What's next for Gridman?

What's next for Gridman?
They already confirmed Akane was straight in the final audio drama. Will we get a season 2 wrapping up Rikka and Yuta's romance?

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They're both gay

Nothing, just let it die. It's not like anyone wants a sequel.

>Will we get a season 2
I see this as pretty unlikely, especially anything to do with the characters in Akane's inner world since her story was resolved. Now, if the real world Akane happened to get involved with Gridman as an ally, then you could justify something like recruiting Yuta and the gang to travel to another soul under siege.

Really the direction I want them to go with it is to team up with a live action studio to do a mixed media season so that parts of the story take place in the real world and others in animated inner worlds. Start it off as a mystery of whose soul they are even fighting for so that we can speculate on real world stuff based on animated parallels. Make it so that this time there is an ally to Khan in the real world so that we're trying to figure not only who is being corrupted, but who the villain is as well.

The potential is so great. It'd be a shame if they just rehashed it for another season or dropped out meaningless SoL shit, which is why the most likely scenario is that there just is no more Gridman from Trigger.

Yeah, no

OTP 2018

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You could listen to it for yourself and draw your own conclusions, but instead you decide to come here just to try and deny a fact. Good going.

Not even a yurifag but why would anyone care remotely about Yuuta? He was completely unmemorable.

because one rabid yurifag would get really angry whenever someone implied akane and rikka aren't gay for each other
but it seems he's not active anymore

How would you know? Yuuta didn't even appear during the series.

Doesn't that make him even more unremarkable? But it doesn't matter, there wasn't a single good character in the series.

He was gridpilled.

>But it doesn't matter, there wasn't a single good character in the series.
Yeah, not a single one, just all of them.

Amnesiac Gridman took on his personality, so he was basically there until the end with maybe a bit of JUSTICE influence before that. Either that or Gridman just happens to act so much like Yuuta that no one really noticed the switch.

>show gets narrative ending
>there is nothing to do in main story
>people still beg for more
I like Gridman, I hate yurinigger and hetspammer, that wasn't shitposting that was just shit
I don't want another season of phaggots nor do I want muh closure ruined

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>Amnesiac Gridman took on his personality
All Gridman said is that real Yuuta's feelings slipped through while he was possessing him. Everyone at some point describes Yuuta as inconspicuous, so he was was probably just that bland.

What's next for your life now that you've realized you have literally nothing in it and are the most pathetic retard to ever use this site?

Like, don't you get it? You're not "triggering" anyone. People come to this site to reply to other posts on it. That's the whole point, you moron. You're not special because people reply to you calling you pathetic.

No one does. The OP is an obsessive retard who's consumed with trying to "troll". He can't accept the reality that he's just a pathetic retard. So he instead tries to "trigger' people through sheer quantity of posts.

And the sad part is that he literally can't stop himself because this is all he has in his life.

I've missed you

I like how you're desperate to think you're an "epic troll" that you confuse people telling you to stop trying to shit up threads with "being angry".

No matter what you were trying to shit up threads with, "anti yuri" or otherwise, you would have been told to stop. The fact you do nothing but trying to "troll" with shipping doesn't mean that the people who reply to you are obsessed with "shipping" as well.

Look at how pathetically desperate you are to pretend that only one person has a problem with you and how you constantly shitpost and ruin threads.

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This imagine does not "trigger" anyone. You were asked why you keep spamming it. That does not mean anyone is mad over it. You are not the "epic troll" you think you are.

>People come to this site to reply to other posts on it. That's the whole point, you moron. You're not special because people reply to you calling you pathetic.
This is one of the most profound statements i ever read on this website.

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They're making fun of you again.

By the way the "people" he is referring to are all in his head.

No, that's you making threads yourself because you're pathetic and desperate.

kind of hoping that we get a real introduction with Gridman Sigma as well as his version of King Gridman.

>only one person on the site replies to other posts on the site
Imagine being this literally fucking retard. Austin, seriously, get help.

Grande. Vado a partecipare subito.

