Kemono Friends


KF2 12.2 has been released

Gomakusou (the Roadrunner platformer) has been updated to v1.0

Someone did a great cover of the Kemono Friends R OP

Producer Hosoya still BTFO

Attached: 9167509i.jpg (620x465, 123K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Arai-san is calling

PPP Power Plane

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>producer got removed from the anime division for being a douche on Twitter

Kemono Instinct Episode 1

Kemono Instinct Episode 2

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The Engrish in these are funny

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But I will give the Japs credit that they made these for us English speakers.

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The manga is advertised that it has something new that wasn't in the anime.
Like Caracal's ass, I guess.

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How do I get my husband wife to love me without crushing all my bones?

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A confused and scared wolf gazing at her own future.

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Ditch him for a daughter wife.

But I don't want to

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Wait until she is tired from fucking her harem.

These are amazing.

>wait for her to get tired from fucking her harem before fucking her

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Tell eagle-chan to liberate her Canadian neighbor

Attached: FREEDOM NOISE.png (700x1051, 523K)

before she fucks me*

Either way is acceptable

Were these made by 2Chan?

Kemono Enemies

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Someone call the owls, Kaban is having another episode.

What about the moose that already live in FREEDOM Canada?

Get paid in curry to do full time PTSD wrangler.

Attached: Kaban Breakdown.png (704x1958, 956K)


>KF2 12.2 has been released

I can't breath

Nothing in gelbooru yet

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Did she just fucking die?

Sadly yes, that's the truth about life in the plains area.


Such rich storytelling

Why do you think she had a different VA in KF2?


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Then you're doubly fucked.

Attached: 1553540241458.webm (1280x720, 812K)

She deserved so much better

Hopefully they'll give something better to Kaban, Tiger and Dog...or show more of Caracal's ass

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It will be very interesting to see how they handle episode 6.

Assuming the artist is allowed to change the story by those assholes.

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Jaga is the best friend

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Well it's not like they can do much worse on accident.

The elephant beast was more threatening then anything in S2.
Everything in S2 died in one punch and did not require a weak spot.

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>Taisetsu na mono protect my balls!

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fucking based

Play with me!

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This one actually feels very pro S2

Sexually frustrated friends!

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I wish there were more sexually frustrated MOOSE images

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all right, here's the next chapter for the Gomasuri VN, I hope you like it
>You wake up the next morning next to Goma-chan.
>Perhaps it was due to the strees caused by the exams, but you ended up doing it like animals in heat almost all night.
>After the moral hangover, both of you apologize for what you did and say to each other.
>Covering her body with a blanket, you notice that below Goma-chan there's a large and dry bloodstain on the bedsheet.
>She tells you that she was trying to stay pure for the day she could do it with her beloved Pronghorn-Sama, but she doesn't regret doing it with you since now she thinks that not having any experience could be a big letdown to her
>She even admits that most of what happened yesterday was something she was expecting to do with you, because ever since you became her friend, she's been ocasionally using you as her fap material.
>Finally, with a confident smile, she tells you that she's willing to prepare for her chance with Pronghorn-Sama, so she's counting with you to become her practice partner.

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Cute dog! Let's play!

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Fuck Moose and fuck Mooseposters

Fuck you Lion

So I've heard that besides the shit with KF, Hosoya also shit on ONE and Murata called him out on it. Can anybody confirm this?


I hope so, the more he shit on his image the better.

Looks like a rough summary of the happenings regarding the producer. It's good that the media are talking about it.

Cute pengin mig

Stay mad stinky Moose

>Doggo will never frantically hump you while panting heavily

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would she agree to take turns? or she would be the only one doing the hump?

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Uh oh I know how this ends

You'll have to wait until she gets tired, she's been alone for way too long you know?

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She's creepy in here too.
Someone should tell the wiki guys that their translation needs a thorough revision because it's wrong sometimes.

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I'm ok with that!

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>attenshon purizzu!

This isn't how you build a dam

You mean prairie dogs can't put knots in holes?

