Why settle for emotionally unstable washboards, slutty tiddy-monsters, or self-righteous midgets when you can have perfection?
Why settle for emotionally unstable washboards, slutty tiddy-monsters...
Who is this again?
>slutty tiddy-monsters
I think you might have a case of the mad.
Xelloss. He has such pretty eyes when they're open.
Why is she sitting like that?
>emotionally unstable
Why are they always the hottest and the best though?
I do not understand.
Why are mentally scarred girls always best girls?
I miss 90s art, bros...
Littlefinger from Game of Thrones
Being interesting is so rare in women that we call it mental illness when it occurs.
>Would beat you senseless for a meal
Yeah, but she quirky doe
Old anime sucks because there's no cute traps. The best I can get is the cuties from LoGH.
Oh wait, that's literally what this thread is about. Man do I feel stupid now.
The worst girl.
Did anyone else always self-insert as Xellos?
>Never has any friends, shows up at random to annoy people who want nothing to do with him, causes massive problems for everyone
>dodges every single attack and bitchslaps opponents with a staff
Literally me
>is a cute boy
yep that's me
You have to admit the orange trench coat and pink pajamas are kind of terrible. The OVA and original designs are great though.
I'd really like to see Gourry in some practical blue
Lina (and Zelgadas) are great, though.
>Xellos is a boy
Why are sharks documentaries cooler to watch than documentaries on than pygmy hippos?
But I like the orange trench coat and pink pajamas...
I wanna insert myself into Xellos
I've only seen the different Slayers series in bits and pieces, did they ever explain this in-story?
Only fatfucks would complain about having to eat less.
You're missing the point. I'm saying that Lina is mentally unstable.
Xellos is DMPC
>a slapstick joke is somehow a serious mental issue
I can see where you are going but you need to remember that's played as a comedic resource more than anything.
Maybe I am being autistic here...