Adults no longer outgrow anime. The industry prefers that they hang on to the adolescent illusion of carefree...

>Adults no longer outgrow anime. The industry prefers that they hang on to the adolescent illusion of carefree, escapist pleasure by pretending that the form’s juvenile cynicism is a sign of sophistication — replacing the traditional sources of imaginative thinking. The cultural monopoly represented by the Trigger Cinematic Universe in its latest release, Promare, depends on geeked-up viewers telling themselves that they are having a major cultural experience.

>The directors Hiroyuki Imaishi and Yoh Yoshinari do routine CGI action, but they don’t know how to supply meaning to any of the goings-on, and that’s the major difference between Trigger and the Kyoto Animation Universe, which advanced from Yamakan’s nihilism to Naoko Yamada’s visual richness and emotional depth. Takemoto's Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya was the first modern anime movie to deal with mature themes and play out a credible moral dilemma. Going deeper with Koe no Katachi and Liz and the Blue Bird, Yamada’s art angered the kiddies. Trigger fans don’t know what great filmmaking is. They defer to their post–Kill la Kill indoctrination. The Yoshinari brothers’ big battle isn’t a climactic summation, just a clash of CGI dots like the indecipherable, interminable Gurren Lagann skirmishes. And the sentimental, nostalgic farewell to two beloved animators is hokey. Yamada rescued anime movies from nihilism and juvenilia, making modern myths worthy of adult spirituality and politics. Promare takes place in a violent kindergarten.

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Anus cultists are subhuman vermin

Good post, Yea Forumsro

There's no reason to use sophisticated language to describe why you like/dislike certain cartoons over others. Cute anime girls can be enjoyed for enjoyment's sake. What a bore.

At least wait a bit before copying this Endgame review. It's way too "on the nose".


Wait, now I want to know the original context so I can see what's being compared.

Just so you know, this is an Armond White quote from his Avengers Endgame review, with all names replaced with anime related stuff.

>Armond White
>Is a Basketball-American

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The review seriously sounds like a post from Yea Forums.

Fucking Armond White, man.

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yes, trigger is shit, nothing new

>Trigger fans=kiddies
Nothing wrong here

Yea Forums is nowhere near as literate or eloquent as White.

Trigger BTFO.
>Promare takes place in a violent kindergarten.

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Well yeah, it's not like I could learn anything from Trigger

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Back in my day if you presented a report without sources in elementary school you got an F.

who the fuck is White

newfags don't know that

Reary activates my armonds

After reading this butchered review more times that I should have, I can not figure out for the life of me whether he likes Avengers or not. You call Trigger the cultural monopoly, so that's clearly Marvel, but all the criticisms in the second paragraph sound like all the reasons that DC sucks. Did you switch subjects halfway through the pasta? No one's going to copy it if it's totally incoherent.

Avengers films were neat at first just from the gimmick of giving every hero their own origin film before the crossover, but after the first one Hollywood is just milking that shit for all it's worth.
I can see the point about Watchmen, but saying that Man of Steel or Batman v. Superman is "deep" or really anything over than an angst baiting, gritty reboot is a literal "opinion discarded" moment, and criticizing Lord of the Rings without any appreciation for the wider social context of the source material is even worse.

I've read it. It's hilarious.
> Infantilization is the MCU game plan. A serious publication is obligated to point out similarity to the free-college, no-student-loans, socialized-medicine political promises that stoke immaturity. Also note how Endgame secularizes religious allegories. The end-times premise is hollow, just an excuse for the usual sci-fi, CGI destruction. Even Thor’s junked-up Norse myth and Black Panther’s purely cosmetic Afrocentricity join the trend of ignoring spiritual faith and trivializing national heritage.
Peak boomerism right here.

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The Marvel movies are garbage. They are paint-by-numbers, designed-by-committee artistic sludge released at regular intervals to exploit a manufactured "fandom" by bastardizing the original stories into tepid garbage.

The last two Avengers movies are so drab and lobotomized that they contain only superficial resemblance to the original high cosmic drama of Starlin's original "Infinity Gauntlet" story on which they are allegedly based. Thanos wen't from being larger-than-life operatic villain to "Mean Purple Guy".

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Its entertainment. Like a theme park ride, you got on it, enjoy it, and move on with your life. I worry about work and layoffs and elections and real world stuff all day long, I'll be damned if I listen to some rich guy saying that me trying to have some fun is bad.

