Is she retarded?

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No, she talks like that because she knows you are.

I love the Witch

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girls are cutest when they're mildly retarded

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Maybe her throat hurts.

It's funny because this is not far off /tg/ guys came in when she 1st appeared and basically straight up explains why she talks like that and it basically fits

She is GS version of "Shit dude you got like 11 INT" while she's probably sitting on an easy 40 INT

It's a D&D wizard quirk, if she said Fire or Die too fast she might accidentally cast a spell.

she never figured out the water pressure scroll though. unless she's playing dumb with priestess too.

No, shes... just careful... not to.... kill you

I like this.

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How is something like this allowed?

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When are the goblins gonna capture her? And will her capture be explored in great detail? Hmmmmm.


I want to fug her

She's a witch and probably high as fuck. Also who gives a shit.


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She's probably just smoking opium out of her opium pipe user.

Her lungs are trashed from all the smoking.


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