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No I mean they can if they wanna


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The cutest thing I've seen.

I never noticed her nipples getting hard.

I want to build a family with these two.

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Don't invade their relationship

The new KF3 episode will be out in around 3 hours.

I wonder which cutie they will show off next.

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Why is this animated.

I like the way her leg slides down while she's twirling.

You can stop me as much as the others can be stopped when it comes to lewding Friends. Good fucking luck, pal.

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Nice Freudian slip ehehehehehe

God I wish that were me

Imagine the weight

My testicles on the right

>when you make a hate community because you spent alot of money on the franchise beforehand and don't want to let it go to waste

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Leg snek.


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Stinky toki butt

The first two cuties. They were adorable again.

So after 70k preregistered users they will finally tell us about the phone version.

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A new unit. Tasmanian Devil, Australian Devil, Blackbuck.

Attached: D5JVriVU0AEyTVS.jpg:orig.jpg (1280x720, 179K)

They are chopping concrete tiles now. Dhole's VA is too strong.


thats a cool design

Cool chuunis
>We haven't moved from 50k for god knows how long
Is that actually people not preregistering, or did they just not update.

They haven't updated it yet we're already past 60k

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>she's been ocasionally using you as her fap material.
Thats fucking lewd. I'm already working on the rest.

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Oof! This is very good, user!

Is aardwolf fucker still here? He may probably like this.

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>spent alot of money on the franchise beforehand
You mean 3 years ago?
dat butt

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Can you post that one video where they show the friends hanging around in a house that is supposed to be from the game?

I fucked up Goma-chan head here but fuck it.

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And this is the last drawing for today.

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So why does Lucky keep delivering Smash invites in these videos?

What in tarnoshii did I just watch?

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We'll play all day!

>Kaban ignores Arai-san's call

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Where's 12.1 to watch?
Do we have a list of translations for the previous ones?


Are all friends except humans..dumb?

The owls are very wise

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post more owls

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>we will boycott S2!
>okay we'll watch it, but unironically
>okay, we rewatch-marathon it
>we're writing fucking fanfics about it

oops, wrong link

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Reminder that owls are bullies.

Attached: 0d4a33_6397532.jpg (800x1103, 158K)

Step three never happened and bird is free game

Attached: roadrunner.webm (1280x720, 168K)

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Pet dogs!

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>Kaban is a complete player.
Well I guess that is not too surprising considering who her mother is.

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How about belly rubs?

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Just don't belly rub the cats or you'll lose an arm.

Attached: Wolf.png (680x3336, 3.11M)

It's gonna be good, isnt it? Janky models always delivers.

Just to make it clear, ReaderxPronghorn is the endgame here, right?

Well they are just promo shorts for the new game and we don't know what kind of plot it's going to have other than Friends (play) fighting with other.

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I keep talking about wanting to impregnate a Friend but mostly I'd like to hug oneand THEN impregnate her[/spoiler

Only if you take responsibility afterwards


Look at those titties gd

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Dorks detected!

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Yes! Rub their soft fuzzy belly!

Attached: D5JeUPAUwAAwIex.webm (1234x1080, 126K)

I’m a little worried if you actually know how a prairie dog penis looks like

>Why is this animated
Badger Newfag

mushroom mushroom

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I want to learn with her!

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I want to bully her until she kills herself!

"Ahh geez, disappear from this park already"
"You understand the significance of this weapon?!"
"There's no way you can win in chisel stabscotch."

*tack* x4
"It's my turn"

*stab* x5

"This is normal in my hometown"
*stab* x4

High quality post

That's half the fun!


At some point that's gonna happen, but I'm still uncertain since I'd like to include dog to the story

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Why is Silver Fox sexier than her little sister? Is it because she's dumber than her and makes up for it by her looks?

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Because she is the responsible one.

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I want to pet a fox


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They won't be satisfied with just that

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I would be glad to stroke their tail as much as they want

Incoming school dropout because of teen pregnancy!

Lewd goddess

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I want to dress them up like Taimanins and let nature run its course...

