Ask the United Nations to consider a peace treaty

>ask the United Nations to consider a peace treaty
>get nuked

How the fuck he's the bad guy?

Attached: meruem.jpg (700x393, 40K)

Other urls found in this thread:

His favorite snack is human brain.

Wouldn't it make more sense for Meruem to be a cannibal if he gets more energy and nen from Chimera Ants than Humans?

Why the fuck does he look like a bootleg Chinese version of cell from DBZ

Because your monkey brain sees reptile+green=cell

I mean Gon is literally kid goku

Why the fuck would he eat his people when he has an entire species of delicious people close by?

because he gets more from his people fucking dumbass

>ask the United Nations to consider a peace treaty

more like

>would have allowed a few handpicked worthy humans to live in a concentration camp

his entire motivation was just togashi jacking off about communism. Which is beyond fucking hilarious considering how he's made his living.

Whether or not that's true, what does it have to do with anything?

Real communism hasnt been tried yet

(((United nations)))

What did he expect?

All 3 forms of Cell look miles better designed, and are more interesting to follow.

I thought it was Togashi jacking off to Imperial Japan. Hell, the ants got nuked. Not including Togashi tried to play an ad hominem (the ants invaded North Korea and it was already a shithole so it's not big deal and Meruem was going to improve it at the long term) which coincidentally it's the official justification for the Asia invasion in Japanese history. Also humans posses a far more destructive power with the nukes, which somehow mean the anst committing genocide wasn't THAT bad, again a popular argument of the Japanese nationalists with some obvious changes. Finally the ants's loyalty toward their heika is portrayed as heroic and with varying degree it redeem them from their many crimes (even pompadour guy doesn't feel like killing Youpi anymore despite he had all the intention to continue killing for his king). It's moral relativism in service of whitewashing the crimes of the past. To be fair, Japan isn't the only nation who do it, see America

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real communism is impossible.

it has been tried, it's never been accomplished because it's impossible

Not true

This user gets it.

finding kurapika hot doesn't make you gay

What the fuck are you talking about ?

you get more protein from cockroach paste yet you don't eat that shit you god damned idiot.

It feels like your really stretching to get that point across. The usage of the nuke in HxH isn't very similar to the historical context your referencing, and the rest of your argument could be made to apply to any authoritarian faction that's represented as "not entirely evil" within Japanese media. I'm not an expert on Togashi but I've never heard of him being a Japanese WWII apologist.

Narrative stops potraying him as an antagonist after he "saw the light" thanks to that bumbling savant crybaby. So Discount-Cell is not a villain, Pouf is.
I agree with most of this post. I like this post. It's a fine interpretation, however:
>Youpi anymore despite he had all the intention to continue killing for his king
You are giving Togashi the hack too much credit, both the muscle head and the cat were slowly evolving as a characteres, just like other ants who deserted from army, their one-dimensional nature and motivation that could be unironicly described as "muh king" started to crumble a little as it is visable in Youpi who begins to doubt and question himself after fleeing from the fight he won.....then hiatus comes... and then Togashi axes them from the story because their powerlevels were too high LOL.

I forgot to ad my meme pic

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Japs were the bad guys in WW2 but they got nuked too

Because he wasn't human. Next question.

He didn't really anything wrong. The perceived wrong by the world was him even being born in the first place. To build up the Chimera Ant empire and birth the stronger ones, thousands of humans were massacred animalistically, destroying a whole country in the process. That's not something most people can forgive and forget.

>his entire motivation was just togashi jacking off about communism.
Weird since the chimeras killed both Kim Jong Un and Pol Pot.

those were both fascists, not communists.
it takes more than just declaring at gunpoint what you're doing is communism to be a communist

We don't negotiate with terrorists

Both of those movements were far left. Fascism is far right.

Fascism is far right, but it can masquerade as (or at least declare itself to be) leftist. Most major fascist regimes use popular leftist ideas as a cover while they consolidate power - with some continuing to insist they're communist/socialist despite that clearly not being the case.

this user is correct, modern day china is insanely fascist yet calls itself communist

The ant couldn't go a couple of days without completely changing his entire ideology, which makes sense since he's so young.

Based, but it must be said that the so called """war crimes""" that the blue-for allegedly committed in the war commonly known as "Liberation of Danzig" which some also claim falsely as a world war have been GREATLY exaggerated by the carrion bird like and capricious, ignoble and morally abhorrent red-for. And we must also remember that even if few of the "crimes" did happen, we consider that it was a war, and sometimes you just have to break some eggs to take Leningrad. Collateral damage, truly nobody was responsible. Hmm the air bombings though, now those were a real holocaust.

