

Attached: db.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

Yeah, not many people understand that Goku ditches Chichi for his cute granddaughter.

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>this thing commonly regarded as bad is actually good because some people wrote about it in a book
Why do Youtube essayists keep using this shitty non-argument?

fuck off mark

>video essays

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>"analytical" video
>it's just a plot summary
It's kinda sad how low iq most animefans are.

Cause people eat it up.

There's almost no one simpler. If he's complex then all of literature is fucking unknowable and we're all just throwing darts at the moon at this point.

>This post is advertising or begging

I have yet to see an actually good video essay. Most of the time it’s just embellished summarizations

To elaborate, video summary for those who don't want to watch it, which is a wise thing to do:
>You think Goku is bad because he has no character development?
>Wrong! That's actually a good thing
>You see, that way, other characters develop around him instead, because he's perfect from the beggining, so others have to keep up with how perfect he is
>This guy and this other guy wrote about that kind of character in their books, and if it's written in a book, it's objectively correct
>You guys like Saitama, right? He's just like Saitama! That makes him good by association

If I see that fucking thumbnail one more time...


Only jackasses take all that shit about him being a bad person or husband or father to heart. If you actually care about DBZ you'd now that.

The only thing that's misunderstood are his differences from Sub to Dub. Dub makes him more or a hero while original Sub he's selfish and borderline villain.

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Advertising shitty youtube videos is bannable offence. Enjoy your ban.

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Even if it weren't a retarded argument, it's blatantly false.

>that way, other characters develop around him instead
Like whom? You mean Tien and Piccolo, who stopped being relevant halfway through Z? Or Gohan, whose character development has regressed at least twice if not three times? Or maybe Vegeta, whose character development has also regressed in Super?
So it's a bad argument and even if it weren't a bad argument it'd be wrong.

Can't stand this faggot.

Watch more videos

>related videos are always video essays or why you should watch some garbo anime from a literal fucking who e-celeb

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