Best girl of everything, really.
ITT: Claim your hentaifu
Other urls found in this thread:
That smile
> Lily
You have nice taste.
the best
You won me to post her, faggot.
She and her BIG WAVE ASS is mine. MINE!
What's her full name, Yea Forums?
What the fuck did she shit herself?
One day someone will translate the game.
One day....
She's my waifu, no prefixes involved.
Please, who is this??
>he doesn't know
No, but she does pee herself. Hence the diaper.
Do they count?
I don't see why not, to be honest.
I’VE BEEN BETRAYED! Was genuinely not expecting this
Hitoriga had the best girl
They don't call em traps for nothing
Does Parallel Paradise count as hentai?
>second episode never ever
I liked the manga better, but the anime did a solid by going beyond the source material.
>extremely cute
>thin yet thicc in the right places
>horny as fuck and yearns for a boyfriend
>yet still a maiden at heart
Truly best waifu
This is just a panda thread undercover.
i'm surprised that after 40 posts theres no Mafuyu
shes usually in the first couple posts
I was 12 and recall feeling genuinely pity for her, for a while hated both Hayase and Takabe lol
Best Girl Rikka.
This was my first anime on VHS
No. She is mine!!
Chie is bust imouto
i think theres only one who can really claim waifu status,
everyone else is just a pump and dump
[Pat head]
Tried to play her game.
Dropped it after I found out MC is fucking retarded.
When did you drop it?
Best sex scene in Rance, right here
Based, her moans are god-tier.
I like her more
She is not even the best tomboy in Rance
Did anyone ever cum inside her?
Sengoku Rance adaptation when? There are lots of top tier girls in that game.
I didn't know xebec made hentai
What if she’s already married, has a kit and is kind of a slut?
"Slut" doesn't cut it for this cumdumpster. She somehow manages to get fucked by all men in a 30ft radius around her. Bitch is a nympho in denial.
Could have been perfect but it was ruined by shitty baby dic shota.
Milky gets soo little love.
fuck you OP, that bitch is mine
Took long enough, anyways:
>Mafuyu Only Ova never
>No Mafuyu pajama,swimsuit,maid,etc...
>you'll never have a nympho oneesan bring you to her apartment for her sexual satisfaction
Shotas can't have big dicks user.
I've got to go with Marin.
Anyone voiced by Ryoko Tanaka.
Sex Friends was such a very great hentai. Too bad that best girl (Taeko Nonomiya) didn't get the treatment she needed. And no translation or remake with better quality makes me sad.
But pic related will be forever mine.
>that fucking scene with her screams
Guaranteed nuts
Rabu rabu Raidy. At least she got a manga adaptation. I would love it if she were to get some kind of hentai anime adaptation.
Chiyo is just the absolute best.
My wife
Sometimes, she make my dick go doki doki
I wouldn't have minded the shota if he wasn't so ugly
>being betrayed this hard
At least you learned your lesson lad
I can hear her HMPH!
But user we did get a second episode.
That's a good way to draw back a nub.
God Tier
Would be God Tier but the fact that she would risk prison to bang a shota that ugly makes you question her mental state
Pot meet kettle
>posts a maid
>calls others generic
This maid has an attractive personality beyond generic hentai girl #4000 and a much better design.
And I'd be fine with it. I have always wondered if she would torture her own kids too if they left. Because they all seem to also wear that monitoring bracelet.
And I'd be fine with it. I have always wondered if she would torture her own kids too if they left. Because they all seem to also wear that monitoring bracelet.
And I'd be fine with it. I have always wondered if she would torture her own kids too if they left. Because they all seem to also wear that monitoring bracelet.
>Voiced by YuAsskawa
>Voiced in other hentai
She doing JAV WHEN?
Based and patrician taste user
My top 2 were already claimed, what do
came here to post this, all these motherfuckers need to back off my WAIFU
I guess I'll make a harem here.
I am in love with her !
Deserved more scenes
Top girl
Oh Chie, I would give everything to have her as my imouto
>"I'm still a virgin" thread
Is this ramune?
Tiny Evil ep3-4
>standard tsundere childhood friend template
>maid cosplay
>not generic
Come on user, I like her too but there's no denying it.
that scene was so disappointing. i binge watched everything thinking that scene would include all the main girls, but the plot was too retarded
Shion's the sweetest hentaifu
In the VN it isn't even a chain like that, and I kinda like the group of other poor innocent ones. I'm not really a scatfag but that scene and scenes like it hit some kind of morbid fascination.
