What do you think of ranma

what do you think of ranma

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Birthing hips

You're gay if you find them attractive regardless of whatever form they're in.

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S-still gay!

I want to breed Mogudan's girls.

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being sexually attracted to female Ranma isn't gay furthermore it's probably the most heterosexual thing you can imagine

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Ranma should have just lived as a girl.

Thanks to ramma, I grown up with an understanding of gender bender and now I can separate my reactions.

Is the fanbox worth it?

Is there still a penis between his legs when he's turned into a girl?


Finally Mogudan drew something other than Rei.

Technically, yes, female and male genitalia are actually made of the same parts that just grew differently based on hormonal conditions.

He's been drawing Tatsumaki for a while.

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he draws plenty of other stuff

He fell into "the well of the drowned girl", not "the well of the drowned girl with a penis".

>Ranma-chan is his favourite Rumiko character
>Likes Rye Cow, Shuten, Abby and BB
>Rei is best girl
>Is also the quintessential /m/an
Mogudan is truly based beyond words

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thicc thighs save lives

that's his only flaw

How is liking a better girl a flaw?

because tatsumaki is the worse girl

Should've gone with best girl

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i agree, but sadly childhood friend never wins. its the law

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He barely knew HIM