Was KLK a time flop?
Was KLK a time flop?
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It had promise, but was overrated. It was very uneven in tone and made some shallow pretense to being philosophical in its use of fanservice.
No, it's still the anime of the decade.
1. Kill la Kill
2. The Tatami Galaxy
3. Space Dandy
4. Mawaru Penguindrum
5. Concrete Revolutio
6. Mob Psycho 100
7. Uchouten Kazoku
8. The Dragon Dentist
9. Space Patrol Luluco
10. Ping Pong
1. The Wind Rises
2. Princess Kaguya
3. In This Corner of the World
4. Miss Hokusai
5. The Night is Short
6. Wolf Children
7. When Marnie was There
8. Colorful
9. Giovanni's Island
10. Penguin Highway
when did this time flop meme even start? anyway doesn't seem like it, what kind of time flop would have a game and re-broadcast five years later? after finally rewatching five years later and enjoying it more this time i'm pretty glad about this random new stuff coming seemingly from nowhere
It never started, its the same op making the same "time flop" threads.
you have opinions
no it's anime of the decade
No, but Sora Yori and Violet Evergarden are.
It's the anime of the decade.
Butthurt VEGfag started it to shit on Yorifags.
Ignore that, it's just a newfag trying to push some nonsensical buzzword on the internet because he never accomplished anything in his real life.
Enjoy it while you can, soon it'll be back to nothing but checking Sushio's Twitter hoping for a fix of the characters hanging out.
Panty is stocking is number 1.
OR luluco and inferno cop chase demon stocking to klk earth to arrest her for space purgatory crimesonly mako is powerful enough to stop stocking
What the fuck is a time flop and why is this retarded term suddenly a thing?
KLK is so good, I still don't understand how they did it. But they did.
time flop memers will prove to be the true time flops, OP.
gotta love them self-fulfilling prophecies
it took me 4 tries to finish it
Please respond.
It means something that was really popular while it was airing, but everyone quickly stopped caring about after it ended.
Franxx is the perfect example of this.
Yeah, it was pretty much the DitF of the 2010s
The reason no one cares about Franxx isn't because of that, it's because the last several episodes absolutely and 100% retroactively ruined the entire series.
klk is very fast-paced so it makes sense that everyone just stopped giving a shit when it ended
wtf are you talking about KLK is trigger's best show to date
Franxx was never good, sorry to break it to ya
Franxx is nothing like KLK, it took itself way to seriously, lacked any sense of self awareness, and there was no fucking action at all during the middle third
no, everyone stopped giving a shit because they are children with short attention spans. Japan spews new shows like a fire hose. its easy to find a shiny new thing to get excited about. Ever wonder why KLK is getting a game? because the show is that good.
seriously, this is one of the best things Japan has ever put out
What is this new time flop meme, what are you zoomers up to?
You can tell he’s an ESL because grammatically it doesn’t even make sense
KLK should be the next thing they record to the golden disk that they shoot out into space for aliens to see our accomplishments
Franxx was always shit dude.
didn't say it was bad, it's just fast
if it was a super slow thing then it would build a committed fanbase etc but everything about klk is fast
Franxx also had the most obnoxious fucking fans, because nine tenths of them had no interest in the show beyond seeing horns fuck the MC and lost their shit whenever anything got in the way of that.
KLK despite being the most hyper sexualized anime at the time had no actual "romance" sideplots for all of the shipping faggots to latch onto an burn the fanbase to the ground like franxx did
FranXX is the most Mari Okada show not written by Mari Okada ever made.
It was the most infuriating thing to see any character acting with their own agency and motivations, ones that might make a lot of sense from their perspective, immediately fucking branded as satan. And not just that, but them spammed across the entire site, not just Yea Forums.
It's just the same moron trying to get his shitpostimh phrase to take off.
Really pathetic, even for 4channel.
I timeflopped my dick on to your mother's forehead
baste and redpilt
Kill la Kill saved anime and is the undisputed anime of the decade for the 2010s
What the fuck is a time flop??
Can't argue with that, the only romance we got was Mako and Ryuko
Mako is literally going on a date with goliath cock.
This is unironically the most retarded sounding fauz-buzzword I've ever heard.
>and is the undisputed anime of the decade
>anime of the decade
I'd have to give that to Space Dandy. It still hurts that there's no possibility of a season 3 despite the setup.
Keep telling yourself that, pal.
There's an entire board dedicated to your faggotry. And yet you're still not happy.
You're welcome to be wrong, I'm just regurgitating what was said and shown in the actual series
And yet you're literally ignoring the final scene for your faggotry.
I'd say they all win, KLK, Space Dandy, and yes, even Madoka, just in different categories.
Are you the native-isekai fag?
overrated, still gud
They focused too much in making the next Gurren Lagann that ended up with this anime not having an identity of it's own.