Reminder that Roadrunners are monogamous and mate for life.

No fucking in the onsen or Capybara is going to send security after you.

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Pronghorn's pregnancy. Of course, the beep will be the one taking care of her boyfriend and best friend's baby, all by herself.

They get eaten, repeatedly molested, and corrupted by Ceruleans? Kaban should make Taimanin outfits for all the Friends (including herself).

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Cute dork!

No, they get vored, raped, impregnated (in all three holes), and then get corrupted as pregnant Cerulean ninja assassins

I mean, getting the energy sucked out of them is basically like getting eaten.

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>Kaban and Serval holding hands
Lewd. Please censor.

dumb gato

But then they get filled with white stuff to keep them alive, increase their body's sensitivity, and feed the fetuses growing inside them


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Finding new ways to make the snek blush sure sounds fun!

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Yuru Camp tonight in the usual place, 7PM ET

Attached: yurus.jpg (461x627, 70K)

Yuru camp is unironically a better sequel to KF1 than KF2.

Killing Bites is a better sequel to KF than KF2 if KF2 were canon.

Attached: Greater Dispel.webm (800x450, 685K)

Attached: Kaban lizard.jpg (700x1188, 485K)


I remember that pic from 2 years ago, back when KF wasn't a mess yet

Someone who only watched the first season when it came out here.
I heard the second season was Hitler tier, did they fix things and fire those douche bags and the terrible new MC?


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Honestly how bad was KF2 actually?
As in if you watched it without seeing or knowing anything about S1 or the staff drama.

The only notable thing so far is the producer for TV Tokyo got moved out of animation for saying stupid shit on twitter (and apparently running an alt account that was solely dedicated to bashing Tatsuki). He supposedly has a ton of connections so him getting fired was sadly not going to happen.

It's still a below average show with terrible pacing and a ending that doesn't resolve anything. Plus you don't have to have watched S1 to get upset on how they treated poor doggo.

I can't believe these people, this was supposed to be an innocent show and to dirty it like this just for revenge is disgusting.

Yeah I was thinking the same thing. By itself the only plot lines that gets remotely resolved was the Beast and I would not consider killing her and no explanation exactly fulfilling.
Any Brap giving up on finding her home.

A lot of the animation looked really lazy with a lot of characters standing stock still even in the foreground, and there was weird framerate inconsistency with some motions which was pretty jarring.

>Honestly how bad was KF2 actually?
It made me go through the stages of grief again and made me come to terms with the fact the part of Kemono Friends I love the most (Kaban, Serval and Lucky's adventure) is never going to be handled properly ever and that I should give up all hope of seeing the three of them go on fun, happy, interesting adventures together. The winter season was one hell of a ride. Thank god Kemurikusa came in just in time to heal me of my 2-years-long Kemono Friends mourning-addiction-depression.

Attached: 1490287129710.webm (600x426, 1.61M)

Still haven't watched s2 - Should I? I can't bring myself to even want to...

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There is no S2.

Attached: KF2 doesn't exist.png (850x1200, 828K)

Gomachan-drawanon's improving!

Honestly I looked forward to new episodes of S2 mostly because shitposting here was fun.
That said the only real enjoyment S2 has is just to understand the shitposting and rage.

I love her, she gives me hope for S3.

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The cutest background Friend should have her own anime at this point.

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I want to pick her up!

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My favorite background Friend.

Attached: DpD7qmOVAAA5Wnk.png (1414x1000, 645K)

Fact: Tamandua and other types of ant eaters (except pangolins) all have massive fuck-huge razor-sharp machete claws that can fucking rip you open and spill your organs out.

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I like her outfit.

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And even jaguars know to stay away.

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What is this tiny dork gonna do? Hug me to death?

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Last words of man hugged to DEATH:
>What is this tiny dork gonna do? Hug me to death?

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Honestly no need to. If you're too curious just watch episode 7 (the roadrunner one) just to get the memes, the rest is just a mixture of boredoomness and anger. Other than that, I'm delusionally expecting the manga to fix the disaster that was the anime.