Why did you just reply to your own post?

Sono voci nella tua testa.

I know you're probably just some tard trying to imitate him but I still love you

You guys remember the tubaposter?

I remember the tubaposter.


so is yurinigger spaget or amerimutt?


someone is being outsmarted again

Who is worse, ACK or Barneyfag?

Lee is like a little baby compared to ACK.

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man akemi even went and learned italian just so he could keep bullying
is there no end to ack's torment?

Look at how pathetically desperate you are to keep your shit thread alive.

Considering "ack" does not exist and you're the only person who thinks "he" is real. The answer to that question is obvious. And of course, "ack" (everyone who tells you to stop shitposting) is doing literally nothing wrong. While you are intentionally trying to ruin threads.

You can stop with the act of pretending you’re a different person every time you post, you’re very recognizable, Crack-kun
And no, I am not your boogeyman.

Name a single reason why anyone should believe you're not Austin, the most pathetic and retarded shitposter to ever use this site.

Give a single reason why only one person would have a problem with you stealing from them.

I’ll prove to you that I am not your boogeyman by posting a picture of my cat.
Now drown yourself in semen, you subhuman yurinigger.

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nice "totally not mad" allcaps
next you're gonna say "i-i was just using allcaps because y-you're a-autistic!!!"

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Both miss a lot of posts.

>they kill the bad guy
>the world is in normal order
>gridman literally leaves the earth
>akane is sent to the real world

user what season 2?

all me

puts it pretty well
People begging for season 2 of a self contained series don't know what they are asking for.

the one in which they recruit ack and he dies, that would be pretty great

When you, Austin, have been told the same exact thing literally thousands of times and you still don't get it, it's only logical to say it all caps in hopes that you'll notice it this time. And then finally realize how retarded you are.
The irony IS that it's being said before you're autistic.

And you, Austin, have missed ten years worth of posts from people telling off shipping cancer like you.

What's next for your life now that you've realized you have literally nothing in it and are the most pathetic retard to ever use this site? Like, don't you get it? You're not "triggering" anyone. People come to this site to reply to other posts on it. That's the whole point, you moron. You're not special because people reply to you calling you pathetic.

No one does. The OP is an obsessive retard who's consumed with trying to "troll". He can't accept the reality that he's just a pathetic retard. So he instead tries to "trigger' people through sheer quantity of posts.

And the sad part is that he literally can't stop himself because this is all he has in his life.

you really need to check the archives because you've missed a lot of akemiposts the past few days, you really need to go back to your 24 hour sentry mode, can't let akemi go shitposting freely


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all me and my waifu mikoto

You really need to check the archives, !Akemi. Because you've missed screeching at 10 years worth of posts telling off shipping cancer before you showed up on this site.

You can't let people think you're only one person, so you better go back and reply to those ten year old posts telling off tumblr tards like you.

he doesnt care about stopping akemi, hes in it for selfish reasons
you could even say that if ack was not ack, he would be akemi

>xd lol check out me epic persona making and pretend to be raildex so i look liek som1 else lol super smurt!

idk about you guys but I actually really enjoy this shit, mods please consider not nuking this thread

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See And of course, you are replying to your own post, !Akemi.

Telling you to stop ruining threads and attacking people is not "selfish". And it sure is fuck is not only done by one person.

Don't respond user, it's bait.

why would i need to see myself?

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Posting twice in the same minute does not make you look like more than one person, !Akemi.

And you are the only person who acts like this.


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Yes, he's obviously trying to bait, and failing to do.
It's fairly certain that you're !Akemi, considering you're retarded enough to think "replying" means "baited".

>xdd lol look at me epic false flag
Nah. It fools no one.

so it IS you

I wonder what went so wrong with your life that made you this fucked up and mentally ill.

im literally just talking to myself in this thread
im so mentally ill

There is no "you". There is only "everyone" as in, everyone who wants you to stop ruining threads so people can actually have discussion. What this board was made for.

but if there is no you in everyone, then how can i exist?

how are we supposed to know that you're not actually !Akemi?
give me ONE good reason I shouldn't report you right now


Because, !Akemi, how you act is extremely obvious, and you are literally unable to change how you act or any of the patterns in your behavior. Like using the word "we", for one. And the blatantly obvious false flagging you do.