Never forget
I don't see it like this at all
Kill La Kill's is better by a mile
Kill La Kill's stands out more by half of a mile
this is where they differ a lot, I think TTGL focused a lot more on a coherent story and KLK focused a lot more on characters, which I appreciated more.
The only similiarities it shared with TTGL were the "hype moments" and Imaishi's signature manic energy.
Fuck Yea Forumss contrarian assholes. KLK was great. The last episode was one of the greatest finales in anime history.
What does 'time flop' even mean? Like a time bomb, good start but faded into an obscurity? Or was unpopular at the time, but resurfaced and became a cult classic?
Post yfw
it's the definition of a time flop. it started out as the next gurren laggan, slowly became forgettable although still good as the alien plot made early plots irrelevant and O MY CURED BLIND MADE ME EVEN STRONGER. Now it's a forgotten seasonal show of the past. In fact, you could look "time flop" in the dictionary and KLK would be next to it.
Much as I loved KLK the ending was pretty lackluster. It certainly didn't hold a candle to TTGL's ending.
Fuck off OP.
>time flop
>the most hyper sexualized anime at the time
>when mother fucking High School DxD exists
What the fuck does that even mean.
>time flop
You mean forgettable? Stop making up stupid terms.
Are you retarded OP? Kill la Kill literally saved anime.
klk was always shit for brainlets.
a reskined ttgl, but worse in every way.
KLK is AOTD lad
Too long. Should have gone with 12-14 episodes.
the whole middle arc starting from when senketsu gets ripped up and turned into a scarf until the living clothes apocalypse was unnecessary
bullshit, the raid trip arc was fun
It was hot garbage just like franxx (another time flop). Gridman is the best Trigger show
>Gridman is the best Trigger show
The special dog wasnt that special user
Its the only trigger show I get the urge to rewatch so I don't think so.
>Soft seinen
>Native isekai
>Time flop
Is it the same retard trying to force all these retarded phrases?
>Soft seinen
Kek haven't seen this one yet
aah, it's that gay ecchi shit again, where every episode you tell yourself something will finally happen but it never does, the spree of nothing keeps going on till the end. truly earned the title of faggotry of the decade
>but muh normie fanservice
KLK is literally the only triggershit show that's worth something you forced time flop memer
>4. Mawaru Penguindrum
>5. Concrete Revolutio
>Bleach not soft shounen.
thank you for posting this it made me laugh
shit la shit was bad despite being shilled around here, it was the trainwreck in the flops of its season.
I, for one, am looking forward to Trigger saving anime all over again.
Actual ESL detected. Nouns can be used as adjectives in English.
what in the hot mess of fresh fuck is a time flop
>Time keeps on floppin', floppin', floppin'
>Into the future
>Time keeps on floppin', floppin', floppin'
>Into the future
>I wanna flop like a shitty
>Flop like a shitty
>gay-ass show like KLK
I love KLK I just wanted to parody those lyrics
No, this made up term is shit and you should fuck off with it, OP.
A humongous time flop.
Nigger cultists are delusional as always.
>when did this time flop meme even start
According to desuarchive, April 10th by some VEGfag and the guy has been spamming threads almost daily since then. Two weeks later and the mods have yet to do anything about it even though every thread gets reported for being spam.
He started it 15 days ago and now it's 9 pages of it
Sure but a lot of that is people calling him retarded for using that word.
Literally just something that's been spammed on the board for the last two weeks by an illiterate.
Easier way to get an idea of it is to filter by OP posts and you will see that it's been about 1 or two threads a day for the last two weeks. Clearly just one person's goal to push a new term they came up with which can easily be considered spamming. Yet the mods are non-responsive for some reason.
heard you the first time kid. also it's not even aoty after the garbage second half
Lurk moar.
KLK is still remembered and liked on Yea Forums, get over it
>an illiterate
it's just that one vegtard that is jelly of Trigger's success and secretly faps to ryuko, but never would admit it.
God forbid someone take two weeks off from shitposting.
Do you stay glued to Yea Forums even when you take actual vacations?
You mean a show that's forgotten about over time?
I see reaction images from that show almost daily, outside of Yea Forums even.
Why do faggots try to pretend there's any depth to Bleach? No one has these delusions about other weekly Jump series.
I'm just watching it now. The animation is so lazy a lot of the time
Patrician taste user.
It still gets recommended constantly. Get plenty threads here praising the show. People have been asking Trigger for more since the show ended.
Face it. Kill la Kill is a classic that will be remembered fondly in the years to come.
>People have been asking Trigger for more since the show ended.
Who actually does that? Kill la Kill ended perfectly.
People have been wanting a slice of life OVA. Though I agree that anything more than that would be too much. It just shows that there are plenty that still love the show.
pick one
true, the abysmal ending was perfectly fit for a shit show
The real issue is that one simply needs to read the fucking thread they’re posting in to learn what “time flop” means.