>How the fuck he's the bad guy?
He wanted to eat half of the mankind. Duh

Because he found ants even more delicious?

>constantly state that is ok to eat humans because they are not their species
>start eating chimeras

He was already facing a growing number of chimera rebels, I don't think it would be wise for him to go full cannibal.


Does that make him the bad guy or.....

War doesn't know mercy, user. Country, who started it, know what it takes and consequences.
Which why Ant emperor is a villian he broke the nature law by putting himself above human. Becouse human has a common with a divine.


King should have gathered more intel and arrived at the logical conclusion that it is ill advised to fight against mankind considering their economic and technological disparity.

Ant emperor has broken the law of nature.

You've broken the law of English

Laws are meant to be broken. Especially if you're as OP as Meruem.

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Doesn't matter, ants can't produce shit like art and entertainment.
No one would choose them on a leader role.

Indeed, he broke the laws of nature the immutable by laws of business the ebbs and flows of finance and he had to atone.

If he truly desired domination, he should have opened a central a bank.

The Chimera Ant Arc and to a (lesser) extent hxh in general has no real heroes or villains. Every character hastheir own desires they wish to act upon at any cost, by any means.

It makes him a threat

Law set by divine rule. It is fine to have a war, but getting rid of human superiority, doesn't ok.

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People are still circlejerking over this guy

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The Queen should have eaten more jews

That wasn’t the argument he posted. He said
>Why the fuck would he eat his people when he has an entire species of delicious people close by?
That argument falls apart because he found he likes the taste of Ants much more than humans.

>Get nuked
No way fag

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Go back to Yea Forums faggot.

The only thing i wished would be for ants to get maybe 2 decades to genocide people so the humans would come up with horribly efficient anti-ant nen abilities, like kurapika. Shit like killing ants to fuel your power, nen curses, post-mortem suicide nen and death vows would arise from the sheer grief caused by the ants.
Would be amazing to see what togashi would come up with

It depends. On ebonics or American english

> post-mortem suicide nen and death vows
Thats already a thing. There is a post mortem nen suicide squad on the boat

Yeah but point is the ants would be fucked since humans would just Come up with sick shit to combat them, and its really easy to distinguish and hate them

>Get nuked

Yeah on a technicallity, but still.

Actually the "taste" thing is based on how strong the person was, he only found the royal guards "tastier" because they were stronger than anyone he did eat before.

Survives. On purpose to suffer and die.

Anime only girl here. When did Martin ask the United Nations?

didnt a peace treaty mean he would rule the world as the true king

Bro they used the cheapest nuke available

With the one he loved/loves (choose either) like a true hero.

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The three asspulls that ruined HxH

Like true "an hero", you mean.
His whole plan was suicide from the beginning, dude start war with a wrong species, and got a lesson.

>off by 4

Still did quite the damage.
Wait, really? (anime only fag, plan to read up)

He should have read a bunch of books about history instead of playing chess like a nerd

Its explained in the anime too. Ep 91

He would not understand a not bit of it, because of lacking human emotions.

That lesson being?

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Reminder that Meruem never once felt any remorse for his crimes.

I thought it was only that those who used nen tatsed good to him? PRobably didnt read between the lines like I should with this huh.
Humans always evolve.

He did get nuked. Would you feel remorse after that?

I love that scene. The entire fight. The entire show really. god i'm a faggot.

Sure thing speedreader/watcher

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Show us the next page Yea Forumsnon....

>and it was already a shithole so it's not big deal and Meruem was going to improve it at the long term
Are you fucking retarded?
He was going to have 99% of the country's population killed, with the 1% fit enough to survive a nen baptism being mutated into soldiers for him.

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I never got this part of the Manga, why the fuck the Hunters would take care of a country and how? They are nothing more than some kind of international CIA with less than a thousand agents. Is not their job to manage shit, they only hunt criminals and rescue valuable things.

Yeah and after speaking that his power is absolute he goes and saves Komugi from annoyed bird.

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Why didn’t they just nuke the palace in the first place. Instead of wasting a bunch of time with the invasion team they could have just leveled it instantly and Netero would still be alive.

He didnt know the V5 existed. He thought Netero was the president of the world

Communism Bad. Orange man good

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Especially after they have multiple entrance portals to the place. They could have just dumped nukes in there and left.
You just learn the Togashi is a bigger hack than first imagined anytime you take a second to analyze this shit.

