Cant wait to see the reaction from the anime casuals when they learn that he isnt black. Just a very tanned white man

Cant wait to see the reaction from the anime casuals when they learn that he isnt black. Just a very tanned white man.

Attached: Alloy.png (1235x718, 552K)

His face is one of a nigger

Same, I'm gonna post so many twitter and reddit screenshots here its gonna be crazy

>white man.
anime characters aren't white, idiot

Thats racist

He’s actually a white man wearing a black mask who is actually an Asian man wearing a white mans mask and said white man is also wearing a black mans mask

I mean, that's the joke. He trained so hard he went black.

What is it with the Japanese and retconning black guys to just be burned Asians? Who are they at risk of losing if Alloy was just black the whole time?

Attached: Superalloy Darkshine.png (840x1200, 982K)

never gets old

White people can't even tan. They just burn.

explain all the blonde cali girls dumb shitposter

he's a scrawny asian kid turned into a BLACK BVLL

>white man
You mean Asian.

They look roasted not tanned.

All the anime characters are white.
Japaneses are aware that they are too ugly to appear in anime.

Attached: Naruto_newshot.png (1440x1076, 1.17M)

I thought of him more of a colossus type.

Did I go back in time or something? Didn't this already happen when the show aired on Toonami a while ago or something?

His power is being black. He is clearly a metaphor for the power of the black man to triumph of his white brethren

Attached: OPM black man.jpg (579x635, 98K)

He is Asian. All anime characters are Asian until proven otherwise.

He was a white man. Now he is our nigga.

>superalloy BLACKluster
>not black
it's in his name

Yeah, so true in fact the top 50 strongest men in the world are all white.




>I can't wait for social media outrage
You're what's wrong with this website, and most of the internet, faggot.

So is his dick tanned too?

Attached: 1535358565317.jpg (600x720, 82K)

Will it be revealed in Season 2?

Based and blackpilled

Very tanned asian guy*

He's a white guy with a black alloy coating him

>2 pages later

Attached: x5.jpg (600x848, 143K)

>gets his ass kicked by garou so hard he looses his will to fight

Yeah truly superior lmao

garou is asian

So is bronze guy

Most body builders use extreme spray tanning before competitions because it's easier to see muscle composition on a darker surface. Granted a lot of them also tan regularly on top of that, the ones who don't usually look really awkward with the spray tan.

No he's a tanned asian
All of them huh?

Attached: his name is literally Muhammad.png (350x499, 322K)

Your mother will be sad if she knows you're a racist mother fucker.

I don't know, but here it's a joke. A white guy training so hard he becomes a tough black dude is funny, and double so because it's the kind of joke that would get you lynched by a mob mob what do you want in the states.

if he's not black then how did she get BLACKED?

Attached: Mizuki_profile.png (300x500, 179K)

Travelling overseas as an olympian

Murata said he’d look French iirc

> retconing

That was was DS’ concept from the start dumbass.

pls no.

Too late son
I don't even read manga and shit anymore, I just browse sites for dumbass sjw reactions and post them here now

I have to correct you cos your opinion is so very wrong, pic related is our nigga

Attached: 3.jpg (847x1200, 215K)

>Muteba Gizenga

Maki would know

>slowly anime is redpilling sjws
Its kinda incredible they became sjws to begin with. Everything is stacked against them.

go back to where you came from, newtranny

jews and arabs are "semites"; which is a north african ethnic group. therefore, they, like berbers, egyptians, or like armenians, georgians, anatolians, syrians, or iranians, are white.
swarthy skin, like in bangladesh or philipine "moros" is an asiatic trait, and despite their muslim faith, mohammed is a relatively uncommon name.