If a committee could make marvel movies, why isn't every studio making marvel movies?

>The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) first infantilizes its audience, then banalizes it, and, finally, controls it through marketing.
>This commercial strategy, geared toward adolescents of all ages, resembles the Democratic party’s political manipulation of black Americans, targeting that audience through its insecurities about heritage, social prestige, and empowerment. So Marvel’s new, instant blockbuster Black Panther appeals to adolescent fantasies about birthright and ethnic invincibility — dishing up the routine super-heroics of T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman), a black version of Batman who fights crime dressed as a panther. He’s a recent addition to the Marvel Avengers series and the new king of Wakanda, a fictitious African nation devised by two of Marvel’s pseudo–social scientists, writer Stan Lee and illustrator Jack Kirby.
Much of this applies to anime.

What hobby am I supposed to enjoy as an adult then?

A film reviewer. He's a Yea Forums meme. As said, the OP is just an anime-style edit of his Endgame review.

This guy unironically sounds based af. Admittedly I've always hated capeshit.

I just wanna watch something cool or wacky while I eat, man. Why you gotta make a big deal?

If adults weren't watching capeshit, he'd literally be writing reviews for children and teenagers.

Armond is Yea Forums: the critic. He shits on everything that's popular and has given birth to the Harry Potter copypasta.

KyoAni shows.

They don't have the rights so they can't make marvel movies.

Working more for no pay.

> the Harry Potter copypasta.

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(watching) sports and making money for your corporate overlords.

While capeshit is very bottom tier storytelling these days, this guy is kinda full of shit.

He writes his reviews for the readers of National Review, a conservative right-wing media site. He has also written multiple books on contemporary art and media but I don't think capeshit fans read books.

>having fun
>as an adult
Work, have children, clean your room, read Solzhenitsyn and Dostoevsky.

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Dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises etc

Lurk moar newfag

Good job mods, not deleting cancerous studiowar threads like this on sight certainly doesn't help making this board more like Yea Forums with every passing day.

Not even pol, but jp is so misunderstood.

Do you regret all that time you spent watching anime?

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>Promare takes place in a violent kindergarten.
I thought he was dissing VEG here.

>Takemoto's Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya was the first modern anime movie to deal with mature themes and play out a credible moral dilemma.
casual detected

The fact that so many people still name Evangelion as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" anime ever only tells you how far anime still is from becoming a serious art.
Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe.
Anime fans are still blinded by commercial success. Evangelion sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore it must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Anime fans are often totally ignorant of the anime of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that Evangelion did anything worthy of being saved.

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2013: soul
2019: soulless

> lurk moar to know about an off-topic pasta

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A consequence of bloat. Unqualified management building walls to protect themselves because they can't compete on a level playing field.

but jazz and classical are shit.
critics are always shit.
>controversial Beethoven
there's nothing controversial in classical music kid. it's just calm, comfy music for some lord's entertainment.
eva is not the greatest commercial succes, but it surely is the most controversial and unrelated the best anime of sll time.
plebbit is there for you.

I don't think National Review readers read books either.

>jp is so misunderstood
KEK he is self-contradictory and clueless surrogate daddy so understanding him completely is impossible.
But hey, I was only joking my dude.

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>but jazz and classical are shit.

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The report button exists because janitors are not omniscient.

So is it supposed to be Tigger = MCU and Kyoani = DCEU?

sorry, i read those as a teen, now i need something better, something suited to my age

The high taxes on the middle class don't help.

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Do you think that I would complain if reporting had worked?

>it's just calm, comfy music for some lord's entertainment.

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Is this king of Yea Forums? The Armond White of Japan?

yes, I absolutely do

I got the joke, but most of the criticism coming his way is in the vein of the points you just made. He ended up in the spotlight by accident and most of his platform is just him thinking out loud, some of it is insightful and some is bullshit. That's how thinking works. People are just so accustomed to overly sterilized content that anything genuine is uncomfortable.

Oh wait, I'm retarded. It's actually his Endgame review.

all of this but unironically

>Cute anime girls can be enjoyed for enjoyment's sake.
But ARE they? I seriously doubt it.

Great opinion you got here

It's not wrong. Trigger is void of all metaphysical meaning, even when they try. Specially when they try.

holy shit what a cuck lmao