A country where all the citizens were bugmen, and posed a threat to all of humanity.

You are thinking small, why do not just to ask her to kill all ants?

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>all the citizens were bugmen
Not true

Have sex.

You know shit about geopolitics and repercussions for using nukes in neutral countries, kiddo

I;m not disagreeing with you, just using the wrong time in the story. Before being nuked he still wants to rule the world, kill a majority of the population, turn suvivors into soldiers. After he gets his memories back is he actually a human, emotionally and mentally speaking.

>File: 40F80FB4-2A3F-47EB-9A9A-F(...).jpg
sent from my iPhone

Not even that. Just put her in a room with Komugi after wishing for a million dollars.

>Using nukes against other countries is against the international law
>fear of it causing future nuclear conflicts

They even censored the fact a nuke was used to kill Meruem.

What do you think the world community would do once they learn something powerful like Nanika exists?

No limits fallacy. She is not omnipotent.

>neutral country
It’s leader killed almost the entire population of another country, and is creating super weapons out of the citizens of its own country.
You are retarded.

The Amish and kind of communism

She’s literally more of a get out of jail free card than fucking dragon balls kiddo


>Japs were the bad guys
and that's where you are wrong kiddo.

She is literally God (Togashi) in human form. They will die before that happens.

Meruem was never said to be the leader. They still used Diego and everyone thought he was giving the orders.
An elite assassination team was a better solution

They didn't aknowledged Meruem power over the nation and there was still millions of survivors.

It would be like US nuking Syria right after Isis took Mosul.

>Nanika kill humanity

To an extent, (by extent I mean stretch), they did.


He openly told Netero that he would get rid of most of humanity, what are you talking about?

The only reason the ants weren't noticed is that they landed in a communist shithole, what are you talking about?

> Meruem was going to improve it at the long term
Meruem wasn't going to improve anything, he going to eat all of the inhabitants, and it was a big deal for the hunters, it wasn't a big deal globally because North Korea blocked all communications with the exterior, so they didn't even know how bad the situation was. Togashi never justified their invation. Also having heroic qualities and being a villain aren't mutually exclusive, specially considering how the guards were merely acting out of their programmed instinct to protect the king. And Knuckles merely felt some empathy towards Youpi because he was already said to be a guy that liked animals, disliked violence (but he liked fighting, so, quite cleverly, his ability allows him to fight while negating the consequences of violence), and he also said that he would even like to meet the King and talk to him.

>I never got this part of the Manga, why the fuck the Hunters would take care of a country and how?
Did you miss the part where NGL was designated as a nature preserve? There's not much to take care of. To begin with it was a luddite country (used as a front by a drug cartel while the idiots living there were unaware).
As for why it was given to the Hunter Association, they're a prestigious international organization and it's been mentioned several times that looking after the environment, taking out poachers, etc is supposed to be a secondary responsibility of hunters.
It's also implied they got it as a reward for handling the chimera ant incident, as another character (either Morel or Ging iirc) speaks of it as "getting a big backyard to play in".

Because he's fucking Hitler. A guy that believes he's of a superior race/species and decides who gets to live and who dies based on his arbitrary reasons. At least Hitler tried to make the beautiful people the dominant ones, this faggot picked fucking ants. He was basically spreading his asshole and asking for a nuke.

The world powers all knew about Meruem. They’re the ones who fucking assigned the Hunter Association to the problem in the first place.

Only those who will attack her, duh. She/he has that power.

Sure thing bad memory san.

Maybe to not harm civilians? That was the explicit reason for Netero to lure him away from the palace. I'm starting to think that Hunter x Hunter is really pretty hard to understand, no one seems to get it.

Why go with full force from the beginning? The shit was resolved with less, why start with nukes? That, and Netero wanted a fight.

Nanika could probably kill everybody she knows, except Killua, probably, i don't know.

Knowing about a threat is different than recognizing him as head of state and legitimate ruler. After Meruem died they didnt disclose anything about his existence and blamed it all on Diego

No, they were specifically trying to prevent that. There were lots of humans congregated in the capital. Seriously, any of you even read or watched it?

Only if they're low IQ

>and Netero wanted a fight.

What point are you trying to make, exactly?

Entire nations would go after her. Look how much effort they spent to send people in the DC to get some calamities.

>when you realize the queen ant was released on purpose from some secret facility and never washed up from the DC

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You're talking to animeonly subhumans

Dumb moetard

They are will die, her power is unlimited.

