
>starts rewatching Bleach
>actually enjoying it even the fillers
>finish anime then start rereading the manga
>actually enjoying the fucking manga?

am I being a nostalgia fag? I was basically mesmerize by how refreshing the anime was for some reason. As for the manga I fucking hated the Xcution and TYBW chapters but I like them now? what is going on? Anyone else experience something like this?

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>enjoying things
You disgust me almost as much as my own life does.


Isn't the filler canon now? I heard that the novels refer to some of them.

hellverse is the only canon one (but it's a movie) I think I haven't read the light novels yet. I'm almost done with finishing the manga again. Once I do that I'll start the light novels

bleach is actually a good anime so it's not that weird
enjoying the fillers is weird though

>3 million a year
but isn't that good?

If Bleach stayed in the comfy urban setting it would have been 10x bettet

Early Bleach is comfy is fuck.

It's when they start shitting powers out the ass and start taking everything seriously that I lost interest.

Maybe you read as good as you write.

exactly this. rip bleach, my stillborn child

Reminder that One Piece's decline is even steeper

Early Bleach was simly great

>Starts anime
>finishes anime
>Starts manga
>finishes manga
I dunno about nostalgia, but dude, that's WEEKS of media consumption. You're making a thread off content you started months ago. I dunno how much "nostalgic memory" plays into it anymore.

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Early Bleach, both anime and manga, is refreshing.

That's stops being the case about 4 hours in. The next 95+% is repetitive.


I've been telling you fags for years now that Bleach wasn't ever this bad. Fucking hell. I still put it above One Piece.

Bleach doesn't have waifus except Rukia.

Despide everyone waving swords around, the fights are not interesting and technical at all. There's no skill and strategy and the swords are useless

It has no overarching plot

No power system. Everyone does whatever the fuck they want.

Most characters and very unlikeable. I distinctly remember hating most characters

>I'll put shit above the best manga ever created
This is your brain on Bleach

>One Piece
>best manga ever created
This is your brain on Oda's semen

100 times better than dr push and push clover

1. Viewing duration
366 episodes x 20 minutes airtime = 7,320 minutes
698 chapters x 5 minutes readtime = 3,490 minutes
7,320 + 3,490 = 10,810 minutes
10,810 / 60 minutes = 180 hours
>24 hour day - 8 hours of sleep - 8 hours of work - 1 hour commute/prep - 1 hour meal prep/consumption
>= 6 hour max of media viewing per day
180 / 6 = 30 days

There are 7 days in a week, and 30-31 days in a month.
Discounting bathing, other interests, friends, family, loading programs, other time-consuming activities, user is a neet loser dedicated to this only, never takes a day off, etc., Taking about a full month to consume the entirety of Bleach media is reasonable. Taking LONGER is much MORE reasonable.

2. Nostalgia
OP user questioned if it was his nostalgic feeling and investment in the series at the beginning that was the heaviest influencing factor as to why ALL of Bleach was so much more entertaining to him now, upon re-watching, than even before. A sense of "memory eliminating bad factors, only retaining positive elements" given the period of time witnessed. For this to be the case, nostalgia would need to remain as consistently a strong emotional feeling from start to finish of both the anime and manga reviewing, which runs fairly counter to what nostalgia is. His review would need to suddenly reverse feelings of disdain for things he knew he hated, but now loved, based purely on the fact that he has seen it before. This does not seem to be the case, so when he asked me, "Anonymous Yea Forums poster" for my opinion, I noted the likelihood that, no, nostalgia is not the most important reason for his altered infatuation with previous content he emphatically hated.

Did that help answer your question, Anonymous???

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I think he's saying he's been consuming it for months so its probably not just nostalgia.

Personally I think Yea Forums memed me into liking bleach even more than when I was a dumb teenager, but I'm not OP and havent been able to watch more than a few dozen episodes of the anime ever.

based contrarian

Yeah. For him to still think, "wow, I love this" after watching it for so many hours has got to mean that is genuinely good media. Not just 'member berries.

Rent free

Memories of nobody is canon. Hellverse WAS going to be canon but pierrot completely changed the original script