I always liked Rance's art style a lot
It's very soft and pleasing
I once found a great hentai. Dude summoned a succubus because he wanted to die. Virgin succubus banged him to the point of death, but didn't let him die.
They kept doing this for a while. She never killed him, and they fell in love.
I've never been able to find it again. Great sadness.
I see you're a man of culture.
Mine is the train scene sister from It's a Family Affair. Can't remember her name for the life of me atm though.
Viper GTS?
Tiny Evil
Honest question, how do people enjoy censored hentai? Completely ruins it for me desu.
I don't know what yours is but the only succubus summoning hentai I truly enjoyed is the classic Viper GTS.
What are you talking about? Nip pOnOs and vagOO actually look like that.
Ah, my dude. Brother in arms.
It's just better since you have to fill out the image with your imagination.
Since 99% of the time it looks way worse decensored. There are rare cases though where it looks really good like Resort Boin.
Good taste my man
I desperately want to procreate with her.
Humans are really good at abstract thinking. We can fill in the blanks easily in our mind. Its how we process information of the world.
People don't focus on the "censored", they just focus on the act and the voice and the characters.
The vagina isn't even in the top 5 most attractive things about a woman
>when her seiyuu voices things other than hentai
It's really hard to get the sound of her moaning out my head. She's in so much hentai. It's troubling too because a lot of her roles outside of hentai are kids.
mai nigga
there needs to be more blond sluts in anime like her.
Well for all intents and purposes, Airi is a child...
So many great sluts in this thread!
I don't know which to pick!
I'm always conflicted when I hear Kaori Mizuhashi in so much eroge.
Sorry, I meant turned on, not conflicted.
Its no even that old like to say " i once found"
Okay, was that dude legit peddling sex therapy seminars, thing or was that just a cover to get at this bitch?
this is the best thread we've had in quite a while. well done, Yea Forumsnons
Hentai brings us together
Love and Devil is related to that same idea and it's pretty long
He also has an angel and his childhood friend in the harem
someone must have that
>Yea Forums discussing anime
>Yea Forums discussing hentai
Through dick, unity.
extremely good taste.
always and forever
So hard to find a blue board safe image.
t-that's not a hentai
I love Tatsumi's works. His chara design is great
Her doujins though
this was with that whipe torture scene and spy shit right? for got the name
Goddess Mafuyu is already taken so my second choice
She has to count. I won't even blame her for the tentacles or forced body modification.
This hentai has no penetration scenes otherwise people would've fapped themselves to death. She's so fucking hot
Is it Oyakodon with just paizuri?
Patrician taste.
Black-haired one is the best.
>mods removing nsfw images instead of nuking the whole thread
The fuck is going on?
Is the world ending???
D-don't hurt me like that!
There should also be part where he marries the daughter, but still keeps the mother as his mistress.
For a hentai, it was a really good shounen series.
that back is beyond fucked
>download nande koko ni sensei ga
>"uncensored" episodes are called "motto tayu tayu"
>reminds me I lost Tayu Tayu to hard drive failure a while back and never re-downloaded it
>watch first two episodes
>hotter than I remember
>bust some hot nuts
>get to episode 3
>this girl
>this fucking scene
I almost busted three nuts at once bros, holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
I'm sure this counts as hentai at this point.
how did the author get away with it?
Best girl indeed. Too bad it was done by Queen Bee
>too bad
>Queen Bee
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I don't get the hate for Queen Bee here. They've made some of my all-time favourites, and they're definitely better than some other studios. I mean sure, they aren't the KyoAni of hentai studios or anything, but I think they're better than the credit they get here.
i generally prefer ecchi to hentai (the mosaics ruin it for me) but i quite like the girl from that victorian maid one.
>No one likes the brown hair one.
I wish more hentai would just use creative censoring if they can't show the goods. Hate the blocky mosaics.
This is probably going to sound super gay, but one of the things that really amused me about Victorian Maid was the realistic erection animation.
The LNs from vol 10 onwards are full on pornography.
Based and Cutiepilled
The Tanned one is best
I would just have them look like those borderline hentai manga. 'Fog', light beams, glowing dicks etc. Or just more stylishly storyboarded like 80s/90s hentai that don't really show the goods that much but have plenty of action.
their animation quality is on par with those ads you see for porn games
its terrible
Her anime deserves more than 2 episodes
I liked the NTR-lite chapter.
