>yotsuba is still irrelevant
Will Negi devote next volume to her? Will that change anything or is it just to kill her? I've already written Miku and Ichika off as dead, if Yotsuba dies next I'm rooting for Nino.
/gtg/ - 5Toubun no Hanayome General
Ichika a best
Miku a second best
Nino a shit
Is Miku going to make it guys?
Yotsuba is irrelevant.
>I've already written Miku and Ichika off
Nice try Negi but you're still a hack
Yotsuba is playing the long game
>/gtg/ - 5Toubun no Hanayome General
>/gtg/ - 5Toubun no Hanayome General
5/10, you need a tripcode.
He's right, though
I know
Your faggotry has gone too far, you fucking tourist. KILL YOURSELVES AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>Actually writing "general" in the title.
Looks like Yotsubafags are even more stupid than Yotsuba.
Also it should be /5tg/
/5tbg/ sounds better
I put g as in "go", to keep the name to characters
Here's the trip
How has Negi got Nino living in so many user's heads rent free?
>to keep the name to characters
5toubun no Hanayome is the official romanisation.
Enjoy your time out
Time out? Elaborate.
This might as well be official since we actually have a general
Seriously, unironically calling yourself a general?
There already is? Haven't seen it up till now.
Does this trigger jannies or is it against the rules? I only come here for quints threads honestly.
fuck off back to where you came from
Come on, /g/ and /x/ are not THAT bad... I like Yea Forums
I love Nino!
Well just finished the anime after marathoning it. The ending was disappointing, but overall it was great.
The thread is going to get deleted, but whatever
>Joke of the century.
You are aware that we have an autist who actually counts appearances and interactions with Fuutarou for each quint? Pic related is chapters 61-80 since he only posts updates after 5 chapters. Colors are self explanatory, left column is appearances, right is interactions with Fuutarou.
>Scrambled Eggs was not just a Miku arc. The only real Fuu x Miku chapter in that was 67.
As you can see, Scrambled Eggs is heavily Miku arc with only Ichika coming close and the other three quints having 2 times less appearances than Miku.
In terms of interacting with Fuutarou, Miku has 6x more than the others with 3x more than Itsuki.
>Nino talked to him in the beginning of Scrambled Eggs (62), in the bath (63), in chapter 71, in 73, in 76, in 77, in 81, and in 83. Fuck off with your least interactions.
Nino has 75 interactions with Fuutarou over those 20 chapters (and half of that happened during one chapter).
Ichika has 94.
Yotsuba and Itsuki have 104.
Miku has 157.
So please sit down like a good kid and wait patiently for your Miku chapter in 1.5 weeks.
>trying to tripfag but needing it up and namefagging instead
Ok, that's it. Too much partying. I am going to be posting my Ninos elsewhere from now on.
you are completely, 100% based, user
>I am going to be posting my Ninos elsewhere from now on.
Well, I wasn't b& or anything yet, so let's discuss the best girls. That is, Yotsuba and Nino. Nino should be the bride and Yotsuba my wife. Miku goes to Takeda, Ichika is sold to old men nightly and Itsuki eats until she dies.
I agree with this opinion.
Also, look at these dubs that prove that Nino will be the bride.
BASED as fuck! Double dubs prove Nino's fertility for Fuutarou's seed. Can't wait for sneks to seethe when it happens.
>I am going to be posting my Ninos elsewhere from now on.
Wtf I love this general now?
Finally someone who gets it and doesn't act like a huge hypocrite.
You may like it or not, but you can't deny that we're all behaving according to implicit rules made by us. And THAT is OUR thread culture, just like each board and subreddit has its own set of rules and customs.
Kill yourself.
Go back.
I can't believe Negi prefers Nino to Miku
If Nino orders it, my life should perish.
It's over Mikubros. I don't have strength to fight anynore
I'm going to marry Miku!
Stop making threads please
We know you will, Takeda
I want miku to miku my miku with her mikus while I miku her miku hole.
Good night fellas, see you at the party tomorrow.
This image is so sexually enticing that it turned me into a Ninobro.
Ichika is hot garbage.