She's the best keion, no competition

She's the best keion, no competition.

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You're wrong, all keions are best keion

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I would venture to say she's my second favorite. It's a tough race but all things considered...

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No he’s right, Ritsu is definitely a step above the rest

This bitch ruined k-on

pleb filtered

>he didn't get past episode 9

Azusa is a sweet, serious-minded girl who I would totally marry.

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I want to make my own custom K-On opening.

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What's stopping you?

Dunno...lack of video editing software (which is a lie since I bought a Humble Bundle full of video editing shit but I never learned how to use it)?

The most based OP award goes to you.

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Ritsu > Yui > Azusa > Mugi > Mio

Put on K-on in the background and try to see how far you can get in editing with that up. a nice little motivator/timer.


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She's the worst. Azusa is the best.

Thicc eyebrows

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Her flexibility to both boke and tsukomi is underrated. The rest of the characters typically stick to one role but Ritsu manages to play both with several of the girls as well.

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I'm osrry but I love this edit

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she's pretty good

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I bet Ritsu watches wrestling.

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Honestly, to me that's the shittiest character in existence. Ugly as fuck too.

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