Based /g/ crossposter
'Read the thread' would be the appropriate standard format in that case.
We must adhere to the formalities correctly.
forced buzzword a single faggot keeps spamming
seething pleb
KLK was always bad
A time flop?
It was better than Evangelion.
you have to try a little harder
I don’t think KLK will be forgotten any time soon
considering Trigger is the most popular studio on Yea Forums
It’s not even an exaggeration to say that Evangelion is literally the furthest thing from a time flop that exists in anime.
Evangelion is the ultimate NPC appeal anime.
Have you not learned your lesson? Nobody will pick up your dumb meme and no one will.
>it took itself way to seriously
The worst thing in KlK is that after the 13th episode they take itself too seriously lol.
Like, the writers really believed that a series with half of the cast only having one episode focused on them will make us emphatize with the characters when the tone of the series become more serious.
It sorta worked with TTGL but it failed with KlK(not saying that Kill La Kill was shit, but in the second cour the people working in it didn't know what to do with the series).
>Like, the writers really believed that a series with half of the cast only having one episode focused on them will make us emphatize with the characters when the tone of the series become more serious.
Could you elaborate?
So KLK had the same problem as Franxx, rushed character development
They could have given more depth to Papa in Franxx instead of that fucking infodump prologue episode
Kill La Kill had only one good thing going for it: incestuous lesbian rape
Isn't native isekai just traditional fantasy?
Then I wish people would stop bumping my thread because I literally do not give a shit about this topic anymore and want I want this thread to fucking die because I’m at the max limit of threads I can post.
>he only watched it for the sisters
As much as I liked the scissoring watching Nui's double arm amputation and discomilf being a psychopath for half the series was very entertaining.
Again elaborate, because I'm not seeing what you're seeing. Ryuko and Satsuki both go through substantial development. Gamagoori and Sanageyama both have character arcs. Nonon Inumuta don't get much, but they still feel like they have some role that can't be filled by anyone else. And that is besides the fact that the characters in KlK have amazing chemistry, unlike the ones in Franxx.
who cares, post butt
>still forcing the time flop meme
Just give up
>muh ttgl
Am I the only one who thinks ttgl is overrated shit that's rides on red haired sluts sex appeal?
He's most butthurt on sora yori.
Plastic Little is both
You're legitimately retarded if you think Yoko is the reason people like TTGL, either that or you didn't watch the show.
I wonder what he will make up for May
Please don't respond to this thread seriously. You only legitimize his memery.
>imagine actually thinking KLK is good
Why do salesfags hate the term "time flop" so much? Feel free to go back to Yea Forums if it upsets you this much.
kill yourself frankteen
>Imagine liking the biggest trainwreck of the season
Fuck off, OP.
It's just as good as franxx. Which means it's not good at all.
>forced/dishonest animation
>native isekai
>time flop
Why are Yea Forums memes so shitty?
Time flop’s the most retarded of the bunch, it sounds like something from a shitty sci fi novel.
They're technically memes, but the people who use them do so sincerely. It's like "kino" or "redpilled": shorthand for retards who can't articulate themselves properly.
These phrases need to be filtered, possibly autobanned. It could only improve the site.
>forced animation
That's just a variation of the "forced" meme.
>forced drama (the most common one)
>forced conflict
>forced comedy
>forced animation
>forced direction
>forced voice acting
>forced pretentiousness
>forced symbolism
>forced gimmick
>forced action
>forced moe
>forced character development
>forced romance
>forced yuribait
>forced backstory
>>native isekai
I like this one, and it's only used to shitpost dogshit shows like Reddit Slayer that deserve it anyway.
Forced drama is a real thing. The phrase has been used for decades. It probably inspired the others.
There's another meme that needs to be filtered.
>time flop
>includes shows that aren't flops
>literally the only thing I ever see about ttgl is pictures of yoko
>never any other character
>none of the robots
Gosh wonder where I got this idea
Flop: a show that failed to make a profit.
Time flop: a show that succeeded financially, but people forgot it.
where is code geass?
>Code Geass
>this decade
fuck sorry, forgot. Have it really been that long?
So, you didn’t watch the show? Yoko was the least interesting character in the show and they stopped focusing on her tits early on.
I have watched the show, it was ok but I think it's horribly overrated. The impression I get from most fans is that 1.yoko is super hot lol look at this pic of her and 2. ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWA. And I mean ok, it's fine, but the show isn't some kind of deep or exceptional anime, it's a pretty standard giant robots fighting anime with a slightly above average message aimed at 15 year olds.
the fuck is a time flop?