Attached: gomasuri.png (1294x966, 2.75M)

I watched it all without Yea Forums up to ep9 and it wasn't that bad, just weird and boring.
Then ep9 was so terrible that i had to come here and complain, but i did like ep10 a lot.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kemono Friends S2 - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.14_[2019.04.08_18.02.18].jpg (1280x720, 120K)

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When would be a good time for the S2 stream? Should it just be on a holiday or after the series gets some big news?

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I don't want the pain of watching S2 user, you don't have to do this. Maybe Halloween?Either way they have been uploading the videos onto the official KF youtube so it should be a lot easier if you wait

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At least she does not bite.

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>wash bear

I absolutely love this; the comments say the creator won't make a third episode until he reaches the number of views he was expecting, so I hope it spreads like wildfire.

Dhole is a maddog.

Attached: D5KB9BhUEAAva0S@k12ne_12k1.jpg (676x1000, 196K)

When I finished, I felt like I wasted 3 months of my life.


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I love Caracal. If only KF2 didn't suck so much.

>you wake up and see this
What to do?

Attached: IMG_20190427_052150.jpg (2048x1418, 591K)

Beep her first thing in the morning.

man roadrunner drawanon has gotten REALLY good

What's his expected number of views?

They sure love the noisy bin chicken, they shove her in every single ad they make.

Leave a fist shaped dent into her face

Attached: 74338637_p0.png (1771x2508, 1.54M)


I'm not sure, unfortunately; in reply to a comment on the second episode asking about the chances of a third installment, he said, "Not for now, sorry. Probably when this video got many views as I had expected..!"

How many levels does the road runner game have?
I tried some unfinished version like a month ago and it only had one level pretty much.

Attached: peace.png (450x460, 28K)

Very nice mentality...

Sounds like he was really disappointed about the (lack of) reception.

I agree, reading that was disappointing. I know it must be time-consuming to make these episodes, and that it is disheartening for your work not to get the attention you had hoped. But I don't believe that he should stop simply because of the views. It's still early, and viewers like a backlog to watch as a whole.

It's pretty astonishing that it didn't get more attention. Aside from some low-res textures, shit looks pretty tight and has decent voice acting.

Ah, a carbon copy of series 1, just what you mewling infants wanted

We're not the ones getting triggered by a cup of coffee.


No idea what you spergs are talking about.

One thing is sure, both posts are being butthurt about something.

Lurk more.

please do not bully shoebill

Attached: serval.png (628x590, 555K)

Tags: Tamanduna (kemono friends), Size difference, Stomach bulge

god i wish that were me

Someone upload the horse one already.

When will he get banned for the continuous violation of rules? This is a blue board, not deviantart.

>let me just request another year of your life (and lifes of all people involved, it's not like he voiced it all by himself) spent again for my amusement
go read the original fic and visualize the episodes in your head
for fuck's sake people are entitled nowadays

If the guy only does this for attention and praise and not because he likes KF then yeah, there's definitely something wrong with such mentality.

Of course he shouldn't be an art slave. I completely agree that he shouldn't create these episodes just for us if he doesn't enjoy making them, which is why I said that I understand the work and heart that goes into them. I would respect his decision if he wanted to stop making them. All I thought was that he shouldn't give up quite yet just because the views are low at the moment.

I wish I was that good. I also wish I had a tablet.

Have you ever considered that these episodes were made long ago and not for the entitled english fanbase of 3.5 people total, but for the Japanese one? That the 2 episodes were planned since the beginning and no continuation was required because maybe he wanted to tell the story of the Jungle combi alone?
Subs only appeared many months later after the original video was created.

In honor of Serval, who valiantly sacrificed her life while defending the innocent.

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Will she take on Rocker's VA in a wrestling match?

Doesn't change anything to what I said about wanting to do it only for attention.

Oh boy I'm fucking ready!


I wanted to manhandle her but I guess she would instead manhandle me!

God I wish that was me

Friends are strong!