That he wasn't hitler.

Because he loved someone? Not really convincing.

One is the cirizens of West Gorteau. The other is the whole of humanity.
Make your choice brainlet.

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>Nanika wipe out entire continents

The anime doesn't really change that part, though.

They are asking for this.

Hae you seen everything that came beforehand or a re you just prologing your bait?

I'd send 3 guys and implant a cheap nuke in some old bastard looking for a fight. But give him the condition that he can use the nuke only in a secluded area

Did you miss the part where he was telling Netero that he'd use humans as cattle but graciously spare some humans? also this manga's gags are really gay at times

Yes. Youpi and Pouf are the best he's eaten in terms of a boost and taste by far, and Nen users are better than other humans.

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Still cant belive Kurapika married Leorio after Yorknew

Yes, he was eating human brains and had a whole country's worth of people gather just so the they get killed/turned to ants. That's what he was doing beforehand. If you're trying to point at something else, besides that he loved someone, be more specific.

>only use the nuke in a secluded area
> Meruem refuses to follow him and fights him in the Palace and kills him
Luckily it was all accoedong to keikaku.

It's a gag user. I just mentioned that.

Prologing the bait I see.

You are but HxH is a really good series with atrocious pacing.
Ants are would be so dead, if that was her job. But what was the price?

Also I’m pretty sure the vast majority of the hypnotized people at the palace got killed from pouf’s scale. The nuke wouldn’t have mattered either way. It would also save them the trouble from dealing with the 5000 CA that hadn’t hatched yet as well.

Fair enough.

Say nothing of substance, pretend like you actually did. Classic damage control.

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Only 45k died

>"hey guys, we're far left!"
>"and we do far left stuff!"
"aktwualy, what you're doing is bad and bad things are far right. checkmate fascist"


>implying CA was pro communism

Braindead fucker. Togashi is anti-communist.

This. Togashi is a globalist.

Netero hired Zeno for the sole purpose of separating the king from the location. If Meruem had refused, the plan remains the same. Move him away from the palace. It just gets substantially harder, as they have to fight for it.

Ironically Mereum was defeated by the power of
Man in the end. A nuke is the way he
Dies. It's actually kinda schocking to see.
In a few episodes after he got revived he saw his
End. Atleast he got to play with Komugi one last

Togashi is Japanese. He is anti-globalist.

Japan is part of NATO and it has a central banking system

>as they have to fight for it
So he kills both of the old men instead of just one, and the palace is nuked.
There was literally nothing the two of them could do if Meriem refused to follow them.


>There was literally nothing the two of them could do

this. "real" communism is simply in opposition to human behavior. marx liked to pretend he understood human behavior but had no idea

According to you, not the manga.

Not much point in posting that hidden message here. Most anons on Yea Forums are probably too smart to care about capeshit.

Why would he put Komugi in danger by fighting them in the Palace?

Why the fuck are you writting like that?

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He was a villain at first but ultimately ended up as an anti villain

This. thread over.

he's being a cheeky bitch

Look at the first letter of each line you genuine brainlet.

Read the first word of each line


What did he mean by this?

The assassination team had no idea about Komugi beforehand. Meruem caring for her was not at all part of the plan.

>two people weaker than the royal guards
>forcing Meruem to do anything he doesn’t want to do

Yes, he only wanted to wipe out most of humanity until he was nuked, after which he realized he's dying anyway, so he stopped being a dick and focused on doing what he liked doing. So anti-villainous.

Out of all boards you choose Yea Forums? seriously thats the biggest waste of time, at least spoil it on Yea Forums or something

Netero slapped him around thousands of times. He'd have slapped him away from the palace like a bitch.

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>two people weaker than the royal guards
Did you even see the reaction Pitou had to just seeing Netero? He was shitting literal bricks and thought the guy could kill the king.

>god i'm a faggot.

>until he was nuked
no he wanted to be a sort of savior of mankind before he was nuked. komugi changed his mind. are you a speedreader or just genuinely forgot?

Who is the better written villain, Meruem or Garou?

Literally the only person who’s canonically capable of fighting Meruem is adult Gon. Even though we don’t know how close the fight would be between them. We can guess by Gon being able to one shot a royal guard.

Garou not a villian.

Bad guy does not mean villain does not mean antagonist does not mean evil does not mean wrong.
I swear to fuck half the time I want to become an English teacher just so I can prevent as many children as possible from growing up not understanding basic character traits and dynamics. Every god damn fucking day I see grown ass adult men misusing basic literary terms.