It's short hand for OP is a faggot
Sora yori mo Tooi Basho is probably the best example of a time flop.
guess i'm just too old to understand this shit
It's VEGtards trying to cope with the fact their show was overshadowed by other, better shows in the same season.
forced meme buzzword spammed by OP
hello faggots, still mad that klk is horny teen shit?
wow, what a time flop
so you can pretty much call a Time Flop a meme
this, it's a meme flop
So are harems,but harems are boroing.
the flop is a time fuck?
Dishonest animation is my favorite.
>time flop
...You mean forgettable?
Stop trying to push buzzwords newfag
Stop using dumb buzzword
It went on for a bit too long. Could have been one cour, or two cours with a break inbetween
what would you cut exactly? there wasnt really much extraneous shit for the overall story they were trying to show, shit was pretty jampacked
It’s ironic that the people who keep popping in here to post how butthurt they are about the term “time flop” are the ones who are keeping this thread still alive
I don't know, I haven't seen it since it aired. I just remember thinking around ep 14 or so that it was losing steam for me.
Just put a season between the cours or something, give it some time to breathe.
It's OP samefagging
Nah, I’m the OP and I’ve been sageing all of my posts since this morning and wanting this thread to die already.
Prove it
the time is a fuck flop
Guys, guys, I think I got it. "Time flop" means that it's as much of a flop as the album "Time" by Electric Light Ochestra. Which is to say, not at all.
It all comes together.
>Was KLK a time flop?
5 years later and we are still talking about it.
So no.
Is flipflappers a time flopper?
Now THAT is actually a time flop.
Where can I get good piccies of Ryukyu-kun?
No, I remember it still fondly.
By the way, its director just came out with a trailer for a new anime.
That was just a flop.
Looks comfy
Flip Flappers wasn’t even very popular to start with. It was just yurishits loudly shilling that show.
nobody gave a shit outside its own circlejerk
Fortunately it looks more like his episode of Space Dandy than Flip Floppers.
>Space Patrol Luluco
I don't think this deserves to be in top 10
>soft isekai
KLK had so much nudity but not a single nipple, what gives?
I'm laughing
when they shoot out the lights
I'm honestly surprised KLK threads don't trigger crossboarding raids because of it's anti fa message.
It’s anti-authoritarian not just antifa. It’s also bashing Marxism.
KLK crossboard shitposting was real strong when it was first airing, i was barely lurking Yea Forums during that time but started again mostly because anons were straight up making KLK threads on Yea Forums which was literally the reason i started watching
>a show about creating a fascist system to repel a hostile alien invasion is really about antifa
its popular at the time but is forgotten over time
Oh no, I wasn't saying that no crossboard raids happened. I'm just saying that I'm surprised that raids from a certain board with strong opinions about the specified message don't happen. For some reason the threads can fly under the radar despite hitting bump limit.
>A show that spends most of the airtime fighting the problems and injustices created by said system is portraying it in a good light.
Tell me user, what is the significance in a gardening song that's sung in german, especially when juxtaposed next to the main character getting thrown into the trash for not being a perfect being?
He said this decade idiot.
>tfw team antifa are funded by takurada the most capitalist capitalist to ever exist
>Implying I was characterizing the entire protagonist party as such
The main character's color pallet is Black and Red, attempts to disband her club despite the very visible economic success, and clearly dislikes the authoritarian systems in place.
>clearly dislikes the authoritarian systems in place.
Yeah but that ends up being because she wasn't smart enough to catch on to the real threat
Wasn't the real threat also pretty clearly engineering an ubermensch for controlling the entire planet? The mastermind of which considered two of the main characters as failures in achieving that goal?
If you switch Ping Pong with Kill la Kill it's a pretty good list.
>Kill La Kill is about overthrowing authoritarians
>Most tyrannical character is very individualistic and dresses in an independent style
>Only way to liberate from tyranny is if everyone is equally naked
I'd say it's more a Marxist critique of objectivist principles and late capitalist excess that sells commodity fetishism as an illusion of choice, with Nudist Beach representing proletarian revolution against bourgeois aesthetic expression
where does aikuro being a male thot in dotonbori district figure into this analysis?
>vegtard being fucking retarded as usual
>comes up with Time Flop because he doesn't really have any vaild critic against Sora Yori
>start spamming it on the board(notice how mods do nothing against reddit behavior)
>retards see that Time Flop works perfectly as a triggering buzzword
>retards start spamming it too
>people points out how retarded Time Flop is
>retards on euphory at seeing the response
>they spam Time Flop harder
>Time Flop achieves its goal to become a new buzzword
>now everyone use it
Same story as ever, as always anyone adding it to his post should be ignored, but nobody will, fuck you all.
You seem upset friend. Where did the VEGchad touch you?
The balls.
Was he gentle with you that night?
Not him, but I would interpret Aikuro's relationship with clothing as him pragmatically controlling his outward representation based on the situation. He wears clothing when he wants to blend in, and then strips in private to reveal his beliefs, or in times of distress to be a rallying figure.
It was good but really too fucking short.