What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

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He rubs his rubber nen at night.

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Hisoka uses his ability to perform CPR post mortem and bring himself back to life. And he does so by evoking a contract with his Nen (which is an established mechanic of Nen in the series), and his evocation was translated as so: "O' my rubber Nen"

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What’s the contract?

Hisoka gave himself the condition of Death. There is no stronger condition. Had Hisoka's body been damage to the point he'd been blown apart, what he did would not have worked. This is why it was so genius to pay Machi as a back-up. Nonetheless, in a fight against someone who renders you to paste, or who "double taps" like they did against the Ants, Hisoka's ability will not work.

Attached: Togashi_Sketch_Machi.jpg (764x1200, 78K)

It means 'im gonna pull something from my ass ye'

Don't listen to this faggot, there's no contract and death wouldn't be a condition worth shit since he is about to get murdered in a couple of seconds so him dying holds no value. It's even simpler, he just gave an order to his nen like Ging did with the cassette. Nen after death did the rest. Nen 101




Attached: O MY RUBBER NEN.jpg (1292x750, 529K)

Yea an asspull. We all got it

O my rubber nen is not an asspull
However, hxh jumped the shark with Alluka

This. I notice people like to massively overthink what Hisoka actually did. All Hisoka commanded his nen to do was to contract and expand THATS ALL. No super serious Gon-san level contract needed That action having the effect of CPR was completely tangential

will never understand the obsession over this being an ass-pull. gon vs pitou was 10x times worse, even alluka is something that makes sense to be upset about. and i say this as a togashiCHAD.


Attached: 1553837417059.png (750x576, 371K)

>and i say this as a togashiCHAD.

Reminder that he actually said Rubber Nen I beseech thee

Attached: rubber.png (768x447, 386K)

he means hes in a shit series that will be forgotten and canceled after a 5 year long hiatus

there's literally nothing wrong with asspulls as long as they make the story more interesting than the "logical" thing would have

Never mind that he bled out, lost multiple limbs and would die from the shock of that, and him being clinically dead for over 10 minutes meaning his brain wouldn't work so good anymore.