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meruem. garou is a schizo cunt

Don't talk shit about shizo cunt.

The royal guard would deude themselves into thinking a fucking mosquito has a chance at killing Meruem.

Cause he's a hypocrite who wanted to solve human inequality between the bourgeois and proletariat by enslaving them both to that lower than slaves. Which does not even remove the inequality, but simply moves the line so that ants are now at the top of the dividing line.

>bad guy doesn't mean villain
what is this autism? bad guy is a term children use to refer to the villain dumb fuck

You have to learn proper punctuation and prose if you want to be an English teacher

Yeah too bad it would only send him a hundred feet away or so each time.

mentally ill

Zeno would also help

in all fairness meruem would be a great ruler of mankind

You'd be dead if he was the ruler

Any proof that Meruem wouldn’t instantly kill Zeno. Even Zeno admitted that fucking Chrollo could kill him if he wouldn’t try to take his nen ability.

No I wouldn't. He didn't want to kill off humanity dumb shit

this. zeno doesn't even compare to netero, how could he do jack shit against meruem

Still you whould be dead under his rule anyway as a cattle..

Episode 122. That's when Netero and Meruem have the talk prior to their battle and the subsequent nuking. This is what he says.

>Originally, you humans were as no more than livestock to me.
>But I have changed my mind now.
>I learned A FEW humans are worth keeping alive.

At best, a fraction of humanity lives. Not much of an anti-villain, just a villain.

He has cells' first forms with the colors of his second form, also both eat a great amount of people.

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Adult Gon would dab over the corpse of Meruem.

Forgot pic

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Who can beat him at this point?

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True. Have sex and leave the house

Almost anyone that matters

Have certain scans online been altered beyond a translation in certain chapters?

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The Zoldycks were like | | close to killing him. But chose not to.

Relevant people in the story:
He can't. He will kill a few spiders, but Danchou will win.
He can't. Kurapika already had his moment against him.
They can't.
He definitely can't. He's there to job to Hisoka.
Maybe, but why would he?
Maybe, but why would he?

No, go read that fight again. Chrollo was just fucking with them trying to steal their abilities while they were tryharding. They didn't spare him, he just survived the nen blast of Silva. When the Zoldycks get an assassination mission, they give it their 100%.

He literally has a plot device that lets him kill any spider no matter how big of an asspull it would be.

Plot convenience. He's the ultimate asspull character, way beyond people like post-nuke Meruem or Nanika.

But Chrollo already got in his chains before. Why would Togashi write that again?

>adult Gon
Pathetic, almost DBS tier, congratulations.

>implying humans need an excuse to attack another species

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>bugmen did nothing wrong
>they were the superior beings all along
>get nuked for no reason
woah what did togashi mean by this?

But he sacrificed his entire life to achieve that state. It was written well and was actually logical considering the nen system of restriction.

But the Alluka asspull on the other hand...

This, japs still seething after the nuke. All that talk about war being bad and humanity being at fault is just a cover for them to brainwash the youth into thinking that the nukes were unsubstantiated. The nukes freed their people

Sooner or later, edgelords turn to fascism. Also, modern otakus and creators are nationalists too cringe for the Japanese far-right

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Maybe because he’s a hack?

Two wrongs don't make right, user. Not including the americans negotiate with the emperor for not touching the royal family (Hirohito's uncle lead the Nanking's invasion) and leave Japan pretty much as it is. That's why only Tojo and some low rank officers were executed while the war criminals were never punished. There wasn't a real change from the war, it was business as usual

He isn't

>implying nukes are too evil even for the chimera ants and they wouldn't gleefully employ them if they had the chance

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For mankind he was a bad guy, for ants he was a king.

Is this the only case in manga/anime where typical human weapon worked on a major threat?

Why would destroy their food?

And the Ants are far stronger than humans. I literally do not see your point here.

I never got why people had any sympathy for Meruem. He was a genocidal beast who planned to kill 99% of humanity, then changed his viewpoint to keep some humans he deems worthy as cattle, and his "humanity" was when he abducted a girl in her teens under the threat of death and couldn't beat her at a board game.

He deserved to die and I am glad he and his megalomaniacal plans died.

>calling Gon-san, adult Gon

Posturing, fear, annoyance, shits and giggles, etc. It's not people on the opposite side of the known world are getting the ants fed.

