How do people rate anime?

How do people rate anime?
Objectively what makes a 10/10 anime a 10/10 anime?

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I think you don't get it.

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Nice try Bioretto but you suck at that. Now check these.

Who the Hell is that guy? Sure are a lot of RIPs on his profile.

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any 10/10 thing to me is something that had a deep emotional impact on me, and i can still appreciate it

PATHETIC! now look

I don't rate anime because I'm not a faggot

It's an /r9k/ thing, you don't want to know.

So close too.

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Anyone who tries to claim a 10/10 anime is objectively perfect is retarded and that usually leads to those people who only use 1-9 out of 10, effectively just using a 9 point system rather than a 10 point one. 10/10 for me are personal favorites. Things that I think are amazing but I'm never going to claim they're perfect.

People rate anime? Is this the elitist way?


No anime can be a 10/10 by virtue of being anime in the first place

Not boring me to the point of tabbing out every few scenes is at least a 6/10. If I don't even realize time passed when the ED starts is a 10/10.

A 10/10 for anime can be different from a 10/10 for film or music. Unless you're using a site that has both anime and live action film there's no reason to associate the two rating systems.

>If I don't even realize time passed when the ED starts is a 10/10.
Literally me


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Is that the guy who killed himself

I've never gave any anime a 10

Did I miss something?

No, it was very clean with a tarp and everything.


That's how I do it. I don't have a single 100/100 on my list, obviously.

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It's so easy to get digits. You have a 1/10 chance to land doubles, a 1/100 chance to land trips, a 1/1000 chance to land quads. It's not that hard, all you have to do is make an attempt, and then when you fail 9/10 times you can retry again by pretending to be somebody else, calling yourself pathetic, and retrying until you land it. Once you land it, it'll look like you have super powers or something, and everybody will be like "wow, you're so cool user." It's the easiest way to farm (you)s.

Wise words. Now check those.

tehe user, you failed you baka. Watch these ;)

i can't believe he blew his head off
what made him do it?


The discord trannies

Watch this!

Couldn’t have worded it better.

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Good job user

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oh dang

The one with shotgun?

That's just an opinion and one's way to rate animes. I have my own. Maybe one day I will change my way of thinking but for now it stays as it is

9/10 being the highest possible score is perfectly fine because anime is a highly subjective medium.
I hate the frenchies but they got the 19/20 score system right because nothing can be perfect

If you always watch the OP and the ED without it being a chore its a 10/10 for me.

My top 10. I've given all of these a 10/10, except JoJo that received a 8/10. I don't really know how to explain, it's just a matter of enjoying while watching, then you reach the end and say: "woah, here's a 10/10".

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Also check.

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superior digits my friends, witness these

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Based. Shame about no dubs on this post.

That's just using 0-19 as a score. Why don't you treat 21/20 as perfection? i.e. unreachable. 20/20 just means no mistakes.

A 10/10 series is one that would perfect the art of fiction, there can never be anything better and would leave you satisfied with life. Of course this doesn't exist yet.

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Yea Forums was dead for several hours when this happened

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Not being popular, for once.

Bottom of the barrel newfag. This wasn't even a year ago.

>mal nigger

The part that really fucked me up was his mother discovering the body

>liked the ugly cancer that was the kizumonogatari trilogy
it was for the best


>it's as close to perfect as we will see on earth
>very close to a masterpiece, but falters in some key areas
>very good
>lacks the special something to move it into consideration for a 9/10 or 10/10
>still a fantastic experience
>not going to blow your mind, but a commendable work
>has a few cool things going for it, but got bungled more than you would've liked
>yeah it's utter trash, but it's trash you liked well enough not to drop
>not good
>maybe you could fool yourself into watching this, but why would you?
>flat out bad
>a putrid, rotting corpse given media form
>so shitty that its hilarious
>The Room in anime form
>unforgivably dreadful
>fuck everything about this anime/manga and everybody associated with it
>forgot to write its name at the top of the paper

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this is the correct way to rate a show but none of the MAL niggers use ratings like this. most people on that shit site use 7 as average which inflates a lot of scores

Take in to consideration the possibility that there are anons who have browsed the site longer than others and take breaks longer than the average user has been in here. Also
>caring about MALfags

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MAL catches plebes and keeps them watching gay anime.
I use it to keep track of my backlog (and I also assign ratings, but its just to help me reflect on what I've seen).

LOTR is the only objectively perfect story in all human history. I doubt we will see another one like it this millennium.

I don't use the number system. Mine looks like this:

- I love it
- I like it
- I can watch it and enjoy it
- I don't feel anything towards it
- It bores me
- It annoys me
- It annoys me so much I start enjoying it

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That’s what I noticed. It’s hard to filter out what I do/don’t want to watch when shit like shield hero and Durara is 8+.
