What did Anno mean by this?
What did Anno mean by this?
why does she feel the need to show those plumpy juicy breasts to shinji all the time?
Isn't the iconic cover shot of EoE also stolen from a western sci-fi novella
So he'll look at her.
So in context, did Asuka make the bible reference on her own or does she watch Star Trek?
Why did Shinji masturbated to Asuka's body?
>has a degree at 13
She is the literal queen of obnoxious, pretentious teenagers. I'd bet she isn't even remotely religious but read the Bible cover to cover anyway to make smartass comments like that.
Because she's smokin'.
He might be a pussy, but he knows she is damn hot.
Star Trek was pretty much entirely about sex, and the Wall of Jericho reference comes from an old ass 30's movie
Asuka is way too smart to be religious.
that's probably the exact moment when shinji decided piloting eva was worth the trouble.
Oh, your image convinced me. There must be god after all.
You're literally a meme. That's what the image conveys.
I see. I should be ashamed, you are right, I believe in god now.
probably because it sounds cool
lmao, asuka is so stupid. did she want him to rape her or something?
The image doesn't argue for god. It seeks to mock obnoxious atheists who relate their non-belief, usually broached in nonsequitous ways (as was the case here), to their euphoric intelligence, reputed to be vast, but often revealed to not be of a level that understands what message a simple images conveys.
I wouldn't put it past Asuka to have read it simply from a literary standpoint, if nothing else.
She wanted him to try.
Yeah kinda. Asuka was a fucked up kid just like everyone else.
>Asuka wanted Shinji to risk violating her stricture in order for him to validate her desirability, upon which she'd hit him or something
Seems kinda normal, actually.
She probably just wanted to talk about mama (Misato most likely told her about Shinji's past) and the sexual suggestion was a lure. She's never known other people to pay her attention for any other reasons besides her accomplishments or her sex appeal, and he didn't seem to care about her accomplishments.
is it still a meme when it's objectively true?
I think you'd better not talk about objective truths... lol.
oh, i don't care about religion
she's just a big frank capra fan
More likely Anno watched star trek. He's a huge westaboo and that episode came out 2 years before evangelion.
Then they kiss and she acts disgusted instead of using the time they had with Misato away to fool around with Shinji and do lewd stuff. Her reaction ensures Shinji never tries anything ever again
basically yeah, this. thanks for the image.
>Her reaction ensures Shinji never tries anything ever again
That is because Asuka thought it was already a lost cause.
She acted disgusted because she believed Shinji's inaction in the kiss meant that he didn't care about her, so she had to pretend she didn't care either.
poor hedgehogs.
Asuka is a codependent person. Just look up the symptoms.
>pharmaceutical industry "science"
looks like she needs 400mgs of medical grade heroin
Not really rape to just knock on her door, start talking, and see where it leads
She is too much of a dom to enjoy rape, if he tried she would reverse it.
Leave it to Yea Forumsutists to chalk up basic emotional intelligence to quack science.
>She is too much of a dom
confirmed for not understanding the character.
you're at the outer layer of the onion
Asuka's domineering character is as real as Kaji's womanizing one
Just a diversionary front from a mentally damaged little girl
that and he was too busy gasping for air as she pinched his nose closed.
This is hilarious coming from Asukafags who act like they are armchair psychiatrists.
It's not like it isn't real, but it's a tiny part of her, what she exposes. It's the 10% of the iceberg that can be seen.
Asuka's "strong, competent and independent" personality is merely a mask, a facade. She depends on that fake exterior so she wont fall apart.
I agree, just because Asuka is using a prideful and aggressive/assertive side as a front to mask her hurt and fearful vulnerable side, does not mean her pride and aggressiveness is all fake.
Posting a crossboarder image isn't a refutation on the facts, waifufag.
When her Eva piloting reliance is taken away from her, she has a mental breakdown. She blames Shinji from taking it away from her.
The catalyst of her breakdown wasn't piloting-related. It was one of the factors, but the straw that broke the camel's back can be seen at the end of the mind invasion scene.
If someone showed sincere attraction to her, a lot of her life would improve. She would show her weaknesses, and so on, but i strongly doubt she would be a sub in sex, even from her position of weakness.
Basically overcompensation. In the few instances where she is in a good standing with shinji, she is at least a bit bossy, and he just lets her be.
She is constantly baiting him to take charge. The whole nose-holding thing was a ploy to goad him into grabbing her arm and getting physical.
Asuka has an equal toxic relationship with Shinji and her piloting of the Eva. Both were things equally that led to her downfall. "It's a symbiotic relationship" as Asuka herself admits in episode 25.
It had nothing to do with toxicity, it was actually that she warmed to him too much.
>Shinji rather suffocate than taking charge
Whats fucking wrong with him
too much of his dad's DNA and not enough of his mom's
childhood trauma and neglect
You think he'd at least pull away before being literally out of air, but he stayed in place doing nothing for nearly 30 seconds of screen-time.
Try pinching your own nose and close your mouth and resist the urge to fix either of that for that long.
>it was actually that she warmed to him too much.
No, the problem in their relationship is something very bad. Dysfunctional communication, obsessions, control, shame/low self-esteem and poor boundaries.
Better to be autistic than being a conniving psychopath like Yui.
She's from a historically Christian country. Anyone from a country like that knowing the Walls of Jericho isn't surprising.
Take a look at the end of the mind invasion scene, and frame-by-frame the memories Arael is showing her. None of them are moments where they're fighting, they're moments where they're amicably coexisting. Arael's powerpoint was ultimately about showing Asuka that she without realizing it had forsaken her vow that she would never need anyone again.
That's the point that makes Asuka scream at the end of the mind invasion: the realization that she had gotten close to someone again, despite her best wishes. She had been shown that she was still the needy child she had spent her whole adolescence trying to move beyond.
>wont fall apart
it all comes tumbling down
The relationship has been stated in episode 25 to be dependency. Which is not a good thing. It's an abusive relationship, the type that needs to end for Asuka and Shinji to grow as people.
>The relationship has been stated in episode 25 to be dependency.
When? Be specific and use quotations.
and Asuka finishes he quote as "it's a symbiotic relationship"
it's the whole sequence really, she sees shinji alongside kaji, both positioned as objects of desire and symbols of rejection, her reaction is "Why are you there?!", (why are you in my heart, inside of my armor, ect), it's explicitly brought up in her brief exchange with the angel/vision of her younger self, and even before it starts flashing those single frames it very deliberately shows those moments of perceived rejection again.
What is the context? Who is she talking to and what are they saying? That image doesn't support what you said whatsoever.
And so another episode of Evafag Debate begins. On tonight's episode, the nature of Shinji and Asuka's relationship: toxic, dysfunctional, or simply a product of their environment? Let's see what our resident autists have to say.
She is talking to Shinji in this scene. Were you paying attention? Anno is known for double meanings, so he obviously meant their relationship (as well with other people) and their reasons for piloting Eva.
It was ultimately for the best, but probably only because of the magical event of instrumentality.
Without that they would've never gotten past their fears of rejection.