsistent backstory. He never acknowledges past-Gohan the entire arc despite him being a big brother figure in the future and when Vegeta is fighting Semi-Perfect Cell, Trunks tells 18 to escape instead of just blowing her up which could just save him the trouble. He had all the reason to since she literally destroys his future for fun.
its easier to blame vegeta for fucking up instead of taking care of shit yourself
Thomas Rodriguez
To be fair a big part of goku's character at least in early dbz was that he wasn't an actual hero, like yeah he did help and save people but in most cases it was for his own selfish reasons. This is most obvious after they beat vegeta, goku tells krillin to let him live knowing full well that he would probably come back stronger and wanting revenge just because goku was excited to fight him again. You're right about trunks not mentioning 18 and 17's appearance though.
Anthony Fisher
the exact moment dragon ball became nothing more than pro wrestling and no longer means anything to anyone besides spics and children
Shut the fuck up Bulma, Dabura would've raped them otherwise.
Isaiah Brooks
I'm not really a big DBZ fan, but I always thought Buu arc is more enjoyable than Cell's. As messy as it was, there are lots of fun shit sprinkled all over the arc and the end fight didn't rely on new transformations but more of group efforts and I'm not just talking about people all around universe giving Goku power. Without Vegeta, Fat Buu, Dende, and even Mr. Satan's participation in the final fight Goku wouldn't win.
Cell saga definitely did a lot of things wrong, but it also got some shit right. It's a known fact that the whole deal with the androids being sidelined was becuase toriyama's editors kept on making him change the villain until they ended up with perfect cell, still pretty shirty though. On the other hand, it did away with all the power level bullshit that had gotten way out of hand by the end of the frieza saga. Vegeta's character definitely didn't regress, toriyama used trunks to show that very deep down inside he was actually starting to care about stuff like family, setting up what would later happen during the buu saga. This also the arc where toriyama first set up some real character development for goku, since he actually decided that a younger generation (gohan in this case) should take up the mantle as earth's protector. This would later be taken further in guy's saga (only to be dropped at the end though). Finally, gohan definitely didn't regress as a character, the whole point of him is that he's an entirely emotional fighter, he only gives it his all when he's pushed to his limit and everything's at stake. With cell he was pretty much being forced to fight, while he also believed goku was much more capable of winning than he was, so these conditions were the opposite of what he needed to actually fight with everyone he had. Cell definitely had the worst and biggest asspulls of the whole story though.