You like to think that your fur fag ERP has made you a good "actor" and able to fool people, but you can't.

but why would i need to fight for the last word when all your posts under your character get deleted?
if it is only i and you, as we do this mortal dance, i will be the one surviving by the end of the thread with one of my characters getting the last word no matter how you try to stop it

atleast those are my assumptions and thoughts

Because you're fucking insane, and you make posts more and more if you get replied to because you're consumed with having the last word and thinking you're "baiting" people.

And nah, you have no friends, family, money, life or health. You're going to die a pathetic and lowly death. And then all the crack spamming shitposting will stop. Everyone already knows it's just you. But when it all stops as soon as you die it will be even more obvious.

not true, ack. I respond to most gridman threads and you don't catch me 70% of the time
even in this thread you missed me about half the time, note that there are 24 posters here not just you and me

meus amicus, amo videre "animem", sed amo mea filia quae est magna in meo amore. amo causa amandae.

if one thrives off of replies, and one is like fire in that regard, needing oxygen, and has no "oxygen", wouldn't that one move on?
in such a scenerio, would it not be wise to choke off such a man? afterall, you believe this thread to be orchestrated by "me", whatever that is, and as such possess either the ability to kill me or feed me only by your choice.

is it not your moral duty to not respond to me?
and if everyone hates "me", why do the mods destroy you and favor "me"?

mikoto belongs to kuroko retard nigger

shes mine you piece of fuicking shit ill murder you for that ass

>he's back
i was hoping he died.

back from the past

That's just what you get for yuri posting on Yea Forums. The backlash is well deserved.

try again in the next big american war

did they ban him again? doesn't he just evade anyway?
maybe he got distracted by akemi posting on /m/

You, !Akemi, are the only person who thinks "ack" is real.
>note that there are 24 posters
Why do you always try to pretend that changing your IP is not possible? You constantly trying to pretend retardation is normal thought only makes you stand out.

Everyone doesn't include one extremely mentally ill mod who has admitted himself that he has mental disorders. And he doesn't "favor you". He favors his own personal taste, which you just happen to share. He protects insane shipping cancer shitposters like himself. Not because he likes you, but because he likes himself.

>wouldn't that one move on?
No, because you got no replies at all for two weeks straight, and you still didn't stop. Because that's how fucking psychotic and insane you are. This is literally all you have in your life. You can't stop, because deluding yourself into thinking you're an "epic troll" is how you live vicariously through the internet and validate yourself. As soon as you stop trying to "troll" you're going to kill yourself, because you'll have realized you fail at everything.

And here are another five posts by you, !Akemi.
You are the only person who thinks "he" is real, and you are the only person (other than Troid) who can't stand not having his safe space catered to.


>!Akemi constantly tries to claim "ack" is the shitposter
>!Akemi will never explain why his assertion is valid
>he just endlessly repeats himself
>!Akemi openly admits he posts and spams garbage for the sake of trying to spite people

Why are you so autistic and retarded, !Akemi.
Why can't you just go to a doctor and get medical treatment?

Oh right, because you're poor.

oh oh oh by the way ACK you suddenly stopped posting in the /int/ thread, maybe you should look into that!!

What did you do during those two weeks?

>if i keep spamming the word "ack" over and over again maybe that it will look like everyone thinks my "meme" is epic and cool and everyone acts like me!!!

Why do you refuse to ever address anything said to you, !Akemi?

>He protects insane shipping cancer shitposters like himself. Not because he likes you, but because he likes himself.

my dear friend, if one likes green, and it happens to be because he is green, does he still like green in general, in other men, and thus likes men who wear green?
if one is cancer, and loves cancer because of this fact, does he not love others who are cancer?
if "he" likes the "him" in "me" (that which you claim is the reason for him allowing me) because i mirror him, then why would it not be the case that he loves me?

