Read or watch? I like the art style of the anime more, but with all the episodes I feel like it’ll have a lot of filler

Read or watch? I like the art style of the anime more, but with all the episodes I feel like it’ll have a lot of filler.

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I'm sure you can find a filler episode list, but it's an incomplete adaptation so you'll need to switch to the manga eventually.

The pacing of the first two seasons is good. There is filler here and there but you barely notice it really. It picks up a lot in the second season too, I don't think there really was any filler. The third season is all filler, you can just skip, as much as I love Kenshin, I still haven't seen the third season.

It's really weird this was written by a child abusing creep. I saw no indications of that in the manga or original anime.

Read for God's sake.

He's Japanese

>child abusing
To be...fair. He didn't actually touch any of the kids himself. He just bought material from folks who did.

Yeah it's odd, I can't think of any loli that stood out in RK. Just shotas like Yahiko and his friend whose name I don't remember. I should read RK again.

It's honestly not worth the 30 or so hours you'll spend with it. Read it.

Can you fags go one thread without mentioning that? Why should I care what he did, as long as someone’s work is good/entertains me I couldn’t care less what they’ve done

It's kind of a slog to watch. It looks like shit because it's only available in crappy DVD sources, and it has next to no good animation or direction until the Kyoto arc. Then you've got painful episodes like the one with the sumo wrestler or the circus. Also has this hilarious habit of inverting the colours whenever shit goes down which I guess the creators thought looked cool.
t. currently watching it

He is a literal convicted pedophile tho

Not him but so what? It doesn't change the manga at all.

>Rurouni Kenshin filler

Don't fucking remind me, I don't even want to think about that anime anymore, let alone watch it.
The good bits were good but in hindsight it wasn't worth it.
Here's the list of filler, skip all of it. Doing that turns it from a drag to a really well paced 52 episodes adaptation. After episode 62 switch over to the manga (ignore everything after 62 even if the list says that there are some episodes after it that are somewhat canon, they're not part of the manga at all and are pretty shit)
There's also the Requiem of the Patriots movie that can be watched between episode 24 and 28. And don't forget to watch the Trust and Betrayal OVA after finishing the anime.

>skipping shura the pirate

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>the only good thing to come out of Rurouni Kenshin

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why not both? it's a short show if you ignore the filler season.

>Not watching the Christian story arc

>Also has this hilarious habit of inverting the colours whenever shit goes down
Oh yeah, the Kyoto arc is late 90s as fuck.
also some of the character designs get Saber Marionette J levels of deformed and lumpy near the end.

He only buy DVDs he never touched anyone but himself while watching it.

he isn't a child abuser.

the kyoto arc is the best battle shonen adaptation there is.
peak cel animation (as far as TV budget goes anyway), great directing, well paced fights, memorable music.
suffering through season 1's filler back in the day was worth it, and you have the luxury of knowing what the filler is and skipping it.

>not skipping the filler
Why are people still doing this when they've been warned so many times.

Can you prove that?

'filler' in some shows is actually good/funny/charming. people who watch a lot of anime know this, and assume that people who chant "skip the filler" are just 13 year old speedwatchers.
but Kenshin's filler is genuinely a chore.

I know, I watched Gintama after all and the filler in it is great. But I was specifically talking about Kenshin's filler and how people have been repeatedly warned about it in the past, yet many still end up going through this nightmare.

there were no police report on it all you dumb fuck, find the news yourself. He bought child porn/gravure DVDs which are illegal in Japan and got fined.

That's not how burden of proof works

This is so tiresome. Why is this even at issue? We're not about to do some faggoty boycott bullshit so who cares?

I'm a masochist. Honestly I don't think the canon parts of season 1 are particularly impressive either with the exception of Jin-ei who is at least very entertaining. The villains are either one-dimensional like the opium guy or try to be multi-dimensional but fall somewhat flat like Raijuta.
I'm only 1/4 through Kyoto (the sakabato just broke) and the peak of the series has by far been the duel with Saito at the start of the arc. Rest of Kyoto hasn't been that special. Really hoping it's not just gonna be fighting Shishio's henchman of the week up til the finale.

So he paid someone else to do it? That's just as bad.

Ironically with Gintama I found myself skipping the abhorrent main story arcs and looking forward to the fillers/dead end short arcs.

Might as well read the entire manga, they're the original source

Most of those he bought when that wasnt even illegal.

Watch in 1.5x or 2x speed.

Kill yourself.

This was made by a pedo right?

So is most of anime and manga. Point being?