Don't open.

Attached: 1493093852313.jpg (512x512, 58K)

You're really asking for it now, aren'tcha?

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G-go away!

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Aggressive Friends like Tamandua deserve to be mounted on my wall!

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Attached: DoaXiowVsAAERGo.jpg (1558x2048, 277K)

For a Friend that wants people to go away, she sure does have a lot of people who want to get closer to her.

Attached: Tamandua blocks your path. You cannot continue without sating its fury..jpg (932x1000, 91K)

Their stages are wild.
Also the audience started booing when the VAs were advertising KF2's BDs.

Are you for real? Is there a video of it?

is there a video of that?
I want to see her breaking concrete blocks and the booing

What is it?

It's gotta suck having to advertise something so widely and openly hated. My condolences go to the VAs. They don't deserve this.

Attached: 1555734762380.jpg (1061x1500, 1.1M)

blocks 67:00
Dhole's VA is dangerous.

I forget, was Dhole's VA the one that used to be a Milky Holmes member who used to be a wrestler or am I confusing several VAs together?

No idea.

I can't really make out booing behind the music and the talking but the block breaking is pretty damn cool

Yeah, I overestimated the reaction during the stream.

Attached: body.png?20190426.png (307x652, 107K)

Probably thinking of PPP, Princess was part of MH and Rocker was a wrestler.

>Rocker was a wrestler.
That's probably who I was thinking about. Rocker and Dhole should have a wrestling match.

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Very molestable!

A reminder that Kyururu is Lucifer and Dog is God.

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KF2 is a misunderstood masterpiece.

Ha ha.

This is very kashikoi.

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I wonder if Japari Park uses synthetic meat for the carnivore japariman and that's where Kaban got the meat for the patties?

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I want to spoil and be ordered around by the owls!

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I’ll have two Japari Buns, a large Japari Bun, Japari Bread with extra dip, a bag of Japari Chips, two Japari Sticks, one with Japari Cheese, and a large Japari Soda.

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Fuck Moose and Fuck Moose People. This post was made by LionGang.


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I want to FLUFF Mimi-chan.

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Will lionfags ever learn their place? This is a MOOSE thread.

Can't we all get along?

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Yes, but we probably won't.

>Love and Piece
Dodo is being nice to ceruleans. No wonder she's extinct.

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A very "special" friend

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She's extinct because she is thick and tasty.

Man, I want that jet so badly.

She's dumb.

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The Dodo is a special, special bird. We feed her a little chicken, a little beef, and everyone loves to come pet her.

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Finally a person with tastes


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Which one is bigger and stronger, horse cock or moose cock?

Probably moose, they're huge

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My husband wife is so cute!

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>Name breaks down to numbers 322 in Jewish kabbalah these number equal 4 4 which is the number of JSDF aircraft so therefore equals dolphins which was said in the Yukawa Christ era carries fun plus 1 to sketchbook which has 14 pages and is equal to the 14 angels to equal the golden number 12 14 12 that repersents Isaiah Ch 14 section 12 that speaks of the 12 wings of Lucifer.

Maybe its the auto-translate but this reads like a crazed drunken hobo ranting on the street corner.

Knowing you can't handle a 5th round but Moose leglocks you anyway!

I don't know how to feel about a Japanese person being well-versed in the Bible and Old Testament.

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Honestly they seem consistently better about doing European history, myths, and legends then Europeans.

I would trust them to make a show about British history more than the BBC by far.
What they fuck up will be an accident, the BBC will fuck it up to rewrite history to fit with a narrative.

I want to be stuck in the amazon position!

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This and are perhaps two of my most favorite KF AMVs.

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I find it hard to top This IMO
They basically match the real one scene by scene and yet keep it pretty much in character.

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Kissing the snek and then running away!

>spent over 5 minutes looking for Kaban and Serval
It was completely worth it.

Can Yea Forums find:
>all 10 Lucky Beasts?
>The one Cerulean (that isn't Cerval)?
>the Four Gods Friends?
>the human?