>No, because you got no replies at all for two weeks straight, and you still didn't stop.
if i am consumed with baiting people, how am i consumed during those two weeks? even an insane man must make ends meet for purpose in life; perhaps "i" am multiple people in multiple places? perhaps "my" form is more elusive to you than you realize?

and pray tell, my friend, define insanity, as well as what it is to live a good live; is it virtue? self indulgence? happiness?

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didn't read

Call me Ishmael. Some years ago—never mind how long precisely—having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people’s hats off—then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can. This is my substitute for pistol and ball. With a philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his sword; I quietly take to the ship. There is nothing surprising in this. If they but knew it, almost all men in their degree, some time or other, cherish very nearly the same feelings towards the ocean with me.

There now is your insular city of the Manhattoes, belted round by wharves as Indian isles by coral reefs—commerce surrounds it with her surf. Right and left, the streets take you waterward. Its extreme downtown is the battery, where that noble mole is washed by waves, and cooled by breezes, which a few hours previous were out of sight of land. Look at the crowds of water-gazers there.

Because it's dumb shit. Why are you so desperate to police a board on a website?

uh oh

And yet here are there more posts by you, !Akemi.

Not going to bother addressing anything you said. No real point, because you didn't actually address anything said to you, you just obtusely screeched and cried that you should have your safe space.

No one is trying to "police" anything, !Akemi. People just want you to stop ruining threads so there can be actual discussion and use this site for what it was made for.

>you got no replies at all for two weeks straight, and you still didn't stop.
Where did everyone who hates !akemi go for those two weeks?

>season 2

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Why people try to insist on the Akane is straight meme?

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>They already confirmed Akane was straight in the final audio drama

I don't even watch Gridman, but reading this shit makes me happy. Whenever I look up lewds for Rikka, I sometimes see pictures of her and Akane in yuri scenarios.

Fuck yurifags. Fuck yuri. Fuck /u/.

are you sure that no one other than me is replying to you? what if just once someone other than me wandered into the thread and happened to reply to one of your posts, and then you mistook them for me. isn't that possible?
there are now 28 IPs in the thread, are you certain 27 of them are mine?

Where's the button that kills all of the shitposters and the retards dumb enough to get taken in by their fake bogeyman nonsense?

Hot Take

Fact: without Rikka and Akane gridman will definitely flop

Fact: all other characters besides Rikka and Akane were irrelevant, and you can literally remove them, and nothing will change whatsoever

Fact: people already forget the lame toku, but they will always still remember Rikka and Akane

Fact: Gridman sold well IN SPITE the fact that it was a toku anime

Fact: Toku was fucking garbage

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Promare will definitely flop because there's no cute girls on it, screencap this

en realidad crees que todas las 30 personas en este thread onions yo? yo puedo hablar español, !Akemi sabe el español?

Pretty much

what's going on here

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What the fuck was trigger thinking with PROMARE, see

there are 3 at least

Promare has cute boys kissing, who gives a shit about ugly thots who only attract mentally ill yurifags.

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Yaoi is even more disgusting than yuri
it's even worse than fucking necrophilia and scat

I don't know who's acking who anymore.

t. mentally ill yurifag.

you aren't fooling anyone by playing dumb !Akemi, seriously kill yourself

Based hot take poster

Yaoi is universally hated, while yuri is good for porn, if you disagree then you're either a gay faggot or fujoshit and you "kind" was disgusting as fycj and were not welcomed here

Yaoi is the lowest of the low. At least yuri itself isn't disgusting. Both yaoifags and yaoi are terrible.

Literally 2/3 of the thread was purged.

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Rikka is sexy.

Hopefully Rikka NTR

It's just to trigger ACK. No one actually cares about Yuuta or ships him with anyone.

shouldn't have stopped there shouldv'e removed this whole thing.
cucks arguing if main girl was straight or gay, losers asking for season 2, and idiots bitching about trigger. nothing of value would be lost.

Let the past die. Kill it if you have to.

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