Ikuhara is genius!

Ikuhara is genius!

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The show is boring and gay. In short: a shit.

Coincidentally a shit comes from the butt. Really makes you thonk.

Seen this show has lots of thread.
Is it good?


Ikuhara is an overrated hack director

If you like traps, maybe

Attached: Enta the faggie.jpg (848x480, 55K)

This show is genius. Normies do't understand.

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Ikuhara is a fag

How? Even I really tried to not understand this show I still understand what happenned.

So, what part do you not understand, normalfag?

Explain it to me.

Only a soul full of feelings can understand what this cat symbolize.

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This show just made you think that you were special or smarter than other people. It's a cheap trick to make you like this show.

This say your say homophobia. Kill it.

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I enjoy this faggot-ass show

Can someone post the interview where he talks about Sarazanmai as a bait and switch about how he kept expecting someone to call him out?

being tooi is suffering

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toi is the only character I can somewhat relate too

So i watched the first 3 episodes.
Looks gay as fuck but the crosdresser and Enta are both cute.
So am i gay now?

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how you feel?

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I dunno user, but enta does things to me

>another episode of overrated hack director shits out garbage