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I found a friend I would like to hug.
And another one. And another one...

The owls envy big breasted Friends. Not so kashikoi anymore, huh.

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Got this one too.

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Their superiority complex arose from envy, as male visitors had no interest in molesting their under-developed bodies, unlike the other friends who had constant attention.

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>male visitors had no interest in molesting their under-developed bodies
This isn't what the staff of Japari Park had in mind when they opened the Japari Lodge. Why do you think they give you a free pack of balloons and various toys, books and movies to enjoy with the Friend(s) of your choice (at an hourly rate)?

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I found MOOSE and that's what's important to me subs

>that flying squirrel

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So wait, does this take place after KF1? Where exactly are these Friends? I don't think it's the same Southern Tamandua Friend (different VA and personality).

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No, the mountain hasn't erupted in episode 2 and every Friend shown has had their Nexon personality

I'm guessing this takes place before all of Japari Park was completely colonized and adapted to animal preservation and research, so it's a pseudo-prequel to the Nexon Game?

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>Tamandua's ears twitching slightly

I finally found this video again.

Sometime after the Dark age of humanity at least. I hope it isn't Kyururu in charge and directing exploration efforts.

Before KF1 and after Nexon

Only 4 members? Bald Eagle, Meerkat, Arai-san, Fennec?
Looks like the game is going to have a plot and explorations.

>Kyururu gets abandoned on Japari Park as it's getting the shit bombed out of it
>decades pass and adult Kyururu's skeleton is worshiped by Friends as proof that the gods once walked among them, as the knowledge from the last generation to make contact with humanity is slowly being eroded away with the passage of time

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First was the Dark age of Humanity in which the park was ran by wondrous technology it was an era of peace
Sadly human and all their secrets gifts were forgotten during the age of the disaster
Eventually the Immortal Human-Friend Kaban would be born and with her human knowledge she would lead efforts to reunite the park over a 2000 year period called the grand exploration.
Sadly the Immortal Human-Friend Kaban's plans would be brought to ruins by Kyururu who in her jealousy started the Brap-chan Betrayal.

Very nice, I got that and the 4 star one too. I just want the jet, trying to save the gay urchin to get the 10 + 1 free rolls.

In the grim, dark future of the 4th millennium, there can be no peace. Imperium of Friendkind when?

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Honestly makes me wonder how the friends think of their history.
Honestly age of humanity and the fall must be like ancient myth to them now considering this history is mostly only kept by word of mouth and tales.

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She finally did her special animation!

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can somebody please explain the joke here

>This is the history of the park first told by the Chieftain of the Island, who passed it down to the Archivists of the Island, who passed it down to the Researchers of the Island, who passed it down to us, the Analysts.
>In ancient times, the park was filled with all sorts of wonderful, magical inventions and there was more than one kind of Japariman to eat. The mysterious humans walked alongside us, and life was good.
>Then, the Event began, and a great War was waged against the encroaching Cerulean Queen her legions of Ceruleans which are innumerable. The war was eventually won, and peace had returned to the park.
>But one day, the fateful Cataclysm began, and a Great Black Terror threatened to consume the Park. A heroic Friend, along with the Gods, sacrificed themselves and became the Filter on the Mountain. With such a great sacrifice, humanity abandoned the park, as the Ceruleans were attracted to their spark of life.
>This is the history of Japari Park, as told to me by the forebearers before me, and now has been told to you, the future Chieftains of the Island.
Probably went something like that, given the Owls passed down all they knew to their successors if they were lucky enough to still be alive when new Owl Friends were born. That or they left written messages in whatever pawprint language the Friends use, which inevitably gets eroded and sometimes lost over time.

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Wow lucky. I haven't tried waterfront yet, I'm about 2000 coins away.

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Mirai is rejecting Kaban jokingly due to her age, since Mirai should be at least 16 years older than Kaban, and women are apprehensive about her age. Kaban was hurt by what Mirai said, and Kaban's Serval is a yandere who does not take lightly to having Kaban hurt.