Then why didn't he like Peggy's taste? There's nothing to imply Peggy was left out of learning nen from getting punched by Rammot.

One person is not the sum of their nation's politics

Fuck off, nerd.

He was a toddler.

Nice user, now go back to work.

He’s an incel magnet. Almost all of his defenders relate to him in that way.

Most Japanese agree with Togeppi-san.

Google "the rape of Nanjing" Japan deserves it and more

All bad guys deserve, not only Japan. This is law of universe.

He considered all of humanity cattle, then he changed his viewpoint to "well some of them can be pets." I never found him particularly appealing, he's interesting, yes, because his attitude isn't that different than that of human beings, but not sympathetic at all. He even guilt tripped Komugi into dying just so he could have a comfy death. His death was more about being so powerful that he was ignorant about the ways of the world than about humans being shitty: weaker beings have kept existing by using underhanded methods, it's not surprising.

No user the ants are the fucking villains, they massacred entire villages and meruem wanted to treat humans as cattle

>But give him the condition that he can use the nuke only in a secluded area
That was only because Netero wanted to. The world powers would probably have sacrificed East Goruto without problem, the country dissappeared anyway at the end of the conflict. Netero and the hunters, in one of the few moments of humanity, decided to give a shit about the citizens.

It's a fake choice, just like the original trolley problem. Netero only had the nuke as a failsafe in case he were to lose.

the old man admitted he couldn't do but I think Chrollo would think twice about Killua's dad

Zeno is probably stronger than Silva and Silva couldn't even put down a teen Chrollo. If Chrollo was actually focusing on killing them he could have done it right there.

maybe because there were ton of civilian around???

No, specially Japan no other country commit to such scale of genocide as the Japanese did, they fucking started the war as well (depending on who you ask) two nukes weren't literally enough there should've been more, to this day Japan hasn't even apologized once or even acknowledged what they did, they're truly scum. At least they got bombed so hard that all their maculity evaporated and they became some moeblob island

Phinks + Meleoron combo would kill that guy easily tho

true, I guess they shouldn't have taken the job
he still managed to kill his target that first time they met

Which is why Chrollo was openly hostile towards Silva.

See . Redditors/Cuckademia fags (aka Chrollolets) think that Nanika is overpowered and can do everything, but that is not actually true. The only time she did something with no consequences was when Killua asked her to heal.

You can't be friends with a species that not only eat you, but gets exponentially stronger while doing so. Like, even if Meruem was on the up and up what's to stop another ant from eventually getting even stronger?

chrollo is too cool for hostility
I'm an animeonly so I figures Silva just killed his target way back when and Chrollo wasn't involved but they met without fighting
but that doesn't make sense because then how would Silva know about chrollo's power if he never fought him
you'd think a family of assassins would be at least be strong enough to take out the leader of a gang of thieves
also they were pretty indiscreet for assassins in that chrollo fight

How would they be able to be discreet? They were searching him with En.

Dude, he even has Cell's tail.

well Silva didn't have to summon enormous purple testicles of death

Attached: weakbitch.png (1366x768, 1.44M)

What other ability could they have used? Zeno's dragon isn't really low-key either.

Silva knows Chrollo's ability thus he must have fought him

well it created a giant explosion, not really assassin-quiet but I liked it
I mean not only Japan that breaks universe law. There was an others. Who got the consequences.

Who said the Zoldycks were assassins working in the shadows? They got a big'ol mansion and everyone know where they live.

true that I guess, I think he only did that because it's Chrollo though

She could easily kill Meruem. But what would be the price? Hmm...

He had just been born, he was growing up quickly and soon would have ruled the planet with a benevolent fist

Nah humans are more stronger and smarter. Meruem is too pure for this world.

The price for killing someone like Meruem would probably be so high that it would kill every Redditor who still thinks that Meruem would be one shot by Knov's portal ability, or that Meruem could be mind controlled as long as it is a Manipulation ability

There's no limit and no consequences if Killua commands, it's written in the manga and that's how it works whether you like it or no, anything else is headcanon, subhuman faggot

Also no consequence for healing either.

wow you sure ruined my day, as an Yea Forums viewer I really care about your people running around in their underwear movie

>There's no limit and no consequences if Killua commands
your headcanon

Why did Greed Island felt like a filler arc while it had more buildup than Yorknew and the Chimera arc?

It even had a filler villain just so Gon could actually beat the main bad guy.

Literally stated by in the manga, I'm not even bothering posting the pics for a retard like you