It really is the best tool for rewatching old favourites or first time viewing "classics" which you have to watch, because they're classics, but they're not really that good anymore.

just like stuff out of Hollywood

>having to force yourself to "watch" classics just to be able to say you watched them, rather than actually watching them and understand why they are classics, even with all their flaws.
Kill Yourself.

That's splitting hairs. In the end a child was still abused for his pleasure.

>as long as someone’s work is good/entertains, I could care less if he's a rapist/child molester/serial killer/a communist
Ok then.

That's the point though, you watch them to understand why they're classics and how they shaped the great anime landscape which followed.
HOWEVER there's no need to watch them in normal speed because the soundtrack and animation isn't good enough to worry about "ruining".

You get nothing from watching something at 2x speed you faggot.

Hi R*ddit.

Can't say for sure what speed, because VLC only give you the options of "faster", but most scenes go for so long I can hardly even believe how slow normal Anime really is.

Stop posting, or grow up. yes series can be slow. Sometimes thats even the fucking point. Part of the hobby. Accept it, or find a new hobby. You don't really like anime all that much anyways.

Yeah, pretty much. Glad your tiny brain could process it.

Watsuki being exposed as a pedo is the worst thing to happen to Kenshin since anime only fags who only watched Trust & Betrayal.

George Orwell was a commie and there are still people reading Animal Farm, Burmese Days, and 1984

>because VLC only give you the options of "faster"
You just have to go on the internet and tell lies, don't you.

Well that was the only option I could find, I vaguely remember older versions adjusting speed differently - maybe the scroll wheel if you're hovering over the bottom bar.
I have some recollection of accidentally changing speed in the past, but I can't find that feature now.

I still don't know if I should even bother starting this show. How many fucking episodes does it have again?

Words of advice from a big fan:
>slow to get going
The first 20 or so episodes aren't great, it needs time to develop characters and some sort backstory before it gets good, so bear with it.
>ongoing main story arc is a bit shit imo
Most of the episodes revolve around lighthearted little subplots which are usually quite short, these are great, but there's an underlying main story line which slowly progresses throughout the entire series - it's not that good. Every now and then there will be a big serious arc dedicated to the main storyline, these can drag on and become boring - you might find yourself wishing they could get it over with and go back to doing nothing.

Currently around 370. Went through all of it for the first time this year and I don't regret a single fucking second.

I haven't checked back since they paused at 252 - how'd you find the latest seasons? Are they still good? Much the same?


Why hasn't this little fucktoy been railed by Shishio or the rest of the Juppongatana yet?

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Read first, then watch whatever parts you want to see animated.

Inverting blood was a common trick to say what blood? There's no blood from wounds what are you talking about? There's just blue liquid! If you extended it to the whole sequence of serious business or shocked faces it looks more intense and intentional.

Someone post that screenshot of the fat guy hugging the loli from kenshin

I actually expected it to be more
Recently finished a 200 episodes show so I kinda need something new and long-running anyways
I can usually stomach a slow start if there's at least hints of quality that'll keep me interested. Also whats that about the first episode being terrible? Should I just skip it?

Why don't you go and have a look at the hotkeys.

I can't really remember the first episode, but I wouldn't recommend skipping any of the early ones because you probably need them to set the scene - unless you read the start of manga instead....

Wait it's coming back to me now, something about cheetah samurai alien..
I'm getting the recollection that it was pretty much a completely different direction to where the story ended up going.

How so?

I'd say the season right after you stopped (258-308) is one of the best Gintama seasons overall if not the best and has some of the most hilarious episodes and some really good animation, and is closed by two great story arcs. People are mixed on the following story arc (309-321), but I overall really liked it. The next season (322-333) is the Porori arc where they adapt every chapter/story they left behind (since by that point we've reached a point of no return story-wise) and is pretty good. Now the next arc, Silver Soul, is the one with the most mixed reception. It's technically the "final" arc in the manga (lmao, as if poeple should trust Gorilla on that), but people felt that it dragged a bit too much so the adaptation kinda rushes through it, and the animation suffers during this entire arc due to it being action-heavy, and we all know how measly Gintama's budget is. It ended being mostly fine but subpar compared to the rest of the manga/anime. Then there is the two years timeskip which is fantastic and hilarious.
All in all, if you decide to go back to it you're in pretty good time.

The first episode (or the first two episodes, since it's double length) is completely filler and is unanimously agreed to be the absolute worst part of Gintama and should always be skipped. Gintama starts at episode 3, I can't count how many times people were turned off by that horrendous first episode.

Unironically, watch the live action movie too.

Seconded, they were pretty fun.

The anime is a mixed bag. On one hand there's a few things that the anime does better than the manga in terms of story and how certain scenes are portrayed, plus it has a really nice soundtrack. On the other hand, the anime does have a lot of filler and some of the episodes aren't animated well.