I really liked this hentai for some reason.
what are the best hentai from an art/animation standpoint?
>sexfriend girl
>Anything other than a thot
Front Innocent has some of the best I think we can all agree on that but its also severely guilty of reusing shots and models
I want to post her tits here but i probably get banned from that
Very underrated monsterfu
It is also guilty of burning budget for whole series on single episode.
Aya is a very cute tomboy
Repulsive dick size
yeah even with all the budget crammed into one episode they had to reuse stuff because of the highly detailed bobs and vagene
i'd rather have than that several episodes of ugly crap
Cow girl was underused
Had a difficult time deciding, so I went with the first girl I could think of.
Good looking anime. Wish there was more.
what is she from?
I claim this ape for the traveling sideshow in my pants.
Goblin Slayer
I like this
>Dom while taking anal
Utterly unrivaled.
I can't believe she hasn't been posted yet.
well your post pretty much ended the thread for me
damn it
Wow, I completely forgot about this.
Such a comfy thing.
She was in consideration, not gonna lie.
boys make the best girls
sweetest ghost coming through
In terms of actual wife? There is only one choice.
I wish she would suck my blood
she sucks other fluid
That was for Bake Ane 2. The first one had two more sisters who never got animated h-scenes.
Fuck. There was an image I saw here few days back that was like a succubus holding a test that says
>What do succubus suck from men
> [x] Blood
> [ ] Semen
> F grade
And the succubus saying "thats disgusting!".
Which studio has the best works, MS Pictures or Mary Jane?
Both have made all time classics but I think I'd have to give my vote to Mary Jane.
Anyone but Queen Bee. How could anyone fap to their work?
probably because of the larger than necessary mosaics. fakku should release this.
manga superior, queen bee would've done a better job
Whoever does the chichanna series is pretty bad. It's a literal moving slideshow.
Pink Pineapple
Is this that series that's kinda pov where all the episodes start the same but finish differently?
Heartwork is kind of like that.
On an unrelated note, do not watch Heartwork.
This meido.
How can other hentaifu's even compete? especially with her english voice
Karisu from Dragon Rider
Mainly because she's voiced by Ikue Otani. Yes, you get to hear Pikachu moan
I hate to break this to you, but in that series she gets kidnapped and raped by serveral men. One of which is pretty fat. She is used goods.
>Ask for Hentaifu
>Posts non-hentaifu
I don't get it.
As is tradition.
And Sara is mine
I just really like Crona, and self insert as them, a lot.
Gyarus for life!
And the trashier the better!
korean dicksucking lips
Nobody has claimed Toyomo yet? cool I'll take her!
we have just transcended the human sins of greed and came together as people of culture
you are a experiencing something great here user better appreciate it
damn you user and your good taste
This 2-in-1 elf.
I want to play Nessie with her.
Literally unbeatable
Animation-wise, anything from Murakami. inb4 stale headache memes.
Front Innocent has good art. The animation is as terrible as just about any other H-title.
Any scatfu recommendations?
Scatman John.
This little brat is one of the funniest characters the elevens have ever created.
Noe Itou. Just listen to that beautiful voice of hers.
Lieri is the absolute greatest.
>claiming multiply waifus and claiming them that easily
Ok, 2013 newcancer
How can your shitty waifus even compete? She is cool with a mff threesome can can mix some crazy love potions.
I wish we got more cute stuff like this.
finally somebody with good taste in vanilla hentai.
Sounds mediocre compared to what some others here can do.
This girl was perfection.
Rewatch it, she didn't like it
One of my first hentais, along with sex taxi and some others. I remember having a DVD-R with random series.
fapped mucho to that teacher and little bitch with glasses.
How come Sexfriend was so many peoples first hentai?
It's also my first.
sad to know that we wont see namaiki or koinaka (pic related) having a second episode. hope to be proven wrong.
Honestly porn game ads have better animation.
First manga: mega milk
First anime: bakunyuu oyako
First game: wanko to kurasou
Fuck you for stealing my girls. Guess I'll claim her.
The shota needed a fucking better haircut, not a mushroom cap that makes me think of a malformed Mandark.
Muh cock
Not bad.
>Someone who has taken another dick aside from Rance
Who? not Bird for sure.
How would Rance allow anyone else to sex Sill?
anybody knows where i can find her LN? i really like the artist
Both of them
Obscure Ninja all the way.
It's just a "what if" - scenario. I'm the true end for her.
My wife is the purest
The best mom of all time
But did you finish?