Could Kars beat DIO in a fight?

could Kars beat DIO in a fight?

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maybe if Dio doesn't give up on killing him after he sees he's virtually indestructible.

Perfect Kars? Probably not. If getting launched into space can’t kill him I don’t think Stando Powa will.


Realistically though, perfect Kars could probably pull it off. He's far more versatile than DIO. Unless DIO could figure out a way to oneshot him in his 9 seconds Kars takes it ez

DIO can stop time, even is he has difficulties actually killing Kars, no way he'd lose.

Like Kars couldn’t just pull a Stand out his ass.

Weird how post-3 Jotaro gets his ass handed to him constantly then

Given the ass pulls in part 2, its not inconceivable that Kars could "evolve" something to counter time stop.

Or flood the area with something that only affects DIo and not himself, and have it be large enough that Dio cant escape during the timestop duration.

In the end the character the writer wants to win will win. Jotaro losing to the rat was pretty bullshit.
If you just compare abilities timestop is pretty much unbeatable.

Kars would harden his body in anticipation of DIO's attack. If he can't figure out a way to kill him in 9 seconds, Kars wins easily


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There's no evolving timestop.
Yes if he nukes DIOs location he'd win but I don't think that's what this is about.

How can you say that so easily The World is extremely powerful itself and Kars can't even see it.
It's a bit of a stretch to say that when time isn't stopped Kars would just kill him easily.

DIO couldn't even beat Jotaro

Kars stomps him no problem

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Yeah no shit. They never really show the full potential of Kars. He could transform into a tardigrade thats even more unkillable than they already are and then into a giant whale then grow wings to fly into the sky and crush you with a mighty fall. You could have him drawn and quartered in the saharaha in broad daylight and it’d do nothing.

Ok but Kars also was defeated so what's your point? Who ever gets to have the asspull wins.

>Who ever gets to have the asspull wins

Kars never showed any ability to become more advanced than generic biological mechanisms and it wasn't stated he would evolve into God or anything. His best bet would be to tire DIO out from getting pounded so much.

He was also weaker than cyber Stroheim in physical strength (grip ratings) so he's not that strong

You are talking about regular Kars
Perfect Kars mastered hamon without any effort, what makes you think he can't develop a stand after experiencing one?

What if Kars stabs himself with an arrow?


depends on who writer want to win, pillar men are supposedly to have god tier inteligence, better regeneration than vampires and a "superpower" akin to a stand power.

Don't forget Kars has ripple ability hundreds of times greater than a human user. Remember all that crazy shit done with Hamon like channeling it through walls, powering up other people and making them your puppets, etc? Kars could use all that and more.

Because stands are a side effect of the stand arrow, or because Dio wills it I guess. Hamon is a ability borne out of breathing and is a martial art, so anyone with high enough intelligence and normal bodily function can learn it.

The World wouldn't even be able to touch him. All DIO has for himself is 9 seconds to try to set up something elaborate to disable Cars

Not everyone who has a stand has been struck by the arrow.

I'd say that he at least theoretically could by virtue of being a creature that eats vampires. He really just doesn't have much he could do to deal with a stand though
Didn't Giorno make another turtle with a stand once? Kars could probably figure something out to give himself one

Ultimate Kars is an absolute worse case scenario. Even users of stands with insane physical prowess like Star Platinum are vulnerable while asleep and pillarmen use vampires to feed on so in any scenario anyone that stands a chance is fucked. Also theres what Points outs. Kars isn’t just an primordial vampire thats way physically stronger than a vampire like Dio. He’s immune to their own weakness and able to use it to augment his own power.

But someone in their bloodline has to.

Since Kars is the perfect being, I see no reason why he wouldn't gain a stand of his own. Knowing him, it wouldn't be able to do anything too impressive by itself, but comboned with his abilities, it would be virtually unstoppable. DIO gets his ass handed to him and Kars takes his place at the pinnacle of all life.

Would a pillar man be able to detect a stand's movement by the air currents/displaced movement in the dust particles? Their senses are absolutley crazy remember

>Kars cuts THROUGH the road roller and free's Jonathans left hand from being a vampire
Perfect Kars abilities are higher than 90% of stands, and he has everything possible in that 90%. I mean, he's basically fucking Gold Experience as far as himself is concerned. Able to turn himself into separate lifeforms that keep changing is beyond OP. I shoot you with scale bullets that are guided and rip through metal. The bullets also turn into metal eating super piranhas and can turn into übereichhörnchen (squirrels) that act as heat seeking super bullets that will probably fuck your skull while you're still breathing.

If you can't beat the stand you beat the user. If the being is immortal and can overcome aynthing you can physically throw at him, you're absolutely fucked. They didn't kill B.I.G. and stopping time would maybe have worked it you smashed all of it into nothing, but maybe even then. Now change that to instead of a dumbass automatic stand, its now a 400 IQ ultimate lifeform who doesn't even need to take a break to get laid because SEX = USELESS.

Basically, that was Araki's polite way of saying the only thing not getting utterly fucked, is Kars.

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Are you stupid? You don't need to beat a stand, you just need to beat the user. Unless the user is some bullshit with a stand that merges with them, they are their stand, or they wear the stand like armor it's possible.

Secondly: Could a being that is designed to absorb vampires as food defeat a vampire?

Don't be stupid. Now all that remains is the question- could DIO kill Kars in one use of stopped time? If not he's fucking done.

I don't think it's necessarily clear that pillar men wouldn't just absorb a vampire's stand if it made contact either. That feels like a toss up that really just depends on who he would want to be the final boss of the given arc

Dio was some scrub that used a mask one time, Kars INVENTED the masks

>are you stupid?

Listen nigger, I was literally agreeing with you. I was just making a joke off the stupid stipulation that """officially""" only stand users can beat stand users

Congrats on making yourself the bigger retard by ignoring my actual point

The instant Kars notices that DIO is a vampire, he could charge up so much Hamon it'd be enough to melt DIO through his stand.
And if the Hamon didn't conduct through the stand, Kars could shave off a couple cubic centimeters of his body, turn them into gnats or burrowing insects, and then use them to sneak up on DIO and Hamon him to death.
A MUDAMUDAMUDA volley or two wouldn't be nearly enough to put Kars down, that's for sure.

Probably many stands but only if the stand manifests itself in a way that it physically disturbs something in the environment or displaces enough air.

Part 4 Jotaro

>Kars literally becomes the sun
I could see it working, but it makes the part 3 crew laugh so hard it brings Kakyoin Avdol and Iggy back to life.

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Could Homura beat Kars?

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That's the thing, you have to be clever and have an extremely useful ability to handle Ultimate Kars.

Thinking about it, Stands that possibly could are things like Cream, Killer Queen, The Hand & D4C (Just delete/remove shit). Maybe Cheap Trick, Superfly, California King Bed, Paper Moon King, Bohemian Rhapsody and other gimmick-type Stands? I think your raw power type Stands like Star Platinum/Crazy Diamond/The World/King Crimson would have the worst time dealing with Kars out of all of the above.

Just running down some more, I could see scenarios where these stands & their users could possibly take on Ultimate Kars, entirely dependent on the circumstances of the encounter of course.
White Album
Purple Haze
Man in the Mirror
Heaven's Door (To be fair HD is broken as fuck)
Highway Star
Vitamin C
Soft & Wet
Weather Report

Jotaro stopped using timestop as often as DIO, he wasn't able to sustain it. DIO had an immortal vampire body, he could abuse timestop forever.

>GER could POSSIBLY take down Kars
There's no reason GER couldn't kill Kars, it's probably the one stand that he should fear the most

no because he is in fucking space