I say read the manga and watch a bit of the anime for comparison. When watching the Tokyo arc in the anime, skip episodes 13-18, 22, and 25-27. After episode 62, the rest is perpetual filler which was so bad it got the anime cancelled, so at that point drop the anime and read the manga starting with chapter 152,the beginning of the Jinchuu arc, the final arc in the manga.

Whatever you do, you MUST watch Rurouni Kenshin Tsuioku-hen. It is a masterpiece.

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You haven't seen Hiko yet.

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the soundtrack is stellar. no joking one of the best anime soundtracks period.

Because Shishio gets plenty of pussy from Yumi, and anyone who tried to fuck with Sojiro got sliced to ribbons.

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Both the TV show AND the OVA had an amazing soundtrack.

Thirded. Especially since 2 more movies were greenlit.

Watch Tsuioku-hen.

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watch all the way til the end of the shishio arc, watch the trust and betrayal movie and read everything after the shishio arc

Whats the consensus on whether or not one can watch this standalone?
Never watched the actual show, watched this and it had me in awe for a lot of its scenes, however I also feel like I only got 70% of what it had to offer out of it, it felt a bit incomplete to me, like I should've liked it more than I actually did

In terms of understanding the story, you can watch Tsuioku-hen alone. In terms of emotional impact and your overall appreciation for it though, it's recommended that you start with the original series.

Read the manga and/or watch the anime up to episode 62 (the end of the Kyoto arc), and start the Jinchuu arc at chapter 152. The Remembrance Interlude Arc (which Tsuioku-hen adapts) lasts from chapters 165-179. Once you finish the Remembrance arc, take a break from the manga and watch Tsuioku-hen to see how they compare. After that, finish the manga.

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I ended up enjoying the manga more, I think the art style gets better as it goes on.

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Read the manga but switch to the anime when you get to the Oniwabanshu/Aoshi mini arc, which is the tail-end of the Tokyo arc (the first one). From there, just continuing watching for the Kyoto arc (the second one) and when you finish it, switch to the manga for Jinchuu arc (the final one).

Oh fuck, I also forgot, but I guess Sano's mini arc was handled more spectacularly in the anime. I should probably compile a list for future reference.

And it does have filler, read the manga

The third season has that one pretty cool story arc about the Christian revolt but it's still not as good as Kyoto and is just more filler. Most of the third season being all filler is actually pretty weak and noticeably way less cool than canon Kenshin, like the Feng Shui ninjas, but I did like that Christian thing.

The first season of the anime is really rough. It's been a while but I remember that in the manga in his notes to the readers Watsuki keeps talking about the complaints he was getting, and how he wasn't a fan of the shows fillers. The Raijuta arc was absolutely butchered in the anime, and I think the worst part about the anime was the way it handles Yahiko early on. He has some of the worst fillers dedicated to him that really harm him as a character's likability. The Obiwabanshu arc was also handled really badly though not as badly as the Raijuta stuff which might as well be two different arcs entirely.

The anime is far better during the Tokyo arc.

Shishio was so fucking based.

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>Tokyo arc.
Fuck I meant Kyoto.

I was just about to call you out for shitposting, but I see you corrected yourself. Carry on.

>No special techniques
>All his tricks are just gimmicks to make up for his poor physical condition

What was the point of his character? To just be a really strong dude for Kenshin to defeat?

The point of Shishio was to be the perfect foil to Kenshin and his ideals.

Kenshin fought as a hitokiri for the Isshin Shishi as an idealist to protect the weak and innocent and fight corruption and evil. Shishio was an Isshin Shishi Hitokiri who took Kenshin's place in the shadows but instead fought to sate his lust for power and blood. Kenshin's strength stems from inheriting the teachings of Hiten Mitsurugi and Hiko Seijuro's wisdom. Shishio's strength stems from his self taught swordsmanship and creating his own techniques with the Mugenjin forged by Arai Shakku (who also made both of Kenshin's sakabato). Kenshin wants to protect the weak and create a bright future for them, declining a position of power in the Meiji Government and instead vowing to protect the innocent and never kill again. Shishio was a psychopathic social darwinist who wanted to use the weak as food to fulfill his own ambition of ruling Japan as a tyrant, killing anyone in his way. Kenshin is seeking redemption for his sins and tries to even help his enemies change their ways and repent too. Shishio is completely unrepentant and embraces the fact that he's evil, and in the end Kenshin couldn't change him and Shishio died laughing, going to Hell and deciding to conquer and become the King of Hell instead.

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And then it gets worse again. Hokkaido Arc looks terrible.