Kaban was born from Mirai
Mirai really loves Friends

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Really Really loves Friends

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>Mirai is only 16
I keep thinking she's a christmas cake given how MATURE she looks, if not an outright milf.

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Nah she has been working at the park for awhile so she is in her 20's at least.
He just said there should be a 16 year difference between her and Kaban IE she need to be upper 20's to mid 30's to be her mother.

why was Kaban crying about it tho

Kaban is a friend, so she was less than a year old when she beat the black cerulean

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Your brain isn't happy meal enough to understand, I'm sorry.

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I was going on apparent age but yes that is true

I wish Caracal would show up in a Kemono Friends anime some day. She's so cute.

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>Live as an orphan then finally find your mother.
>Mother rejects you.


Kaban's the most precious newborn baby of all of Japari Park.

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I'm happy to see that the mangaka of KF2 has enough freedom to draw this very lewd friends, now I wish that advertisement didn't block Caracal's ass for maximum enjoyment.

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Got these at the same time yesterday.

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At least the game had a lot of Caracal.

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If your favorite friend isn't one of the ones already released, there will never be a nendo of her

I'm here just for the lewds.

Oh my, I didn't know she had another animation with the tamago?

Yeah, sometimes she just sits besides it. I want the Shoebill one.

> lewds.
Ceruleans don't belong here.

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Some Friends are inherently lewd, though. They didn't choose to be this way, so please don't discriminate against them.

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I'm here to remind everyone of Lion's superiourity

The only Friends that should be sanctioned for lewding are endangered and extinct Friends.

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Dumb Lion wasting digits meant for MOOSE

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Why would you say that? It hurts

I'm mostly here for the cute. Watching Friends do cute things and be happy is like watching someone's pet animal just do their business in adorable ways, if not also just being happy in general.
These KFP gifs are cute.

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LC friends deserve love, too!

For me, it's Human Friend.

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I'll be honest, kusobird's episode is not bad, Penguin's dancing is good. And the 12.1 and 12.2 is unexpectedly okay.

>the 12.1 and 12.2 is unexpectedly okay.
Please don't attach KF3 to KF2.

The user was talking about this

Serval being bad at naming things is a running joke in the game.
She also named Kaban. Gentlemen, how do we stop that savage?

Nah I was referring to kf3. That vid tho...

Stop posting Serval

Kaban-chan is SO cute! Ahahahaha!

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Hopefully soon, I fucking hate it when Anons create quality OC in a thread that's severely lacking it, especially when there's more than one of them coming together to create something especially nice.
If only I could enforce a rule that demands every thread may only contain the same regurgitated shit over and over again, I love that shit but Yea Forums just isn't enough for me, I need every thread on every board to be like that.

List of good thing about season 2:
Shitbird was cute
Doggo was cute
Hotel trio was cute
Mexican bossu was cute

It cured me of my Kemono Friends addiction.

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I like how the scene that starts at 2:32 is lifted straight from the Gatchaman Crowds S2 OP. I have no idea if it's a coincidence or not but Tatsuki actually worked on Crowds S1.

I need more abuse

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One of the guidebooks actually state she's supposed to be 18-20 years old which surprised me as I assumed she was in her mid 20s.

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>Hotel trio was cute
The only good part about the season.

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literally me

You've been assigned the correct pic already, use it.

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Yeah and they had their hotel destroyed, shitty things happening to likable characters was a common theme in Kf2.

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Kaban post betrayal.

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Post more Friends getting their boobs grabbed please.
Consent optional, I know I like consent but everyone has their own preferences.

>Fenencu's trip to Detroit

it also blocked Kyururu's crotch saving us from dangerzone

>be Kaban
>haven't found any humans for 2000 years
>assume they are all dead
>finally find another human
>it's fucking brap-chan
>she also NTR'd your best friend
No wonder Kaban didn't really seem so excited over meeting another human.

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Kusobird episode is dumb, boring and a filler. People made a mess of it because at the end of it a bully got bullied, rising the question of whether she deserved or not.